Many of us think that everything can be done quickly, especially not going into technical details and nuances. You can build a house, set in its furnace, fireplace or autonomous solid fuel boiler, live communication system of heating and air-conditioning. At first glance, but it is worth never forget the chimney. For a private dwelling house chimney is a mandatory attribute, like horse on the roof. As well equipped with chimneys for solid fuel boilers, which type is better chimneys, brick or metal, try to understand.
The main function of a chimney
As is known from School Course Physics and Chemistry combustion requires oxygen. The more oxygen, the more intensive combustion. Any source of open flame can easily be put out if the stop to it of air. It is appropriate to point out that due to the air flow, and there is a craving. If the balance of these two parameters, any fuel will burn evenly and for a long time.
If an ordinary fire generates heat and smoke from it easily spreads in the space in the house the situation looks quite different. As a result of combustion formed volatile compound (flue gases), and which are extended through the chimney. A good chimney - it is half the battle. From as set chimney, and what is the diameter of the chimney section of a coal-fired boiler depends on the efficiency and performance of the heating boiler technology.

Together with the smoke extract by outward volatilize volatile minute particle of soot, ash and soot. The chimney circular cross-section accumulation of soot on the walls of the minimum, in contrast to the rectangular chimneys.
On a note: If the chimney does not done correctly, the entire soot, soot and ash remain in the chimney, clogging it and reducing the size of the lumen.
Important! Chimney must be made of heat-resistant and refractory materials. Mounted chimney in strict compliance with the existing fire safety and maintenance of the boiler equipment regulations.
What is the attraction
The main condition for which it is necessary to be guided by assessing the work of the chimney in the house, is a state of traction. If traction is good, through the pipe quickly and easily remove the products of combustion, the fuel burns better, giving maximum heat. Thrust is the result of the temperature difference between inside and outside. Heat is known to move upwardly, respectively, the flue gases tend to find a way out. Link depends on the cross section of the chimney, chimney and a configuration structure itself. It is important to consider the number of twists, turns into the chimney, as well as the presence of air. On straight sections of the volatile combustion products are gaining speed, increasing the intensity and flow rate. The smaller tube into the twists and turns, the better. Smoke rises spirally and any change of direction reduces the transmission rate.
On a note: when calculating the chimney should consider the physical properties of the flue gases that are released when the solid fuel boilers. Low smoke also different. Y units working on coal, the flue gas temperature is 400-600 0FROM. Smoke in the boilers working on wood, it has a temperature of only 80-3000FROM. Accordingly, the thrust in each case different.
Quality of the thrust can be estimated during the operation of the solid unit on the following factors:
- chimney hum noise is present and, therefore, excessive thirst;
- if the flame red, pull a weak and inadequate;
- flue gases begin to flow from the furnace of the boiler into the room, so there is a reverse thrust.

If appropriate manipulation damper to eliminate these factors could not be, you need to pay attention to the construction of the chimney. The main aspect - the correspondence section of the outlet of the boiler with a cross section of the chimney. Further checks whether sufficient chimney height. Job traction affects the amount of fresh air entering the boiler, so you need to check ventilation in the house.
For reference: height of the chimney for solid fuel boilers checked anemometer before the start of the boiler equipment.
The design of the chimney. What materials are used for these purposes
To date, there are three types of chimneys used for domestic solid fuel boilers. These are the following constructions:
- metal hood;
- brick chimney;
- ceramic channel.
The first option - the metal tube is the easiest and cheapest way. It should be remembered that for this purpose only used heat-resistant steel capable of withstanding high temperatures (up to 8000FROM).

Brick chimney for solid fuel boilers is the most traditional. In the classical view, the chimney is always made of refractory bricks. However, this option has its technological complexities and nuances. For capital equipment brick hoods require significant reconstruction of residential buildings. Chimneys made of brick, for solid fuel boilers are usually equipped with smoke exhausts. With such an arrangement, the flue duct creates a rarefied zone air rush where hot combustion products.

Last, the third embodiment provides the installation of the ceramic tube, which is capable of withstanding temperatures up to 10000FROM. Typically, the ceramic exhaust duct equipped pyrolysis heaters, which reaches operating temperature similar values.
For reference: ceramic and brick construction have significant physical weight, so often need to strengthen the foundation of a building or creating a chimney of hotel grounds.
The design of the chimney may vary depending on the design features of the apartment house, the power of the heating device. Assembly and installation of extraction is carried out in the manner prescribed by the rules and regulations of fire safety. Find the optimal cross section and determine the height of the chimney can be guided technical documentation supplied by the manufacturer of boiler equipment. Mounting a chimney in your home, keep in mind:
- length of the horizontal portions should not exceed 1 m;
- Flue length should not be more than 5 meters
- chimney height should be no more than 1 meter from the edge of the roof.
Important! Flue construction must be adapted to drain condensate during brushing is convenient drawing soot and soot.
Mounting chimney
Installation pipes starts with assembling the individual elements into a single channel. All joints treated heat resistant sealant, to avoid leakage of flue gases from the main flue. you can equip the entire system both inside the building and outside.

If you have a different diameter channel than the outlet of the boiler, you can purchase an adapter. Follow the rules, which should take into account is that the single-walled, insulated chimneys mounted on a "pipe in pipe". All available tee mounted on the principle of "the smoke", and "Condensate" vertical channels.
The installation process can be divided into the following stages:
- Unified all elements are collected from the bottom up;
- for bonding the individual elements using clamps;
- All joints must be in accessible locations;
- placement on the wall is necessary to make sure that would not have arisen deflection of the main channel;
- prohibited proximity with other energy supply utilities;
- joint space should not be in a layer thickness of roofing cake;
- If there is a roof easily flammable materials, spark arrestor on the chimney is installed.
For the modernization of the existing extracts in the house, after the installation of a new heating equipment, use a special device - the fans. Exhaust fans for solid fuel boilers is a great option to significantly increase traction. When insufficiency of natural draft, induced draft fan through the desired effect is achieved.
Which chimney is better, steel or brick, you decide directly on the spot. It is important to take into account not only economic factors but also greater emphasis on the quality of work. According to the experts capital for residential buildings is the best solution brick exhaust ducts. For cottages and country homes can do steel chimney, which accordingly is easier to install and maintain.