You decide to have fish, and relax looking at them? Then you first need a good aquarium, Unless you decide to keep them in the usual 3-liter jar. Now almost any pet store you can buy ready-made standard container for containing fish, but because if the upper limbs grow where necessary, to make the aquarium glass with their hands in the cellar. Below, we provide all the details of the manufacture of tanks and equipment as factory production and home-made designs.

Read article
- 1 Making the aquarium glass with their hands
- 1.1 Homemade aquarium. The glue?
- 1.2 How to make your own hands cover for aquariums
- 1.3 aquarium cabinet
- 1.4 Filters for aquarium with their own hands
- 1.5 Is it possible to make compressors for aquariums with their hands?
- 1.6 Make siphons aquarium with their own hands or buy a factory?
- 1.7 The need for CO2 generator aquarium
- 2 We decorate the aquarium
- 2.1 Create your own hands grounds for aquariums
- 2.2 Decorative snag for the aquarium with their own hands
- 2.3 homemade grotto
- 2.4 Properly illuminate the aquarium
- 3 How to make an aquarium with their own hands: step by step guide
- 4 Useful "bells and whistles"
- 4.1 UV sterilizer
- 4.2 Auto Feeders
- 4.3 What is the SAMP and its necessity
- 4.4 Atomizer and aerator
- 4.5 Airlift
- 4.6 Trap for snails in the aquarium with their own hands
- 4.7 refrigerator must for aquarium
- 4.8 aquarium heater
- 4.9 Nutritional support for aquarium
- 4.10 What is a skimmer
- 4.11 Waterfall of Sand
- 5 Do it yourself or you can buy inexpensive aquarium in the online store
- 6 conclusion
Making the aquarium glass with their hands
Production of the aquarium with their own hands can solve several problems at once. First - it is a tangible savings, because to get the finished product, the larger the amount of fun is not cheap, and secondly, you get exactly what you need. To create a good aquarium requires at least a minimum set of knowledge about its structure, aeration, light and much of what we cover in this article.
First let's deal with the materials for the house of your fish. First you need to decide - what to choose for the aquarium designs: acrylic or glass. Of course, the first material much easier and colors it richer, moreover, it is well bent, allowing you to create a wide variety of container shapes. In addition, hand made, aquariums made of plexiglass, more resistant to mechanical stress than their glass counterparts.

However, high-quality glass with characteristics significantly superior to these alternatives. This material is for many years keeps good light transmission. In addition, the glass can be cleaned with conventional detergents.
Also the biggest advantage of glass is its chemical neutrality. Such material does not affect the composition of the liquid, which allows you to create aquarium inhabitants most favorable environment. Glass is also not exposed to UV light, high temperatures of heating elements and other external factors.
Homemade aquarium. The glue?
Having defined the basic material should proceed to the choice of adhesive. On the question of what to glue tank for the fish most aquarists respond confidently - of course, a silicone adhesive. However, the most important thing - is to make sure that the selected sealant:
- to 100% consists of silicone;
- It can be used for gluing aquarium.
Important! Do not choose the special antifungal adhesives, since they have a devastating impact on living organisms.

When choosing a sealer, also need to pay attention to its color. Adhesive for the aquarium can be black and white, and colorless. It should be borne in mind that:
- Black looks good sealant in aquariums volume of 100 liters, so as better highlighted the structure boundaries;
- working with white glue, should be attached to design space;
- colorless adhesive is well suited for beginners because it is versatile and helps to hide some flaws gluing.
As with his hands glued aquariums, a video will explain in more detail
How to make your own hands cover for aquariums
Members often do not attach importance to such aquarium element as a lid. It would seem that all the action takes place in an aqueous environment, and life-support equipment for organisms living in the aquarium, located in the lower part. However, this is not true, because the lid can:
- prevent the ingress of foreign objects into the water and dust;
- create an optimal lighting system;
- provide a stable exchange of substances between the water surface and the air layer above it.

