Solid fuel boilers today are gaining popularity again. The reason for the increased interest in this type of heating equipment is in several respects. More power and autonomy arrangements for solid fuel when compared with gas and electricity, provide ample opportunity for the consumer in the home stand-alone equipment heating systems. Installation of solid fuel boilers is especially important for residents of the areas where there is no centralized gas supply. In terms of the choice of the heater and the heating system impresses with the fact that for installation on solid fuels is not necessary to obtain official authorization surveillance and control bodies.
Installation of heating boiler is performed based on design data. Further working heating system is subject to the registration authorities of the Emergencies Ministry, responsible for the furnace heating and safety facilities, heated solid fuels. Schematically, the installation and connection of heating units for solid fuels is as follows.

After evaluating all the obvious advantages of individual heating fossil fuel or waste wood, the pros and devices for solid fuel cons can safely proceed to the equipment of the heating equipment in private house. The only thing that is of interest in this situation, as it should be used to connect home solid fuel boiler to other devices and to the most heating system
Consider the features and nuances of connecting all types of equipment.
What is special about connecting the solid fuel boiler. important nuances
At the moment, in the home is used quite a variety of circuit connection of solid fuel boilers for individual heating system. In each individual case is taken into account the type of boiler, how fuel is supplied heater and what is its power. Main tasks and requirements that are placed in front of the heater - it is space heating, domestic hot water system work, a level of comfort and service conditions.
How to connect a solid fuel boiler to the system, if you are already at the stage of development and planning of a desire to interact coal-fired boiler with an electric device. When it comes to directly install the unit and connect it to all elements of the entire heating of the complex, there is a lot of questions.
Correctly composed of heat engineering scheme, the key to successful installation and connection equipment. Competent solution is to order the drafting of specialized agencies. If you have decided to make all their hands will require some technical knowledge, skills and participation of professionals. Reason to seek the services of professionals is that solid fuel boiler connection scheme significantly different from the usual for us all autonomous gas heating and heating circuits on electricity.
The more so because of how well connected heater on solid fuel depends on follow-up of all the heating, the profitability of individual heating.
Important! It should be remembered when using solid-units, the operating temperature of the boiler varies in the range 60-900With no less and no more. It requires laborious and meticulous adjustment of the heating temperature for entering the operating mode due to the inertia of this type of boiler equipment.
For instance: you use the heater in operation at temperatures below the permissible value added. The temperature of the coolant in the return flow below 55 0C (dew point) leads to the formation of an excessive amount of condensate, which begins to flow from the boiler to the outside. Firstly, on the furnace walls is formed in large quantities soot, which is deposited on the heat exchanger and is collected on the chimney walls, reducing its section. As a result, lost precious indicators of the efficiency of the heating device, there are difficulties with its maintenance. Second, the boiler room becomes a sloppy appearance.

Installation of the boiler is preceded by work associated with the connection of the heating equipment to the pipeline system. schemeDespite the complicated and expensive equipment should be simple and understandable. To connect the product heating configuration must meet the following minimum requirements:
- always present a large and a small loop, which circulates the water;
- conduit should have a good permeability;
- pipe installation must be made in accordance with the parameters specified in the specification.
Not last place in the home heating ventilation covers. The instrument must be connected to the ventilation system, which device is performed strictly according to the existing regulations and standards. Properly equipped ventilation and exhaustion, not only promote increase efficiency operation of the boiler, but also guarantee the safe operation of the complex machine in the apartment building.
The traditional scheme of connection of solid fuel boilers
The basis of virtually any used today autonomous heating system is to connect the storage tank to the solid fuel boiler. It is this bundle is the key to the security of the entire heating sector. Pre-made thermal calculations allow unimpeded flow temperature to a special container, which performs the function of accumulating. If necessary, during the cooling main mehanimzma, heating of the heat accumulator selects desired coolant temperature.
Accumulator tank with heating device can operate in continuous operating mode, keeping the highest possible efficiency, while saving valuable fuel.
For reference: at the design stage, you can calculate the volume of the storage tank, taking into account the capacity of the device. Such calculations are important, first of all, that would calculate the amount of fuel the boiler downloads for heating living quarters for two, three days.
Often it through the coolant expansion tank is carried out, the temperature in the heating circuit. The following shows the connection diagram of the storage tank to the solid fuel boiler and heat storage place across a single private home heating system.
Expansion tank is an indispensable element of the whole system, which is based on hot water. DHW placed in a heat accumulator, where the heated coolant its heat to the flowing water circulating through the hot water circuit. Without the expansion tank can not be equipped with underfloor heating connection. long burning boilers with accumulator tank are ideally suited for the type of heating arrangement "warm floors". Due to the expansion vessel creates the required temperature coolant, which is then fed into the pipeline laid on the floor. Heating "warm floors" in this form has maximum efficiency.
For payments: volume of the heat accumulator are timed 25-30 liters. capacitive volume of 1 kW boiler.

