In an effort to add beauty and comfort, many get artificial flowers for the home interior. Manufacturers offer a wide range of products, among which can be difficult to choose the appropriate option for your home. However, not all landlords are willing to use such a decoration for the home. We offer to meet with existing species, particularly the manufacture of a variety of rooms and order production of decor with your own hands.
Beauty does not require special care
Read article
1 Pros and cons of artificial flowers for decoration
2 Types of decorative colors for interior
2.1 Artificial flowers in pots for home interior
2.2 What to buy artificial flowers for home decor: in a vase
2.3 Beautiful composition of artificial flowers in the style of Biedermeier
2.4 Panel of artificial plants for home interior
2.5 Baskets with artificial flowers for home
2.6 Other varieties
3 Which is better to buy artificial flowers for home furnishing - recommendation of our editorial
4 How to decorate with artificial plants, home interior: recommendations for the different rooms
4.1 hallway
4.2 Living room
4.3 Bedroom
4.4 Children's room
4.5 Kitchen
4.6 Bathroom
5 How to care for artificial flowers: tips, which you should use
6 How to make your own hands artificial flowers - nuances
Pros and cons of artificial flowers for decoration
Floral composition claimed with the interior. Choosing between live and artificial flowers for decoration, many opt for the latter, because they are no different from the real thing. Modern technologies allow to achieve maximum similarity.
Learn immediately artificial flowers can be difficult
The advantages also include the costs:
there is no need for a systematic watering and fertilizing periodically transplant. Using artificial ornamental plants, can be a long time away from home without fear for interior decoration, they will wither;
are not able to cause an allergic reaction if properly cared for;
lack of propensity to disease or pest attacks;
the ability to create beautiful compositions without special knowledge;
No risk of product damage when accidentally dropped flowerpot;
opportunity to demonstrate their own creativity to create colors for decoration with their hands;
versatility and lack of requirements to the installation site. They can be found not only on the windowsillBut also in dressing or bathroom.
You can always choose the right option
Among the shortcomings should be noted:
lack of flavor. Even if outwardly two bouquets are no different, you can always tell where fresh flowers, and where artificial;
Availability The products from low-quality material. They can stain hands and cause an allergic reaction;
under influence UV the material from which the petals can burn.
Tip! Add artificial flavor compositions can be with just a few drops of essential oil.
Beautiful bouquet will allow to transform the interior
Types of decorative colors for interior
Appearance flower arrangement is of great importance. Choosing decorative flowers for the interior, it is necessary to explore all possible options. This will allow better orientation when purchasing. We offer to meet with possible solutions.
Of artificial flowers, you can create different compositions
Artificial flowers in pots for home interior
Flowers in pots on a windowsill or a bookshelf can vary any interior. Inability to create optimal conditions for cultivation has led many to give up living houseplants. But the use of artificial flowers in pots for the house interior has no restrictions and allows the correct accents. Selecting the most in favor of hanging and climbing plants: spiderwort, asparagus, monstera ivy or high palms, ficus.
Irina Rosenstein
Designer studio "Cozy Home"
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«Simulators in the pots are usually made without inflorescences, but you can find products by color. "
Natural Tuoch Orchid is popular enough. The height of such a product is 43 cm. Add fresh interior makes an artificial flower in a pot "Tulip" height of 34 cm. Amour Grande able to become not only an ornament interiorBut also a good gift. "White Heather", having small dimensions, only 9,5 × 10,5 × 15 cm, will be harmonious look on any windowsill. Enough good reviews has an artificial plant TUC "Orchid".
More on Otzovik:
What to buy artificial flowers for home decor: in a vase
Beautiful bouquet in a vase can become one of the main decorations in the room. Floral composition itself may be of various sizes and shapes. Deciding to buy artificial flowers for home decor, it should be remembered that:
for high and narrow vase suitable roses or other plants with long stems;
for wide and low the pot is better to choose the song with short legs.
Tip! Pouring water in a vase, it is possible to achieve the maximum similarity copy and the original.
Offer see a photo of flowers in a vase at home.
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Beautiful composition of artificial flowers in the style of Biedermeier
Biedermeier is an interesting composition is from beautiful artificial flowers are arranged on circles. Their number may vary. Preferably, four or more.
Plants Biedermeier chosen for each circle a different kind or one, but contrasting colors. Each bud is so tight to the next, that the stems and leaves are visible. For decorative ears are sometimes used for frame - paper or greenery. We think you will be interesting photo compositions for the interior of artificial flowers.
Panel of artificial plants for home interior
For vases or pots may be difficult to allocate space. In such a situation floral compositions shaped in the form panel. Selected interior artificial plants fixed on the wire frame, filling the space completely. Possible and other options.
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Baskets with artificial flowers for home
Quite popular baskets, which can be hung on the wall. To fill them can be used not only classic bouquets, but also creepers. This is an appropriate option for a spacious room. In small rooms they will look out of place and will take away the already limited space.
