At the home of each family there are certainly cutting fabrics, old, has already served his things. But not always we are willing to part with expensive heart gizmos. As they give a new life? Very simple: to allow them to continue to please the eye in the new his incarnation. For example, as rug. Editorial offers turn old things into an exclusive rug made by hand.

Read article
- 1 Housekeeping tip: what are the things you should not throw away
- 2 What is useful for crochet rugs out of old things
- 2.1 Braided Rugs patchwork: Step by Step Instructions
- 3 Weaving rugs out of old things: Available master class
- 4 Sew mat pieces of old cloth: instruction for shirkers
- 5 How to make your own hands on a grid mat of old things
- 6 Making your own hands rug from old belts
- 7 How to make a rug out of wine corks
Housekeeping tip: what are the things you should not throw away
Examine your wardrobe. T-shirts, scarves, old linens, Belts and even plastic bags - all this can be an excellent basis for wicker masterpiece.

If you master the technology to create a rug from old t-shirts, crocheted present trouble choosing her friends for the holidays you will be gone. Plus the house is a lot of soft and warm rugs.
What is useful for crochet rugs out of old things
The first stage - preparation of yarn. Instead of wool we are strips of cloth, cut from old T-shirts.

For this old t-shirt to be cut along the side seams. The basis of the cut into thin strips, if you will cut a continuous spiral (as in the photo), then the need to sew the pieces you will not have that will save time.

Therefore, you have to cut all the fabric to the top. If suddenly you could not make a continuous tape, then prepare in advance the needle and thread to seal the "tails" of the tapes. Likewise yarn binds the pieces together.
After preparing the yarn you need to select the appropriate size hook. skilled workers typically use a hook 15.

Braided Rugs patchwork: Step by Step Instructions
This process is very time consuming and requires uncommon faith. Knit rugs out of old things crocheting a pleasure when you will not take your time. All household chores behind.
Milestones include:
- The resulting yarn wrap around the finger so that a loop. Why, capturing the free yarn tail make a sliding hinge. We are making a series of hinges 11 to the ring circuit.
- The resulting ring is necessary to tie the columns with sc, and so the circle. In the process, you can add a new color.
- The last series tied in any way, securing the end of the thread.

Weaving rugs out of old things: Available master class
How to weave a rug from old things, so it turned out perfectly flat? This is a problem faced by every aspiring mistress. We offer you affordable master class, which will help create a perfectly smooth mat, even if the first time you sat at needlework.
The first and one of the main rules - to prepare the ground. In our case it will be a normal hula hoop. Only the main catch is that you need to pick the right t-shirt under it and cut tissue rings so (and we We understand that you need to cut t-shirt as it has across), so that they tightly boarded the ring, but does not deform him. If you do not find the right size shirt, use yarn or wool.

fastening technology thread and weaving can be very different. The main pull yarn or ribbon so that the finished fabric looked tight.

Sew mat pieces of old cloth: instruction for shirkers
Even there you have no skills craftsThis mater class seems too easy. For the work we need: scissors, old towels, ruler, smooth fabric for the base.
The first phase - the tissue preparation. Old towels cut into strips about 4.2 cm wide each. It is important that the length of all of them were the same.
The blanks are woven into braids. All stages of the work are described in detail in the photo.

This is one of the fastest ways to make the pad in just one hour. You can use pieces of different fabrics a texture, as an option, you can use several pairs of old jeans. In this case, the length of the patches will create quite a long mat.

Tip! To properly distribute the strips of cloth better distribute them in advance of shades and colors. Plaiting contrasting colors suit more.
Ready braids sew onto the substrate, thereby achieving the maximum design density. At this stage it is possible to lay out patterns.
How to make your own hands on a grid mat of old things
It costs a bit painstaking creation of a web of fluffy pompons. To do this, you first need to make pom-poms, and only then attach them to the base. Typically, a special mesh, which can be bought in any store for crafts.
So, the first step: to prepare a special wool threads, it is best to choose some bright colors. First, we create a pom-poms. To do this, you can cut the cardboard base.

Making your own hands rug from old belts
It is interesting to look mats hallways of the old belt. Here the question is the skill of weaving and possession of a tool such as an awl.

Options for a great variety of schemes, most importantly the right to consolidate the foundation received. Sometimes the belts are used for the decoration of furniture.

Note! The creation of a single belt takes an average of 12 belts. For crosslinking using staples or twine tight and sewed. Sometimes a thick base and glue.
How to make a rug out of wine corks
For a bath or bathroom will be a real gem of an unusual rug from wine corks. Manufacturing technology of such a useful decoration is quite simple. All you have to do - to find the raw materials, ie, plug in the right quantity, wash them and dry.

The cork material is not susceptible to rotting processes on it do not breed bacteria, which is why the cork mat must be present in the places where they played barefoot.
For work, we need:
- wine cork in an amount of 150 units;
- rubber mat;
- knife;
- cutting board;
- sandpaper;
- glue.
- Pure and dried tube cut lengthwise into two parts;
- Put the workpiece on the basis of pre-allocating if you want to color in the mosaic.
- Before gluing each half of the handle with sandpaper for a better setting.

Important! Before using the product must be dried!
If you have your own ideas of what and how to make a rug or doormat, tell us about it in the comments.