Window opening - an important part of the interior. For its registration using various design techniques. However, the most common type of window decoration and textile design is used to secure the web. Selection and installation of cornices, many inhabitants cause difficulties. Before buying a suitable device should solve a lot of problems, for example, take into account the matching appearance Product style of the room, the capacity of the walls, decorative materials, the object itself to withstand certain load.
- How to choose a cornice
- types cornices
- Features and cornices installation rules
- The methods and choice of mounting
Installation of ceiling cornices
- Materials and tools
- installation procedure
Mounting Wall cornices
- Framing
- String
- Drilling
- The profile
- How to Hang a curtain rod on the suspended ceiling
- Features mounting on drywall
- Installation of eyebrows in the bay window
- What are the cornices are fashionable in 2019
- conclusion
How to choose a cornice
From a functional standpoint, the cornice is intended solely for attaching curtains. From an aesthetic - it is an important element that is able to emphasize the style of the room, to focus attention on the window opening. Subject has a simple construction, which consists of the following parts: a base that supports the curtain (pipe string, bus); cantilevers, holders for fixing the substrate; fasteners for textile fabric; side plugs.
By choosing products should be approached very seriously. By purchasing structure, the following points should be considered:
- The window size. eave length should exceed the width of the window aperture at 40 cm.
- Load bearing capacity. The subject has to be strong enough to withstand the load provided by curtains.
- Location of batteries, tubes, protruding part of the sill. These elements should not interfere with the free movement of the fabric and dangling.
- Color spectrum. Hue is selected in accordance with the existing design.
- Size and space. If the round models suitable for framing windows in a room of any size, the string will be more effectively look only in small rooms, and a bulky wooden recommended to install in large living.
- The number of rows. Depending on the destination, you can choose a one-, two-, three-row design. Recent models will allow to decorate a room complex textile compositions.
- Material. In manufacture of products using metal, wood, plastic. Selecting the most appropriate option depends on the styling, price category, personal preferences of the buyer.

types cornices
Manufacturers produce a huge range of curtain rods, used for attaching curtains. The models differ in coloring, decorations, pictures, design features installation method appearance. To understand the existing types of products, a brief look at their classification:
- According to the materials used:
- Plastic. It is characterized by low cost, a variety of models. Can mimic wood.
- Metal. Metal structures are very attractive. To prevent corrosion of the surface is treated with special structures. Are the most durable aluminum versions, and the most spectacular and expensive - forged copies.
- Wood. This eco-friendly raw materials, which does not lose its relevance. Wooden products most in demand, they are suitable for almost all styles in the interior.

- Configuration:
- Round (rod). As used round pipe or rod as the central element.
- Baguette. A base on which is fixed the curtain closed trim strip.
- String. They represent a string stretched between the two arms. The design of only the light curtain can be hung.
- Profiled (bus, rail). Made from plastic or aluminum, characterized by a small weight. They can be given any shape.

- By mounting method:
- Wall.
- Ceiling.
- By the number of guides:
- Single row. Intended for fixing a textile fabric.
- Double row. Can simultaneously knead curtains and blinds.
- Three-row. It allows you to create complex compositions, use the pelmets.

- Management type:
- Manual. Closing and opening the curtains made with their own hands.
- Electrically driven. curtains is controlled by a remote control, ensures their movement actuator.

these fastening elements used for fixing canvases: clamps, straps, loops, eyelets, kuliske, ring magnets.
Features and cornices installation rules
Assembly and installation of any model from an experienced master will not take long. Lover who wants to perform the work with their hands, need help. Initially, it is necessary to make measurements of the window opening, based on which the calculations are carried out. Next should be familiar with the rules and installation features:
- Regardless of the attachment method (ceiling, wall), the length of the structure must be at least 30 cm larger than the window width, except for the embodiment when the article is disposed along the wall.
- The distance from the wall rods to selected in the range of 10-15 cm. This is enough to curtains move freely without touching the projecting part of the sill, radiator.
- Spacing between the eaves and the ceiling is determined individually, but professionals recommend mount structure at a distance of 5-10 cm from the ceiling surface.
- Particular attention should be paid to the height at which the device is mounted above the upper boundary of the window frame. This parameter must be greater than 5-7 cm, otherwise curtains will prevent the opening of the window.
See also:Cotton curtains in a modern interior - advice on choosing

The methods and choice of mounting
By way of installation distinguish ceiling and wall rods. In the first case, some models can be mounted directly to the ceiling or using brackets. In a second embodiment the product can be mounted only on the support arm structures. As used dowel fixings nails, screws, liquid nails, dowels for plasterboard, rock bolts.
The choice of fasteners depends on different factors. First of all take into account the material of the walls and the ceiling. For example, for the fragile walls, built of concrete blocks, using special spacers anchor bolts. For brick walls, or constructed of durable concrete, you can use all kinds of fasteners. The red brick, which tends to crumble, often used wooden plugs.
It is worth paying attention to the raw material of the cornice, the weight that it gives to the load on the walls. In some cases, the need to use additional hardware or opt out of solid wood or metal products in favor of lighter plastic or aluminum.

