How to quickly clean a cast-iron frying pan from rusting at home: how to remove the corrosion of iron, how to repair, resurfacing

Pans made of cast iron began to enjoy more than a hundred years ago, and until now it has its fans. Frying everything is good: easy to use, it does not burn and excellent fries, but many, getting the kitchen attribute and knowing his little disadvantage are wondering how to clean a cast-iron frying pan from rust?

Cast iron pans exposed occurrence of corrosion.


  • 1 The causes of rust in a pan made of cast iron
  • 2 How to clean a cast-iron frying pan from rusting in the home
  • 3 How to recover a protective layer in a pan of iron
  • 4 How to remove the corrosion of household resources
  • 5 Preventive measures against rust and washing instructions
  • 6 VIDEO: How to remove rust from cast-iron frying pan.

The causes of rust in a pan made of cast iron

Cast iron pans are prone to rust - this is their main drawback, but knowing how to cope with it, you will not be disappointed in the use of the kitchen attributes.

There are different methods of cleaning utensils rust how chemicals and traditional methods.

The main causes of corrosion on the metal.

  • Low-quality material. If the product when buying too easy, it is worth considering, it is made from a cast iron. Improper grinding Production leads to corrosion: the surface must be smooth and uniform, without inclusions. By purchasing products from iron, pay attention to the manufacturer - it should be a large enterprise, which is engaged in manufacturing metal ware.
  • Improper operation of the first. Before using a new frying pan should be washed with detergent and dry. Next pour some of sunflower oil at the bottom and calcined for five minutes without the products. Allow to cool and lubricate all oil pan wall. When you first use will be allocated a large amount of smoke - that's fine, but you need to take care of ventilation of premises.
  • Improper care. The product is made of cast iron is intended for cooking only, it can not be stored in food. It is desirable immediately after preparation lunch washed and dried pan. Abrasive means for cleaning is not acceptable, are formed on the surface scratches that are oxidized in air to begin to corrode.

Cast iron pans have such a unique property: the more often you cook on it, the less it rusts.

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan from rusting in the home

If you use this attribute of the kitchen sooner or later before the hostess question arises, how to remove rust from iron pan?

At home, if the pan is covered with soot after the first cooking, you need to know about the causes and factors that provoke its appearance.

There are several ways that you can use:

  • Mechanical. With this method of treatment will need to make some effort. It is possible to clean the surface with a wire brush, which will remove the layer of rust. To expedite the process, use a drill with a brush attachment. It fits any brush, but the harder the bristles, the more you leave scratches on the product, which will need to be sanded.

Dark rusty spots formed during oxidation due to presence of moisture on the surface.

  • Thermal. The ideal option if you have a suburban area, which can be diluted with an open fire and burn the pan. You can use a blowtorch, that you remove the remaining fat on the walls, rust stains and restore the natural non-stick coating iron.

In this method, the soot is formed, which will have to wash.

  • Using the oven. If possible calcine iron in the fire there, then do it at home in the oven. Put down the pan and place the rack on which place the pan upside down and turn the oven on full power for two hours over it. When the pan has cooled slightly, it is necessary to wash off residues of rusty spots water and mild detergent.

If the pan has accumulated a layer of fat, when heated, it will drain to the pan and burn, take care of the quality in the kitchen hood.

  • Digestion. This method is the easiest and safest. In large pot, pour water to pan and fully hidden bit mild detergent or carbonated water Coke, bring to the boil and lower the container. boiling time of 40-60 minutes, then let cool pan without removing from the solution, and rinse with running water.

When boiling is unacceptable to use aggressive cleaning agents.

  • Grinding sandpaper. Must be purchased at a hardware store paper of different factions. Purification surfaces starting paper with large grain in a circular motion over the surface. And the gradual transition to the fine-grain paper, as if zashlifovyvaya scratch the pan, as a result you will have a smooth matte surface to be washed and dried.

Crockery starts to corrode if stored for a long time in a humid environment.

How to recover a protective layer in a pan of iron

The final stage, but very important, which will allow you to get rid of a little lack of sturdiness.

This process is possible after the corrosion cleaning utensils, and as prevention of dark spots.

