Stove heating is also available in many country houses. Wood-fired stoves are used in garages and saunas. This heating method is ancient and reliable, although far from the most efficient. But if you are still using it, it makes sense to look at some of the improvements that will help you save fuel and make cleaning your chimney much easier. A working model of a special device for increasing the efficiency of the furnace was proposed by the author of the YouTube channel It's simple.
How to cut the amount of wood in half: the everlasting log
An interesting idea that will really help you cut the amount of fuel you burn in half. First, let's figure out how it works.
How does a regular wood-burning stove work? It heats up due to hot air, the specific heat capacity of which is 1 kJ. But if steam is added to the same air, then the specific heat capacity will double, therefore, fuel consumption will decrease and the productivity of the heater will increase. Just how to do it? You will not constantly add water to the burning wood? So it won't take long to get a burn, and inadvertently extinguish the combustion.
To solve this problem, the so-called "eternal log" was invented. Under this unusual name, there is a special design for generating steam directly in the furnace of the furnace.

It's easy to make it yourself.

The number of steam holes may need to be adjusted, because if your log starts to whistle in the oven, then there are not enough steam paths to exit. But you shouldn't do too much either, otherwise the water will boil away too quickly.

This method is especially effective in furnaces with a direct chimney. If you have a duct chimney located in the thickness of the wall, then the increase in efficiency due to steam may not work, because condensation will form on the walls. You can check this by looking into the inspection windows of such a chimney. If the soot is dry and non-sticky, you can continue.
Opinions about the effectiveness of this method vary. Someone thinks that a simple cast-iron ingot in the firebox is no less effective. And it is very important that the holes in the log are not clogged, otherwise it can turn into a bomb that will explode your firebox. Craftsmen even remove a pipe from the log for a continuous supply of water, because it evaporates quite quickly.
Chimney cleaning without problems
And one more life hack that will help you quickly deal with soot in the chimney. True, it is unlikely that it will be possible to independently make a log for this purpose, but first things first.
Many do not know that there is a miracle remedy on sale for quick and effective chimney cleaning.

If you regularly use this tool, without waiting for the walls to become overgrown with a thick layer of soot, you will not know any problems with the chimney.
These logs are sold at specialized hardware stores and can be ordered online. They can be used to clean solid fuel stoves. Do not use this agent in gas, electricity or liquid fuel furnaces. And remember that in case of severe contamination, you still have to perform mechanical cleaning, and then complete it with chemical cleaning.

For large ovens, it is permissible to put a couple of bars. They are laid with ordinary logs right in the package. A log burns out on average in an hour and a half, but if this does not happen, leave it in the firebox for the next bookmark.
The chemical treatment makes the soot loose and quickly clears out of the chimney with a stream of air.
Here's a video example of this practice:
Have you used an eternal log or a chemical method for cleaning the chimney? If you are ready to share your opinion on this know-how, write in the comments!