Securely fix the bracket can be wooden or concrete base. When installing a design on the suspended ceiling or drywall should foresee the availability of mortgages.
Installation of ceiling cornices
Ceiling models are very popular. They can be hung in almost any field, even placed in niches. These products give preference in the following cases:
- if necessary, to hang long curtains from the ceiling;
- if you can not secure the brackets to the wall;
- to close the panoramic windows;
- to hide minor trim defects;
- the distance between the top of the window opening and the ceiling is so low that there is no possibility of wall mounting options.
Carry out installation work can even a novice in the construction business. The main thing to adhere to all rules and recommendations, follow the instructions. Acquired in this experience will help to further the right to connect all the elements without any problems installing these structures.

Materials and tools
Before the beginning of work should be prepared all necessary. This will allow in the future not to be distracted from working on the search for the missing parts or consumables. To perform the installation will need:
- supporting curtain base brackets, lugs or decorative caps;
- curtain rings or hooks;
- fixing elements;
- Measurement, level, pencil;
- ladder;
- or a hammer drill;
- screwdriver, screwdriver;
- hammer;
- hacksaw;
- drill.

installation procedure
The order of the work, as well as their appearance depends on the type of cornice. Fixing profile constructions can be carried out directly to the ceiling, with brackets. Consider the case of fastening a plastic box bus to the concrete floor:
- We carry out measurements of the window opening.
- Observing all the rules, making marks on the ceiling.
- If the product is longer than the measurements carried out, clip it with a hacksaw for metal.
- The plastic boxes are drilled mounting holes that need to be located in the gaps between the tracks. You will need two different diameter drill. The first hole is made in the middle, the other - at the same distance from it. Their number depends on the expected load.
- Drill, that the diameter of the screw is greater than the hat, make a hole on the front of the box.
- The second drill bit that corresponds to the diameter of the rod fasteners, drill a hole in the rear wall.
- We are putting a box on the ceiling, starting in the center, are putting labels on the spot fixing dowels, drill holes in the concrete.
- Hammering dowels.
See also:White curtains to create an air of the interior 75 photo

Mounting Wall cornices
Model, mounted on the wall, are more widely used. They are compatible with the interior design, executed in any style. Unlike ceiling versions, these designs are much easier to install yourself. For clarity, we consider ways to install the main types, which include:
- round;
- string;
- profile;
- baguette.
Each variety has its own characteristics installation. However, all these types of mounting is carried out by means of brackets. The main stages of work are almost identical, as can be seen from the example given instructions.

The main difference baguette eaves - availability trim strip that hides all the design elements. By type of base to be used for attaching curtains isolated rod, string, rail model. Operation Installation baguette with a plastic tire:
- We carry marks on the wall is level.
- Hammer drill holes, insert the dowels into them.
- Install the brackets securely fix them with screws.
- According to the available circuit collect preform connect bus trim strip.
- Anchoring the resulting preform to the brackets.
- After installation, the finished product can hang curtains and tulle.

The main feature of string models is their particular device. They consist of a steel filament, brackets, hooks. String length should not exceed five meters, it can be hung in several rows. However, it should be borne in mind that only light textiles can be hung on a thin thread. The weight of heavy curtains design will not stand. The installation of these cornices should not cause difficulties even for an inexperienced person, the process is as follows:
- We determine the location for fixing the level of carry markings.
- Attaching fasteners, making a mark dowel.
- Drill holes, install fasteners.
- Through hole on the bracket established, we start steel string in the first bracket.
- Distribute thread on the hooks or rings.
- Skipping string through the second string bracket, the necessary tension is adjustable by means of special bolts.
- Surplus steel threads are cut, as it can be folded up, it will further extend the product.

