The duration of the cold season in our country confronts the inhabitants of private houses a number of pressing issues related to the organization of normal and efficient individual heating. For residents of the private sector in the cities and towns of the country the question of organization of autonomous heating largely solved through centralized gas supply. A completely different situation with the objects of individual housing construction. Quite often, in the absence of the central gas supply for home owners in the private sector and in the country homes, the only way out of this situation is to install the auxiliary heating boiler for solid fuel.

Heating solid fuel boilers, which are available today, both domestic and foreign manufacturers are sophisticated high-tech devices. Proper installation, compliance with necessary rules for the subsequent operation of sophisticated heating technology It allows you to create in your home and provide the necessary comfort of your dwelling warm welcome during a long winter.
The most important moment is connected with the installation of the equipment and its connection to the home heating system. Solid fuel boilers of different types have their own design features, so the installation should strictly comply with certain rules and meet the project. If the boiler with a choice of models can be dealt with by yourself, then the question of how to establish a solid fuel boiler, answer simply and clearly can not. Work on the installation of any heater requires competent actions and skilled approach. Let us examine in detail the task.
Training. That precedes the installation of solid fuel boilers
Assessment of the scope of future work on the installation of the boiler
Initial preparatory steps that precede the direct installation of the boiler equipment, no less important installation. Any boiler, gas, electric or solid fuel is a mini-boiler, therefore, is preceded by the installation unit design of the entire heating system.
Buy solid fuel boiler - only the upper part of the iceberg. In the future, we need to do a lot of work for the equipment of the entire heating system. The complex of equipping Indirect heating includes the steps of:
- laying of pipes within the premises;
- boiler equipment;
- tying the heating unit;
- heating system start-up.
In assessing the amount of work at each stage, we can conclude - the installation in a building Boilers, complex, time-consuming and responsible process.
Important! Installation of autonomous heating system, in particular to establish the boiler, the problem only by a trained person. Superficial knowledge of the structure of the heating equipment, disregard for existing standards, norms and the rules may result in irreparable damage not only to the residential facility, but also endanger the lives of the inhabitants houses.
About a set of devices and tools you need to solid fuel boiler connection at home.

At the preparatory stage is necessary to determine - make the heating in the house with his own hands or to use the services of professionals.
Decide - we put the kettle yourself or seek the help of experts
Solid fuel boiler usually acquired on the basis of existing conditions, and where the boiler is installed, in Which mode will operate the heater, which tasks put before the autonomous heating system. Having at hand a ready project can evaluate what is necessary to face during the installation of the boiler equipment. Therefore, there is a reasonable question - the power of your installation solid fuel boiler in his house with his own hands, or better to turn to professionals.
Encourage you to make a decision on their own to make the installation of the heating system in the house, can only self-confidence and the ability to save their own money.
For reference: Equipment boiler for solid fuel, including wood, coal and pellets can be carried out without authorization. Only when starting the tests require the presence of representatives of the supervisory authorities for the registration of the input of the heating equipment in operation.

When installing the boiler in your home, you must remember that in the course of work will need to properly adhere strictly to the design data. This concerns, first and foremost, ventilation and chimney. Correctly executed hood and chimney - a guarantee of trouble-free operation of the boiler in accordance with the specified. Pellet burner installed in a solid fuel boiler to increase the heating efficiency, however, is very sensitive to the ventilation.
Before installing the heating equipment is necessary to calculate the parameters and equip the boiler room.
Installation of solid fuel boilers. incremental steps
boiler room equipment
To begin with, assuming that the set in his home solid fuel boiler, you should know - this equipment is available only in the outdoor performance. Installation of solid fuel boilers with their hands will require from you the cost and effort to boiler room equipment and adequately prepare for a special assembly area.
For this purpose, it is necessary to be familiar with your home, what would choose to set the optimum boiler room. The design documentation must be present boiler arrangement in the house. The basis for the boiler or the podium to be appropriate size and strength. Typically, these sites are made of concrete. The height of the podium should be at least 7 cm.

