The thermal imager for the inspection of buildings and structures: a device that allows to save

It would seem that, where and how it can be useful thermal imager in the home? The device specific, practical benefit from it a little bit. However, it is not so clear. Let's say you have decided to buy an apartment, how to understand, how will warm the home? Where you are waiting for the heat loss? How to check the work of the installer window? It is with a thermal imager. For the inspection of buildings and structures, as well as for the heating system, it is also useful: a clever device allows to detect blockage in radiatorWithout breaking it. The problem is that the professional equipment is quite expensive, and the need to acquire it, in fact, not. Today, we shall understand what low-end models can easily handle these tasks, and try to learn how to build improvised device, and whether it's worth the effort.

That's the way or something like this would look like your house, "eyes" smart device

Read article

  • 1 What is this smart thing - the thermal imager, and for what it can be used for construction and repair
  • 2 Design and operation of the thermal imager
  • 3 Main characteristics
    • 3.1 Range of measured temperature and thermosensitivity
    • 3.2 Resolution IR detector and LCD
    • 3.3 Display modes and store data
    • 3.4 Additional objectives and functions
  • 4 Hardware and experts requirements for thermal imaging inspection of buildings
  • 5 As the survey is conducted imager houses
  • 6 In what form is issued the report on thermography imager after checking the house
  • 7 How to choose a thermal imager for independent control of heat loss
  • 8 Is the game worth the candle: the cost of some thermal models in different price categories
      • 8.0.1 CONDTROL IR-CAM2 - the leader among the cheapest of devices
      • 8.0.2 Testo 882 - a high-resolution camera with video recording function with a laser pointer
      • 8.0.3 Fluke TiX580 - the device that solves the problem of increased complexity for more shooting facilities
  • 9 Mobile Imager for smartphone - how real evidence
    • 9.1 Mobile Imager on Android
      • 9.1.1 The imager Seek Thermal XR for Android
    • 9.2 Device «FlirOne» for smartphones based on IOS
  • 10 How to assemble a thermal imager with their hands, and whether it is worth doing it - the nuances
  • 11 instead of a conclusion

What is this smart thing - the thermal imager, and for what it can be used for construction and repair

Thermal imager - a sophisticated electronic device that can accurately determine the temperature zones and reproduce the measured thermal radiation in the online mode using the color spectrum. Special matrix feel the change in temperature and shows it swings in a range from bright yellow, scarlet, maximum spectrum showing the hottest zone to green and dark blue, displays the lowest temperature.

Important! Device changes color hue even when the temperature changes by 1 ° C.

The device may be stationary or portable. The first type of equipment is most often used in enterprises to monitor key components and assemblies, which are not allowed to overheat. In addition, thermal imaging cameras can catch the excessive overheating of contacts and cables, eliminating them overheating and failure. Such meters are on the CHP, oil and gas companies, defense industry factories, and so on.

EXAMPLE survey imager nodes in the enterprise
EXAMPLE survey imager nodes in the enterprise

Mobile Imager is easy to use and convenient. Buy a device for inspection of buildings can afford even a small enterprise HOA. Such devices are used for work on warming roof, Research breakthroughs heating, reconstruction facades. The construction of the unit is needed to control the quality of the connection joints during installation window frames and doorways, balconies and floor overlap.

Here is the "wrong" battery, which refuses due to obstruction to heat your home
Here is the "wrong" battery, which refuses due to obstruction to heat your home
Andrew Feofanov


Andrew Feofanov

recruitment specialist tool ""

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"Please note that there are currently two types of devices. One displays a thermogram in color format, the other - in black and white. When purchasing be sure to ask, in what form will display the device information. Laymen is better to choose a color display. "

So, we found that the thermal imager - not so once the device in a home workshop. How to choose the device and what characteristics you should pay attention, we shall understand in this article.

Design and operation of the thermal imager

The principle of the equipment is to capture the infrared radiation from any surface, located directly in front of the reading unit matrix. With special miniaturized thermistors, are sensitive to the slightest heating, the unit analyzes the temperature of the object and produces a result.

Note! in the imager matrix is ​​a chip with a set of special diodes, which differ resistance property change depending on the intensity of the infrared rays.