Round rods, in which the main element is a rod, are classical models. Along the edges of the product attached special covers or decorative tips. They serve as a decoration, do not allow the rings to get off the tube. When selecting these options you should pay attention on their parameters. Short construction can be mounted on two brackets, if its length exceeds 1.5 m, it is necessary to provide for the presence of additional fasteners, which is installed in the middle. Installation works are carried out as follows:
- Measure the width of the window.
- By the level of doing layout.
- Twisted with holder heel, try on her against the wall, mark pencil place under the dowel.
- When installing long products do additional mark in the middle of the window opening.
- An electric drill holes in the target site, they are hammering dowels.
- With the help of screws fasten the heel against the wall.
- We cheat on the heels of the base holder.
- Putting design, dress the required number of rings on the sides set up a stub.
- Installation fix first central bracket, and lateral fasteners.
- At the final stage, hang curtains.

The profile
Profile model is appropriate to look in any interior. For their production uses plastic or aluminum. The maximum length of not more than 6 m, but if necessary, this parameter can be increased by means of connecting parts. Some products are able to bend in two planes at any angle, so you can use them for decoration of window openings of any fanciful. To illustrate based on the step by step instructions for installing the structure:
- Determine the place of installation.
- Throughout the length of a pencil to mark up.
- If you are installing a long structure, it is necessary to provide for the presence of more than two brackets, especially in the areas of the fold.
- Often profiled moldings are sold without holders, so they have to be purchased separately.
- Drill holes, set the bracket.
- Fix a profile on fasteners.

How to Hang a curtain rod on the suspended ceiling
If the room is fitted ceilings, you should give preference to a wall-mounted models. However, it does not always have the opportunity to hang the product on the wall. In this case, there is a more difficult task to master. It can be solved by means of special inserts, which are mounted in advance of the pulling of the web. There are two basic ways to fix the cornice:
- Visible or open. The most common method. Prior to the installation of stretch ceiling determined by the place where the product will be fixed. Next on the baseline a ceiling do the layout on which the anchoring with dowels mortgage wooden beam. The wood is pretreated by special antibacterial and hydrophobic compounds. Then stretch the canvas top of it establish a profile ledge, pre-drilled holes in it. Fasten the product to the tree with the help of screws, which are screwed through the film.
- Hidden in a niche. This method is fundamentally different from the previous one. It is more complicated to implement, but the resulting effect, which is created by flowing from the ceiling curtains worth the effort. In this case, the cornice is installed in a niche, the web is not fixed to the wall and to the mortgage bar. First, the ceiling make markings on the technology previously described set cornice. Stepping on the design of a few millimeters, assemble wooden beam, it will bind to the retaining profiles, attach the canvas.
See also:Curtains on skylights: types, choice of fabric, design, mounting

Features mounting on drywall
Install a cornice can be virtually any base drywall is no exception. Perform works by analogy with tension ceilings, beams using a mortgage or by a special type of "butterfly" plugs or "driva". But if in the first case it is possible to fix a bulky design, the second is to give preference to products of light, which is able to withstand the weight of a brittle material. Let us consider the second method in more detail:
- Before starting any work collecting eaves.
- We are putting a design on the wall, aligned on the level, a pencil to make notes.
- Carefully drill holes.
- Take dowel "butterfly", compressible protrusions to lock plant in a hole, inciting the hammer.
- Next, using screws fasten the brackets heel.
- We fix the product to the wall.

Installation of eyebrows in the bay window
Bay windows are characterized by various forms. They repeat the protruding curly part of the building, which can be round, oval, trapezoidal, multi-faceted. For rooms with a non-standard geometries using special large bay structure, which practically does not differ from the standard options, can be flexible and rigid. In the first case, the elements used to connect the adapter ligth in the second - bend the profile itself, after which it is mounted in the space provided. Consider the method of installing the flexible moldings:
- Depending on the chosen location for the construction of installation on walls, ceilings, do the layout.
- Every 30-40 cm drill hole brackets.
- Install mounting.
- Try on a cornice, cut off the excess.
- Anchorages to fix the design.
- Hang hooks.

What are the cornices are fashionable in 2019
Beautiful moldings give any room a finished appearance. Along with the correct matching curtains, they emphasize the decoration of the room. In 2019 in the trend are Scandinavian style and minimalism. Therefore, when choosing the most suitable product preference better to give more functional models without unnecessary decoration. The most appropriate will look metal cornices, painted in black or white, with natural wood pattern.
Strengthen its position and Art Deco. For this direction, you can use gold items that will look perfect with suspended Armstrong systems. Topical and classic style, which is characterized by a strict symmetry, abundance of decoration, the use of natural materials. In the interior it is worth considering the hidden niche in the stretch ceiling cornice, leaving only the flowing curtains in sight.

Among the large variety of products, which are represented in the construction market, everyone can find for themselves the most appropriate model. Having dealt in the subject, even a novice can perform the installation of cornices for curtains. The main thing in this case - the existence of desire. However, when dealing with cumbersome structures need help his partner.