As a general rule, cover sold with an aquarium, but they do not always meet all the requirements. In addition, some hobbyists prefer to design your own glass containers for fish. Since the tanks can be circular, semi-circular, rectangular or any other shape, the cover has to be ordered in a specialized workshop or make your own.
To make their own hands the cover of the aquarium is a snap, especially if there's skillful hands, tools, materials, and, of course, the desire.
aquarium cabinet
Placement of the aquarium can be a separate article, but now. Some inserted into huge containers into the wall, the other is mounted in the cabinet, but the most common version of the installation - an installation design for a special curbstoneThat allows you to fit it in almost any interior. You can purchase a stand in a store, but the hand made stone under the aquarium more interesting and functional.

For the manufacture of aquarium supplies necessary to use materials that are well tolerated by the load. Cabinet can be made of natural wood, chipboard or MDF board. Such materials are not only well tolerated by the load, but have a regular structure.
Creating cabinet should enhance well reinforce the rear wall and in upholstery cover metal corners to eliminate the sagging upper panel under the influence of gravity. If you plan to install an aquarium with 200 liters or more, you'll have to make a metal frame, which regards the entire burden on himself. And do not think that the practicality and reliability of incompatible with the beauty and convenience. Cabinet needs to be done so that it is harmoniously blended into the interior.

Factory, as well as hand made stand for aquariums consist of the following main elements:
- Back wall. For it is necessary to take a solid material having a thickness of 22 mm. (can MDF or chipboard), as it is this baffle sidewalls provides stability and allows the table top to sag under the weight of the tank.
- Frame. If it is not made of metal, it is necessary that between the side walls and internal partitions distance was about 250 mm. This will make the design more robust and create additional protection from countertops slack.
- Worktop. It is one of the most important design elements. stone cover should have a solid and smooth surface which is resistant to moisture.
- Door. Aquarium give a finished appearance and a support may be made of glass or the same material as that of the whole cabinet.
- Legs. Their design must be such as to ensure maximum stability of the stand. It is possible to use stainless steel legs or thick aluminum.
Filters for aquarium with their own hands
Aquarium filter - one of the most important pieces of equipment needed for high-quality cleaning in an artificial pond for ornamental fish. Nesedenny feed the waste products of fish and dead plants gradually accumulate, thereby contaminating the water in the tank and increasing the ammonia level. If you do not take action, then this will lead to disease and death of fish. To avoid this, and need quality water purificationWhich will provide a good filter.

There are many types of filters for the aquarium, but will list the most basic:
- interior - the easiest option and copes with its purpose (for its class) and, moreover, it is easy to make your own from scrap materials;
- mounted - also easy to make at home, but the time it will take longer than the previous version;
- external filters - a multi-sectional model, where each compartment is responsible for its own type of filtering. Suitable for large containers. External filter for the aquarium with their own hands to do more complex than the previous two;
- ground - the least popular option and is not suitable for beginners.

Among all the variety of filters should mention another interesting view of the device - fitofiltr. This capacity to live plantsMade outside the tank and through the roots of which there is a filtration of the aquarium water. Purification of water in hand made fitofiltre Aquarium, takes place in two stages:
- Bacterial. With the ability to release oxygen root system of plants is an excellent environment for development of nitrifying bacteria, which carry out the oxidation of ammonia and nitrite to a level of safe nitrates.
- Plants in need of macronutrients, taken from the aquarium water phosphates and nitrates, which some species of fish are transported is not very good.
As a result, the output of this filter is obtained water almost totally free of phosphorus and nitrogen compounds.
Qualitative filter for the aquarium can not only maintain the good flora in artificial reservoirBut also removes debris from the water and contaminants. Price filters for aquariums can be quite high - it depends on the model and the manufacturer, and therefore the newcomer is best to consult with professionals.
Is it possible to make compressors for aquariums with their hands?
Aquarium compressor - a device carrying aeration of the water, saturating it with oxygen. This device is necessary for creating normal conditions ornamental fish as aquarium is a closed reservoir and it may be a shortage of oxygen.

