Installation in a building coal-fired boiler - the task is both simple and clear, but upon close examination, associated with numerous technical and technological difficulties. Today, many citizens seek to equip your home heating appliances using solid fuel. This is due to the good performance of the heating equipment of this type, no need to get permission for the installation of solid-fuel heater. Not the least role in the choice of heating technology plays a fuel cost of the resource and its relative affordability.
However, select the boiler and establish him in the house - this is not enough. For normal operation of auxiliary heating systems require additional installation of various devices, and attachments mechanisms. Most of these devices ensure the normal operation of the entire heating sector and its safety. Buffer tank or heat accumulator, for solid fuel boiler just refers to the category of such devices, without which none of the heating unit will not be able to fully operate. What is the buffer capacity, we shall understand in detail?

buffering capacity in place autonomous heating system
Not all of us are able to comprehend and imagine how should look like in the optimal variant domestic heating, and how to work one or the other mechanism. Heating devices are only heat source via which the heating of the heat medium already diverging heating circuit. For what would the whole process was the most effective and at the same time, the safety of operation of the heating unit has been provided, the harness must be included in the buffer tank.
Without this device your solid fuel boiler (any heating apparatus) will be bomb, which at the slightest failure in the system can deliver a lot of trouble and trouble.
To answer the question why the house need to install such a large-sized unit will analyze the operating principle of the solid fuel boiler.
On a note: Installation of solid aggregates, boiler operation without a buffer tank in the US, many European countries banned.
In fact, the name of the device, explains its purpose. Its main task is to play the role of a buffer between the working boiler and heating system. Buffer problem consists in reducing or increasing the heat capacity of the coolant circulating in the heating circuit. Due to its volume, the capacity is able to influence the degree of the temperature regime of the boiler water heating.

From the point of view of mechanics, the container is a conventional thermos, i.e. metallic vascular integrity, insulated externally with insulating material. By location, this device is inextricably linked with the heating device. Set the drive in the immediate vicinity of the boiler. Why this bulky unit to the heating system? Mark explains the mode of operation of the heating apparatus and the features of their design.
The principle of operation of the device
Each heater has its own special operating principle. Some boilers differ uniform mode of operation (gas and electrical heating equipment), while others are unstable process. The heating rate depends on the method of supplying a fuel and presence of the devices controlling the combustion process. With devices powered by natural gas or electricity, everything is simple and clear. To regulate the heat medium heating temperature sufficient to reduce or stop the gas supply to shut off power. Constant power supply ensures uninterrupted operation of the boiler equipment. Day and night, the boiler operates automatically, self-regulating heating the coolant temperature.
Solid fuel boilers - machines with high inertia. Mortgaged to the furnace fuel is lit constantly, and quickly stop the process is physically impossible. Obtained in the process of combustion thermal energy should not be wasted. Excess heat is accumulated together with the coolant in a special container, which acts as a heat accumulator.
Likewise is the situation with a decrease in the intensity of the boiler. During the combustion of the fuel mass, the boiler rapidly loses its efficiency, boiler water in the heating circuit begins to cool rapidly. Without regular quantity of fuel there is a risk reduction in temperature in the heated rooms. Exit course there is. New bookmark wood or coal will solve the problem. Another question is how often you will be able to engage in such a procedure, especially if the furnace was empty at night.
Solid fuel boiler connected to a buffer tank - facility capable for you to solve the problem of heating dwellings. Setting the buffer tank frees you from the hard work and frequent loading heater combustion chamber the next amount of wood.
On a note: estimated correctly calculated heat accumulator (buffer capacity) significantly reduces the number of downloads furnace fuel material. The average number of downloads is reduced, depending on the model and type of the boiler 2 times. There is a real saving of your personal time and fuel resources (30-50%).
Understand the principle of the buffer tank can be on the example of the car battery. While in a car engine is turned on, it runs parallel to the generator of electric current. the electricity produced by the generator is stored in the battery. When stopping the main motor, the battery sends back to the road systems necessary energy.
Similarly works and buffer capacity. There is heat, heat accumulator accumulates it, as soon as the heating plant stops producing heat from the storage tank hot water is consumed for heating of all heating systems.
What else use a buffer tank. Main advantages
In addition to its direct purpose, hot water tank performs a variety of other, equally useful functions. Heating units, for solid fuels, tend to have high combustion stage. This point ignition, deflagration, and therefore the attenuation process. In a second stage, during active combustion boiler generates the maximum amount of heat energy more than necessary for heating. The initial and final stage, when the fuel begins to burn only or ends, heaters are far from their nominal capacity.
Such a mode of operation of solid devices without additional equipment normally causes a number of inconveniences. The fact that there may be differences with the water temperature in the heating circuit has been said.