The main stages of the recovery process:

  • Recovery coating occurs by grinding the surface with sandpaper fine fraction, it is necessary to polish the surface, washed and dried.
  • After polishing the roll in the pan few tablespoons of salt and calcined it in the plate for 10 minutes. After cooling in salt can add a little water and additionally clean the most difficult places with rust.
  • Wash the pan and efficiently dry.
  • Further, all surfaces must be amply lubricate sunflower or linseed oil and warmed in an oven at 200 degrees for about one hour.
  • Let cool pan and remove excess oil with a soft cloth, as if polishing it - it will protect the surface from rust in the future.

You only need one tablespoon of butter to rub with a paper towel in the bottom of the utensil.

How to remove the corrosion of household resources

Get rid of the rust on the pan to help funds that have in any home. But it is worth remembering that the effect is long-term, to cleaning must be approached comprehensively, then you forget about removing rust stains permanently.

If the pot does not take care of properly, it will come into disrepair due to rust.

  • Soda. It is used as a cleaning paste. Pour 2-3 tablespoons on the surface, add a little warm water and rub the problem areas with a sponge - it will clean out the small manifestations of rust.

Removing soot soda restores the surface of the pan, if the rust has penetrated into deeper layers.

  • Salt. It is used in the complex cleaning. Pour 5-6 tablespoons in the pan on the stove and ignited 10-15 minutes, let cool slightly and add more warm salt water. It will be enough to clean the surface and a little wash.

Salt can help get rid of the rust on cast iron skillet.

  • A solution of vinegar. Dilute 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar in the water and pour the pan composition. Let stand for several hours, then rinse and dry.

In contact with acid, dark spots, it cleaves and translates them into a state of powder.

  • Coca Cola. Soda we all love, perfectly cleanse the pan from rusting. Pour the drink into a large pot, this will require 3-5 bottles, and bring to a boil. Lower to simmer in Coke pan and simmer for 30-40 minutes, let cool drink, without taking the pan. Next, you need only to wash and dry the product.

They contain phosphoric acid, which is used in many products and sanitary cleaners.

  • Pemolyuks. Cleanse manifestations rust, quite a bit of rubbing problem areas cleaner with a small amount of water. But it is desirable to use the complex to the rubbing with oil and roasting in the oven.

For this method the powder charge with the abrasive particles and the rigid metal sponge and forcefully clean the surface of the cookware.

  • Means for ovens. Good and quickly clean the rust, but the alkali in the composition will remove the protective layer from the product and it will have to be restored.

In the application, use protective means for hands.

  • Special chemicals. If simple folk remedies do not help, and the rust was gone deeply into the metal, without these funds are not enough. In the store you will find a large variety of such agents, which in its composition contains a strong acid or chlorine. Their application should take precautions: wear rubber gloves to apply means you need a brush that came in the kit, and try not to inhale the vapors evaporation.

After cleaning, the pan must be washed with large amounts of water used to wash dishes.

  • Fish oil or flaxseed oil. Used to restore the protective layer of the article together with roasting in the oven. Grate surface thick layer of fat or oil and place in the oven at an average temperature for an hour. After cooling, remove the excess with a soft cloth. When using fish oil fish odor may be present, the product must be rinsed with detergent to remove strong odors.

Fish oil is easily removes rust from cast-iron frying pan.

Preventive measures against rust and washing instructions

Prevention is always better for your pans than tedious cleaning and the long process of recovery nonstick protective layer.

Regularly need to take measures to restore the non-stick coating of cast iron pans.

Necessary measures to protect products from iron rust:

  • Regular use of pans prevents rust stains, oil which we prepare, continuously replenishes the natural protective layer.
  • After cooking you must immediately wash and dry the pan.
  • Keep the product, especially if it is not used for a long time in a dry place, pre-lubricated with oil.
  • When washing do not use metal brushes and means which contain abrasives for daily cleaning perfect baking soda, it does not violate the protective layer of the article.
  • Periodically, the product is calcined in the oven with butter, then you are not afraid of rust.
  • Delis not store in a pan, the oxidation process occurs in contact with the products that affect the integrity of the protective layer and the taste of food.

After each cooking to wash the dishes.

With regular preventive maintenance and proper use of the frying pan, it will serve you for a long time and will remain a legacy of grandchildren. And they will appreciate the quality and durability of cast iron products in the kitchen.

Cast iron cookware is in every house that lasts a long time, it is necessary to conduct timely prevention of the appearance of dark spots.

VIDEO: How to remove rust from cast-iron frying pan.