Since the tanks are usually located in a recreation area, it is advisable to choose a silent device, as it almost always works. But, as if the producers did not try to make such devices are completely silent as to achieve this failed and noise, especially at night, is still palpable. Some aquarists specially installed compressors in homemade boxes to reduce the noise level of soundproofedThat is a pretty good option.
Another drawback of the compressor, in addition to the noise, it is the functioning of the appliance. Since water and electricity in principle incompatible, but the installation and operation made with his hands aquarium compressor, and the factory too, must comply with the maximum caution.

Buying a compressor for an aquarium is desirable to select the device continuously adjustable air supply in order that it can easily be configured to a different number of nozzles and filters. The power unit is calculated based 0.5 liters / h per 1 liter. water.
If there are a large number of different aquarium plants, The daytime use of the compressor is not necessary. Inclusion, factory or your own custom pumps for aquariums, it is necessary mostly in the evening and at night, when plants stop producing oxygen and begin to actively consumption on a par with fish.
Tip! So that when the compressor is off due to the reverse thrust effect of water is poured back into the device, you need at the tube going to the gun to install a check valve.
Make siphons aquarium with their own hands or buy a factory?
In the process of life of all the inhabitants of your aquarium ground, located at the bottom of the container gradually becomes soiled. Do not pay attention to it can not, because then such contamination can lead to high concentrations of ammonia and nitrite, which will be one of the causes of the fish deaths. To avoid such a scenario, you need to periodically engage in ground clearance using a device called a siphon, which is basically a conventional pump.

Operating principle siphon Aquarium is quite simple - one end of the tube should be lowered to the ground, and the other is located outside the vessel above the net capacitance appropriately sized so that it is below the level bottom. Next, you need to create a vacuum in the tube, in the same way as motorists pumped through a hose from a gasoline tank. Water goes through the tube by gravity into the prepared tank and after it settles pour it back into the aquarium.
Before you make a siphon to the aquarium with their own hands or buy ready-made, be aware that the main element in it is a flexible hose or a plastic tube. For tanks with a capacity of about 100 liters need hose of 10 mm diameter. - no more, since sifonke can not see as much of the water must flow before you run out of soil cleaning process.
Necessity generator CO2 for aquarium
Every aquarist seriously engaged in breeding fish, sooner or later faces the container supply issue for the wards of carbon dioxide, or CO2. What is the role played by the gas in the normal life of inhabitants of the aquarium?

All the plants that are used in the aquariums need to recharge or carbon dioxide dissolved in water. In nature, plants receive it from the reservoirs, which are grown and as the amount of water in them is very large, then the concentration of CO2 enough can not be said about aquariums.
To provide carbon dioxide aquatic plants experienced hobbyists recommend using generator CO2 in aquariums, with their own hands to do it will not be difficult. This is a fairly simple device that does not require electricity and totally silent, because it works only due to chemical reactions. The principle of operation of the generator of carbon dioxide is the decomposition of H2O2 (Hydrogen peroxide) to H2O (water) and O2 (Active oxygen) under the influence of the catalyst. In rabbits protrude catalyst metals which are taking part in the oxidation of active oxygen releasing excess oxygen in the water.
Made by hand oksidator aquarium, it - the generator CO2, Cost is quite cheap, because as the main components for the gas used sugar and shivering, which is prepared from Braga. However, the disadvantage of homemade generator is that it is necessary to change Braga at least 1 time every 14 days, because by this time the gas is almost completely out of steam.
We decorate the aquarium
Every aquarist wants to be a microcosm of the water was beautiful and unique, and for this endeavor to decorate the aquarium decorations and a variety of backgrounds. Something bought at a pet store, but something made their own from scrap materials.

