Housing furnace on continuous burning firewood

Many regions of the country have a harsh climate, so is very important improvement fuel system. Indispensable for suburban housing and dachas Housing furnace becomes to long burning wood. They are in demand in those places where there is no access to other energy sources. conventional oven They do not have such a high efficiency as a model for long wood combustion. With the use of such equipment is not necessary to build an oven with his own hands. long burning stove creates a more comfortable, beautiful and cheap heating.

Housing furnace on continuous burning firewood
Beautiful stove can be a great element of decor

Read article

  • 1 Furnaces for home on long burning wood: the types and designs
    • 1.1 How to choose the oven to testify on long burning wood with a hob?
    • 1.2 Properties improvised long burning furnaces on wood
  • 2 model Overview
  • 3 What better wood for the stove?
    • 3.1 Calculator for solid fuel to the furnace
  • 4 Pros and cons of furnaces
  • 5 How to set the oven and correctly calculate the area?

Furnaces for home on long burning wood: the types and designs

Choosing a furnace for home working on the wood, Continuous burning, it is necessary to consider that they are not directly burn the fuel, but gradually. That is, the wood smolder but not burn. A similar effect is created by a special adjusting air mass. To do this, the unit is equipped with a sealed chamber. When this air is forcibly. Wood burn through from top to bottom, creating combustion for a long time.

The following types of furnaces are allocated depending on the type of fuel:

  • Wood, who only work on wood;
Wood burning options are among the budget
Wood burning options are among the budget
  • solid They may run on different embodiments, briquettes, sawdust, coal and wood;
Such models are universal
Such models are universal
  • gazodrovyanye work gas and wood;
Option for the bath
Option for the bath
  • elektrodrovyanye model function as on the wood, and from electricity.
Such an option for living room decoration
Such an option for living room decoration

By design, the furnace may be mounted plate, standard, with ovenAnd stoves. As such equipment is convection. In this case, air is drawn in near the floor, extends over the entire device and comes up to the room. There are systems with liquid heat exchangers which are mounted in the combustion chamber.

Furthermore, heating the product can be made from steel, brick or cast iron. You can purchase a stove for the house on the wood with a water circuit, stove or device with hob.

Note! For such designs recommended dried firewood or briquettes, which are characterized by prolonged combustion.

How to choose the oven to testify on long burning wood with a hob?

Products with hob used to create a comfortable environment for even cooking and for heating water. the combustion process is regulated by air moving through the gate or ashpan chimney construction. Furnaces are stationary and portable type.

Hobs are often equipped with collapsible rings, which provide access to an open fire.

Functionality different model with hob
Functionality different model with hob

Properties improvised long burning furnaces on wood

any oven for home with wood homemade long combustion has the advantage of high efficiency, economical consumption of wood and in the management of prostate. It is important to properly equip the chimney. He should not have bends and corners and should be easy to clean. His hands can be built:

  • burzhujku, which has a simple device. The article includes a body of metal with two doors and flue-gas tube. The upper door serves wood, and with lower air flow is regulated;
Such a furnace can be done by hand
Such a furnace can be done by hand
  • furnace hearth characterized by prolonged combustion process. Located inside the furnace flue tooth which circulates the gases and air masses;
This design will decorate the interior
This design will decorate the interior
  • Slobozhanka representing the heater to the cooking surface. air flow enters from the side;
Slobozhanka suitable for heating a garage or a separate kitchen
Slobozhanka suitable for heating a garage or a separate kitchen
  • bubafonyu which consists of the cylinder and the incoming and outgoing pipes. When fuel burn-out, the composition of the combustion products is lowered.
This design is made from scrap materials
This design is made from scrap materials

Long term burning is caused by decay of wood at elevated temperatures and exotherm regulated supply of air through the blower and the air holes.

Such constructions can be made independently, but it should be reserved materials and drawings.

model Overview

When deciding what to give the furnace with wood choose, should be studied prices and reviews. You can not put next to flammable materials in the heat exchanger. At this distance from the wall surface to the door should be at least 1.1-1.3 meters.

Price of products depends on the power, design and certain manufacturers. Equipment-forged products for a variety of interiors. For garage heating or garden you can choose the model simpler.

Cast iron construction more expensive but superior to steel equipment. You'll find most of the French and Italian producers. Of Russian models are popular products Hephaestus and Meta.

Some models have a side door for loading wood
Some models have a side door for loading wood

Furnaces bath There are Finnish and Russian. Of Finnish companies is to provide Harvey and Castor. Of Russian designs released heat. Russian company offers Termofor model of refractory material, which have a contemporary design. By Budget embodiments relates Teplodar. For garages are often used self-made design: burzhujku or bubafonyu.

It should be borne in mind that the guarantee of the companies does not apply to items wear which depends on fuel quality. This grate, gaskets and vermiculite lining.

The table below shows the model of some manufacturers and the cost to them.

