Decorative pillows with their hands: a photo of the manufacturing process and interesting ideas

If you want to make the home more comfortable, it is necessary to make decorative pillows with their hands. Photos ready solutions will help to find a suitable option for a particular room. Consider the features of the manufacture of such a sought-after items interiorThat may interest you.

Sofa cushions will add "flavor" to any interior
Sofa cushions will add "flavor" to any interior

Read article

  • 1 Making your own hands cushions for decoration - general
    • 1.1 What tools are used to work: preparing in advance
    • 1.2 What forms can take on a decorative pillow on the sofa: the most popular solutions
    • 1.3 Methods of decorating pillows
    • 1.4 How to choose the fabric for the cover, accessories and packing for pillow
  • 2 How to make a pillow with his hands - step by step instructions
    • 2.1 How to sew a pillow with his hands the original: select a bizarre shape
    • 2.2 How to create a decorative pillow with applique: detailed instructions
    • 2.3 How to make a decorative pillow in style Shabby-chic: features and nuances
    • 2.4 How to tie a decorative pillow preferred embodiments matings
    • 2.5 How to sew a pillow in the form of roller: Process subtleties
    • 2.6 How to sew a decorative pillow child: important points
      • 2.6.1 Baby Pillow, made with his own hands, in the form of toys
      • 2.6.2 Children's decorative pillow with ribbons and bows
    • 2.7 As a self-sew pillow for pregnant women: Milestones
      • 2.7.1 Pattern for making pillows with their hands for pregnant women
      • 2.7.2 Stages of works - from "A" to "Z"
  • 3 How to sew a decorative pillow for the old pillows: interesting options
  • 4 Decorative pillows with their hands: a photo for inspiration

Making your own hands cushions for decoration - general

If you plan to make a pillow for decoration with their own hands, should properly prepare for work. To do this, not only to prepare the necessary materials and tools, but also to determine the form and manner of decoration.

Design think through in advance
Design think through in advance

What tools are used to work: preparing in advance

List of instrument used will depend on how decided to make a pillow sofa with his own hands. As a rule, you need:

  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • thread. The thickness of the yarn used, their form and color will depend on the design of a particular product;
  • chalk or other stylus to help move the pattern to the fabric;
  • Paper of a suitable size to create patterns.

If you plan to tie some elements of the product or as a whole, need to hook and / or the spokes of the development scheme.

Tools are prepared in advance
Tools are prepared in advance

What forms can take on a decorative pillow on the sofa: the most popular solutions

The form of decorative pillows sofa It can be very diverse. Popular simple geometric shapes:

  • rectangle;
  • square. The easiest and most common variant;
  • triangle;
  • a circle;
  • oval.

Possible to produce a roller or any configuration (fantasy). The latter include pillow-boyfriends, articles, book-shaped, heart, flower, smiley.

You can always find the optimal shape
You can always find the optimal shape

Methods of decorating pillows

cushion manufacturing technology allows the use of different methods of decoration. The selection can be made in favor of:

  • colors cloth. Enough to pick up the matter with unusual pattern to the finished product look stylish and original;
Coloring fabric affects many
Coloring fabric affects many
  • applications and / or print. The process of creating more complicated, but the idea can get more expressive. We only need to pick up a beautiful figure and play it with the cloth or decorative items. Modern technology helps to create a photographic illusion of embroidery. These products belong to the upper class;
Applications like many
Applications like many
  • shape and fragment. Coaches articles of complex configuration in itself expressive enough. When well-chosen color and texture effect even more strengthened. You can also create modular elements that when combined together create a complete picture. The majority decides to entrust a complicated shape qualified technician;
Square and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hour
Individual elements can form an integral product
  • key-element. In this case, the center is the main element, e.g., pretty button, and the rest are arranged around it. Contrasting solutions enhance the effect;
Implement the idea can be different
Implement the idea can be different
  • lace, knitting and embroidery. Traditional methods of decorating differing specific implementation complexity. Embroidered elements desirably created using filaments. The use of beads should be abandoned, since a similar product will be difficult to take care of;
Square and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hourSquare and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hourSquare and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hour
  • topography. To create it using puffs, ruffles, fringe, ribbons, braiding, volume and other application methods.
The relief is created differently
The relief is created differently

How to choose the fabric for the cover, accessories and packing for pillow

For the manufacture of pillows chosen fabric to which the fibers will not stick dirt. This will allow to be cleaned with the help of cleaner. For skin is best to choose a smooth and easy matter, for example, crepe satin, silk, satin, and various synthetic analogues. You can use calico or linen other matter. Fairly well-proven upholstery fabric.