Recycle Bin settings must correspond to the dimensions of the room
Irina Rosenstein
Designer studio "Cozy Home"
Ask a Question
«It is filled with artificial flowers selected for the house, hanging baskets can be used as a light source, if next to the plants to fix the lamp. "
We have prepared for you photos that demonstrate how different and beautiful can be a basket and flowers.
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Other varieties
There are other types of flower arrangements that can be used in interior design. Suffice it to look beautiful pots, which can be found not only in living rooms, but also in the kitchen.
Pots important for living rooms and balconies
If there comes a holiday, then a flower arrangement can be designed accordingly. On the eve of the New Year or Christmas, many appear on the doors wreaths of artificial flowers.
Create a festive mood is easy
Which is better to buy artificial flowers for home furnishing - recommendation of our editorial
To floral arrangement as long as possible keeps its good appearance, preference should be given only to high-quality product. Manufacturers offer products made from latex, cotton, polyurethane, silk. Preference is given to products made of cotton and silk, as they are not only pleasing to the touch, but are not able to cause an allergic reaction.
Products made of polyester look beautiful
Tip! Do not buy cheap flower arrangements.
Cheap products may initially have a beautiful appearance, but after a short time, they can shed, and the individual elements - fall off. More expensive counterparts will not only look like living analoguesBut also be able to retain its longer presentable. Check the quality of the acquired product can be in his category. The most affordable are the flowers relating to 1-3 category. If you buy artificial flowers 4-6 category, they will look as alive and last much longer.
Selecting a particular bouquet, should carefully examine it. All the petals and leaves must have a regular shape. Inflorescence should sit tight on the stem, the leaves - is securely locked.
Tip! The colors chosen bouquet should not differ from the genuine. In this case, it will look more natural in the interior.
The colors should not differ from the natural
How to decorate with artificial plants, home interior: recommendations for the different rooms
The appointment of the room largely determines the order of its registration. By choosing artificial plants for home interior, should immediately determine where they will be. We offer to meet with professional advice.
Make the choice can be difficult
AT hall light activated infrequently. That is why the hall is the best option for the decoration of artificial flowers. Here you can put a tall vase with a beautiful bouquet of roses or orchids, or purchase a small climbing plant. The latter will look quite nicely in the presence of a hall built cabinet or mirror.
Living room
There often meet guests and spend a lot of free time. That is why the decorative flowers for the house, intended for living roomChoose carefully. Some people like the wall of artificial flowers, someone - the flowers in a vase, original compositions, palm and ficus bushes. Selection of a suitable embodiment will depend on the stylistic living and fixed furniture.
AT bedroom Artificial compositions become rare. Since these products very well attract dust, certain difficulties may arise over time. Despite the fact that the artificial flowers as living, the last in the bedroom are preferred. In extreme cases, instead of them, you can set the dried flowers.
Children's room
For children's room preferred live composition. If artificial decided, it is necessary to choose to remember that they should be:
without thorns;
Most often, preference is given to the wall panels, planters or articles in pots
The main security focus
Here are the most common decorative vase with fruit and spices. over workers apron It looks nice bunch of pepper, onions or garlic. Decorative colors are placed in the pot and vase small size, giving preference to orchids and roses.
Because of being in a high humidity bathroom natural flowers impractical. To add comfort using products made of plastic and clay. Selection of a suitable composition is done taking into account the stylistic and floor space. Sometimes next to the lockers have a large vase or just decorate mirror creepers.
How to care for artificial flowers: tips, which you should use
To floral composition has a presentable appearance and did not cause health problems, it is followed correctly and timely care. For this:
pen whisk collect dust cloth with colors;
Wipe with a damp cloth plant petals with a smooth texture. These products are made of plastic, clay, porcelain;
disinfect all elements of the floral composition by spraying it with a solution of vinegar;
restore lost freshness via steam cleaner or cleaning.
Remove the dust on time
How to make your own hands artificial flowers - nuances
If you can not find a suitable option among ready-made products, can be made decorative flowers with his own hands. In this case, it will be possible to work out their own design of the composition, depending on what style decorated room. You should also take into account certain nuances, thanks to which will be easy to create your own beautiful plant.
Description of the action
For the formation of stem of the plant is necessary to have in place a toothpick and paper strips. Twisting paper, the beginning of which is toothpick should strive to press each subsequent to the previous layer as tightly as possible. The tip of the paper must be secured with tape.
To form the bud need crepe paper white size 10 × 25 cm and yellow - 20 × 4 cm. From the first pitch can be produced from yellow - core. Fold the yellow strip of paper four times and make cuts on both sides.
Fold together the white and yellow paper. The width of the folds must be the same, because they will be used for the formation of future daisy petals.
Attach the desired shape of each petal. First, forming one side of the crease, then - the second. The radius of curvature on both sides should be about the same.
We connect with flower and stem. For fixing using adhesive tape. Straighten pitch, forming a closed loop.
Now you know, both with their own hands to make artificial flowers. Share in the comments, if relevant, our advice to you, or do you prefer to buy ready-made.