The first thing fans of fish, try to do for your aquarium beautiful background. Basically selected image rocky bottom, imitation coral reef or plant overgrowth. In combination with the correct backlit this aquarium is bound to attract the attention of lovers of nautical theme. In addition, hand made backgrounds for aquariums look very impressive.
On the back wall can be applied film-selfadhesive with thematic prints. Before pasting the glass should be well degreased, sprinkle water from a spray bottle and apply the film gently and evenly, leveling it using a plastic spatula or even a ruler. If a film is still formed air bubbles to gently pierce their thin needle puncture site and smooth.
You can also make a custom background is using a conventional foam. One side of the material is calcined to form small bubbles and after it cools down and solidifies apply a thin layer of grout. The result is a bad imitation of the underwater rocky reef. The resulting decoration attached to the rear wall of the aquarium by means of adhesive tape. Watch hand made decorations for aquariums, it is quite beautiful and natural.
Create your own hands grounds for aquariums
Aquarium soil is an important element of a small water world, which is created by the present fans of the business. The ground contain beneficial bacteria that play a huge role in the ecosystem of the aquarium, as they digested waste products inhabitants of this closed water system and decompose toxic substances.

You can buy a soil in a specialty store or easy to find in nature, for example:
- river sand It can be extracted with a sieve in the local waters. A long process, but it's worth it.
- sand fines well suited for plants, but obscures the water of life and the inhabitants of the aquarium stores products that are harmful to them.
- fine gravel usually collected on roadsides and in parks. Do not take material near large highways, so it is very dirty.
- Aquarium is an ideal breeding ground a major river sandIn which add fertilizer for good plant growth.
- red and gravel generally used for decorative purposes.
By their own hands nutritious soil for the aquarium to be installed in three layers:
- Clay or laterite.
- Clay and peat.
- Gravel, sand or pebbles.
Nourishing the soil fit only where the alleged landing of plants, changing the water and gravel should be washed and prosifonit its surface. It is also necessary to add, in the aquarium made by hand, potassium for plant nourishment.
Before placing the soil in an aquarium require rinse well under running water without using detergents and chemicals. Thereafter recommended soil boil for 1 hour disinfection purposes.
Decorative snag for the aquarium with their own hands
Often decorating experienced aquarists use a variety of snags and tree roots. Before setting up his own hands a snag in the aquarium does not need to be well cleaned. It is also necessary to consider that can not be used for decorating conifers because of their gummosity. Some hardwood can release tannins that color the water and make it soft, so you have to be careful with them, because not all the fish they are transferred.

Finding dry root, and before making their own hands snag for the aquarium, you need to boil the wood in salted water for 6-13 hours. After, you need to push the tree in boiled water for several days. During the infusion need to change the water daily. The swollen snag can cut the likeness of the grotto, which will hide your fish.
homemade grotto
Harmonious look in the aquarium the individual pieces of rocks and structures of them. However, you need to carefully choose stones for decoration, as some of them can release alkali that can harm the fish. To check the rocks on the alkali content of the need to take an ordinary household vinegar and drip on the stone surface. If you see a hiss and foam, it means the presence of an alkaline reaction and to create a grotto for aquariums with their hands such material is better not to use.

Before placing in the aquarium pebbles, stones or pieces of scenery from the rock they must be boiled in water for 10 minutes (for some breeds need more time). It is also necessary to make sure that the edge of the stones were smooth and not sharp.
Properly illuminate the aquarium
Aquarium can be not only home to the decorative and exotic fish, but also unique and beautiful interior element. Even better and spectacular glass pond for fish looks with good lighting, especially in the evening and at night. However, simply install their own hands lamps for aquariums is not enough, we must also calculate the power correctly lamps and their number.

