How to store blankets and pillows: practical tips, a guide for housewives

If you think that the issue of storing bulky things is not urgent for you (for example, you are a happy owner of a summer cottage or garage), then this is most likely a delusion. The fact is that our things create their own aura in the house, a special flow of energy. That is why it is very important to place things correctly, especially if they are often used in the future, or, on the contrary, get rid of the trash. That is why the issue of storing bulky items is even more complicated than the problem of those that can be easily removed from a prominent place. Today Vastu-expert Olga Kuleshova will help us to understand this.

Read in the article

  • 1 Council number 1. Choose your priorities - which is more important
  • 2 Council number 2. Use closed containers under the bunk
  • 3 Tip # 3 Use additional built-in shelves for linen
  • 4 Council number 4. Get a special organizer for storing guest bedding
  • 5 Council number 5. Look for storage options wherever possible
  • 6 Council number 6. Use vacuum bags
  • 7 Council number 7. Frost is your best friend

Council number 1. Choose your priorities - which is more important

For many housewives, bedding is a matter of pride and self-expression. By definition, there are never too many linens, like pillows. But how to learn how to store correctly is a matter of your own priorities. Are you ready to give up some of the things in favor of the principle of preserving space, or do you prefer to pass things on from generation to generation? The most important issue is storage convenience. The larger the family, the more difficult it is to fit the size that you use often, without prejudice to the main space of the apartment. A good way out is to use the space above wardrobes.

How to store blankets and pillows
In addition, it is convenient to use special separators.

Council number 2. Use closed containers under the bunk

To solve the storage issue quickly, it is easiest to use containers with lids under the sofa. The easiest way is to use drawers, this will allow you to use the space quite economically, and I don’t remember the ironed laundry. It is recommended to use linen drawers in both children's and bedrooms, so that you can store it as close as possible to the place that you cover.

This approach will significantly speed up the process of re-washing.
This approach will significantly speed up the process of re-washing.

Tip # 3 Use additional built-in shelves for linen

Modern wardrobes allow the most versatile use of free space. It can be built-in shelving under the size and dedicated hinged shelves. It is best to place them at eye level. This way you can get everything you need very quickly. Sometimes placement on the lower roll-out shelves is allowed.

It's a good idea to use these hanging shelves for storing towels and linen.PHOTO:
It's a good idea to use these hanging shelves for storing towels and linen.

If you store laundry in a closed organizer, and it will not collect dust, you can put it on the lowest shelves.

Council number 4. Get a special organizer for storing guest bedding

Sometimes you have to meet guests who "suddenly appeared". Be sure to allocate space on the adjacent shelf for guest linen. Or, have a separate box or organizer for guest or seasonal blankets, pillows, and linens. There are many options available online, from soft organizers to foldable hard cases.

The advantage of soft organizers is that they can fit in a narrower space than hard ones that fit.PHOTO:
The advantage of soft organizers is that they can fit in a narrower space than hard ones that fit.

Council number 5. Look for storage options wherever possible

Was a suitcase lying around that only takes up space? Why not use it as an alternative chest of drawers. The network has many options for converting such cases into quite comfortable dressers. In addition, you will give the old thing a new life. It is best to store your bedding with your pillows so you don't waste time replacing.

The idea is worth its weight in gold! Durable surface can easily withstand both overpressure and moisturePHOTO:
The idea is worth its weight in gold! Durable surface can easily withstand both overpressure and moisture

Council number 6. Use vacuum bags

To save space, very often housewives are attracted by smart appliances. For example, vacuum nozzles for a vacuum cleaner. But this option is suitable for large size, which you do not use more often. The vacuum bag is matched to the size. You can evacuate air using a special pump.

An important point - ventilate the laundry after laying at least once every six months.PHOTO:
An important point - ventilate the laundry after laying at least once every six months.

Council number 7. Frost is your best friend

To restore the freshness and original look to the linen, dry it on the balcony in frost. After weathering, it will acquire a pleasant aroma. In addition, frost will cope with bacteria and stale odors.

The freshness of the laundry is due to the fresheners and frost!PHOTO:
The freshness of the laundry is due to the fresheners and frost!

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