Outside are the last warm days of the outgoing summer, which means that it is worth once again to go for a picnic and admire nature. And what is a picnic without a barbecue? And, as always, having laid the coals in the trunk, brazier, meat, vacationers forget the ignition, which becomes known only upon arrival at the place. And what about this situation? Today we will consider two ways how to quickly and evenly ignite the coals in the grill without lighting and a burner. One of them - without using paper, and the second - with the help of newspapers and some other elements.
Read in the article
- 1 Method one, as the most simple: ignition without paper, liquid and burner
- 1.1 When coal is added to the fire
- 1.2 Layout of the main batch of coal
- 2 The second option for ignition is using a newspaper
- 2.1 Preparation of combustible material for the hearth
- 2.2 Lighting fire, distributing coals
- 3 An interesting fact - how to prevent the flame from spoiling the meat
- 4 Finally
Method one, as the most simple: ignition without paper, liquid and burner
We will consider this option first because of its extreme simplicity, but the second will be much more interesting. Nothing is needed here except a small amount of dry chips. In the absence of such, you can use thin twigs from the nearest dead tree.

The branches break in small pieces 10-15 cm long, after which they are laid in the center of the barbecue in the form of a well. You don't need to do a lot of crowns at the well, 5-7 pieces are enough. But when laying, it is worth doing the following - each crown of the well should not consist of four sticks, but of six, three per layer. When the well is laid, it is set on fire from below. If the branches or wood chips are well dried, they catch fire in a matter of seconds.

When coal is added to the fire
After the fire has flared up, you need to wait a little for the flame to reach its peak. For ignition, thin branches are used, so after 3-5 minutes you can add charcoal.

The first small batch to be added to the fire should consist of large lumps of coal without the dust that normally forms at the bottom of the bag during transport. Otherwise, coal dust will simply "strangle" the fire, blocking the access of oxygen to it. Lumps of coal are stacked right on top of a burning well. Again, it takes a little time for the charcoal added to the fire to turn red.

Layout of the main batch of coal
Well, the coals have turned scarlet, which means it's time to pour out the rest of the fuel. This should be done carefully - an already flared pile should not fall apart. It is best to first lay the charcoal around the fire, and then fill the free space. As a result, all burnt embers should close.

It remains to wait while cutting cucumbers, tomatoes and bread. And it is already possible to put meat on skewers, if there is, where to put them temporarily. In this case, it is not necessary to mix the flaming coals. They themselves will gradually flare up, transferring heat from the center in different directions. In just 15-20 minutes, the marinated meat on skewers can be put on the grill. Everything is simply obscene.

The second option for ignition is using a newspaper
This method is more interesting. Moreover, it takes much less time. To provide it, you will need several wide sheets of newspaper and a plastic bottle. But do not be afraid, there will be no chemistry in the coals, a plastic bottle is needed only to form the hearth and will not be burned. But first things first.
Preparation of combustible material for the hearth
To begin with, the sheets of the newspaper must be rolled into tubes, but not tightly. 5-6 pieces will be enough. There must be a void inside the tubes, otherwise the newspaper simply will not flare up.

Next, a plastic bottle is taken, around which these newspaper tubes are tied. Do not overtighten, they should freely peel off the plastic. In addition, the newspaper - the material is soft, it can easily break.
Then a bottle with newspapers is placed in the center of the barbecue and sprinkled with coal around it. You should get a slide, from the center of which a plastic bottle sticks out. At the same time, newspapers are completely hidden under a layer of coal. It remains to pull out the bottle, the paper will be inside. The hearth is ready, you can start a fire.

Lighting fire, distributing coals
In order to set fire to such a hearth, it is enough to put burning paper in the center. She will set fire to newspaper tubes. At this stage, you can already deal with meat. When the fire begins to die out, the part of the coal in the center will already smolder. Now with a little bit of paperboarding to inflate, and it's done. The coal, which is already smoldering, is evenly mixed with the unburned one, after which you can put a barbecue on the grill.

An interesting fact - how to prevent the flame from spoiling the meat
Each one fights in a different way with the periodically appearing on the coals of fire. Some fill it with a thin stream of water, while others try to knock it down with brine from a kebab. And some even say that a slightly burnt crust is good. There are no comrades in taste and color, but still the majority is inclined to believe that there should not be a flame that arises from fat dripping from meat. And the best way to deal with it is ordinary table salt, which is simply poured over the coals. Simple and very effective.

Juicy delicious barbecue in nature or in the courtyard of a private house in sunny weather - what could be better? The main thing is not to spoil your mood by trying to light the coals when there is no liquid or burner at hand. Of course, the methods proposed today do not pretend to be originality, but there are people who do not know about them. This means that the article may be useful to someone.
We hope that some of our readers today managed to gather new information for themselves. HouseChief editors will be happy to answer all questions if any of the above remains unclear. You just need to explain the essence in the comments below. There you can express your opinion about such methods, regardless of whether it is positive or negative, or offer another option for ignition without liquid and burner. Also, do not forget to rate the article, your opinion is very important to us. And finally, we offer you a short video on the topic for viewing. Take care of yourself, loved ones and be healthy.