It should say at once that there is no single parameter, because you need to take into account such factors as the type of aquarium fish species, plants and much more.
Making lighting for aquariums with their own hands, consider the data in the table below.
Power (W / 1 liter water) | Conditions |
0,1-0,3 | Aquarium without vegetation |
0,2-0,4 | For shade-fish and plants |
0,4-0,5 | With a limited number of plants |
0,5-0,8 | The optimal lighting for fish and plants |
0,8-1 | Aquarium with plants planted firmly |

To make an aquarium still Bole impressive and unusual is to install underwater lighting. It is easy to implement with the help of LED backlight. Once established, the lighting for the aquarium with their own hands, you eliminate the lack of light in the vicinity of the bottom, this is especially true if the main lights were not enough. Besides, it looks wonderful.
How to make an aquarium with their own hands: step by step guide
Deciding to breed fish of course, without the aquarium can not do. Someone is buying in a store, and some prefer to make an artificial pond for their pets on their own. But for these craftsmen and give step by step instructions for the production of the aquarium with their own hands.
The first step is to determine the future shape and size of the aquarium for the novice amateur ornamental fish. After that, prepare all the materials and tools.
Choosing a glass aquarium should pay attention to the variety. The most suitable glass are labeled M-1 - M-8. To create artificially the reservoir must be chosen with the marking material is not less than M-3. It is not necessary to use the old panes of glass, which gathered dust for several years on the balcony or in basement.
To choose the right glass thickness must first determine the dimensions of the future aquarium. The table below will facilitate this task.

Lacking skills steklorezchika better to entrust this delicate cutting material specialists. The more so because, as a rule, cutting services are included in the cost of the glass. If the shop does not make the processing of glass edges, it's not a problem, because it can be done at home by yourself.
Thus, the glass has been cut and even. Now you need to decide with what glue to use for the tank assembly. It is best to buy a 100% silicone sealant, but make sure it is not an antifungal because it is bad for the health of the fish. By color can not bother, but the newcomer is best to choose the colorless glue.
To build the aquarium will need:
- abrasive stone;
- masking tape;
- means for degreasing;
- scraper blade;
- gun sealant;
- sealant.
Important! Sidewall to do shorter width of the bottom 2 on the glass thickness.
Stage | Description stage |
![]() | Arrange on a place of assembly the cut, processed and low-fat pieces of glass. |
![]() | Along the perimeter of the glass on both sides stick masking tape on the bottom and two sidewalls to indent from the edge of the material thickness. |
![]() | Here is the bottom after gluing masking tape before assembly. |
![]() | Carefully apply the sealant. |
![]() | Install the first wall. |
![]() | Put a second wall forming an angle. In the same way we set all sidewall. correction can be performed, if necessary, until the sealant is not "grabbed". |
![]() | Scraper to remove excess glue. |
![]() | After some time, remove the masking tape and inspect the joints. |
![]() | We give the aquarium to stand up to 4 days. |
![]() | Fill tank with water to test the strength and leaks. |
After self-assembly, repair aquarium with their own hands, it will seem like child's play.
Useful "bells and whistles"
In addition to the required set of equipment for the care of fish and plants, every aquarist continuously strives to add any new and useful "chips" for your home water world.
UV sterilizer
The presence in the aquarium ultraviolet sterilizer can solve a lot of problems, and first of all to deal with the spread of diseases and algae bloom. But keep in mind that UV It penetrates into the thickness of sea water to a depth of 8 mm, and fresh -. 12 mm. Therefore, the sterilizer must meet these conditions.

Since the factory devices are quite expensive, many hobbyists prefer to UV sterilizers for aquarium with their own hands. Especially because for this thing is needed germicidal lamp, a piece of silicone tubing and quartz tube.
Auto Feeders
This convenient device like automatic feeders just need those who are too busy at work, he wants to ensure the accuracy of the mode of feeding fish, forced to absent himself on a few days on business, etc. It would seem to be easy to go to the store and buy - the benefit is now a lot of these devices, and a wide variety of designs and of any manufacturers. But you can make automatic feeders for aquariums with their hands, and on the savings to buy something else.

