Do-it-yourself chuck for a grinder without a turner

The use of petal attachments is very convenient when you need to sand a complex surface. These nozzles are of two main types: disc and circle. The discs are used for the grinder and are attached to it in a standard way. And the circles are attachments for a drill with a pin for fixing. Both of these options are very much in demand in various jobs; such attachments are durable and work until they are completely abraded. But working with such a nozzle on a drill is not very convenient due to the position of the petals, you have to hold the tool sideways, which interferes with the view. With a grinder, everything is much more convenient. But it is impossible to fix the circle on the grinder due to the lack of a cartridge corresponding to the fastening. The cartridges are on sale, but it is not easy to find them for the grinder, suitable copies are extremely rare to find. It is possible to order the adjustment of the chuck to the turner, but here is the author of the YouTube channel StoDel_56 from his own experience he demonstrated how you can do on your own in reworking the cartridge. Perhaps you will be interested in this experience.

Read in the article

  • 1 What is required for rework
  • 2 Chuck boring for grinder
  • 3 Modification of the cartridge to eliminate runout

What is required for rework

It is not easy to remake a chuck for a grinder without a turner, but in principle it is possible. It should be noted right away that the accuracy during manual alteration will be imperfect and you will still need to spend time on fitting and grinding.

Chuck for a grinder without a turner
But in any case, it will be very convenient for you to work with a grinder with petal nozzles.
You will be able to use attachments with different abrasives, large diameters and small
You will be able to use attachments with different abrasives, large diameters and small
For alteration, it is better to take a chuck for drills 1.5-10 mm with a fit on a B12 cone - this is the best option, you just need to drill it out and cut the thread to attach the nozzlesPHOTO:
For alteration, it is better to take a chuck for drills 1.5-10 mm with a fit on a B12 cone - this is the best option, you just need to drill it out and cut the thread to attach the nozzles

From the tools you need a drill on a stand with drills of different diameters. Prepare pieces of timber to fix the chuck in the process.

Chuck boring for grinder

To work with the chuck, it must be securely fixed. This will require a piece of timber and a drill.

The drill must be planted in the center of the bar so that it is held tightly in it. To do this, first drill to a depth of about 2.5 cm, and then continue drilling by pressing the drill firmly into the surface. Leave a 3 cm tip on the surfacePHOTO:
The drill must be planted in the center of the bar so that it is held tightly in it. To do this, first drill to a depth of about 2.5 cm, and then continue drilling by pressing the drill firmly into the surface. Leave a 3 cm tip on the surface
Now you can put the cartridge on this pin and fix it firmlyPHOTO:
Now you can put the cartridge on this pin and fix it firmly
The chuck should not only hold on to the pin, but also not spin on it, if it does spin, use additional clampsPHOTO:
The chuck should not only hold on to the pin, but also not spin on it, if it does spin, use additional clamps
To bore the chuck, take a 12mm drill bit and sharpen the tip so that the rake angle is slightly negative. This is necessary in order for the drill to scrape the surface of the chuck.PHOTO:
To bore the chuck, take a 12mm drill bit and sharpen the tip so that the rake angle is slightly negative. This is necessary in order for the drill to scrape the surface of the chuck.
Bore a hole in the chuck on a drilling machinePHOTO:
Bore a hole in the chuck on a drilling machine
The next drill must match the spindle diameterPHOTO:
The next drill must match the spindle diameter
A large diameter drill must be shaped so that its tip goes into the hole of the chuck, acting as a guidePHOTO:
A large diameter drill must be shaped so that its tip goes into the hole of the chuck, acting as a guide
Two cutting edges of the drill will make a boring for the grinder spindlePHOTO:
Two cutting edges of the drill will make a boring for the grinder spindle
When boring, it is important to strictly observe the direction so that there are no distortionsPHOTO:
When boring, it is important to strictly observe the direction so that there are no distortions
You will receive a landing nest that matches the size of your grinderPHOTO:
You will receive a landing nest that matches the size of your grinder
The chuck needs to be threaded, use taps of the first and second numbers. For lubrication, the author recommends using linseed oil.PHOTO:
The chuck needs to be threaded, use taps of the first and second numbers. For lubrication, the author recommends using linseed oil.
The thread is ready, which means that you can run a running test of the productPHOTO:
The thread is ready, which means that you can run a running test of the product
It should be noted that cartridges for small grinders are a little easier to find. Difficulties arise precisely with the M14 diameter. You can look for adapters, but it is long and troublesomePHOTO:
It should be noted that cartridges for small grinders are a little easier to find. Difficulties arise precisely with the M14 diameter. You can look for adapters, but it is long and troublesome

Modification of the cartridge to eliminate runout

Even if you did this whole procedure on a lathe, there would still be a slight beating. The problem is that when tapping with taps, it is difficult to maintain alignment, so in any case, you have to modify the cartridge. The cutter, of course, gives more precision than the taps.

To eliminate the runout on a lathe, chuck jaws are bored. In the absence of a machine, you can get out of the position by grinding the cams with a nozzle on the dremel. This is done on a working tool, fixed in a workbench.PHOTO:
To eliminate the runout on a lathe, chuck jaws are bored. In the absence of a machine, you can get out of the position by grinding the cams with a nozzle on the dremel. This is done on a working tool, fixed in a workbench.

You are unlikely to be able to completely eliminate the beating, but it is possible to achieve a very decent result. Additionally, the chuck head can be ground from the outside to eliminate vibration.

This homemade product is only suitable for petal drums. Do not use it for drilling, it can be dangerous due to too high a speed. Do not risk using cutters in such a chuck, the cutter can bite and snatch the tool out of your hands. But for flap drums and end grinders, the tool will definitely come in handy. Thus, a homemade cartridge will solve problems that are non-standard for a grinder.

#the best home. How to make a chuck for a grinder without a turnerPHOTO:

You can supplement this material with a small video on repair work on the drill chuck, this knowledge may be very useful to you in the future:

Share your opinion on this experience in the comments! How effective do you think such a grinder attachment will be? If you have experience in the manufacture of similar products, send your photos of the process and a detailed description. We will certainly publish the most interesting materials.