The room itself should have an area of not less than 7 square meters. m. The boiler must be located at a distance of 0.5 m. from the nearest wall of the room. The height of the boiler room has to be a standard, approximately 2.2-2.5 m, the distance from the upper edge of the boiler to the ceiling should be at least 120 cm.
On a note: the only condition, if you have installed a boiler with a natural ventilation system, then you have to think about the height of the ceiling in the boiler room. Air flow in this case is carried out by the air mass inside. The higher the ceiling the more internal volume of air. Remember also the fact that low indoor harder to carry out loading fuel boiler.
Fixed boiler needs fuel, so close to the boiler must be equipped with storage space for fuel.
Important! The furnace is loaded to store only dry fuel.
Coal is a coal pit on purpose. Pellets, briquettes and firewood stored either in containers or stacked in neat pyramids. The walls in the boiler room must be treated asbestos layer of 8 mm. or a thick layer of plaster, thereby protecting houses design. This is especially important when installing the boiler in a wooden house.

Retreat: in some cases, today executed conversion of traditional boilers for pellets. This type of fuel is very convenient and effective. Pellets are automatically fed into the combustion chamber. During the combustion of this fuel is achieved by a high thermal effect, which is very important in that case be placed long burning solid fuel boiler. Installation pellet burner is carried out for every fired boiler for solid fuels. This way of working of the boiler is significantly increases the efficiency of the heating equipment, especially because the burner can be easily removed if there is a wish to move the boiler to the usual fuel, wood or coal.
After preparing the boiler room and the grounds to be the most difficult and crucial moment, the installation of the heating boiler. All the complexity and the difficulty at this stage is that solid fuel boilers are usually heavy and massive units. Here it is necessary to exert maximum dexterity and skill.
We are working on ventilation and chimney
Any auxiliary heating system needs a constant influx of fresh air by which provides full burning fuel. Solid fuel boilers, which are incorporated in the design of the furnace operating principle, must be equipped with a chimney and ventilation systems.
Installing the solid fuel boiler in the house will require you to extra effort to create exhaust and inlet openings. The first supply opening section 10x10 cm. equipped at the bottom of the room, in front of the chimney. The second hole is made in the upper part of the boiler, the higher the better.
Chimney must be equipped in accordance with the parameters specified in the data sheet of the boiler, i.e. must precisely match the diameter and length of the flue pipe. Properly done chimney provides good traction, thanks to which the removal of carbon monoxide, soot.
Important! Excessive traction may adversely affect the regulation of the flame of the combustion process in the furnace, and vice versa, the weak pull causes the products of combustion will flow into the dwelling.
Scheme installation and ventilation chimney shown in Fig. Each parameter and size are important. Today there are a variety of design of ventilation systems for private houses, starting with the brick, massive constructions, finishing coaxial chimneys.
Installing the expansion tank and piping
For heating systems for solid fuels is important to install an expansion tank. This device performs the function of the compensator, with which after switching off of the boiler flow temperature drop occurs in the circuit. Open tanks the easiest option, with which you can solve the problem as soon as possible cooling of the heating system. On a pipe connected to the expander, or put valves and pipe diameter must be not less than 25 mm.

After installing the expansion vessel begins tying. scheme connecting the boiler to the pipeline system in accordance with the technical documentation. First the main circuit connection, then connects tank line. If provided for in the house WAN connects piping hot water.
Important! Closed loop necessarily equipped with a safety valve which is installed with the outlet manifold. The task of the safety valve, opening at the working pressure of not more than 0.15 MPa.

Set heating from coal-fired boiler in a private home, involves the use of steel pipes for piping. It is necessary to lay the pipe with the least number of turns and twists. Charge pump usually cuts in parallel line in case of power failure for a natural circulation. As a system of protection against overheating is a second or alternate path by which heat is lost in the event of an emergency in a holding tank for DHW.
Wiring diagram of the boiler to the heating system thoroughly checked before commissioning. The focus is on the work of air handling units and pipeline connection units to the heating device. If you have decided to put their hands solid fuel boiler, perform all subsequent procedures and manipulations, follow the advice of experts and professionals. How to install an autonomous heating system in your home, how to equip hood and ventilation to build on these and many other questions will have to search for competent answer.