There are several types of automatic feeders:
- fully automated;
- screw;
- disc;
- drum.
The principle of operation, for example, a drum automatic feeders is to feed food portions in pre-programmed intervals. Strictly metered portion of feed is supplied through a special opening in the water, after which the drum rotates an empty compartment is filled and from a common chamber.
Despite the diversity of species, all automatic feeders have the same master node - an electronic control unit. Power for the device may serve as the grid, and conventional batteries.
What is the SAMP and its necessity
The aquarium SAMP - it communicates with the artificial reservoir storage capacity with multiple purification steps. The liquid from the main tank is supplied into the SAMP, and is cleaned by pump is fed back into the aquarium. This water circulation allows for quite a long time to maintain favorable conditions in the artificial pond for fish.

Factory or made by hand SAMP aquarium usually has five sections:
- located in the first jaw of different density, which are responsible for the mechanical cleaning of the liquid;
- second and third filled with a porous material, wherein a month formed nitrifying bacteria cleaning water;
- the fourth is intended for the water heater;
- aerator located in the fifth and the pump supplying the liquid back into the container.
In small aquariums SAMP can and inappropriate, but in containers of more than 300 liters it is simply necessary for the integrated treatment of large volumes of water.
Atomizer and aerator
All aquatic organisms breathe air dissolved in the water and aeration pond for fish home is vital for their health and a long life. Also need additional saturation of water with air and the aquarium overcrowding overfeeding or dry blends. Uneaten fish food settles to the bottom and causes putrefactive processes which lead to occurrence of odor and turbidity, which could lead to the death of the inhabitants artificial reservoir. To correct the situation and help the factory or hand made sprayers for aquarium.

Oxygen is supplied from the device into the water through a nozzle, which is sold in any specialized shop. Also on the nozzle aerators for aquaria with their hands in the cellar. To do this, take a rubber tube of 10 mm diameter and 100 mm in length and to pierce it in a large number of small holes. One end of the muffle tube homemade stopper and the second compressor to connect with a hose. The effect of such "artisanal" nozzle will not be worse than that of the factory.
Maybe for beginners airlift and unfamiliar word, but experienced aquarists are well aware that the so-called special pump for lifting water from a depth of a predetermined height by means of compressed air.

Principle airlift Aquarium is created in the following with their hands:
- in the lower part of the hose located in the water under a certain pressure air is supplied;
- due to the pressure created by the aqueous emulsion, which rises due to the difference in the mass of water in the hose and the pressure in the tube;
- the lighter the obtained emulsion, the more air bubbles in the water.
Trap for snails in the aquarium with their own hands
Aquatic snails are beautiful and useful, because they help to maintain cleanliness in the tank due to their omnivorous. However, due to the high fertility of these molluscs eventually it becomes quite a lot, and sooner or later the question arises how to get rid of them without disturbing the biological balance of water microcosm. Some resort chemistry or purchase of predators, but there are more humane ways, for example, to do with their hands in the aquarium snail trap.

The easiest way to catch snails - is to take a scalded with boiling water cabbage leaf, and putting on a saucer lower bottom of the aquarium at night. In the morning he will be littered with all the snails, which and remove. If you repeat this procedure, the population of these shellfish can be significantly reduced.
On a note! Caviar snails and juveniles can be easily put in the aquarium with plants. Therefore, getting the algae at a pet store or another aquarist, expose them to the quarantine.
refrigerator must for aquarium
heat problem in the summer of concern to many aquarists and everyone is trying to solve it in their own way. With overheating the aquarium often facing owners of small vessels, whose powerful lighting lamps embedded in the cover. If you have certainly not tropical fish, the water overheating problem must be addressed and urgently.