Upholstery fabric is quite popular
Upholstery fabric is quite popular

For sewing thread must acquire â„– 80 or 50, depending on how the sutures will be formed. Embroidery floss need. For removable pillow cases require buttons or zipper.

Lightning will help remove cover
Lightning will help remove cover

Now, of what stuff a pillow with his hands. Of wool should be abandoned in favor of syntepon. Last last longer wool, but still fast enough will lose part of their capacity. To cushion as far as possible to retain its shape, it is worth paying attention to Fibertech. He did not slozhivaetsya and not break. Hypoallergenic.

Features fill the form and period of service pads
Features fill the form and period of service pads

How to make a pillow with his hands - step by step instructions

If you have decided on the form of the future product, it's time to learn how to make a pillow with his hands. We offer to meet with the execution sequence of works, which will achieve the desired result.

The manufacturing process may differ
The manufacturing process may differ

How to sew a pillow with his hands the original: select a bizarre shape

If you want to add interior originality, the product should produce bizarre. Original cushions with your hands can be made in a different way. Planning a sewn product, it is possible to prepare two separate members and to connect them together via a seam. Photos decorative pillows with their hands from a variety of materials are presented below.

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Square and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hour
Square and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hour
Square and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hour
Square and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hour
Square and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hour
Square and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hour

How to create a decorative pillow with applique: detailed instructions

If you're wondering how to make a pillow, the detailed instructions for the creation of these products is as follows:

  • preparing a pattern by selecting suitable size bases and future picture;
  • We decide which image will be used as an application. Depending on their own creative abilities and available time and materials, you can choose ready-made or you can create your own image. As simple can be letters, leaves, flowers or geometric patterns;
  • buying fabric for the foundations and applications. It should be remembered that the number of used tissues or coloring should not exceed 4;
  • transfer the patterns on the matter. Seam can not leave when the pattern will be sewn parts overlap and / or by overlock made from dense tissue. Otherwise, subject to 1 cm;
Irina Rosenstein


Irina Rosenstein

Designer studio "Cozy Home"

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«If the fabric is too thin for the application, it should be strengthened by means of glued base. "

  • primotyvaem elements applications to the face, and then sew.
Square and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hourSquare and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hourSquare and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hour

How to make a decorative pillow in style Shabby-chic: features and nuances

Such products will appreciate the romantic nature. Cushions in style Shabby-chic can be of various sizes and shapes. For their decoration uses a variety of embroidered patterns. Designing products in this style are fairly expensive. With self-manufacturing costs are significantly reduced. For a room, which is home to a young beauty, or a little princess, you can be the death dumochki. For registration, you can use a variety of ruffles, lace, roses, pompons and other decor that will add ease and warm environment.

Attention! For manufacturing bases suitable light soft cloth. Should give preference to pastel tones.

Square and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hourSquare and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hourSquare and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hourSquare and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hour

How to tie a decorative pillow preferred embodiments matings

Suffice it to look beautiful products, related a large pattern. Preference can be given aranam, braids, zigzag. To the selected drawing for as long as possible to retain its shape, knitting should choose thick acrylic yarn. If you do not want to knit a large canvas, it is possible to form a three-dimensional flowers, and use them as decorations.

It is possible to form a web of individual elements related pattern "grandma's box". To this end, the dimensions are determined by future pads fit in the sample, calculated as the required number of elements. Offer see photos of pillows on the sofa, made with his own hands.

Square and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hourSquare and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hourSquare and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hour

How to sew a pillow in the form of roller: Process subtleties

Let us consider in detail how to sew a pillow cushion with his own hands, without a pattern. For this purpose, the main part is cut having a rectangular shape.

Attention! Future roller length will be equal to the smaller side of the rectangle.

Cut out round the side portions having a width of 4-6 cm more main cell. Mechanical mark elements can be by any round object such as a dish. Such elements should be two.

Zipper sewn by removing basic element inside. Side seam should be positioned at a distance from the edge of 1.5-2 cm. weld seam edge obmotyvaem "zigzag".

