Of the entire heating technology, which is used today in everyday life, most well known for solid fuel boilers. Due to their simple design and mode of operation, the availability of the fuel assemblies of this type are widely used. Today, for many residents of private homes in rural areas this technique has become a sort of "magic wand". The ever increasing price of domestic gas complexity to obtain permits for the installation of the gas of the auxiliary heater promote that solid fuel boiler now, at least, has not lost its demand among the population living near the forests - source firewood.

Today, there are two options to solve the problem of self-heating by solid fuel: buy ready-made factory to produce the product or solid fuel boiler with his hands. The cost of modern high-tech heating unit is quite high, but the price range wide - from 3 up to several tens of thousands of rubles, which makes the device accessible to a wide range of consumers.
If there is a specific technical training solid fuel boiler can be assembled and independently, using scheme and recommendations for the production of models of these devices, the most popular when mounting their own hands.
The concept of solid fuel boilers
Homemade autonomous boiler operating on solid fuel - it is, by and large, conventional oven, set in a barrel of water. The main task of such a device - heated by the heat from the combustion of wood or coal boiler water to be supplied to the domestic radiators.
But such a device, it is tempting to self-manufacture in connection with the primitive, is not effective in terms of heating and not cost effective due to high fuel consumption - the simplest design of boilers have an efficiency of only 10-15%.

Important! Operation of the boiler for solid fuels depend on the quality and traction, respectively, ventilation. Even qualitatively made the boiler is not able to provide an effective heating of the room, if ventilation is arranged accordingly.
Homemade boilers collect not only metal, but also assembled from a brick. Masonry unit construct typically country houses, where mounted to the aesthetics equipment to satisfy more stringent requirements than smokers economic or technical destination.
Boilers from metal are the simplest devices, the production of which permits the use of readily available materials and optionally using available instruments. But it does not follow that their manufacture and installation can be done without at least sketching blanks and components, as well as clearly developed technology - sequences, methods of individual stages of the preparatory and basic works.
Choosing the design of the heating boiler
Furnaces for heating and solid fuel boilers vary in functionality when similarity combustion processes. Heating boiler, unlike the furnace must not only heat the room at the place of installation by burning wood or coal, but also to supply the heated coolant heating circuit. But to perform a second task little away in the furnace heat exchanger (heating circuit portion) - it is also necessary to ensure the continuity of combustion and coolant circulating through this uniformity coil.

Which boiler to choose the design to make it easier for him to make his own hands, what difficulties have to be faced in the process? These questions can be answered at the design stage. Drawings homemade solid fuel boilers gives a good idea of what it looks like one or another design, and you should pay attention to during the manufacturing process.

Each variety of boilers, solid fuel, has the features of the design and manufacture of nuances. When planning the self-assembly of the heating unit, it is necessary to decide which design to give preference to - with the bottom or top (silo) combustion process.
Units with lower combustion - the equipment in which the door for loading the wood located in the upper part of the combustion chamber, but fuel combustion occurs bottom, whereby the upper layers Bookmarks under its own weight moves downwards and smoke post-combustion occurs in the upper part. Depending on the model, the movement of air through the furnace from below upward force (fan) or natural by (draft), which leads to independence from the mains, but reduced efficiency and a smaller amount of feed fuel.

The solid fuel boilers shaft design loading firewood made through the door, which is located in the upper part of the combustion chamber. These units are equipped with a forced draft, which is directed from the top down - driving the smoke in the lower part furnace where it is mixed with air burns and heats and dries the fuel further along the path of the lower tiers.

By independent manufacturing unit more suited to lower combustion process, so when it is possible to dispense with the assembly for forced draft fan.

Important! The more complex the design of the equipment, the higher the technological requirements for the quality of execution of its constituents, who should not have deviations from design parameters. No less responsible and the process of assembling such a unit.
By way of combustion boilers for solid fuels can be designed to normal mode or working yield on pyrolysis - the process of decomposition of solid fuel into two parts and then separate them by incineration. Preferring the second, more complex version, will have to consider the need for installing a second Combustion chamber heater would increase the size and therefore require a larger amount materials.
Selection of the type of heating equipment is largely determined by the type of solid fuel, which is provided with a heating device. If you have a hand in a lot of firewood, it would be better if you made the boiler will be designed for the furnace of firewood. When the greater availability of coal fit other models. Combustion Duration Bookmarks quality determined by the type of heating coal-fired boiler, its capacity and efficiencyth design.
On a note: coal combustion temperature is significantly higher than that of wood, so gridironHeat exchanger and the boiler housing are made of a carbon steel of greater thickness. An alternative would be the creation of the body and the boiler combustion chamber made of refractory bricks.
If you can not create the outside of the unit casing of steel required thickness, a rational decision will be brick solid fuel boiler. Firebrick lining will create a large, comfortable and resistant to high temperatures of the combustion chamber.