You can certainly buy in a store factory cooling system, the benefit is now no shortage of them, but here the price sometimes just shocking. And there is another solution - to make the fridge for an aquarium with their own hands, especially on "walks" spaces of the Internet a lot of variety of schemes. The simplest of these is used to cool conventional computer coolers embedded in the cover
aquarium heater
Because our climate is characterized by sudden temperature changes, then those who hold the ornamental fish need to be concerned about the presence of a heater or a thermostat for the aquarium. This device is necessary because:
- winter, the water temperature can be kept low for the maintenance of decorative, especially tropical fish;
- the difference between night and day of water temperature may be tangible, such as a fish is transferred swings no better;
- the room temperature comfortable for humans is much lower than the one that requires the aquarium residents.

Most owners are worried that the hand made heaters for aquariums can overheat the water in the tank. However, this does not happen, if the device is equipped with a special thermostat.
Nutritional support for aquarium
Aquarium plants need to get nutrients like water, and with the soil in which they grow. But it happens that the soil does not contain enough of them, and then there is the problem of how to provide additional forage root system. It comes to the aid nutrient substrate, which is placed under the main soil with a thin layer. If you do not, then all the nutrients just rinsed out and dissolved in water.

Different manufacturers offer nutritional compositions, very different from each other. Primers based on iron rich laterite, clay - potassium, peat - nitrogen and phosphorus. All this should be taken into account in settling their aquarium.
Designed for the aquarium with their own hands nutritious substrate not only help grow the plants, but also improve the quality of water, which is very important for fish.
What is a skimmer
Skimmer in translation from English means "skimmer", but in reality - skimmer, or florator Pennick. In fact, this device is an important element of the water filtration system for saltwater aquariums.

The device is a cylinder filled with water, the bottom of which there is a bubble generator. The air rising to the surface brings with minute particles of organic compounds and pushes them in a separate section, which is called Skimmer.
The sale represented a large number of a wide variety of models, but you can make the skimmer for aquariums with their hands.
Waterfall of Sand
In an effort to make your aquarium unique akvaskeypery use the most unexpected design techniques underwater microcosm. One of these techniques - installation of a miniature waterfall. Yes, you heard right, it - a waterfall, but not quite normal. Instead of water with a miniature rock sand flowing streams, so, probably, it would be correct to speak about peskopade.

The principle of operation is as follows. An air compressor generates a vacuum atmosphere in the tube into which the container of the sand feed occurs. A grain of sand to reach the outlet flow down, creating the illusion of a waterfall or "peskopada", as you wish.
In specialty stores, you can buy a ready-made structure in the form of a rocky waterfall, towers, ruined castles, etc., but much more interesting to do peskopady in aquariums with their hands. Important to ensure that a process was self-made apparatus continuously, and the tube is not clogged with sand.
Do it yourself or you can buy inexpensive aquarium in the online store
Many hobbyists prefer to make their own artificial ponds, and someone not to "bother", just buy at the pet store, be it conventional or online store. The cost of aquariums depends largely on the size and manufacturer, but as you will see from the table, the price of 100 liter aquarium is quite acceptable, in contrast to foreign models.
Model | Photo | L. | The average cost, rubles. |
Hagen Fluval Edge LED | ![]() | 46 | 20 900 |
Aquael Pearl High 60, an arc (60h30h50sm) | ![]() | 75 | 9 900 |
Juwel Vision 260, black (121h46h64sm) | ![]() | 260 | 40 000 |
TETRA AquaArt Discover Line, (39.5h28h33sm) | ![]() | 20 | 5 900 |
floppy ru | ![]() | 100 | 5 600 |
Tetra Aqua Art Discover Line | ![]() | 60 | 8 700 |
We looked at how you can make the aquarium glass with their hands, and what equipment is necessary for its maintenance and care of fish and plants. Many people prefer to buy everything in a special shop, while others prefer to do it all yourself, and thus save a good idea. But no matter, factory equipment and aquarium or are self-made, as long as it worked, it looked aesthetically pleasing and benefit your fish, and the rest is a matter of taste.