Form a decorative edging along the contour of a circular element. Press out a small area, and paving over it line by adding the item so that the fabric is tightly covered cord. Sew, cut off the excess fabric

Irina Rosenstein


Irina Rosenstein

Designer studio "Cozy Home"

Ask a Question

«Along the edges should make frequent small incisions through which the product will be able to take a round shape. "

Connecting the main part with a circular end.

Rollers enough demand
Rollers enough demand

How to sew a decorative pillow child: important points

should choose it's not only functional in the nursery, but also safe. When deciding how to sew a decorative pillow, it is worth remembering that it should not only act in the role of an ordinary decoration, but also be of interest to the child, contribute to his learning. Consider the possible good and interesting options.

Square and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hourSquare and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hourSquare and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hourSquare and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hour

Baby Pillow, made with his own hands, in the form of toys

These products offer great opportunities for the manifestation of their creative abilities. Baby Pillow, made with his own hands, may take the form of the beloved hero of computer games, cartoons or fairy tales. With the other child will sleep comfortably. The pattern can be developed independently, or use ready-made.

If we want the child to learn the alphabet faster you can make pillow-letters. With their help, you can make different words, laying them on the couch or bed. For the manufacture of pillows, the letters must use high-quality fabric. Selection of the best made in favor of matter of different colors and textures. Helping to learn the letters, in which case it will be possible to develop an additional tactile feedback. Then, a pattern and transferred to the matter. Excised smotyvayutsya elements, and then stapled.

Attention! We pay attention to how to draw a pillow: all the elements of the alphabet should be the same height.

The letters must have the same height
The letters must have the same height

Children's decorative pillow with ribbons and bows

If in living room, young lady, As a decoration, you can use bows and ribbons. Such decorative pillows are appropriate for children in the room of the child of any age. Material for making foundation and decorations you can choose any. The main thing that it was safe for the child, and decorative elements - are securely fixed.

Little Princess appreciate
Little Princess appreciate

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As a self-sew pillow for pregnant women: Milestones

Any pregnant woman can tell you how difficult it is to sleep. Special pillow can often rectify the situation. Let's see how to do it.

You can always sleep in a comfortable position
You can always sleep in a comfortable position

Pattern for making pillows with their hands for pregnant women

To get a quality product and well fulfill its function, first constructed pattern pillow for pregnant women. To develop its own hands is not necessary. You can find ready-made solutions.

Attention! To reduce shrinkage of the finished product, before sewing the fabric should be steamed several times with an iron.

Pattern cushion for pregnant women
Pattern cushion for pregnant women

Stages of works - from "A" to "Z"

We make a pillow in the following sequence.

Square and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hourFold a piece of fabric prepared 4 times and drawn with the contours of the future product. For greater precision, a pattern can be produced on a scale of 1: 1, to pin pin to its tissue and cut around the crayon.
Square and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hourCut the marked elements, leaving the seam allowances. It is desirable to carry out another contour, the width was the same allowance.
Square and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hourFix the two parts relative to each other by means of safety pins. Namotyvaem and then sews the seam, leaving some part nezashitoy.
Square and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hourFill banana fillers, achieving the desired density. Sew up the remaining segment.

The following video will help deal with the intricacies of the process.

How to sew a decorative pillow for the old pillows: interesting options

Update the look of an old pillow is simple enough. We only need to sew a beautiful pillowcases on the pillows with their hands. Photo, below are a clear confirmation of this.

Square and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hourSquare and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hourSquare and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hourSquare and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hour

Pillowcases for cushions can be made with your own hands from a variety of materials. What would be the preferred option, it is necessary to decide independently on the basis of stylistic premises. If you make yourself do not want to pay attention to:

  • Small pillowcase (43 × 43cm) HOM-22. Square product with a beautiful pattern;
  • pillowcase tapestry Dekortex «Fluffies" size - 90 × 35 cm. Quality product will last long enough.

We think it will be interesting to review the pillowcase 82 Sali Pazari

Square and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hour
More on Otzovik:

Among the finished pillows you might be interested in Vonda, Van and others from Arya.

Decorative pillows with their hands: a photo for inspiration

So that you have more ideas, we will pick you up for inspirational photos.

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Square and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hour
Square and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hour
Square and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hour
Square and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hour
Square and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hour
Square and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hour
Square and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hour
Square and original: photos of unusual decorative pillows with their hands, which can be done in half an hour

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