Residents of the private sector, owners of country houses and cottages are showing increased interest in heating appliances fueled with solid fuels. The reasons for this attention to solid fuel boilers can be several, starting with the desire to achieve independence from centralized energy supply and, on the contrary, in the absence thereof. The pace of suburban housing today are far ahead of the rate of works on gasification of settlements points, so the only way out of this situation are cast-iron heating boilers for solid fuel.

Why cast iron boilers, when there is a wide choice of models of steel solid-fuel boilers? To discover the design features solid cast iron boilers and therefore give an answer to this question.
Features of modern cast iron solid fuel boilers
For a country house heating boilers for solid fuel made from cast iron, are the best option heater. Residents of private homes set similar units as a backup heat source in case of extreme circumstances. Both options are justified from the point of view of expediency. Gas heating, despite its accessibility, is constantly becoming more expensive. Cases pressure drop in the gas line. Cast iron boiler for coal, wood or pellet rescue in such situations, ensuring your home is necessary to heat and hot water.
For residential buildings, located away from power lines, solid fuel is becoming the main source of heating. This is especially true in central and northern regions of our country, which is still dreaming of a central gas supply and stoke furnaces and boilers firewood considered usual occupation. The boiler is made of cast iron and a solid fuel, it is now experiencing a rebirth. Having become a successor of conventional Russian furnace boiler is a solid fuel high-tech devices.

The main advantage that the current models of heating equipment made of cast iron - a lot of power units. Some models have a capacity of up to 2000 kW. In the furnace of solid fuel boilers is all that is at hand: wood, coal, coke, peat, wood products and waste. The only time you should pay attention to, cast iron boilers, inert devices. The power range of such units is not significant, but in the operating mode of the boiler can deliver maximum performance.
Due to the introduction in the construction of boilers of different engineering innovations that producers managed to increase the efficiency of the units of this type to 80%. More efficiency only pyrolysis boilers, but that is another story.
For reference: modern cast iron solid fuel boiler - A multi-device. Each section is made of cast iron. According to the number of sections you can judge the capacity of the heater.
All components have a threaded connection. Seams and interface are processed by high-temperature sealants. Production of cast iron boilers and the assembly of the equipment is carried out on high-tech manufacturing. Manufactured products such special metallurgical method. In the process of casting iron alloy is obtained, in which the percentage of carbon content is 2-4.5%. By adding special additives able to obtain high-strength alloy resistant to high temperatures.
Due to its structure and physicochemical properties of cast iron, the equipment has a long lifetime of - up to 30 years. This fact impresses many consumers. Compared with other types and kinds of solid fuel heating devices, cast iron boiler has a higher reliability and long service life.
Long lifetime due to the high resistance to the corrosion of iron. Cast iron can be covered only with a dry rust on the outside, under the influence of external factors.
Models of solid fuel boilers, represented in the sale, are multifunctional. Cast iron heat exchanger has a high heat transfer and holds the necessary long flow temperature. Inertness of cast iron boilers negates this advantage, making it difficult to adjust the temperature of heating the coolant. Despite this drawback, with cast iron heat exchanger boiler can operate normally under low-temperature operating conditions, which makes it convenient for use in the home.
For reference: In most cases, these heating units are installed in open heating systems where the boiler water circulation is carried out in a natural way, by gravity. Solid fuel boiler of the cast iron can be installed in heating systems with forced circulation, however, the system operating pressure must not exceed 1.5 bar.
What models of cast iron boilers are produced
Cast-iron boilers for their design features are divided into two common types:
- single-circuit;
- combi.
The first embodiment is limited in view of the functionality of the heating unit. Single-boilers only provide heating.
Important! Hot water in this case is impossible. The way out of this situation will be the connection to the boiler water heating capacity or the installation of additional heat exchanger with a large and constant flow of water. For normal operation set DHW elements should be tied to the automation of the boiler.

