For the private sector residents of issues related to the work of the autonomous heating system is not particularly difficult. At first glance, everything is very simple. There is a boiler, there is to it fuel, Then you just have to lay the wood in the firebox and ignite. It may turn out, however, most often in similar situations will have to simultaneously solve several problems at once, each of which threatens to have a negative impact on the quality of heating. Many years of practical experience, which is available for old-timers will tell you how to sink, how to fill the boiler is solid wood properly, which would achieve better combustion effect.

Try to understand yourself. How to heat heating units for solid fuels with the scientific and technical point of view, how important it is for the boiler what and how it stoked stoked.
Main article: Home heating with wood.
Why firewood is not so simple in the solid fuel boiler?
The popularity of solid fuel boilers now gaining momentum again. All the fault of a small intensive housing construction. Cottages and vacation homes are growing like mushrooms after rain, and not always in those places where new homes are being built, centralized gas supply network. In such a situation it is not necessary to wait and people are trying to equip their homes self-contained solid fuel boilers. The stoke your boiler each chooses, wood or coal, Pellets or fuel briquettes. Choice in terms of a single type of fuel depends on how rich fuel resource.
Boiler with wood for a country house is the most common option, taking into account the relative availability of this type of fuel and the price. Autonomous heating system for solid-fuel boilers can be installed on their own, especially if you are constantly at hand is wood, the situation is just wonderful. At first sight.

When it comes to the furnace directly, there are many nuances that must be considered, taking into account that must be followed. Conventional wood logs are used as the main fuel, requires special attention!
The main aspect that should be paid attention to, the following: Firewood should always be uniform, all belong to the same type of wood. In other words, if today flushing pine logs, and to-morrow into the furnace throwing birch block of wood, the boiler output will be completely different. The reason for this is different calorie content of different types of wood.
The higher the calorie content of wood fuel, the more heat released in the combustion process. Therefore, the quality of wood has always been, and there are certain requirements that must be followed, that would use wood fuel for solid fuel boilers with maximum efficiency.

For example: you've got the whole machine of wood, with a bunch of dumped them right in the middle of the yard in the rain. Wet wood - this is the main enemy of the heating equipment on solid fuel. The boiler will burn, but with difficulty. Wet logs during combustion emit a great amount of the residual combustion products, including corrosive volatile compounds! The boiler will be in this situation to work at half their rated capacity. As a result of heating the coolant is low intensity, respectively, your heating system will be far from the norm.
Guidelines for the selection and preparation of wood
Selecting for yourself firewood, you must rely on the fact that some time is required for drying them. High humidity of firewood is extremely negative impact on the heater, wood consumption in the solid fuel boiler is substantially increased.
During combustion the moisture accumulates on the walls of the combustion chamber, where it forms large amounts of tar, together with carbon monoxide. Having worked quite a bit on the damp wood, your boiler, cooker hood will be a pitiful sight. It will take a lot of effort that would wash the combustion chamber from the flue sticky tar. heating wood boilers need to be cleaned regularly. On this depends the performance of the boiler equipment.
On a note: in the boiler furnace is everything, and large logs and small wood chips. Properly decomposing logs can significantly increase the rate of combustion and reduce the formation of acrid smoke to a minimum. In other words, large logs stacked on edge, whereas in the middle of superimposed smaller fragments.
Pay attention to the wood varieties. In our country, in every region of firewood is one or another industrial wood. In the central areas of greater emphasis on hardwood varieties, mainly birch. The best option, both in price and quality. Less often used oak, beech, hornbeam and ash.
There is one thing only! If it is legal wood, they are very expensive. Generally used for heating oak wood luxury. Oak is ideal as a fuel for bakers.
Solid birch wood characterized by high productivity. Birch burns long and bright, giving off a large amount of heat energy. The only drawback birch Smolnya large number of compounds that are released in the combustion process. For residents of the middle band a frequent visitor to the boiler room becomes alder. This tree is not only a well-lit, but at the same time highlights the huge amount of antiseptic components.
For most low-grade wood mind include pine wood. Due to the high content of tar, pine logs have intense combustion, emit a lot of heat. The only disadvantage of this fuel, the high speed with which the pine block of wood turned into ashes. Otaplivaya your home fuel from pine and spruce, you will certainly come across with excessive fuel consumption.
Solid fuel boilers of various kinds. How to drown them?
If the theoretical part slightly understandable, in practice the situation is different. The overall pattern of how to heat a solid fuel boiler with wood does not exist. Each heater on solid fuel has its own peculiarities and nuances. This applies not only to the fundamental differences in the units, but also a smooth fuel of choice. Basically, we are dealing with three types of boilers working with wood. These are the following types of solid fuel boilers:
- aggregates pyrolysis type;
- long burning boilers with wood;
- classical heating devices.
Apart from the difference in principle work, many heaters differing by the method of the fuel load. There are models with manual loading of firewood, as well as articles in which this process is automated by half.
Consider the case of wood for each type of heating device.
Pyrolysis boilers. How are things with wood in boilers of this type
Kindling the boiler pyrolysis type it is based on the principle of operation of the unit. Accordingly looms and hence the fuel supply circuit to the combustion chamber. The heating device of this type has two compartments. In one laid kindling materials: paper, wood chips, lignite. In another section already laid directly firewood. Bookmarks main fuel combustion takes place at a temperature of 4500FROM. For starters, you can lay the wood part volume. After like flames flare up, the remaining logs are laid.

