How to stoke the solid fuel boiler?

Make a choice in favor of one or another type of boiler on a solid fuel, You must have an idea of ​​how to stoke your own home solid fuel boiler. Variants in this case may be different, if we take into account the type of heating device. Used to date units for solid fuels are divided into two groups, units with manual feed and fuel products, equipped with automatic feeding of fuel resources.

Let us dwell on how to heat boilers of different types of fuel, and what is best suited for home heating.

The principle of operation of solid fuel boilers

Solid boilers are now presented for sale in substantially all fitted, ensuring the air supply control systems and fans in the combustion chamber. The control unit consists of a temperature sensor mounted on the heat exchanger. Signals lowering and raising the temperature of the coolant, automatic trigger force, which enables or disables the blower. As a result, equipment itself controls the temperature control by adjusting the intensity of the combustion.

furnace boilers using automation It reduces human involvement to a minimum. After a batch of fuel all the work device is automatically controlled devices and mechanical devices. The device, reaching an optimum operating mode goes into decay mode. With decreasing temperature, and loosening the combustion intensity is switched on again supercharging system. Process monotonous and continuous whereby to supply air to the combustion chamber and improves the yield of the combustion products through the flue.

If the fuel in the furnace over, Automatic uses coolant, meeting in the thermal accumulator. This scheme prevents rapid cooling of the heating system and reduce the coolant temperature to the critical values. In some cases, the auxiliary heating system is supplemented by electric boiler - a heating element, which is a backup source of heat when stopping the heater core.

Important! Control the amount of fuel in the boiler bookmarks - a task that still has to control people. Knowing the power unit and heating system needs, one can calculate the amount of fuel bookmarks. Automation is able only for a short time to maintain the system in good working order to protect the equipment from overheating and from a dead stop.

The principle of operation of solid fuel boilers is simple and straightforward. Competent tying allows not only to create normal conditions for the functioning of the heating device, but also ensure the smooth operation of the entire heating system in the house.

Choosing a fuel for solid fuel boilers

Type of heater, the demands made to the entire power system, allow you to determine what stoke home solid fuel boiler, a fuel better. On the question whether it is possible to heat the unit different fuels can not be answered unequivocally. It all depends on the type of heater. The operating principle of the equipment determines the choice - coal, wood, coke and pellets, which have access to today.

Matter what fuel is used in the system and what is the quality, efficiency depends on the unit. Especially that the supply of the fuel resource made in large quantities, respectively preparation for the heating season is associated with high costs.

The most common fuels used today in everyday life:

  • firewood;
  • coal, bituminous or lignite;
  • pressed peat or wood evrobrikety;
  • pellets.

If a choice of what and how to heat the heating unit is hard to decide the best option - is to use peat briquettes or pellets to heat. This fuel is ready for consumption possesses the necessary physical characteristics. The only disadvantage of this type of fuel - the high price.

Wood also have high processability. But there should be followed strict rule:

For what would drown in the home, only better use hardwood. They burn longer, have a high heat output. Try not to be used for the firing up the wood of pine trees. They have improved resinous, which leads to rapid contamination machine combustion chamber and heat exchanger. Firewood must be dry. Wood humid worse burn, a large amount of vapor released in the combustion process, which is converted into condensate.

Coal, convenient, practical and beneficial in many ways. In addition to the affordable price of coal has high tech features. This can be attributed, and a long duration of combustion and high heat. When burning coal allocates minimum of harmful substances.

How to stoke the different types of equipment

Often the question arises as to heat one or other heating apparatus. Pellet solid fuel boilers are now becoming popular because of their high efficiency. Despite the high cost of fuel resources, such a device has an automated fuel supply. Due to its design, this technique is less in need of constant maintenance.

For other types of heaters: pyrolysis, combustion units long and boilers in the classic version, requires a different approach to the organization of work. Heaters each species have their own characteristics and peculiarities.

Let's start with the fact that the solid fuel boilers in a traditional, classical design is now almost out of use. In some households still be found devices operating an on-charcoal or wood, having minimal functionality, and low productivity.

The most common today pyrolysis boilers and long burning units - high-tech devices that meet all the necessary requirements and safety standards. For these types of heaters are characterized by high productivity and efficiency. Heating devices have long burning high efficiency - 80%. Among the solid aggregates the highest efficiency - 85% have type pyrolysis boilers.

It is interesting: How to use the stove with coal?

Long burning boiler furnace

Melt technique, the solid fuel can be in two different ways, burning off layers. Each embodiment can increase the length of one combustion load. In the furnace laid the wood. For the early ignition is necessary to add paper or wood chips. After the appearance of the flame, the loading door is closed and the heater is switched control unit.

The process proceeds as follows. Wood, coal or briquettes burn from top to bottom, giving the maximum possible amount of heat. Burning in the furnace in this manner may occur for a long time.

For reference: For some models, one download is enough for 24 hours (standby time up to 48 hours).

After switching unit should be brought to an optimum operation mode setting known high heating temperature. After exiting the equipment to an optimum temperature range, it is possible to reduce the boiler power by setting the required temperature parameters.

Features kindling Pyrolysis solid fuel boilers

Heating equipment operating on the basis of the pyrolysis, characterized in that it allows to use as fuel virtually any organic raw materials having a low moisture content (less than 20%). Burning is carried out in stages. First is due to the heat decomposition of organic compounds in the fuel components with subsequent isolation of the gas timber. This process is called pyrolysis. Further, in the second combustion chamber is high temperature combustion of a fuel gas species. This requires a constant flow of oxygen.

Workflow pyrolysis unit type easily controlled by increasing or decreasing the air supply. The main advantage of these boilers - high efficiency and heat dissipation with minimum amount of load. After combustion in the furnace remains virtually no combustion products. To clean a combustion chamber in such a heating device is much easier and more convenient than that of other types of units.

What you should pay attention

Operation of any heater in coal, wood and other fuel semis inextricably linked with the ventilation system. On the quality of air and condition of the chimney depends on the performance of the heating equipment, technological parameters of the whole heating system in the house.

The exhaust must operate in accordance with the fire safety regulations.

Important! Improperly made hood would endanger getting harmful combustion products into living quarters. Inadequate pull will decrease the power device. Regular cleaning will prevent chimney soot fire, which can cause a fire of house designs to create a fire hazard.

Properly made chimney cleaning heater ensure long-term operation solid fuel boiler at optimal operating conditions. Frequent change of one type of fuel to another may result in unstable operation of the heater, malfunction in the heating system and heat. Each unit should be one main fuel, whereas other types may be used temporarily as needed.