If you want to transform your home, then you need self-leveling floor. Photos of this coating is easy to find in the public domain. We offer to deal in detail with the features like screedAnd look just for you photo.
Self-leveling floor - a highlight of any interior
Read article
1 What is self-leveling floors, and how they work: are investigated in detail
2 Types of self-leveling floors by type bond matrix
2.1 Characteristics of self-leveling floor on methyl methacrylic and epoxy resins
2.2 Characteristics inlet floor on polyurethane resins and acrylic cement formulations
3 How to choose a self-leveling mix, if you decide to buy a self-leveling floor: important points
4 Varieties of self-leveling floors of decorative qualities
4.1 liquid linoleum
4.2 Liquid fine floors 3D
5 How to choose a picture for the 3D self-leveling floor: quality requirements
6 Influence of decorative self-leveling floor on interior design
7 Self-leveling floor: a photo and the options in the interior decoration of different spaces
7.1 Self-leveling floor in an interior hallway
7.2 Self-leveling floor in the living room
7.3 Self-leveling floor in the kitchen
7.4 Self-leveling floor in the bathroom with the photos of examples
7.5 Self-leveling floor in the bedroom
7.6 Self-leveling floor in the children's room
8 Consumer reviews about the advantages and disadvantages of self-leveling floor
What is self-leveling floors, and how they work: are investigated in detail
To better understand the characteristics, we shall understand what is self-leveling floors. It is a modern type of screed that is suitable for rooms of all types. It can be used as stand alone coating or be the basis for laminate or linoleum. It has no joints and seams. Is simple formation. When the thickness of the finishing layer of 1-5 mm has high strength characteristics.
The coating has no joints
floor structure may vary depending on its kind and type. As a general rule, it includes:
rough or base substrate. As a rule, it is a concrete strainerBut there are other options;
a primer layer which provides alignment substrate. It also has a protective function and improves the adhesion of the base;
a decorative layer defining the appearance of the future floor;
finishing layer, a decorative protecting against abrasion and having a small thickness;
lacquered, increases resistance to mechanical and chemical attack.
The number of layers may vary
Types of self-leveling floors by type bond matrix
Ties are used for forming various types of binders, which have a direct effect on their characteristics and possible area of use. Offer to meet with existing types of self-leveling floor to make it easier to make a choice.
formulated with a variety of communication can be used to fill
Characteristics of self-leveling floor on methyl methacrylic and epoxy resins
Methylmethacrylate coupler capable harden after 2-3 hours, which imposes certain requirements for speed fill. Not afraid of the impact of chemicals, ultraviolet radiation temperature variations. Can be laid in industrial buildings and outdoor areas. For optimal flexibility and hardness of the special additives are introduced.
The optimal solution for industrial buildings
epoxies They are widely used in residential and industrial buildings, medical centers, laboratories. Formed coating has a maximum thickness of 5 mm. It is hygienic, has good wear resistance, not afraid chemical and ultraviolet light.
Epoxy flooring is safe and hygienic
Related article:
Epoxy resin to fill. What can be made of epoxy resin: interesting examples, the chemical composition and components for epoxy resins, which buy transparent epoxy resin to fill: popular brand safety precautions when working with epoxy resin, the recommendations of experts - read publication.
Characteristics inlet floor on polyurethane resins and acrylic cement formulations
Characteristics of self-leveling floor based on polyurethane enable its use pools, Stores, kitchens, bath, Warehouses. The finished coating is suitable for use in high humidity. Able to withstand temperature changes. Impact-resistant and wear-resistant. Withstands mechanical impact.
Attention! When hardening of the polyurethane floor should be deleted his contact with moisture to avoid the appearance of bubbles.
Polyurethane - a good basis for safe sex
Part of the acrylic cement screed cement It provides a high strength of the formed coating. Capable of maintaining the strength characteristics at high and low temperatures. This tie is often formed in the sales rooms and at industrial enterprises. Matt self-leveling floor - slip.
On matte finish difficult to slip
Attention! With the same appearance of self-leveling floor in the photo price per square meter is very different from the cost of materials used.
How to choose a self-leveling mix, if you decide to buy a self-leveling floor: important points
When choosing a suitable self-leveling compounds should be considered:
type and purpose of the premises for which it is acquired. This will determine what the impact will be exposed formed screed. It will be appreciated humidity level, the intensity of abrasion, the presence of mechanical action, considerable temperature fluctuations;
technological features of the formation: the minimum thickness of the cast layer, the solidification rate, the need to use additional materials, availability requirements for the drying step;
requirements for the substrate on which the tie will be formed: a base material, permissible defects, the weight and thickness limitations.