Important! pyrolysis type boilers operate only on dry wood. Humidity fuel material should not exceed 7-8%. Otherwise, it will not flow pyrolysis - the main feature of this type of boiler technology.
After the fire in the ignition chamber flared begins basic operation of the heating device. The high efficiency of the machine depends on the state of the chimney. Pyrolysis boilers need to be cleansed and heated chimney.
How does the wood-fired heating apparatus long burning?
Among the range of heating technology occupy a significant place long burning boilers. This is the most effective and efficient device, specially designed for heating homes. The main feature of such equipment - their immense duration. A well-oiled machine is capable of loading a wood to work for a long time under normal operating conditions. The intervals between loads up to 8-12 hours. On foreign models and can achieve better results.
Solid continuous burning boilers are not very whimsicality. Flushing can be conventional wood, again dry. Kindling used paper and wood chips. Unlike other boilers where the burning occurs upwards in all these units is reversed. Fuel tab made uniform layers in the upper chamber. After the paper and inflamed small chips, the topmost layer of logs set press, equipped with an air distributor.
Press putting pressure on the wood, causing them to slowly smolder rather than burn with a bright flame. Due to this, and it achieved a great burning of this type of equipment.

Sequence conventional solid-kindling unit is no different. Here, as in the case with a new, modern units it is important to use dry wood. Methods Bookmarks wood determined by the size of the combustion chamber and the combustion process itself. Wood-fired boiler air type anything special in terms of fuel load.
Classic solid fuel boilers are of least interest, as this type of heating equipment unpopular today.
Important! Under no circumstances should not be used when igniting solid fuel boilers easily flammable and flammable substances such as gasoline, diesel, various chemicals.
Nothing complicated about how to heat with wood autonomous heating boilers for solid fuels. The design of the majority of the product is simple and straightforward. The presence of certain skills, compliance with the safety measures will be operated solid fuel boiler in the normal mode.

The wood in the firebox can be installed in various ways, and poryadno as well. Such methods layout commonly used in traditional boilers, fireplaces and in conventional furnaces. For boilers and pyrolysis units long burning firewood stacking must be done tightly as possible, that between the logs have no air gaps. Operating the boiler must burn almost all mortgaged to it fuel.
Before you light the fire in the furnace, check for traction. If your paper is a match or flame flashed white, then in the chimney excessive thirst. If conversely, the flame becomes red, insufficient thrust. The most optimal version for operating rod when the flame has a yellow tint. All the nuances and subtleties to consider when working with wood boilers. On how you deal with heating technology depends not only your comfort and convenience, but also the duration of the smooth operation of the heating appliance.