Motoblock "Neva" and the attachments to it: types and features

Motoblock "Neva" and the attachments to it: types and features

Having at its disposal a small plot of landmost It grows various vegetables and fruits. Soil Treatment hand hard enough. By purchasing a walk-behind "Neva" and the attachments to it, you can greatly increase productivity. We offer to meet with the main varieties of agricultural equipment."Neva" -...

Tool for chopping wood with a foot pedal: how to quickly and easily prepare the wood for the garden

Tool for chopping wood with a foot pedal: how to quickly and easily prepare the wood for the garden

Who has ever tried to chop wood, he knows that this work is hard and rather dangerous. Acute ax and tries to slip out of hands, a piece of wood is decreasing, the back starts to hurt within ten minutes. If you have a goal to bring themselves in good physical shape, podnakachat biceps and lat - fi...

Shovel Rake 2 in 1: a useful tool and its variations

Shovel Rake 2 in 1: a useful tool and its variations

At the time, the invention of the plow has revolutionized agriculture. Progress does not stand still, and still there are new and new tools for working the land. The main direction of development - facilitating manual labor. Today ready to present to your court a useful instrument f...

Trolley Mobile shopping: types, purpose and benefits

Trolley Mobile shopping: types, purpose and benefits

If you often carry heavy objects or bulky goods, you definitely need a shopping cart on wheels. Such products can have various design and performance. We offer to get acquainted with the main types and possibilities for their use.Carts will help in transportation of various luggageRead article1 C...

Planter for motoblock: the device, the operating principle, popular models

Planter for motoblock: the device, the operating principle, popular models

If you want to ease the process of growing potatoes, note the possibilities that potato for motoblock. This functional device with Potato allows to mechanize the process of planting and digging so popular vegetable. We offer to meet with the design features of such devices and manufacturing order...

Vacuum cleaner for leaves: what it is, how to select and review models

Vacuum cleaner for leaves: what it is, how to select and review models

Vegetation in the garden or on the dacha sooner or later, it covers the entire area of ​​the nearest leaves. Besides it can collect various types of garbage and a vegetable nature. Clean it all rake - in the XXI century, activity boring and long. Therefore, there are such unusual cleaners - vacu...

Machine for sharpening chain saw chains: Types and Characteristics

Machine for sharpening chain saw chains: Types and Characteristics

If you are a wood processing in large quantities or have a specialized shop selling benzopilnoy machines, then you definitely have gone "to the address." After sharpening the professional tool a file can... And some even try to do it. Often, however, it does not give the desired result. Professio...

🔨 Multitool Survival Axe Elite: reliability, practicality, versatility

🔨 Multitool Survival Axe Elite: reliability, practicality, versatility

The history of the ax has dozens, if not hundreds of thousands of years. It was used for household needs, hunting and warfare. During the existence of the ax has been changed and improved all the time, getting new features. Editorial is a newcomer to the family multitool - multifunc...

CNC milling machine for wood: the idea for the master

CNC milling machine for wood: the idea for the master

Milling equipment c software - the dream of any craftsman in wood. Such machine he practically perform the work for you, and do it accurately and impartially. The most important thing - to find the necessary parts and boards, as well as to purchase the program, which will be able to realize all t...

Hand mill wood: study tool

Hand mill wood: study tool

Such a unit is considered to be a versatile tool for any master. Hand mill for wood, the power tool, which must be present in the garage or workshop. It is interesting that such a device can be cut and drilled literally all that is at hand: wood, plastic, metal and even acrylic. To manually type ...