Solid fuel boilers today represent an increased interest for consumers. Popularity heating appliances using solid fuel, Due to a number of factors that have an impact on consumer choice. Due to the complexity of the gas heating equipment and increased cost of natural gas, the main focus of plan residential heating organization shifted to the heaters fueled by solid fuel. However, the operation of solid fuel boilers is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

The main reason is that such a heating technique needs additional tools and devices that regulate its work. Important bundle for the entire heating of the complex - a solid fuel boiler connected with the storage tank in a single system. Let us consider in more detail how the heat accumulator need for autonomous heating systems, whether it can be done by hand.
Place the storage tank in the heating system
Heating equipment on solid fuel is convenient, practical and effective. Especially the possibilities of modern solid fuel boilers appreciated by the residents of country houses and cottages. Mounting independent heating system using a heater on carbon or on a wood fully implement their own. All the more so for the installation of solid units do not require permission. All the main elements of the heating of the complex, except for the heating unit and a number of control mechanisms, it is possible to assemble and make their own. The main thing to know what is and what is installed with what purpose!

In addition, the opportunity to make some adaptations and mechanisms of his own, will allow you to save significant funds. Thermal receiver is just the device that you can build on their own, given the fact that the factory products are quite expensive.
Competent expert advice, additional sources of technical information will tell you how to make a heat accumulator for a coal-fired boiler with his hands. Compliance with certain requirements and conditions in manufacturing will provide you with the necessary reliability and performance mechanisms. Before starting the working process should be familiar with the heat storage device.
Meaning device
Understand heat accumulator design can only after define the value and location of the unit in the heating system. By design, a heat accumulator thermos, ie special container where the heated heat transfer medium flows. Within a certain time boiler water accumulated in the tank, maintains predetermined temperature parameters. By reducing the intensity of combustion in the boiler, or in case of stopping, the coolant from the tank is enter the heating system, while continuing to maintain the temperature in the radiator at a certain level.

Important! Heat accumulators ensure the safety of heating equipment and home heating system from excessive cooling, but also from overheating. storage capacitance task is to remove the excess heat generated by the heating unit at the peak of its work.
Due to the presence of thermal storage system was made possible not only to achieve a balanced heat heating water, but also provide significant fuel savings. Thermal receiver includes operation, when the capacity of the boiler to increase the time between fuel loads. In addition, this principle of operation will give you more freedom, freeing from the need for frequent tossing fuel into the boiler.
On a note: part of the buffer tank (storage tank) in the heating system reduces the fuel cost to 30-50%, depending on the kind and type of heating equipment. The amount of fuel into the furnace downloads directly proportional to the volume of the heat accumulator.
Analysis of the structure of the heat accumulator
The principle of operation of the device determines the design itself. Typically, the factory tools are a single large metal container, inside which are located the additional heat exchangers. Generally, such articles have a helical, serpentine shape, repeating the cylindrical configuration of the main unit.
In each case, depending on the power of the heater and the heating system requirements, the amount of additional heat exchange circuits may be different. The desired amount of heat storage is determined by simple calculations, which are discussed later.
Such heat exchangers is due to not only a desire to remove as much as possible to the heat at the time of peak load coal-fired boiler, but also technically feasible. One coil may be used to remove excess heat from the boiler, another heat exchanger is used to maintain the desired temperature of coolant coming into the heating circuit. The third coil, if any, provided to ensure the residents of the house with hot water.

Looking at the machine design, the advantages can be summarized such installation tool. And they are as follows:
- accumulation of thermal energy consumed by the combustion of fuel for other purposes, and needs;
- fuel economy;
- saving personal time inhabitants of the house spent on boiler equipment;
- technically possible to combine into one system different sources of heat;
- increase the efficiency of solid-aggregate to high values;
- safety function, to protect equipment from overheating;
- possibility to regulate the temperature of heating the coolant in the heating circuit.
Create a heat accumulator with their hands
The figure diagram shows the most common way to connect the heat accumulator in the autonomous heating system.

