The best countries for doing business, the World Bank rating

New Zealand 1 1 1 1 34 1 1 11 55 13 34
Singapore 2 6 19 10 10 20 1 8 41 2 29
Denmark 3 24 12 6 14 32 19 7 1 24 8
Hong Kong 4 3 61 5 3 20 3 3 42 21 28
Korea 5 11 39 31 1 44 13 23 32 1 4
Norway 6 21 14 43 12 75 9 26 22 4 6
United Kingdom 7 16 47 17 17 20 6 10 28 31 13
USA 8 51 36 39 36 2 41 36 35 20 5
Sweden 9 15 10 25 6 75 19 28 18 22 19
Macedonia 10 4 48 11 29 16 13 9 27 36 32
Taiwan 11 19 17 3 2 62 22 30 68 14 22
Estonia 12 14 6 9 38 32 53 21 17 11 42
Finland 13 28 20 40 18 44 70 13 33 30 1
Latvia 14 22 23 23 42 7 42 15 25 23 44
Australia 15 7 45 2 41 5 63 25 91 3 21
16 8 3 8 39 7 7 22 54 16 106
Germany 17 114 79 12 5 32 53 48 38 17 3
Ireland 18 10 41 38 33 32 13 5 47 90 17
Austria 19 111 30 49 20 62 32 42 1 10 20
Iceland 20 34 15 70 9 62 22 29 66 32 14
Lithuania 21 29 2 16 55 32 51 27 19 6 66
Canada 22 2 43 57 108 7 7 17 46 112 15
Malaysia 23 112 40 13 8 20 3 61 60 42 46
Poland 24 107 38 46 46 20 42 47 1 55 27
Portugal 25 32 27 35 50 101 70 38 1 19 7
United Arab Emirates 26 53 11 4 4 101 9 1 85 25 104
Czech Republic 27 81 31 130 13 32 53 53 1 68 26
Netherlands 28 22 29 87 45 82 70 20 1 71 11
France 29 27 100 20 25 82 32 63 1 18 24
Slovenia 30 49 34 80 16 133 9 24 1 119 12
Switzerland 31 71 16 68 7 62 106 18 37 39 45
Spain 32 85 50 113 78 62 32 37 1 29 18
Slovakia 33 68 7 103 53 44 87 56 1 82 35
Japan 34 89 49 60 15 82 53 70 49 48 2
Kazakhstan 35 45 18 22 75 75 3 60 119 9 37
Romania 36 62 57 95 134 7 53 50 1 26 49
Belarus 37 31 5 28 24 101 42 99 30 27 69
Armenia 38 9 13 81 76 20 53 88 48 28 78
Bulgaria 39 82 60 48 104 32 13 83 21 49 48
Russia 40 26 9 115 30 44 53 45 140 12 51
Hungary 41 75 28 69 121 20 81 77 1 8 63
Belgium 42 17 131 44 60 101 63 66 1 52 10
Croatia 43 95 62 128 68 75 27 49 1 7 54
Moldova 44 44 21 165 73 32 42 31 34 62 60
Cyprus 45 53 91 125 63 62 27 34 45 139 16
Thailand 46 78 68 42 37 82 27 109 56 51 23
Mexico 47 93 101 83 98 5 53 114 61 40 30
Serbia 47 47 56 36 92 44 70 78 23 61 47
Mauritius 49 48 98 33 110 44 32 45 74 34 39
Italy 50 63 24 86 51 101 42 126 1 108 25
Montenegro 51 58 78 93 167 7 42 57 43 41 40
Israel 52 41 126 71 71 44 9 96 59 89 31
Colombia 53 61 53 34 74 2 13 139 121 174 33
Peru 54 103 37 51 62 16 53 105 86 63 79
Puerto Rico 55 51 153 131 65 7 87 135 62 97 9
Rwanda 56 76 4 158 117 2 102 59 87 95 73
Chile 57 59 58 26 64 82 32 120 65 56 55
Albania 58 46 106 106 156 44 19 97 24 116 43
Luxembourg 59 67 88 7 32 170 123 16 1 15 82
Kosovo 60 13 33 129 114 20 63 43 51 44 163
Greece 61 56 141 58 52 82 42 64 29 133 52
Costa Rica 62 125 52 53 27 7 165 62 71 125 107
Bahrain 63 73 25 19 72 101 106 4 82 110 88
Mongolia 64 36 46 29 137 62 26 35 103 85 91
Azerbaijan 65 5 22 127 105 118 32 40 83 44 86
Oman 66 32 35 52 69 133 118 12 67 60 94
Jamaica 67 12 123 75 101 16 63 116 131 117 38
Morocco 68 40 87 18 57 101 87 41 63 57 131
Turkey 69 79 54 102 58 82 22 128 70 33 126
Panama 70 43 84 73 23 20 70 170 53 145 133
Botswana 71 153 70 50 125 75 81 55 51 132 64
Brunei Darussalam 72 84 134 37 21 62 102 89 142 93 57
Bhutan 73 94 51 97 54 82 114 19 26 47 169
