How to choose a cast iron solid fuel boiler?

How to choose a cast iron solid fuel boiler?

Residents of the private sector, owners of country houses and cottages are showing increased interest in heating appliances fueled with solid fuels. The reasons for this attention to solid fuel boilers can be several, starting with the desire to achieve independence from centralized energy suppl...

How to connect a solid fuel boiler to heat your home?

How to connect a solid fuel boiler to heat your home?

Solid fuel boilers today are gaining popularity again. The reason for the increased interest in this type of heating equipment is in several respects. More power and autonomy arrangements for solid fuel when compared with gas and electricity, provide ample opportunity for the consumer in the hom...

Choosing an industrial solid fuel boiler

Choosing an industrial solid fuel boiler

For large enterprises of various spheres of activity, which is associated with the operation of very large rooms, heating becomes a topical issue. Huge internal space on the factory floor, the halls and rooms of the transport and social and public urban infrastructure need a powerful heating sys...

How can I clean solid fuel boiler?

How can I clean solid fuel boiler?

Each owner of a private house before you start up the solid fuel boiler should be familiar with how to clean the unit as is often necessary in such a procedure. Cleaning solid fuel boilers consuming process, however, if the conditions of operation of the boiler, fuel requirements, you can avoid ...

How to install a solid fuel boiler with his hands?

How to install a solid fuel boiler with his hands?

The duration of the cold season in our country confronts the inhabitants of private houses a number of pressing issues related to the organization of normal and efficient individual heating. For residents of the private sector in the cities and towns of the country the question of organization o...

Bespereboynik (SPI) for the coal-fired boiler

Bespereboynik (SPI) for the coal-fired boiler

Even the most cutting-edge and high-tech heating technology can not be self-sufficient. Availability of control sensors, automatic control, fans and units for exhaust and injection air mass makes the heating boiler is dependent on electricity. These features are not spared and solid units, which...

Protection against overheating of solid fuel boilers

Protection against overheating of solid fuel boilers

The massive use of boilers, solid fuel, puts to the owners of private houses special requirements. Despite technological advances, would bring the modern solid-heaters to perfection, the work of this equipment carries a certain danger. Malfunctions, abuse of heating equipment can cause equipment...

Turbofan boiler for solid fuels long burning: complete overview

Turbofan boiler for solid fuels long burning: complete overview

Modern apartment building - is a complex set, whose task is to ensure domestic needs of its tenants and residents. From the level of technical equipment of a residential home comfort depend on the inhabitants, the level of livability. A leading role in this respect plays a heating system, which ...

Buffer tank for solid fuel boilers: the principle of action

Buffer tank for solid fuel boilers: the principle of action

Installation in a building coal-fired boiler - the task is both simple and clear, but upon close examination, associated with numerous technical and technological difficulties. Today, many citizens seek to equip your home heating appliances using solid fuel. This is due to the good performance o...

Termosmesitelny valve for solid fuel boilers: construction and installation

Termosmesitelny valve for solid fuel boilers: construction and installation

Any heating appliances, and solid fuel boilers in this case is no exception, should have the tools and mechanisms that provide protection against overheating. For heating appliances using solid fuel, this function is entrusted to the safety valve. The device has a simple and clear structure in w...