At present, more and more owners of private houses and cottages are trying to achieve independence from the central power supply sources. If electricity this question is not relevant and problematic due to technical complexity, the heated apartment buildings the situation is much simpler. Gas heating system is popular among residents of the private sector, however, in those circumstances where there is no central gas heating, come to the fore for solid fuel boilers.
Heating devices of this type are now experiencing a rebirth. Familiar to us all stoves and fireplaces used in former times for the heating of residential buildings, today give way to high-tech boiler equipment.

The scheme of the boiler, solid fuel boiler unit in its current form allow us to understand not only principle of the heating devices of this type, but also to appreciate the possibility of such a huge technology. The principle of operation of solid fuel boilers in many ways is a key aspect, which today draws the attention of the consumer. For what would be the best possible use of independent heating system, you should understand two things:
- what elements and components includes a solid fuel boiler;
- What is a schematic diagram for coal-fired boiler.
See also: the principle of operation of the gas boiler.
Operation of solid fuel boilers. New opportunities
Unlike gas and electric heating, using solid fuel heating system of the house boiler requires owners great physical effort and the technical training. With significant technical and domestic constraints, solid fuel boilers have a huge advantage in comparison with gas heating devices, not to mention the electricity. Boiler on solid fuel is 80-90% energy-independent device. An adequate supply of fossil fuels, wood or pellets will allow you to not only the whole winter warm relaxed own house, but also to provide themselves with hot water.
Heating System, connected to the solid fuel boilerLittle depends neither on power outages. She is not afraid of swings with a working pressure in the gas line. The cost of fuel and the availability of free access to it, ensure the normal and stable operation of the entire heating equipment in the house. solid fuel boiler control allows to operate the units in all modes of operation, thus ensuring the safety and comfort of the inhabitants of the house.
Domestic producers, foreign companies, specializing in boiler equipment issue today offer consumers a new product. Solid boilers that are used for household and industrial purposes have a higher efficiency. Today this parameter reaches a value of 90%.

For reference: old solid fuel boilers in the traditional version has an efficiency of 70-80%. Low energy efficiency of heating old generation technique resulted in a significant consumption of fuel and to substantial heat losses.
Structural innovations and "know-how" in the field of practical application of various energy will greatly expand the operational capabilities of heating equipment. Huge power is one of the main advantages of solid fuel boilers. To considerably increase the profitability of modern models of solid fuel boilers. Significantly improved operational safety of the boiler equipment of this type.
Turbofan solid fuel boiler capable to provide heating of large and spacious rooms. In addition, almost all boiler models are designed to provide residential hot water facilities.
Design features of solid fuel boilers device
Traditional solid fuel boiler is, in our understanding, the heating unit is capable of operating on any solid fuel. The principle of operation of the boiler elementary. Incoming fuel in the combustion process in the combustion chamber produces large amount of thermal energy which heats the coolant. By a similar principle it was organized in the old furnace heating, but instead of a liquid coolant used hot air.

The essential disadvantage of the traditional model of solid fuel boiler is that the heat produced by the combustion of fuel, simply escapes to the atmosphere through the chimney. Consider the schematic diagram of a coal-fired boiler apparatus. Apparatus boiler - a structure assembled from various modules into a single steel case. The main structural elements of the heating equipment of this type are:
- a combustion chamber (furnace equipped door);
- a heat exchanger (steel or iron);
- sewer cleaner hatch;
- grate (lattice);
- thermostats;
- safety valve.

The illustrated conventional solid fuel boiler is equipped with a new generation of all necessary for the normal operation of devices, instruments and elements.
Combustion chamber - the processes occurring in it
One of the first elements, with which we meet in the first place, is a furnace of the boiler. That court laid coal, peat, briquettes or wood, and this is where the basic process - the burning of fuel. The whole process can be divided into three stages, predrying fuel oxidation and obtaining combustible gaseous substance which already performs the main function of heating by combustion.
In the combustion chamber fuel is loaded uniformly distributed on grates that are specifically set obliquely.
Located on the fuel grate dehumidified incandescent gases, after which begins the process of combustion itself forced air. At the conclusion obtained in the initial stage of combustion of the gaseous fuel mixture afterburned in the furnace at a temperature of 950-10000 FROM. At every stage it is necessary to ensure smooth air flow.
solid fuel residues, ashes and soot are accumulated in the ash chamber, from which removed manually.
For reference: It should be noted that on how densely loaded fuel combustion chamber and how the extractor depends on the efficiency of the boiler. When fully loaded combustor and normal air supply, the fuel must be combusted completely isolating the combustion process the maximum number of calories. The ratio of useful power supply to the boiler is a key point in the operation of coal-fired boiler.
The processes occurring in the combustion chamber is determined and the type of boiler equipment. Combustion can be carried out in a conventional manner, due to pyrolysis or long, downward. In each case, a certain thermal effect is achieved, which determines the scope of the coal-fired boiler, how organized house heating.
Heat exchanger - its function
The next most important structural element solid fuel boilers - heat exchanger. The device is a cast iron or steel construction, in which thermal energy is transferred from the combustion products to the coolant. In a conventional heat exchanger is produced by a barrel through which the boiler tubes weldless. The heated gases passing through the pipes, is heated boiler water circulating inside the heat exchanger.