If you decide to buy a self-leveling floor, pay attention to:
Volma-leveler ExpressAllowing to form a layer of 5-100 mm. For hardening the coating takes about 4-6 hours. Ready solution remains viable for about an hour;
Review the composition of the "Volma Niverlir Express"
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_6633397.html
Weber 3000. It can be used in the device "warm floor". It hardens within 4 hours. It can be used in dry and wet areas;
A review of the composition of «Weber 3000"
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_6176387.html
Bases Skorlayn FK45 R. Viable solution for 40 minutes. Dry 28 hours. Flow rate - 13 kg / m²;
A review of the composition of «Weber 3000"
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_5472165.html
KNAUF Tribon. The cement-gypsum mixture, the solution which dries 7 hours. Suitable for dry areas. Flow rate - 17 kg / m².
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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«By selecting a photo and 3D self-leveling floor mixture, calculate the price per m². For this purpose it is necessary to know what expenditure in a particular composition. "
Varieties of self-leveling floors of decorative qualities
The appearance of the formed coating can differ significantly. Choosing a suitable option for a specific interior, it is worth to make a choice between liquid linoleum and 3D floor. We offer to deal with their features.
Decorative quality may differ materially
liquid linoleum
The coating having the greatest distribution. The cost of this self-leveling floor is usually less than 3D. It can be monotonous and decorative. The latter allows to realize a variety of design projects with the formation of self-leveling floor, which has a suitable texture.
Liquid fine floors 3D
A distinctive feature of the 3D-floor is the formation of volumetric images. Thanks to an optical illusion created three-dimensional, lifelike picture. Represent multilayer system located within the image. Inflicted top clear coat at a certain angle makes the picture bulk.
Tip! The addition of the pigments enables to obtain the desired shade topcoat.
Instead of pictures, to create a volumetric figure can be used a variety of items: photos, stones, coins, beautiful branches. Allocated top polymer layer creates the illusion of volume. Offer see a photo of the inlet floor with a pattern, the price per m² will depend on the characteristics of the formation.
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If you are planning to create their own self-leveling floor, video will help to understand the intricacies of the process.
How to choose a picture for the 3D self-leveling floor: quality requirements
Learn 3D self-leveling floor in the photo can be of volumetric figure. To cover turned out beautiful, you must choose a suitable image for him. You can do this, seek help from a professional, either on their own, having skills in the graphical editor.
Irina Rosenstein
Designer studio "Cozy Home"
Ask a Question
"The picture for self-leveling floor must be of good quality with high resolution and vivid contours. Using low-quality image will result in the formation of a grainy, unattractive surface. "
The selection can be made in favor of the final image, which can be selected in the network. If you do not find a suitable option, you can take a photo of yourself, remembering the beautiful area or composition. When selecting an image, be sure to take into account the purpose of the room. The formed coating must integrate harmoniously in interior. Offer see photo liquid 3D floors, the price of which is different in a wide range. Perhaps some sort of image you are interested in.
Influence of decorative self-leveling floor on interior design
Choosing decorative floors, it should be remembered that they are able to exert a serious influence on the design interior. Depending on the chosen stylistic must correctly select the image. Also noteworthy used colors. Black self-leveling floor will not be the best choice for a small room. We'll have to carefully choose the other elements interior.
The decor on the floor imposes certain requirements for other subjects interior
Self-leveling floor: a photo and the options in the interior decoration of different spaces
To self-leveling floor looked harmoniously in the interior, working through its design, should consider the appointment of the premises. We have written some interesting solutions that can be used as ideas for your home.
For each room - your decoration
Self-leveling floor in an interior hallway
Area hall It has a serious impact on the design of the floor. Look at the photo subject. It will be interesting!
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Self-leveling floor in the living room
AT living room We always meet the guests. There should be cozy and comfortable. See how you can arrange room in your apartment.
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Self-leveling floor in the kitchen
It is advisable not to do in the kitchen floor gloss - increases the risk of falling. While such coverage look quite beautiful. Photos confirm this.
Self-leveling floor in the bathroom with the photos of examples
If you are looking for examples of photo self-leveling floor in the bathroom, we have selected for you some ready-made solutions for inspiration.
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Self-leveling floor in the bedroom
For bedrooms should choose a quiet option, which will allow to relax and rest. The selection can be made in favor of various coatings. 3D look quite original.
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Self-leveling floor in the children's room
AT nursery It should be safe, comfortable and cozy. It is better to choose bright functional decisions that will become part of the game.
Consumer reviews about the advantages and disadvantages of self-leveling floor
From consumer reviews, you can learn the strengths and weaknesses of the floor. The advantages should include:
ease of maintenance. To remove impurities formed quite damp cloth. When the stubborn dirt you can always use the special tools. Chemical resistance will maintain a presentable appearance;
high tightness in compliance with pouring technology. This is especially true for residents of high-rise buildings, which are always at risk to fill the bottom of neighbors;
durability. Some manufacturers guarantee the preservation of performance for 20 years;
antistatic properties;
rapid formation rate.
However, reviews have self-leveling floor has its drawbacks:
It needs some training grounds with physical effort;
complexity of the demolition work;
there is a risk of discoloration under the influence of the sun;
rather complicated repairs;
high price.
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