The second option is the most common. Many residents of private homes are interested in not only heating but also hot water for domestic use. Cast solid fuel boilers in this case connected to an additional circuit through which hot water. An additional circuit can be replaced by the installation of the boiler indirect heating.
On a note: for domestic purposes is chosen boiler capacity of 80-100 liters. A limited amount of hot water and massiveness of the structure itself is a disadvantage of such engineering solutions.
If you have a constant flow of water in small quantities, double-iron solid fuel boiler quite suitable.
Structurally cast iron boilers are divided into units with natural draft and forced ventilation. In the first case, the air inside the building housing the working zone of the boiler is fed naturally. The products of combustion, soot and soot discharged through a chimney in the same naturally. The system is designed for boilers of small capacity and is suitable for installation in small-sized buildings.
Forced ventilation is more sophisticated and reliable design. By means of the fan air enters the firebox, providing combustion fuel loaded. The same principle works and extractor. Fan further creates a low pressure zone, whereby the suction of combustion products occurs in the chimney.
The device is solid fuel boiler in the classic configuration
The boiler in the classic design, solid fuel cast iron is a complex mechanism, in which each element has its own purpose and performs certain functions. High structural strength, connection reliability of individual structural elements, provide safe operation of the machine.

The number of sections in a cast-iron boilers is always fixed on the solid fuel. The figure shows a device scheme iron boiler, positioning of the main structural elements. The main components of the cast-iron boiler are:
- section;
- pipe (outlet chimney);
- nipples;
- Combustion chamber with a door;
- an ash tray;
- fans.
Virtually all parts and components are interchangeable design that makes the cast iron boiler is very convenient and practical to maintain. The absence of complex structural articles and devices simplifies boiler operation in a domestic environment. The design of the boiler is simple and clear even in dedicated boilers layman.
With regard to the control mechanism, the situation is ambiguous. Cast iron boilers on carbon or other organic fuel are in most cases a mechanical control system. The main adjustment mechanism - damperIt entrusted with the task of controlling increase or decrease of heating the coolant temperature. Modern devices, manufactured mainly by foreign companies, are equipped with controllers and blowers
For reference: blowing fans installed on the solid cast iron boilers eliminate the resistance that occurs in the duct.
Such devices significantly affect the ability to resist the boiler adjustment, however, due to the additional equipment increases boiler efficiency. Combustion chamber and iron sections not whimsical fuel quality. Unlike pyrolysis boilers require dry (maximum 20% humidity) fuel, cast iron boilers long burning cope with any kind of fuel, in any condition.
Advantages and disadvantages
Before choosing a boiler for autonomous boiler system should be weigh the "pros" and "cons." Each type of heater has its own advantages and disadvantages. Solid fuel boilers are made from cast iron, also have its advantages, and its obvious disadvantages.
We have already said that the heating technology, this kind of very inert and is poorly adjusted. To cool down the boiler for a long time. When installing a heating device is necessary to put the system expansion tank, acting as a coolant temperature controller circuit.
A significant drawback, non-compliance with the operating conditions for a given heating equipment is the fragility of cast iron heat exchanger. These units suffer from mechanical failures, sudden changes of temperature and water hammer.
Important! When transporting the new boiler must be careful to avoid bumps and falls.
To avoid damage to the heat exchanger can be, if you follow the rules of operation. It is impossible to load into the furnace colder wood and fill the device with cold water system. To be safe, you can set the mixing units, mix with playing a role.

In terms of technology heaters with cast iron heat exchangers significantly lower than the gas units and other types of equipment on solid fuel for thermal efficiency.
In comparison with steel Heating devices iron devices are more expensive. But do not all these factors bring together, putting an end to this type of equipment. The advantages that this technique are obvious:
- long-term operation;
- high resistance to the corrosive processes;
- no scum inside heat exchanger;
- maintainability and workability of the design of the boiler;
- acceptable dimensions of the equipment, adequate housing;
- high resistance to electrochemical reactions and to a dramatic decrease in the boiler water temperature.
summing up
Solid fuel appliances consistently occupy one of the consumer niche among heating equipment. Broad technological capabilities possessed by new models brought out heaters, made of cast iron to a new level.
Today, units made of cast iron solid fuel becomes mandatory attribute of country house. Omnivorous heaters in fuel terms, require minimal maintenance, simple design, make these devices competitive products in the market of heating equipment. The high cost of product should not confuse the consumer. Investment will be repaid in full, taking into account the service life of the boiler equipment.