Important! The intensity of the passing gases is governed by the position of fire tubes exhauster. The intensity of the circulating water in the heat exchanger depends on the operation of the pumping station. Heat is required to have a thick layer of insulation, which protects the main body of the boiler from overheating.
The water intake occurs through a heat exchanger inlet manifold, while the output of heated coolant vice versa, via the exhaust manifold. Each of the headers are of coolant temperature sensors. Domestic heating in the home solid fuel boiler, the scheme connection which is not much different from the traditional and conventional treatments, may have some structural differences in each situation.
Steel heat exchangers unlike iron products, are more prone to corrosion at the same time successfully cope with before temperatures. The cost of such devices is much less in comparison with cast iron heat exchangers. The latter have a high heat capacity, less prone to corrosion.
Design variations systems
If not treated conventionally used furnace heating, currently existing types of solid fuel boilers is not so much. The main difference between the existing models of boilers is fuel supply method. Cheap units are designed for manual feeding of fuel. The expensive models use an automatic fuel supply to the combustion chamber for solid fuel boiler.

Fuel supply method and basically determines the action principle of the boiler. Coal, briquettes or wood are loaded into the furnace and ignited. Heated to the desired temperature of the water in the coolant flow through the pipes, otaplivaya accommodations.
On a note: however, there is one but! Fuel burns quickly and you have to engage again the boiler fuel loading of raw materials. The time which is limited to 2-8 hours is necessary for complete combustion of fuel, depending on the model of the boiler and its capacity. In addition, it is necessary to remove from passing podtopochnoy ash chamber, the remnants of unburned fuel. For normal operation of the boiler is constantly required to throw up in the furnace more and more fuel portion.
Automatic fuel supply solved the problem with the work of solid fuel boilers in half. It required a fundamental solution. For heating with solid fuel boiler the best way out of this situation was the possibility the use of thermal generators, which are also called solid fuel boilers long burning.
In practice, this type of heating equipment can be divided into two types:
- Pyrolysis boilers;
- upper combustion boilers for solid fuel.
A method for loading in the equipment of these types has remained essentially the same, only become longer time and more time-consuming. As compensation, the effort, while the boiler creates the maximum possible thermal effect. Despite the difficulty and complexity of the load in these models is almost complete combustion of the fuel, which significantly reduces the number of downloads and fuel consumption.
Pyrolysis boilers work process is as follows. In the absence of oxygen slows down the combustion process in the chamber. Fuel burn completely, and the resulting decay, coke oven gas is a secondary fuel. enriched gaseous oxygen in a combustion process allocates extra calories of heat. There is a high efficiency, cost-effectiveness and efficiency of the equipment in operation.

In recent years, it has been extended heating of residential buildings of the upper solid-burning boilers. In principle, the scheme of work looks a little different than traditional models. Here, the flame propagates from above, not from below, as we are usually accustomed to seeing. Combustion of fuel occurs gradually downward. At the time when the upper layer is exposed to intense burning fuel, the lower layers remain intact. As each layer of fuel combustion, the air together with combustible gases is lowered. This process can be very long, in some models of combustion time one tab may be 8-12 hours.
On a note: some models of solid top-burning boilers in the maintenance operation can produce heat from one load during the day and more.
Other important design elements - their role in the work of the entire heating system
Driving any solid fuel boiler is not conceivable without the traction control. This device provides a mechanical action on the damper in the chimney during the enabling or disabling of the unit. Show job traction control It can be a simple pattern.

Thanks to the work of this device is carried out automatically adjusts the air supply to the combustion chamber, heating the coolant temperature.
For reference: Installing the regulator is performed at the first start of the boiler, by setting the position in accordance with specified parameters. In a semi-closed position at a temperature of 650Since, in the open valve position controller corresponds to the maximum temperature of 900 FROM.
Many units, especially high-power, installed with buffering capacityWhich is required when a solid-tying art with gas boilers in a single system. Such a device is an expansion tank, where the coolant is supplied. Buffering capacity, in this case performs two functions gidrorazdelitelya and the heat accumulator. As a result of cooling after turning off the boiler, water from the heat accumulator diverges heating radiators, maintaining the required temperature. Rapid cooling of solid fuel boilers is almost impossible, due to the fact that the buffer capacity of the battery plays the role of heat.
Together with the buffer capacity boilers are equipped with a thermostatic valve. The device is used to protect the system from overheating. Cooling circuit equipped with a thermostatic valve will provide cold water flow into the coolant at the first signals overheating.
Firing in solid fuel fired boilers modern models different gas burners are used. Such devices typically operate on liquefied gas, which is stored in a special tank. Ignition of the fuel in the combustion chamber by the use of gas burners occurs in seconds. The operation and maintenance of such burners are simple and reliable.
Having familiarized with the device and circuit solid fuel boiler to learn the principle of the action of certain types of boiler Equipment for solid fuel, we can safely proceed to the creation of their own home autonomous system heating. Choosing boiler particular complexity is not. The main burden and challenges that will be faced in the future - it is the very equipment installation, connection and start-up preparation.
Competent and qualified approach at each stage will allow you to achieve the desired result.