How to make a waterproofing in the bathroom?

  • Why do I need waterproofing?
  • Types of waterproofing
  • Surface preparation for waterproofing
  • Arrangement of roll waterproofing
  • Arrangement of coating waterproofing
  • Treatment of joints between bathroom and walls
  • Popular brand

Bathroom is the most "wet" room in the house. Even absorbent mats and special curtains are not able to fully protect the surface from getting wet, so the floor and walls in the bathroom need special protection. Finding the right decision how to make a waterproofing in the bathroom, you will not allow moisture to penetrate the finish to the concrete slabs of the ceiling, avoid their premature destruction, which leads to the need to do major repairs. In addition, a good waterproofing of the bathroom will save you from large financial losses in case of leakage or breakthrough of the pipe, from which the neighbors living from the bottom could suffer. Doing waterproofing is not so difficult - you can do all the work yourself.

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Why do I need waterproofing?

As already mentioned above, it is necessary to protect concrete floors and some sections of the walls of the bathroom from the penetrating effects of water. Water is not only able to flood neighbors from the bottom, but cause a short circuit that can cause a fire. Permanent exposure to fumes can cause rapid growth of colonies of bacteria, mold and fungi.

Important! Withdraw fungus and mold is extremely difficult, besides, they not only destroy concrete and grouting between the tiles of walls and floors, but become a serious threat to the health of tenants of a house or apartment.

Therefore, the question of whether to do waterproofing in the bathroom, the answer is clear - it is necessary!

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Types of waterproofing

The process of working on waterproofing in the bathroom is to create a hydrostatic obstacle from a material that does not pass through moisture - it is applied between the base of the walls or the floor and the decorative coating. From the impact of moisture protect all the areas that can get water.

Important! First of all, make waterproofing in the bathroom with your own hands should be on the floor areas under the bathroom, washbasin, washing machine, around them. Also pay attention to the walls that are adjacent to the sink. In general, in places where the penetration of moisture is most likely, they are also called "wet zones".

To protect such "wet areas" use the following types of waterproofing.


This view is related to the use of rolls or sheets of waterproofing material based on cardboard, impregnated bitumen or synthetic fabric. Under the influence of high temperatures, the sheets are heated, giving them plasticity, and are fused to the surface of the walls or floor.

Important! This option is not convenient to use in the bathroom, because the gas burner, which is needed in the process of pasting, is not designed for work in unventilated and cramped premises. Doing waterproofing in the bathroom with your hands in this way is quite difficult.


For the implementation of waterproofing of this type, bitumen or polymeric mastic is used. This material seals well the path of moisture penetration. Processing is carried out in several layers with mandatory drying between them.

During processing, bituminous mastic gives off an unpleasant, sharp odor, but the polymer is environmentally friendly, accordingly - it is safer.

Important! The drying time of modern mastics for waterproofing is 2 hours.


In the organization of waterproofing by this method, a polymer mixture consisting of cement, fine quartz sand and special polymers is applied to the surface to be protected, such as plaster - using a spatula and trowel, covering floors and walls. Processing is carried out in several layers with mandatory drying for 6-8 hours between them.

Important! The waterproofing of the bathroom with its own hands is considered to be performed correctly, if after the work is done, a so-called "hydro-rinse" is obtained, which completely covers the area of ​​the floor covering and captures the walls to a height of about 30 cm.

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Surface preparation for waterproofing

If you plan to perform the waterproofing work in the bathroom with your own hands, then it is necessary to properly prepare all the surfaces to be protected. For this, it is necessary to follow the technological scheme, which corresponds to the construction standards:

  1. Remove all layers of the floor layer by layer all the way to the concrete base, and also remove the entire finish from the walls.
  2. Clean the room of debris, large - notice, and remove dust with wet cleaning.
  3. Carry out a revision of the condition of the floor, seal all found cracks, grooves with a moisture-resistant mortar of cement. Make the floor as level as possible.
  4. After the solution has completely dried, sand the areas where the leveling occurred.
  5. Then apply a special primer. Wait until it is completely absorbed.