South Africa 74 131 105 99 111 62 22 51 139 113 50
Kyrgyzstan 75 30 8 32 163 32 42 148 79 141 130
Malta 76 132 147 82 77 139 32 33 40 58 84
Tunis 77 103 92 59 40 101 118 106 92 76 58
China 78 127 42 177 97 62 123 131 96 5 53
San ​​Marino 79 98 80 72 11 181 162 14 20 78 110
Ukraine 80 20 63 140 130 20 70 84 115 81 150
Bosnia and Herzegovina 81 174 99 170 123 44 81 133 36 64 41
Vietnam 82 121 59 24 96 32 87 167 93 69 125
Qatar 83 91 26 21 44 139 183 1 128 120 116
Vanuatu 83 126 81 134 81 20 106 54 145 130 93
Tonga 85 55 158 14 67 44 123 80 100 92 132
Saint Lucia 86 66 104 54 56 157 87 65 81 71 114
Uzbekistan 87 25 75 147 83 44 70 138 165 38 77
Guatemala 88 119 74 89 19 16 173 93 77 173 149
Samo 89 37 64 96 59 157 63 71 141 67 134
Uruguay 90 60 110 163 43 62 123 113 146 111 61
Indonesia 91 151 118 116 49 62 70 104 108 166 76
Kenya 92 116 121 152 106 32 87 125 105 87 92
Seychelles 93 137 66 146 140 118 106 32 84 129 62
Saudi Arabia 94 147 32 15 28 82 63 69 158 105 169
Salvador 95 129 71 156 109 44 158 166 44 104 80
Trinidad and Tobago 96 69 150 149 31 44 53 145 123 168 70
Fiji 97 159 55 101 82 157 106 110 75 86 90
Zambia 98 105 145 78 153 20 87 58 161 135 83
Philippines 99 171 112 85 22 118 137 115 95 136 56
99 171 112 85 22 118 137 115 95 136 56
100 117 108 171 150 82 106 91 39 94 121
Dominica 101 64 164 90 61 139 70 111 80 79 128
Kuwait 102 173 67 144 115 118 81 6 157 66 108
Dominican Republic 103 115 82 45 148 101 87 129 58 131 160
Solomon Islands 104 97 152 63 80 82 106 39 151 153 138
Honduras 105 148 85 84 144 7 132 152 109 151 139
Paraguay 106 143 76 56 102 101 137 153 116 74 102
Nepal 107 109 72 123 131 139 63 142 69 152 89
Ghana 108 110 77 117 120 44 87 122 154 114 155
Namibia 108 170 174 67 124 62 81 74 127 98 97
Sri Lanka 110 74 155 88 86 118 42 158 90 163 75
Swaziland 111 154 117 91 157 82 132 76 31 175 95
Belize 112 158 126 100 79 167 118 44 101 134 81
Antigua and Barbuda 113 124 150 107 35 157 87 160 110 35 124
Ecuador 114 166 69 76 95 101 118 137 97 96 157
Uganda 115 165 116 151 161 44 106 75 136 64 111
Argentina 116 157 114 173 91 82 51 178 111 50 98
Barbados 117 101 130 161 93 133 165 85 125 167 36
Jordan 118 106 96 109 48 185 165 79 50 124 142
Papua New Guinea 119 130 119 126 103 32 87 94 164 170 137
Iran 120 102 86 27 94 101 165 100 170 70 156
Bahamas 121 118 166 110 116 139 118 95 152 75 59
Egypt 122 39 109 64 88 82 114 162 168 162 109
Brazil 123 175 128 172 47 101 32 181 149 37 67
Guyana 124 99 122 148 129 82 87 136 135 91 154
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 125 83 165 55 85 157 87 98 88 53 169
Lebanon 126 139 103 135 122 118 145 67 134 127 143
Nicaragua 127 128 146 168 99 101 145 176 73 83 103
Tajikistan 128 85 97 162 173 118 27 140 144 54 144
Cape Verde 129 100 73 108 142 118 162 86 113 43 169
India 130 155 138 185 26 44 13 172 143 172 136
Cambodia 131 180 120 183 136 7 114 124 102 178 72
Tanzania 132 135 132 136 87 44 145 154 180 59 100
Malawi 133 150 95 65 169 101 132 102 118 148 162
Saint Kitts and Nevis 134 92 184 41 90 157 102 143 72 46 169
Maldives 135 65 172 62 145 133 123 134 147 105 135