Selection of boiler design acceptable complexity needs to be done after the analysis of the technical performance and objective assessment of their competence and capabilities. In case of doubt, to exclude the possibility of undue damage to the material, it is better to give preference to the unit simple in design drawings understandable - even such solid fuel boiler house can provide heat in the cold season.
See also: homemade gas boiler.
Basic requirements for the design of self-made heater
In the classic form of the heating unit, which will operate a home heating system consists of the following elements:
- Combustion chamber (hopper) for burning wood, coal and briquettes;
- grate, through which the supply to the combustion chamber air mass;
- tube type heat exchanger or a storage tank for a boiler water;
- chimney for bringing out the fuel combustion products;
- damper.
An important requirement, which would have to be taken into account even at the stage of designing the boiler, the dimensions of the combustion chamber. Firebox autonomous solid fuel boilers should be spacious, roomy. The design of the combustion chamber is calculated so that it placed in the fuel is combusted completely without additional mixing. Brick boilers in this regard is preferable as the brick has a lower thermal conductivity, which provides a ceramic furnace a higher combustion temperature than in the metal aggregate.
The heating chamber shall be such as to concentrate the maximum heat energy to the heat exchanger.

The next, equally important aspect in the design of heating equipment, solid fuel boiler is the heat exchanger. From the design of the element, material quality and performance depends on the efficiency of the boiler equipment. Title of the heat exchanger is determined by the material of manufacture - cast iron or steel. Heat exchange coils of these units - tubular structures with vertical or horizontal arrangement of pipes in use is often called a water jacket.
Cast iron heat exchangers will not be considered, as this cast construction, manufacturing is at home impossible. However, you can use ready-made components made of cast iron, taken from the old units, dismantled due to some reasons. Such a replacement is common when performing modernization of coal-fired boiler or repair.
For the manufacture of thick-walled steel tube heat exchanger is used. The desired configuration of the flexible tube attached to it by heating or by using fingers or easy bend corresponding diameter to be connected with the fragments electrofusion coil.
The scheme of installation of the coil assembly for the solid traditional type will give a complete picture of how should look like a heat exchanger, and in what position is best to install it.

Phased production of solid fuel boiler. Subtleties and nuances
The most economical homemade solid fuel boiler to make you fail, however, to create quite suitable for heating and domestic hot water heating apparatus as possible. The fact that the assembly of industrial products is carried out on high-precision industrial applications of specially selected materials in compliance with the process parameters. At the base of each plant boiler models are accurate thermal calculations. Opportunities to work at home incomparably more modest production, so when choosing a model, to be manufactured, it is necessary to proceed from the existing realities, including their personal potential as installer.
Tools, materials
With drawing and specification of the heating unit, it is possible to determine the list of necessary tools. Whether you want to make a big pot or plan to collect a small heater to give a solid fuel with their own hands, fixtures list will be approximately the same.

To work need the following tools and accessories:
- welding machine;
- small bolgarka with a cutting and sanding discs (goggles);
- electric drill with drill bits for metal;
- Gas keys №№1,2;
- hammer;
- set carob or spanner and screwdrivers;
- pliers;
- elbow 90 degrees.
The main material in the production - steel, wherein the thickness of the boiler should be no less than 5 mm, for the grate - 7 mm.
In addition, you will need:
- steel corner 50x50 - for boiler framework;
- stainless steel sheets - the presence in the design storage capacity;
- thick-walled steel pipe with a diameter 32 to 50 mm - for manufacturing a heat exchanger-coil.
A complete list of materials and their consumption is made beforehand on the basis of technical drawings.
Making the housing and heat exchanger
The boiler body, and often performs the role of the combustion chamber, is the foundation of the entire structure. To reduce the deformation of the walls under high temperature furnace walling made with double-layer backfilling between layers of dry sifted sand, playing the role of the retainer geometry. The outer and inner shell of the furnace are performed carcass, which also increases the rigidity of the structure. In addition, to increase the strength of the combustion chamber wall can be clad steel outside area or a profile in the form stiffeners.

The front wall of the grinder or the cutting torch are cut according to two drawing aperture - for hopper door and podzolnika.
Tip! Before cutting sheet steel must be fine to partition the implementation of future openings small diameter holes (3-4 mm) uglam.otversty - this will perform cutting more accuracy.
After closure of cutting blanks from sheet steel and for the profile body can begin to create the heat exchanger. Use sliced water pipes, which are connected by welding in a single sealed circuit. The main task - to create a sealed flow moiety maximum Length of tube to increase the heating area.
How to make a heat exchanger, to position the pipe and perform welding, tells you the video proposed.
On the willingness of all design elements begin to assemble, which is better to carry out at the place of installation of the unit - sometimes the size and weight of the finished device does not allow to move it from the assembly site to the place of final disposal.
Most often, the installation of the boiler is performed on a specially erected concrete foundation with fastening assembly welded to the mortgage details - anchors. Installation begins with the installation frame, then perform its equipment components and cladding sheets. All welds are carried out with the device processing and chamfering welds - slag removal and polishing.
On a note: After assembly, the body perform a thorough visual inspection of his integrity, the results of which produced more provarkoy seams.
In the finished body established grate (steel grating) and a heat exchanger, which is connected to the welding circuit during heating coil assembly it is important to perform a design angle of it, otherwise there will be created an obstacle to the natural circulation of coolant circuit.

Important! Production of storage capacity in stainless steel with a hole in its contour best left to professionals because the work with this material requires special equipment and skills.
By the end of the boiler assembly for corrosion protection painted with two layers of heat-resistant paint with surface preparation.

Manufactured independently the heating boiler differs durability and ease of care which is the periodic cleaning of the firebox and ash care chimney.
After the end of the assembly and packaging unit with all necessary elements perform its pressure testing water under pressure, the results of which produce the elimination of defects, and then - Complex commissioning works. Do not neglect and install draft regulator, which will facilitate the exploitation of solid fuel boilers in various weather conditions.