PictureManufacturerModelThe volume of heated space, m3Cost, rub.
Fire-5 batteryTermofor, RussiaFire-5 battery10014 000
CinderellaTermofor, RussiaCinderella506 700
Top Model 140Teplodar, RussiaTop Model 14010012 500
Ermak-stockerErmak, RussiaErmak-stocker30015 600
Buleryan 02Buleryan, CanadaBuleryan 024009 200
PrometheusGuga, SerbiaPrometheus25026 700
NevaMeta, RussiaNeva10018 000
KabourekABX, Czech RepublicKabourek12030 000

Metal structures are very different from furnaces of bricks Country house with wood. Photos allow you to see different options. All models are made of metal convection. In this space heater heats not only through radiation, but also with the use of air which is moving between the casing walls. To reduce the risk of smoke emission allocation, structure equipped with special nozzles.

Such apparatus have substantially all factory furnace
Such apparatus have substantially all factory furnace

What better wood for the stove?

Many homeowners like to know how to use the stove with firewood in winter. Can choose firewood different types of wood. Especially suitable hardwood, which have good heat dissipation and long burning. Such rocks have a dense structure and content of the resinous components. This contributes to less soot settling on the pipes.

Firewood is the most simple kind of raw material for heating
Firewood is the most simple kind of raw material for heating

The following options are worth considering:

  • to dolgotleyuschim rocks are oak, but it is the most expensive option. When choosing a timber is to choose trees middle-aged;
  • Birch logs ignite quickly and form a good heat, but it is better not to use the oven, as they contain a lot of pitches;
  • less heat from softwood. Because the content of such resin timber characterized by "Shooting" charcoal;
  • aspen burns long period of time, but a little different emissivity. It is not a large amount of soot;
  • Alder wood has a beautiful flame flares, as well as support the heat. Low resin content protects against strong smoke;
  • to a flare-up of linden wood takes longer than other breeds, but then logs start to allocate a high fever.
Firewood should always be dry
Firewood should always be dry

Popular combined method of kindling. For this purpose several logs apple together with aspen or birch wood. In this case, the oven heats well and simultaneously cleans the chimney. there are species wood, which are suitable for construction worksAnd some heating. Of great importance in the selection of raw materials has a heat value, combustibility and ash.

Calculator for solid fuel to the furnace

Pros and cons of furnaces

Furnace for the house on wood long combustion have both advantages and disadvantages. the following advantages of this equipment is to provide:

  • low weight and functionality;
  • ecological compatibility and availability of fuel;
  • cleaved are added during combustion;
  • Fuel savings of raw materials;
  • not require the installation of a sound base;
  • controlling gas;
  • low cost;
  • structure mobility;
  • there are models with the original design;
  • corrosion resistance and long service life.

The disadvantage is:

  • a ban on the use of other fuels;
  • certain requirements for the structure of the chimney;
  • need for a chimney;
  • the appearance of condensation on the tube;
  • complex circuit when installing the water circuit;
  • requires regular care unit.

Helpful information! Such designs require preventive maintenance. They need to include at full capacity, which helps burn condensation and protects against toxins.

Wood-burning stove can be used when not yet carried out the main heating system, and then it will be an excellent decor element
Wood-burning stove can be used when not yet carried out the main heating system, and then it will be an excellent decor element

How to set the oven and correctly calculate the area?

Depending on the brand and the company's products all products are characterized by functionality and capacity. If the equipment will also be used for cooking, it is necessary to select the device hobs. To decorate the interior of the room should choose a stove in a fireplace. To calculate the power you need to know the amount of space. The instructions indicated, it is possible to use a particular model for a space.

Installation of such a furnace requires no special knowledge
Installation of such a furnace requires no special knowledge

Installation of furnaces usually consists of the following steps:

  • Choose a suitable place. It should be removed from walls and is not on the aisle;
  • the floor is made refractory base. It is made of brick, Sheet materials, ceramics, or concrete. The area of ​​the blanket will need to be a little more than equipment;
  • if the walls are placed close to the device, then it is better oblitsevat tin sheets;
  • the chimney is made of tube sandwich type. On passage through the overlap areas requires special insulation, protecting against overheating;
  • oven set to place cooked and is connected to the chimney design.

The work is completed, unless you want to water circuit. In the opposite case, the installation plastic or metal rubb. In the present device connections, which are mounted to the construction components.

When operating pay attention to some details:

  • to reduce the rate of burning fuel, it is required to reduce the amount of oxygen;
  • oven, which is equipped with the hob, capable of operating with less oxygen penetration;
  • it is important to make sure that the doors are tightly closed. In this case must be placed in podduvalom flap which adjusts the level of oxygen;
  • in the chimney is not installed bolt, and also does not require an additional amount of revolutions;
  • during operation of the furnace, it allowed to open the door of the furnace, since the carbon monoxide in the room falls;
  • it is important to at-least once a week to give the maximum design load, which will burn off those extra components;
  • for furnace cleaning is recommended to use logs of alder, since they do not contain volatile components and create the optimum degree of heat.

The best option is to use iron furnaces cottages with wood. This material is characterized by thick walls, which can store heat for a long time. Such equipment is not subject to corrosion.

Application functional ovens with wood to create a comfortable atmosphere in the housing and style of living heat. In this case, you can save considerably on fuel raw materials.

Wood-burning stove, ideal for the interiors of rustic
Wood-burning stove, ideal for the interiors of rustic