Important! By carefully completing all the points of the preparatory phase, you can extend the life of the waterproofing, thereby preserving the appearance of the room for many years.

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Arrangement of the roll-over waterproofing

In order to build the self-adhesive waterproofing of the tub with your own hands, you will need:

  • Construction knife( sharp).
  • A means for gluing waterproofing( if the roll is already impregnated with an adhesive base, it is not necessary).
  • Roll of insulating material.

The sequence of operations is as follows:

  1. Cover the prepared surface with a special bituminous impregnation to ensure better adhesion of the floor to the waterproofing.
  2. Pre-spread the roll material on the surface, cutting it into strips of the desired length. In the process of cutting, you must leave a margin on each side of 15 cm.
  3. Lay the cut pieces on the floor overlapping, leaving no gaps without material. Also, there should be no gaps between the floor and the wall.
  4. Seal the joints with a sealant, and roll the edges with a roller for better grip with bituminous impregnation.
  5. If you decide to fill the screed over the waterproofing, and not before it, then at this stage you should do the work on this task.
  6. After drying, the surface can already be faced with tiles or other finishing materials.

Important! Do not forget that the places of docking pipes and waterproofing, you must pre-close the pipes with rubber seals.

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Obstruction waterproofing

When choosing the lubricating method, use only the waterproofing that is able to prevent the appearance of mold and fungus. On sale exist both ready-made masses and dry powders that require dilution with water.

Step by step the procedure for creating waterproofing of the bathroom with your own hands looks like this:

  1. Clean the prepared surface of dirt, dust and debris, treat it with soil.
  2. In places where the pipes must come into contact with insulation, put on special rubber bands.
  3. Joint the floor and walls, glue the corners with a special sealing tape.
  4. In a bucket or some large container, dilute the mixture, following the instructions, with a construction mixer.
  5. Apply a thin layer of the mixture to the surface and allow to dry completely. After that, apply the compound again and also dry it.
  6. After complete drying, it is possible to begin finishing works.

Important! For ease of application, it is better to use a roller or a wide brush, and also work in rubber gloves to prevent the substance from entering the skin.

Useful advices

Soaking waterproofing will be much more effective if, when applied, the master will observe some rules:

  • It is necessary to identify the possible cause of high humidity in the room, if possible - to eliminate it.
  • The surface of the walls must be prepared, that is, cleaned of dust, dirt, adhering building materials.
  • It is necessary to treat the substrate with a primer that promotes better penetration of the waterproofing deep into the wall material and one that provides a strong adhesion of the adjacent layers.
  • Seams are better protected with a two-component sealant.
  • Walls with waterproofing compounds are processed layer by layer.
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Treatment of the joints between the bathroom and the walls

After the installation of the equipment in the bathroom, it carries out a whole series of operations on the waterproofing of the joints, which are formed in the places of contact of the walls of the room with plumbing fixtures.

All the cracks that specialists call docking seams are well insulated. This makes it possible to reduce the likelihood of moisture entering the floor or walls of the bathroom.

Important! The choice of waterproofing material is determined by the size of the slits. Narrow gaps are sealed with a special antifungal sealant, and wide ones - with the help of self-adhesive sealing tape.

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Popular brand

To ensure that the waterproofing of the bathroom with your own hands was performed well, you should buy only quality materials that are compatible with each other. Experts recommend choosing a ruler of one manufacturer. This will guarantee the compatibility of the materials used, as well as the strength of their connection.

Popular with the products of the following manufacturers:

  • Ceresite;
  • Knauf;
  • Technonikol;
  • Vetonit;
  • Atlas;
  • Eunice.

Waterproofing bath, made in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer, will guarantee the protection of the premises that are below, from flooding. Funds invested in repairs will more than pay off a quiet life and a pleasant feeling from being in the bathroom. Successful repair!