Wiring diagrams for solid fuel boilers with an accumulation tank expansion are a set of complex and expensive equipment. Despite the high cost of such schemes heating, money invested and your efforts will pay off soon.
Other connection diagrams heater on solid fuel
We connect the device to the backbone with podmes
The design of the heating system in this case includes the following elements:
- Safety group heating equipment (thermostatic valve, safety valve);
- expansion tank (heat storage);
- a circulating pump for supplying coolant to the entire system;
- valves and fittings.
This circuit is characterized in that it has a second contour and mix with valves, through which can easily amount to mix with the coolant circuit. This type of connection allows keeping radiators comfort temperature, despite the fact that the heating boiler operates under optimal conditions.
For instance: in the pyrolysis boiler water temperature is 70-80 0C, the heating system for residential rooms outputs a coolant temperature of the battery is not more than 65 0FROM.
Connecting the solid-setting with gidrostreloy
This type of connection is used in situations when the heating system has not one, but several circuits. A hydraulic valve or hydraulic arrow performs the task of fuse excluding hydraulic impact circulating pumps installed on each circuit. Gidrostrelka simultaneously acts sludge trap, next degassing entire heating complex.
Wiring diagram in the house Boilers with gidrostreloy consists of the following elements:
- control devices;
- expansion tank;
- two mutually independent circulation pump;
- hydraulic boom;
- radiators;
- Manifold (gryazeulavivateli).

Tying coal-fired boiler with an electric or gas boiler
The heating system may be included are a set of heating elements, the task of which complement each other if necessary. Boilers on charcoal or wood is used as the primary source of the heater, while the electric or gas unit operate auxiliary functions.
Connecting the electric boiler for solid fuel boiler is carried out to combine all the main units in a single automated heating system.
On a note: Electric boilers are usually duplicate the work of traditional boilers, heated with wood. With the weakening of the combustion in the furnace of the main boiler, especially often happens like in the night time, the electric heater is started.
Electrical heating device also serves as a trigger for the coal-fired boiler.
Accession shall be effected through the buffer tank, which acts as a heat accumulator and gidrorazdelitelya. flame attenuation in the boiler furnace results in that the temperature of the coolant in the expansion tank drops, thus automatically turns electric heating. When resuming the main boiler, the process is reversed. The hot heat carrier is fed back to the sensor and the heater turned off. What should operate the device, solve automation.
An exemplary scheme is shown below in Figure

The system is viable and highly effective, however, such a set of heaters is very expensive. Basically, this scheme is used for heating of residential buildings of large area.
How to connect your unit to the ventilation and chimney
Connecting the solid fuel boiler to the chimney is one of the key tasks, the solution of which depends on the subsequent functionality is not only a heater but also the entire heating system. His house in which you want to have a comfortable climate and comfort, must be protected from harmful products of combustion.
For those who want to make the chimney with his hands, there is some practical advice.
- flue pipe should have a diameter no less than the section of the discharge nozzle;
- when the flue has a rectangular shape and the outlet of the boiler is made circular shape, it is necessary to compare them for the passage sectional area.
- length of the chimney from the first bend must not exceed twice the diameter of the pipe. Chimney should have a minimum number of turns and bends.
- for better traction horizontal section of the chimney in relation to the boiler is located at 450 (Permissible inclination angle towards the boiler 30 and 15 degrees).
In the latter case, compliance with the angle of inclination is not necessary if the boiler is equipped with a supercharger.
In the video, you can get the necessary information on how the boiler flue mounted on solid fuels.
Mounting boiler for solid fuels implies a complex and painstaking process. On the kind of connection scheme you choose, it depends on many factors. Indirect heating Efficiency manifest itself immediately after the operation start in a solid fuel boiler. Starting the boiler clearly show, is properly connected, the heater is functioning all the other elements of the system and devices. When you first start, you can identify technical shortcomings and mistakes, which can be eliminated to achieve the optimization of all processes. Normal operating mechanism will provide the necessary amount of coolant system for underfloor heating. Correctly calculated the capacity of the expansion tank ensures you a sufficient amount of water for domestic hot water.