Palau 136 120 44 98 138 82 179 118 163 126 166
Mozambique 137 134 107 30 168 157 132 112 106 185 65
Grenada 138 77 137 105 66 139 123 132 126 76 169
Lndr 139 160 65 47 155 75 165 146 120 88 169
West Bank and Gaza 140 169 93 157 70 118 158 101 99 122 169
Mali 141 108 135 142 152 139 145 144 89 156 99
Cote d'Ivoire 142 50 113 182 132 139 145 175 150 101 68
Marshall Islands 143 70 187 79 126 82 175 82 64 99 167
Pakistan 144 141 169 150 170 82 27 156 172 157 85
Gambia 145 168 124 122 154 118 165 171 112 107 117
Burkina Faso 146 72 136 61 181 139 145 150 104 161 112
Senegal 147 90 142 139 162 139 137 174 130 144 101
Sierra Leone 148 87 163 132 176 157 87 87 169 100 148
Bolivia 149 177 139 152 99 133 137 186 98 128 96
Niger 150 88 125 179 166 139 145 165 132 150 105
Micronesia 151 167 187 143 107 75 185 108 57 183 119
Kiribati 152 140 144 119 164 167 123 73 124 118 169
Comoros 153 161 90 92 135 118 145 168 107 179 169
Togo 154 123 183 180 147 139 145 169 117 145 87
Benin 155 57 173 74 174 139 145 173 133 169 115
Algeria 156 142 162 77 118 175 173 155 178 102 74
Burundi 157 18 94 169 183 175 137 123 160 149 141
Suriname 158 185 176 112 84 175 165 103 78 187 129
Ethiopia 159 179 133 176 127 170 175 90 167 80 120
Mauritania 160 80 102 118 146 157 123 188 137 83 169
Zimbabwe 161 183 111 181 165 82 102 164 148 165 145
Sao Tome and Principe 162 35 161 121 119 185 183 127 122 181 158
Guinea 163 133 140 164 160 139 145 184 162 115 113
Gabon 164 152 175 167 158 118 158 161 166 177 123
Iraq 165 164 115 104 133 181 123 52 179 138 169
Cameroon 166 149 177 141 89 133 137 180 186 160 122
Madagascar 167 113 159 184 185 170 114 117 129 158 127
Sudan 168 156 89 145 113 170 187 141 184 147 153
Nigeria 169 138 182 174 180 44 32 182 181 139 140
Myanmar 170 146 143 66 149 175 179 119 159 188 164
Djibouti 171 172 168 120 172 181 178 106 155 184 71
Guinea-Bissau 172 176 149 155 182 139 137 149 153 164 169
Syrian Arab Republic 173 136 154 187 151 170 87 81 176 159 161
Liberia 174 37 179 175 177 101 179 72 185 176 168
Timor-Leste 175 145 187 159 112 167 70 130 94 190 169
Bangladesh 176 122 185 138 187 157 70 151 173 189 151
Congo 177 178 171 124 178 118 145 183 182 155 117
Equatorial Guinea 178 187 160 160 143 118 137 179 174 103 169
Yemen 179 161 83 94 188 185 132 92 189 142 152
Chad 180 182 157 133 179 139 158 189 171 154 146
Haiti 181 188 180 166 139 175 188 159 76 123 169
Angola 182 144 170 111 171 181 81 157 183 186 169
Afghanistan 183 42 186 186 159 101 189 163 175 180 159
Congo 184 96 156 114 175 139 162 177 188 171 169
Central African Republic 185 190 167 154 184 139 145 187 138 182 146
South Sudan 186 181 181 178 188 175 179 68 177 73 169
Venezuela 187 189 129 137 186 118 175 185 187 137 165
Libya 188 163 187 187 128 185 185 121 114 143 169
Eritrea 189 186 178 187 141 185 165 147 189 121 169
Somalia 190 184 148 187 188 185 190 190 156 109 169
Country Rating Opening of business Registration of property Construction license Electrification Receiving loans Investor protection Payment of taxes Cross-border trade Securing contracts Liquidation

