Before fabulous New Year's Eve is still very little time. If you have not had time to decorate your homeNote on vytynanki. Openwork patterns will help beautifully decorate any room for the New Year. We show you how to choose and make your favorite picture and attach it to a variety of surfaces.

Read article
- 1 Purpose circuits and stencil vytynanok
- 2 Vytynanki for the New Year: Key
- 3 Tips for Choosing vytynanok templates for the New Year with ready schemes
- 3.1 Templates vytynanok large for the New Year - the basis of holiday songs
- 3.2 Small stencils-vytynanki for the New Year
- 4 Create a template Christmas jigsaw vytynanki
- 4.1 Tools and materials
- 4.2 Vytynanku draw their own hands
- 4.3 Technology vytynanok cut
- 5 How to fix Christmas vytynanku: recommendations for a variety of grounds
- 5.1 Fasten vytynanki New Window
- 5.2 decorate furniture
- 5.3 Ornament gift
- 5.4 soaring vytynanka
- 6 Recent patterns-vytynanki the New 2019
- 7 Removing the vytynanku after the New Year: Tips to Young Housewives
Purpose circuits and stencil vytynanok
FIELD vytynanok use is fairly extensive. scheme and stencils widely used not only to create a festive atmosphere, but also in the manufacture of crafts the classroom in kindergarten or elementary school. Here are relevant simple templates, do not involve the use of piercing-cutting tools.

For older children, you can choose a more complex stencils with fine details. Their skills will be enough to cut the contour of complex patterns.

Often used in vytynanki interior design. They can be nice to decorate the mirror, furniture, or any other surface. Openwork decorative item could become a real picture, if it is glued on cardboard contrast. The choice of subjects depends on personal preferences and stylistic.

On the eve of New Year and Nativity it becomes relevant New Year's attributes. The selection can be made in favor of any of the thematic decoration. It is believed that it is sure to bring the house good luck, wealth and prosperity.

Vytynanki for the New Year: Key
Templates Christmas vytynanok on windows differ in size and content. Quite popular silhouette images. It can be:
- figures;

- angels;

- Christmas decorations;

- Father Frost and the Snow Maiden;

- Snowmen;

- sprigs of fir. Such vytynanki New Year is attached not only on the windows, but also on the mirror;

- houses surrounded by snow;

- clock showing how much is left before the New Year. Such vytynanki - a very popular option festive decorations;

- candles and much more.

More simple in execution are symmetric products, which should include:
- snowflakes;
- stars;
- bells;
- trees.
Difficulty vytynanok such may vary significantly.

Tips for Choosing vytynanok templates for the New Year with ready schemes
To select a template vytynanki on New Year's Eve, you must first decide on its mounting location. From this depends the size of the future decoration. In general, all decorative items can be divided into large and small. The first are the basis of the composition, the latter make it coherent. Please find with the options that you can choose the most suitable.

Templates vytynanok large for the New Year - the basis of holiday songs
Due to its size large vytynanki occupy a large footprint. Choosing a template for the New Year, to relate them to the window size. It is desirable to change the scale pattern in such a way that it corresponds to the width or length of the base.
Subjects large vytynanok templates for the New Year may be different. Quite popular trees, houses, themed characters. We have prepared for you a scheme that you can use to decorate their apartment.

Small stencils-vytynanki for the New Year
Small elements are designed to complement an existing composition. It may be small snowflakes or Christmas decorations. Which option would be appropriate - will depend on the size and content of the core.
Keep to yourself stencils small vytynanok for the New Year:

Create a template Christmas jigsaw vytynanki
If you can not find a suitable template among ready-made New Year pictures, you can make your own hands vytynanku. Process technology is quite simple, you are sure to be able to master it.

Tools and materials
For creating vytynanki on the window for the New Year should be prepared:
- slate;
- A paper format most often the choice is made in favor of the white sheet, but it is possible to use a different color of the material. For hanging cardboard figures need;
- stationery knife;
- scissors.

Irina Rosenstein
Designer studio "Cozy Home"
Β«Knives and scissors should be carefully sharpened. "
Vytynanku draw their own hands
If among the set pieces did not find any, you can create a template with your own hands. In the presence of artistic ability can safely get to work and draw the desired picture. Otherwise, we advise you to take the finished scheme that best fits the interior of your home, and its slightly modified.
Tip! To achieve the desired result, you can easily combine multiple circuits.
Tips on creating a template with your own hands can be found in the following video:
Technology vytynanok cut
When you can print templates vytynanok New Year, you can proceed to their excision. This is done in the following sequence:
- on a sheet of paper and gently lay the pattern is outlined in pencil;
- Using stationery knife, cut vytynanku. Movements should be smooth and neat. First cut small parts, then larger;
- if the three-dimensional decoration, fragments are glued together using PVA adhesive.
More detail carving technique is presented in the following video:
How to fix Christmas vytynanku: recommendations for a variety of grounds
After you print the pattern and cut out vytynanki on New Year's, they must be properly fastened. The procedure will depend on the grounds on which it is planned to fix the decor. Use our tips to be happy with the result.

Fasten vytynanki New Window
For fastening Christmas vytynanok windows most commonly used soap. Depending on the weight of the paper used for fixing a decor soap or soap solution. In the first case, a piece of soap to moisturize thoroughly and treated them vyrezalok surface that will come into contact with the glass. In the second case vytynanku entirely placed in a soapy solution, wait about a minute, and then is applied to the window.

Irina Rosenstein
Designer studio "Cozy Home"
Β«If the paper is very thin, a soap solution was applied to glass using a sprayer and then fastened decoration. "
Except for soaps can also be used Scotch or PVA glue. In both cases, the process of removing the decoration some difficulties may arise. Moreover, in the sunlight tape can be clearly seen.
Fewer problems arise when using paste flour or starch. They generously treated decorative item before fixing on the glass.

decorate furniture
If you decide decorate furniture for the New Year beautiful panel with vytynankoy depicting deer, you can use either a conventional two-sided adhesive tape. The second option is preferable, since it will be hard to notice.
Of the popular ways is worthy option, involving the use of hairspray STYLER. However, it should be resorted to as a last resort, since some difficulty with the removal of the decor may occur after the end of the celebrations.

Ornament gift
Not always possible to buy time present. In this case, it is always possible to make their own hands. Beautiful postcard or an envelope of money for themselves will be a valuable gift that will long be kept by the recipient.

Tip! To gift with vytynankoy the New Year turned out beautiful, you should buy good quality paper.

soaring vytynanka
If you can handle the most delicate openwork, you can create floating ornaments. It can be a ballerina, for mounting that uses a thin thread or fishing line, or the usual decorations, hung on the bright yarn or ribbon.

Recent patterns-vytynanki the New 2019
The coming 2019 will be the year of the Pig. That's why choosing vytynanki templates to decorate your home for the New Year, look for the following schemes:
1 of 6

Removing the vytynanku after the New Year: Tips to Young Housewives
After the festivities are completed, decorative items should be removed. For this it is necessary to arm with a sharp object such as a knife. Enough to hook decor corner and gently pull on itself to decoration very beginning of filming. After this will add up all vytynanki in the box until the next New Year.
Share in the comments of a photo with the result of your creativity, so that we can assess how you have decorated your house, and tell how vytynankam preferred.