Each owner of a private house before you start up the solid fuel boiler should be familiar with how to clean the unit as is often necessary in such a procedure. Cleaning solid fuel boilers consuming process, however, if the conditions of operation of the boiler, fuel requirements, you can avoid the frequent repetition of this process.

Consider the reasons that contribute to the pollution of the heating unit, clogging effects and what the cleaning Boilers, boiler which must be subjected to purification.
Nearly any unit that is associated with the combustion process, as a result of their work highlights not only thermal energy and carbon monoxide, but also the mass of combustion products. During long-term operation of the unit for solid fuels in operation on the furnace walls, fume ducts going in large quantities accumulate soot, volatile ash particles. This is the case for all kinds of equipment for solid fuels with the exception of the pyrolysis devices, where dry wood, briquettes burn completely, turning into a combustible gas.
Accumulation of combustion products in a working area of the unit and the chimney is gradual, and if cleaning mechanism does not occur on a regular basis, the soot layers can become significant. The thickness of the soot layer on the heat exchanger housing only a couple of millimeters significantly affects performance of the heating device. the coolant is heated by the considerably longer. Power of main equipment falls by 20-30%, the consumption of the masses is increasing accordingly.

In addition to soot, the combustion products are also resins allocated organic compounds, regardless of species. The resin accumulated on the inner walls of the combustion chamber, promotes corrosion processes that destroy the main parts of the solid unit.
From rich and long experience it revealed that the most frequent causes of accumulation of soot and tar in the furnace and the chimney are:
- fuel of poor quality;
- high humidity raw fuel;
- heating mechanism often operates at low temperatures;
- defects and failures in the boiler piping.
On a note: Fat intensity combustion products depends on the type of fuel and its physical properties. To operate the unit on charcoal or wood-fired most affordable materials in use today. Fossil coal and wood. Any organic fuel during the combustion leaves ash and ash. The drier the fuel mass, the smaller the volume in the combustion process residues. In many ways, the intensity of burning depends on the kind of coal-fired boiler. Low humidity feed additional oxygen supply and function, enhance combustion intensity.
The old models of equipment used is the easiest way of direct combustion, as a result of which remains a significant amount of ash, ash and soot. All of this is deposited on the walls of the combustion chamber, is deposited on the heat exchanger and the flue. New models are high-precision device for the combustion process adjusted to the optimum parameters, so remains in the ash pan minimal amount of ash, soot in most cases is volatilized together with carbon monoxide gas through chimney. Cleaning the chimney soot is one of the main conditions of safety operation of the heating unit in a private home.

Important! soot accumulation on the walls of the chimney can lead to a dangerous situation. Soot is a tiny microscopic particles of charcoal, which at high temperature and the flow rate of air can be ignited. Cases when incandescent from combustion soot chimney causes ignition of the roof, roof slabs. It is significant that the problem in the solid fuel boilers with forced draft.

How to remove the solid fuel boiler. methods of cleaning
Clean solid fuel boiler can scrapers and brushes of wire. Typically, these devices are supplied with basic equipment. In each case, the cleaning method is used, which corresponds to the design features of the boiler. clean necessarily have to the following places:
- the wall of the combustion chamber;
- the surface of the heat exchanger;
- inner chimney walls.
All of the above for cleaning the place - these are the elements of the construction of the boiler, where the heat exchange takes place and is water shirt.
Clean the boiler in three ways:
- mechanical;
- steam means;
- by means of chemical reagents.
Each of the proposed methods has its own characteristics and key issues. When mechanical cleaning using a special set of tools. Kocherga, blade, brushes, scrapers, and metal brush.

Important! Before starting to clean the unit, it must be cooled down.
Soot and ash is removed from the furnace manually by simple manipulations. Volatile and solid pieces of unburned fuel are cleaned simply. It is more difficult with a frozen pitch and tar. How to clean your own heater from these components? The solution lies in the fact that it is necessary to warm up the device for this purpose. Tar and tar are soft and easily removed from the surface with brushes and scrapers. Upon completion of the unit must be heated to the optimum temperature that would resin and tar burned completely.
With steam cleaning steam boiler made from the resin, tar and soot microscopic particles. The chemical method is designed for the application of various chemical compounds and acid-based reactants. The inner surface of the furnace, and the heat exchanger surface is treated with chemicals that erode deposits. Typically, purification of pyrolysis units working with wood, are used dissolved chalk and soda ash.
Cleaner is selected based on financial considerations and degree of contamination of the boiler. In each case, a positive result can be achieved by complying with the requirements.
How often you need to carry out cleaning of heating devices
In order that your unit runs at optimal conditions, he gave the necessary power, boiler cleaning must be a regular. Using the normal and high-quality fuel, you can do this event once a month.
On a note: using raw materials of poor quality fuel, cleaning of the boiler should be carried out more frequently, once every two, three weeks. With the deterioration of operating parameters, it is possible to conduct an unscheduled cleaning equipment.
In order to prevent clogging of the strong, you should regularly inspect coal-fired boiler. When different fuels are used, the device operates at low temperatures have to clean the machine once a week.