World Bank experts named the best countries where entrepreneurs are the easiest to do business. Places in the ranking are located according to the degree of convenience for doing business - for example, in such a country the company is quickly registered, it is possible to keep records without excessive bureaucratic red tape, and the legislation is clear, transparent and friendly towards the entrepreneur. Representatives of the World Bank analyzed the work of 130,000 entrepreneurs from 139 countries. The best countries for doing business were evaluated according to 10 points of , each of which was calculated according to several indicators;the lower the score, the more convenience the entrepreneur has.

Russia was in the first quarter of the list of - in 40th place. The hardest thing in Russia is to get the right to build - 115th place, and the easiest way is to register the property( 9th place).


  • Rating of countries for doing business
  • 10. Macedonia
  • 9. Sweden
  • 8. USA
  • 7. United Kingdom
  • 6. Norway
  • 5. South Korea
  • 4. Hong Kong
  • 3. Denmark
  • 2. Singapore
  • 1. NewZealand

Rating of countries for doing business

10. Macedonia

Reliable offshore zones in Macedonia appeared only a couple of years ago, but the government is trying to make it as easy as possible for entrepreneurs to live.5 out of 10 indicators scored from 4 to 16 points, and the rest of the Macedonians still have to work. Especially over the registration of real estate - it is quite complicated in Macedonia and got 48 points.

9. Sweden

In general, the picture in Sweden looks quite favorable for the entrepreneur - all indicators are if not in the top ten.then exactly in the second. Of the overall prosperous picture, only a very low opportunity to get a loan is knocked out - she scored 75 points.

8. US

The US is a country of contrasts. If it's easy to get incredible credit( 2 points) and declare yourself bankrupt( 5 points), then you will need much more time and effort to obtain a building permit - this indicator has 39 points. Not happy with the US tax legislation, the provision of production or office with electricity and communications, as well as property registration - all these indicators scored 36 points. The hardest thing in the US is to start a business of its own - numerous obstacles on the way of entrepreneurs gained 51 points from experts.

7. UK

All aspects of business activity in the UK received approximately the same number of points - from 6 to 31. On the general background, only the registration of real estate is allocated, which in England manages the entrepreneurs later, with blood and tears;not without reason she received 47 points. And in the future this indicator, it seems, will only worsen.

6. Norway

Indicators in the most developed country - Norway as a whole are favorable and, as a rule, are located in the first or second ten. Here it is enough simply to provide the office or production with electricity and communications( 12 points), register real estate( 14 points), and protection of minority investors generally received only 9 points. But for those businessmen who want to get a loan, Norway will have a hard time - this point scored 75 points. However, judging by the dynamics of development in the near future, Norway will try to compensate for this shortcoming.

5. South Korea

South Korea's indicators show a contradictory picture - some aspects of business here are very simple and come with a score of 1 to 5, and some are very complex. It is difficult in Korea to those who want to get a building permit( 31 points), to register real estate( 39 points) and get a loan( 44 points).And taxes are not paid so simply - this indicator received 23 points.

4. Hong Kong

Most indicators of Hong Kong are in the top ten - it's very easy to start your own business, get a building permit, provide electricity and communications to the company and pay taxes - all these indicators are in the top five. Complicating the life of Hong Kong and foreign entrepreneurs only registration of real estate - it is extremely unfriendly to businessmen and received 61 points.

3. Denmark

One of the most prosperous European countries is very convenient for doing business. The hardest thing in Denmark is to get a loan - this indicator received a rather low estimate of 32, although it is much smaller than other Scandinavian countries in the top 10.Apparently, the harsh descendants of the Vikings reluctantly share their acquired good even at interest. And the remaining indicators are located if not in the top ten, then certainly in the second.

2. Singapore

This is an offshore zone where everything is subordinated to attracting more and more new entrepreneurs. General indicators for Singapore are small enough, most of them scored from 1 to 10 points, but there are exceptions - for example, the degree of convenience of recognizing the company insolvent was rated at 29 points.

1. New Zealand

And the first place in the ranking of the best states for doing business came from a small country with a population of only 4.5 million citizens. According to the compilers of the rating, paying taxes in New Zealand is as easy as buying a package of milk. Organizing your business here is the easiest way - on half the indicators, the country kiwi and Maori takes the honorable first place. However, in this cloud-free paradise for businessmen there are disadvantages - for example, the convenience of organizing international trade. This figure in New Zealand is the lowest and is on the 55th place.