An example of how the image looks "eyes" of the thermal imager, you can see in the photo.

Investigation of the thermal imager heat loss in the apartment
Investigation of the thermal imager heat loss in the apartment

The arrows in this case are cold tracks which showed unit. Darker gamma designates low temperatures, yellow and red, as already mentioned above - are high. All information in real time on the monitor issued. Photograph or drawing, which shows a device called termokarta. In the photo visible range, which allows us to estimate the exact temperature of the object, and the date of the survey.

Termokarta home accurately detect heat loss and time to solve the problem with thermal insulation
Termokarta home accurately detect heat loss and time to solve the problem with thermal insulation

With such a photograph and expert opinion can be addressed to the management company or the developer's claim, if you notice cracks in tile ceilings. In any case, such information will be useful for high-quality thermal insulation of buildings.

Main characteristics

On what are the parameters necessary to pay attention when choosing a thermal imager? Consider the main ones:

  1. The sensitivity of the instrument. Typically the imager is able to determine the temperature difference to 0,1 °. This means that any temperature deviation in the tenth of a degree device will record and display color change. This is a rather high sensitivity, which is enough for any seasonal work on all sorts of objects. The lower the sensitivity, the greater the run temperature required device, to feel her change.
  2. type matrix. The fact is that thermal sensors, as well as any other, must be cooled. There are two types of matrix. Self-cooling and no. Thermal matrix with a first type more expensive, however, they can operate at a frequency of 20 kHz and measuring temperature up to 0,018 °. Devices of the second type considered simpler, respectively, and more cheap.
Andrew Feofanov


Andrew Feofanov

recruitment specialist tool ""

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"The sensitivity of the device depends on the matrix size. The larger it is, the more sensitive elements (diodes), the better the "mold heat" and clearer image. By increasing the temperature sensitivity is increased and the ability of the device to "see" the individual objects in the room. "

For household measurement is better to choose simple budget devices, but if you want the instrument to perform more universal problem, it is necessary to choose a thermal imager with a matrix of not less than 640 × 480
For household measurement is better to choose simple budget devices, but if you want the instrument to perform more universal problem, it is necessary to choose a thermal imager with a matrix of not less than 640 × 480

Other devices with smaller die used for the survey areas with large temperature difference. Simply put, when selecting key characteristics of the device are the sensitivity and the size of the matrix. These parameters define the quality of the device, and directly affect its value. Among other "buns" are: a variety of the USB-port, removable and extra batteries, volume memory card, and other specifications related primarily to the storage and transfer information.

Tip! When selecting unit pay attention to the distance measurement, angle, maximum and minimum temperature of use, as well as the frame frequency.

Range of measured temperature and thermosensitivity

The limit of the upper and lower temperature - important enough figure to which you should pay attention, especially in cases where you are planning to conduct a study of hotter or colder zones or objects. The limit defines the boundaries of the sensitivity. If you want to use a thermal imager to check the heating (overheating) elements of the motor vehicle, a more modest enough sensitivity range - from zero to 200 ° C, while there are devices that trap -40 to + 500˚S, which are at times expensive. In this case, pay for hypersensitivity is not necessary. But if you want to use the device to control the leakage of heat, which can be minor, then you should pay attention to devices with a wide range of temperatures coverage.

Tip! Budget option for the thermal imager can be purchased in a store building equipment. Typically, the range of measured temperatures in these devices ranges from-20 to + 280˚S, which is enough for most purposes. The cost of this device varies between 38 000-40 000.

Temperature sensitivity, in contrast to the temperature range, in contrast, must be less. This figure determines the minimum step that will pick up the device and change the display color. This step can vary from 0.08 to 0.1? C.

The lower temperature sensitivity, the sharper the picture turns termokarty
The lower temperature sensitivity, the sharper the picture turns termokarty

Resolution IR detector and LCD

Resolution LCD display - is present, but not as an important indicator. Some unscrupulous sellers try using a larger display to increase the sales of "feeble" devices. By increasing the display such cunning merchants attempt to hide the poor quality of the IR sensor. the cost is 90% of the price of the entire device. To identify building defects small enough screen resolution. But for high-quality work is more important than the device resolution of the infrared sensor. In this case, the resolution and consequently the sensitivity of the device depends on the resolution of the detector.

