- Features of celandine
- Standard ways to remove the celandine stain from clothes
- Other ways to remove the celandine stain from clothes
- How to wash the celandine with jeans?
Purity is a wild kind of grass that is known to almost everyone. He grows in forests and fields, can take root even in a deserted area. Very often, when playing, ignorant children tear off the plants of the celandine or simply its leaves. The result is another spot on the clothes. Even adults sometimes can give slack or forget the features of celandine to dirty the skin and clothes, and to break the leaf of this plant. After the appearance of stains, the question arises: how to wash the clean from the clothes?
To save a thing from yellow spots is very difficult, but still possible. Many immediately despair, thinking that they will have to throw out their clothes, but this is a delusion. Yellow spots from this plant are derived in many ways, each of them in its own way is effective.
to the table of contents ↑Features of the celandine
In the people, the celandine has many names - a wart, a crooked field, a swallow grass. It dwells in many forests, so it is easily accessible. It blooms exclusively in the sunshine - in the summer.
It can be seen in squares, parks, in the woods and just along the highway. Surely from the very childhood you were told that this plant is poisonous and can cause harm to health. It is quite toxic, so for medical and cosmetic purposes it is not recommended to use it without following specific instructions.
Important! It is worth paying attention to your child's contact with the plant. Consult him and beware that he does not accidentally try the celandine for taste. And of course - did not get dirty.
Despite the high level of toxicity, celandine is actively used in medicine. For medicinal products, all parts of the plant are used, but flowers and stems are most valued. The procedure for extracting useful substances from celandine is long enough:
- Before starting to manufacture medical products, the plant is dried away from sunlight.
- Then, thanks to special devices, dozens of different poisons are extracted from the celandine, which kill thousands of microbes in the human body.
Important! Will save the plant from many ailments - it can be useful in cramps, anesthetize and heal wounds, kill many microbes and relieve inflammation. Purity is even useful in fighting cancer. Also use it for cosmetic purposes. But if used improperly, the celandine can be dangerous to the skin, cause allergies, irritation or a full-blown burn.
to the contents ↑Standard methods to remove the celandine stain from clothes
So, let's return to the main question of the article: how to remove stains from celandine on clothes? There are many ways, but none of them can guarantee a 100% result. Nevertheless, in any case, before throwing a thing, it is worthwhile to try it.
Important! A very common mistake is the opinion that iodine is present in a lot of celandine. Therefore, many housewives remove stains from celandine in the same way as iodine stains. This is a huge misconception. With this approach, there is a risk of spoiling the thing completely.
Before you make an independent decision and take out stains on your own, read than wash the celandine. Really effective will be such a tool.
The advantage of this method is that it is versatile and suitable for any material and fabric. Also this method can be safely called the most effective and effective:
- Of salt it will be necessary to prepare a solution. Mix 100 milliliters of water and a table salt of salt, mix everything thoroughly.
- Apply this mixture to a cloth and moisten it with a stain.
- It should be rubbed until the contamination disappears completely.
- Then stretch out the spot where there was a speck with a strong soap solution, rinse with cool water and dry the thing.
Boiling Water
This method is used exclusively for hard tissues. If a thing from a thin, sensitive material or fabric that is fading is stained, do not use this method of removing stains from celandine on clothing. Thanks to boiling water, getting rid of the problem is easy enough, the procedure is as follows:
- First pour water into the pan and put it on the stove.
- Pull the cloth over the pan with a stain.
- Leave everything as it is for about 10 minutes.
- During this time, boil the kettle.
- When it boils, pour the hot boiled water on top of the stain.
The trace from the celandine should disappear.
Household soap
This method is the most sparing of all offered. It can be used for any kind of fabric, regardless of whether it is tough or delicate. In order to wash the celandine with clothes:
- Scrub the laundry soap on a fine grater.
- With this shavings, sprinkle the stain and moisten it with water from above.
- Leave everything as it is at night.
- In the morning, wash off any soap residue from the stain and rinse it with a solution of vinegar, water and soda. Then stretch the thing well, rinse it and dry it.
Ammonium alcohol
As in the situation with salt, ammonia will save saliva from stains of celandine on any material. Use the component only in its pure form.
Act in this case is better this way:
- Take the cotton pad and soak it in ammonia.
- Spread out the clothes you need to save and start rubbing the stain.
- The procedure may take a long time.
- Repeat the action until the spot completely disappears.
- After completing the procedure, always wash the thing in a strong solution of laundry soap and warm water.
- Then follows the rinsing and drying.
Hydrogen peroxide
If you need to wash the celandine from clothes made of light or white fabric, but you are afraid to ruin it even more, then hydrogen peroxide is the most ideal option. This drug is sold in a pharmacy and it is easy enough to buy it.
The procedure and method of application of hydrogen peroxide is similar to the use of ammonia. The only thing that will have to work a little more, as ammonia is more effective and effective.
Other ways to remove the celandine stain from clothing
Very often, the celandine leaves yellow marks not only on clothes, but also on the surface of the skin. Such tracks are particularly unpleasant, especially if an important event is ahead. Remove celandine from jeans or other clothes can be using such methods:
- Lemon juice. Apply a freshly placed stain of freshly squeezed lemon juice and leave everything in this form for several hours. If the stain was delivered quite recently, then the method should act very quickly.
- Potatoes. The natural properties of potatoes, due to the presence of a large amount of starch in it, can discolor even very persistent impurities. Therefore, in order to wash the celandine, this vegetable will definitely come in handy. Cut the potatoes in half and one of the slices grate the problem. Rub until approximately complete drying of potatoes. The way should work.
- Leaves of sorrel. If at the dacha you get stained with the juice of this plant, then it will be easy to clean the celandine. Tear off the sorrel in the garden, squeeze out the juice from it, and then treat the soiled area of your thing.
How to wash the celandine with jeans?
Jeans for today are universal clothes, that's why they often pollute themselves with grass or juices of various plants during rest on nature or children's pranks.
To clean such a thing from medicinal herbs, arm yourself with ordinary soda and proceed as follows:
- Mix soda and warm water first in a thick mixture.
- Apply it to the contamination site for 15-20 minutes
- After that, wash the clothes in warm soapy water.
- Rinse clothes in cold water and dry it.
There is a second way, how to wash the celandine with jeans with the help of soda:
- Dampen the cloth in cold water and spread the thing on a flat surface.
- On the stain, you need to pour in a thick layer of soda.
- On top of it, pour a little vinegar.
- Leave the thing in this form for about half an hour to allow the stain to come out.
- Wash the thing in soapy water, rinse and dry it.
The most recent and basic advice is to pay close attention to such an insidious plant as celandine. Without the need, do not tear it off, but if you do it, it's extremely neat - with gloves and clothes that you do not mind getting stained.