Important! hot water tank will not allow for prolonged absence of fuel in the furnace, or to defrost the boiler or the entire heating system. Some models of the buffer tanks are capable of providing supply of warm water in the boiler and heating circuit for 12-24 hours. What is important for people in remote areas.
In the absence of the storage tank when the house is heavily used hot water at the household level, problems will arise. Buffering capacity, just designed to eliminate differences arising from the heating of premises and to ensure the normal operation of domestic hot water.
The advantages of using the drive are obvious, and knowing about them, you will not be skeptical look at the bulky tank standing in your boiler. Installation of a buffer tank in the home heating system provides the following benefits:
- operation of heating units for solid fuels in economy mode;
- increasing time periods between loading fuel into the boiler;
- opportunity to use space heaters in the summer for hot water systems;
- technically possible to use high power heating units in rooms with low heat loss;
- simple and clear construction of the device does not require special maintenance, and long lifetime differs;
- static condition of the device without creating inconveniences;
Installing sufficient capacity allows installation in premises other heating devices.

For instance: when the auxiliary heating system includes several heating units of different types. Often in private households are set for solid fuel boilers in tandem with electrical appliances. Both units can be freely connected to one storage tank, and for this purpose does not need to install additional components in the system. Due to the buffer capacity of both units can be configured to work in terms of priority, to balance their work as required.
Assessing the benefits of heating system installation buffering capacity, do not forget about safety.
For any heating appliances the main danger is overheating. Operating a solid fuel boiler is constantly needs to be controlled. Large inertia equipment of this type is often the cause of overheating, resulting in the unit may be damaged, and in the worst case, lead to very unpleasant consequences. hot water tank easily removes this problem by removing the excessive load on the heating appliance.
How to choose a heat accumulator for its heating system
Before installation of the heating system to carry out are determined with a view of the main heat source. The power of the solid fuel boiler and tasks volume that the unit will decide during the operation, and the amount depends on the storage tank. The size and volume of the drive is also determined by your household needs. The priority when selecting the buffer capacity becomes a model of the heating unit, which has a limit of capacity and limited time resources.
In other words:
- when paired with a solid fuel boiler buffer tank must ensure the accumulation of heat during single loading fuel, enough for distribution of the hot coolant through the system to the subsequent loading of the combustion camera.

It is appropriate to say a few words about the design data that influence the selection of the optimum volume of the buffer tank. By means of calculations can determine the actual storage capacity specifically taken coolant volume exerting on the specific heat value.
Considered to be: boiler water specific heat is 4,187 kJ kg / 0With that in turn means. To heat 1 kg. water by just 10C, required amount of thermal energy equivalent to 4,187 kJ. For heating appliances, this value is 1 Kcal = 1,163 W / h.
To complete the picture we believe. When installing the heat accumulator volume to 1000 liters. (1000 kg.), For heating water to a temperature of 500C, the amount of thermal energy stored in the tank will be 1,000 x 50 = 50,000 kcal or 58 thousand. kW / h.
When the hot water flow from the buffer tank and the water temperature drops to 50 degrees, the amount of heat respectively will decrease by a similar value. Each connection circuit has a heat storage capacity calculation method, however, the following general requirements that must be considered:
- storage tank must be able to accumulate the maximum amount of excess thermal energy during combustion at a single loading;
- the higher the peak consumption of heat energy in the heating circuit and is longer than the maximum flow of heat, the greater the amount required for the buffer tank;
- at high intensity combustion in the boiler short intervals need to install additional heat exchanger, either separately or integrated into the buffer tank;
- device must have a nominal pressure within more than a device at the point of connection to the system;
- Storage in hot water with two or more built-in heat exchangers, the system with a lower operating pressure It is connected to the lower heat exchange devices, and with strong operating pressure, on the contrary, to heat exchangers, located at the top;
- installation of heat storage requires the installation of the system expansion tank and safety, termosmesitelnogo valve.
The correct calculation of the heat capacity of the coolant accumulated in the storage, allow to operate solid fuel boiler in the normal mode. Buffering capacity to complete other safety elements, not only ensures the smooth operation of the heating system, but normal hot water. Buffering capacity, it is also heat accumulator, not only guarantees safe operation of heating appliances, but also economically viable.
The only caveat, which will have to look at the equipment home heating systems, is to choose a place under the boiler room. Installation of a large amount of capacity will require you to technological solutions. In some cases, heat accumulators are collected on the spot.