For household tasks (heat leak detection) is enough 160 × 120 pixels, although experienced energy say that it is better to acquire and pay a premium device with IR sensor 320 × 240 pixels
For household tasks (heat leak detection) is enough 160 × 120 pixels, although experienced energy say that it is better to acquire and pay a premium device with IR sensor 320 × 240 pixels

Display modes and store data

Professional equipment can not only print the picture, but also record video study. It is very convenient as it allows you to explore all the features of the object under study.

On qualitative equipment record can be maintained in the high resolution mode, to "capture" optionally come close to the object. High sensitivity allows to fully explore the site or object
On qualitative equipment record can be maintained in the high resolution mode, to "capture" optionally come close to the object. High sensitivity allows to fully explore the site or object

Further, the data stored on the internal drive, the amount of memory cards can play an important role in choosing the equipment. If you plan to make long-term measurements, which requires a large amount of memory, you should consider buying the device, allowing to carry out the upgrade. Typically, engineers and arrive. They hold the record of several research facilities, and after the conduct of their assessment, deciphering data. If you do not have such a need, you can buy a device with a smaller volume of cards for data storage

Additional objectives and functions

The imager refers to professional equipment list. As with any technology, there are also provided various "buns" and options. For each model offered a range of optional equipment and accessories. This may be a tripod, a bag, carrying case, and a set of lenses or a removable adapter for connecting or additional battery.

Note! Lenses that can be packaged, there are 2 types: wide-angle and telescopic. The first easy to use, if you need to cover the entire space as a whole, the second - if you want to explore some part.

Among the additional options may include: wireless transmission of photo and video files, synchronization with the computer, the ability to put the GPS tracks. However, all of these amenities are worth the money. And sometimes considerable.

Hardware and experts requirements for thermal imaging inspection of buildings

As with any research, testing facility with a thermal imager requires specific knowledge and is subject to regulations. There are a number of SNIP and GOST, according to which the measurements are made. Energoaudit considered licensed service, so it is necessary to carry out strictly according to the rules.

Energy audit imager at an industrial facility
Energy audit imager at an industrial facility

Before operating the device it is necessary to verify what is a record in a special permit to work. The specialist must have the necessary permits and licenses to work with the device, as any examination involves the expert opinion. thermal imaging survey is conducted strictly within a certain time. Usually it is early morning or late evening, making it easier visual determination of expert problem areas.

Mikhail Starostin


Mikhail Starostin

Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"

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"Residential buildings easier and more correct to examine the loss of heat during the cold days. The difference in temperature will allow to notice even small heat loss even insensitive instrument, it is important that this difference is not less than 10-15 ° C. »

During the study, outside of buildings should not be allowed precipitation, it can distort the measurement picture. If the specialist performs several measurements, they must be carried out at the same distance.

Note! Remember that the cost of the study and the room may vary. And the price can influence the duration of the works. Do not forget that after all the measurements you need to submit a written report with all the necessary stamps and signatures.

As the survey is conducted imager houses

In addition to the preparation of the device and check the specialist tolerances are important the weather conditions at the site of the procedure. For example, measurements can not be carried out at a strong wind or sun. And the building itself should not be overheated by the sun. Permissible value - building should be in the shade for at least 12 hours before the start of the study. That is why the most effective measurements are carried out in the winter.

For qualitative research in the room, you must remove all of the heating elements (except stationary), turn off the appliancesThat may affect the temperature.

In what form is issued the report on thermography imager after checking the house

After the examination of the person issued an expert opinion, which displays all the parameters to fix the device with detailed decoding.

Report on the audit usually consists of several documents in which existing problems are described in detail
Report on the audit usually consists of several documents in which existing problems are described in detail

How to choose a thermal imager for independent control of heat loss

edition not recommended to choose the expensive equipment. Its use has never justify the costs. For operation suffices to choose a model with a small temperature range, but with a higher IR sensitivity of the sensor. But on the screen resolution and you can save. If necessary, you can see all the details after skidyvaniya videos or photos on your PC. Consider for a common understanding of the features and characteristics of the devices models from different price categories.