At first glance it is difficult to design a storage tank empty. Large steel container, which coils are placed. However, the complexity of the work in the home lies precisely in the subtleties and nuances.
Step one - a theoretical
Work should begin to search for the desired capacity. It requires reservoir sufficiently large capacity and volume. The bigger, the better. Of course, it is not necessary to go to extremes, and strive for the huge size of your future offspring. Otherwise, you stand in front of the problem of how to fit bulky device inside the boiler room.

Important! It should say at once - if you decide to make the instrument properly, immediately tune into a lot of work, both from a technical point of view, and theoretical. Save money on purchases, you risk losing time and manufacturability of the finished product.
At this stage, in addition to the search and selection of appropriate components and design details will have to do the theoretical calculations to determine the optimal in this case the volume of the tank. Calculation of heat storage capacity for domestic solid fuel boilers will help you in the future to deal with the placement of the unit in the boiler room, will tell how to implement strapping equipment. To begin with we define the volume of the container in the simplest way in which the key position occupied by the physical laws.
With initial data:
- thermal power needed for home heating home;
- period of time during which the solid fuel boiler is stopped and its place in the supply of hot water heating system takes heat accumulator.
Further action by the example:
House area of approximately 100 m2, Solid fuel boiler is idle at night 5:00. Take the average thermal power for heating the house at 10 kW.
Accordingly, it is clear that the thermal accumulator must give in to 10kW thermal energy. Total downtime heating unit, this value will be 50 kW. These calculations are carried out taking into account the fact that the water in the storage tank is heated to a temperature of 90 0FROM. and in the heating circuit is not more than 60 0FROM. The temperature difference is 30 degrees. Baseline data is substituted into the formula:
Q = cmΔt If we are interested in the amount of water that must flow into the tank, then a different formula will form m = Q / c Δt, where:
Q - consumption of thermal energy required for heating ploaschadyu 100 m house2 (In this case 50 KW);
c - the specific heat of water 4.187 kJ / kg. (0.0012 kW / kg)
Δt - the difference between the temperature of the boiler water in the vessel and in the heating radiator (300FROM)
Obtain 50 / 0.0012 x 30 = 1,388 kg, which indicates the approximate volume of heat storage tank should be 1.4 m3. Accordingly, the thermal storage device for your solid fuel unit must be not less than 1.4 cubic meters. meters.
Important! In order to fully charge the solid fuel boiler thermal energy your storage, heating devices require more power reserve. This need arises due to the fact that the boiler will operate at two, if not three fronts: at the same time engaged in home heating, domestic hot water system to provide work and fill with hot water heat accumulator.
Step two - Technology
Having made the necessary calculations, be engaged in the selection of appropriate capacity. As the main body can be used to heat the water tanks used in canteens and catering. Typically, these devices are made of stainless steel. If you can not find similar items, use for their own purposes any steel containers, preferably with a lid. In one condition of the tank wall need not be a thin (at least 4-5 mm).

A more promising option - metal barrel. For installation in a country house optimal container volume - 1000 l. Large reservoirs of more than 5 m3 It must be equipped with ribs. Correct installation and location of the tank will in the future, with the increasing of metal, take the unit the necessary stability. For ease of manufacture of the tank from scratch, choose a rectangular shape.

For reference: when the heating system with natural circulation is an open type storage device, allowing the container to have communication with atmospheric air. It puts this unit is always the highest point of the house, preferably in the attic.
In the case of the barrel, you need to cut into the body connections, the number of coils. The coils are made of steel water pipes. In this case it is necessary to create the greatest possible surface area through which heat weaning will occur. Finished coils inside are welded to the pipe. How much heat exchangers, respectively, and as many pairs of nozzles on entry and exit.
Once you have made the holding tank, we failed to make the correct piping, it is necessary to do insulation unit. Made of metal heat accumulator, without proper insulation will crush the precious heat right and left. You can use any available materials, beginning with mineral wool, expanded polystyrene finishing.
Its heat storage, you can warm as you like. The main thing is that the container would perform tasks thermos, heat exchange between the walls of the accumulator and ambient air was absent. When you should single-loop boiler with natural circulation, insulation storage tank needs to be strengthened. Otherwise (the attic is one of the coldest places in the house), your boiler will continue to work with the increased load, and the heating system will be replenished already growing cold coolant.