Is the game worth the candle: the cost of some thermal models in different price categories

According to the editorial board, Are the most promising devices in the average price category. The price range of this equipment is quite wide and ranges from 70 000 to 250 000, according to August 2018. However, in this article we look at how expensive and low-end models in different price categories.

CONDTROL IR-CAM2 - the leader among the cheapest of devices

Equipped with two cameras - capable of operating in normal mode and in the infrared range. Includes SD-Card 4GB, which will retain the information.

The imager Condtrol IR-CAM2 efficiently and quickly finds a "leakage" of heat in the room
The imager Condtrol IR-CAM2 efficiently and quickly finds a "leakage" of heat in the room

However, not all features are available to this device. The apparatus works effectively when a large temperature difference. This greatly limited its functionality.

Testo 882 - a high-resolution camera with video recording function with a laser pointer

The device has an IR backlight, in fact, represents the full video camera capable of recording both in normal and in the IR mode.

Testo 882 has sufficient resolution infrared sensor - 640 × 480 pixels
Testo 882 has sufficient resolution infrared sensor - 640 × 480 pixels

The device is equipped with autofocus system with a minimum recording length of 20 cm. The lens has a wide angle of focus and allows examination both complex and remote sites.

Fluke TiX580 - the device that solves the problem of increased complexity for more shooting facilities

The device has a supersensitive matrix capable of grasping a wide viewing angle due to modern interchangeable lenses and an improved autofocusing system.

Mode 8-fold increase in depth makes it possible to investigate the smallest elements of the infrared image
Mode 8-fold increase in depth makes it possible to investigate the smallest elements of the infrared image

The camera allows you to stream video to Life mode, and is capable of storing data in the cloud storage. As we have seen, the professional equipment - a very expensive proposition. So, maybe there is an alternative? Some forum users offer their solution to the problem.


Learning unit: what is needed, and how the thermal imager for inspection of buildings and structures
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Mobile Imager for smartphone - how real evidence

Relatively recently, a new type of such equipment. Portable TVs to connect to the phone via microUSB. In fact, it is a handheld thermal imager. In the market of such devices now sold only a few such devices.

Mobile Imager on Android

Such devices produces brand «Seek Thermal». In the production of several types of such devices. Let us consider some of them in detail.

The imager Seek Thermal XR for Android

The device is connected to the smartphone, powered by it, its slightly rarefying (which is definitely a plus). Mobile gadget will help identify blockages in the drafts and tubesoverheating post.

The device is protected from moisture and sufficiently compact
The device is protected from moisture and sufficiently compact

According to reviews, it can quite accurately determine the cold spots, for example, to check the quality insulation on the balcony.

Review Imager Seek Thermal XR for Android

Learning unit: what is needed, and how the thermal imager for inspection of buildings and structures
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By the way, there are variations of devices for smartphones based on IOS. There is one manufacturer of such equipment - «Flir One», but its production loses in size (much larger imagers) and the degree of protection from moisture.

Device «FlirOne» for smartphones based on IOS

The device of this class is not as compact. Some users complain of fast battery drain gadget, despite the fact that it has its own battery.

As in the previous model, this "crumb" fairly good resolution - 206 × 156 pixels
As in the previous model, this "crumb" fairly good resolution - 206 × 156 pixels

How to assemble a thermal imager with their hands, and whether it is worth doing it - the nuances

Can I get a thermal imager without buying expensive equipment? As it turned out, do yourself such a device is not difficult. Provided that you have some electronic hobby skills. For those who want to test yourself and try to make your own instrument, offer instructional videos.

instead of a conclusion

high-end devices have a very heavy high cost. If you are doing work on the survey and construction of buildings for heat loss is constant, it may be beneficial for you to buy the device. Otherwise, cheaper and more effective to invite a specialist, who will examine the structure of authority and will need to conclude a legally binding. For home everyday research, in our opinion, will approach the mobile device. This "toy" to help avoid unnecessary heat loss and during take measures to eliminate them.

We hope that the information provided by us, will be useful in the coming autumn season. Do you have more time to put in order the communication or to check whether everything was ready for the new heating season. And if you have experience using a thermal imager, or have you ever applied for an official conclusion, tell us about that other readers of our online magazine.