If you want to ease the process of growing potatoes, note the possibilities that potato for motoblock. This functional device with Potato allows to mechanize the process of planting and digging so popular vegetable. We offer to meet with the design features of such devices and manufacturing order of their own hands.
Mechanization of planting process - the main purpose of adaptation
Read article
1 Design and function kartofelesazhalok for motoblock
2 The main types of potato planters for motoblock
3 Specific aspects of using potato planters for motoblock
3.1 Adjusting motor cultivator and planter
3.2 Recommendations for planting potatoes
4 Planter for motoblock: popular models
4.1 Potato 1A COP and COP-1: Specifications
4.2 Potato KSM 1A: Specifications
4.3 Planter for motoblock "Neva"
5 Planter for mini tractors and motor blocks: the main differences
6 How to make potato planter for motoblock own hands: manufacturing technology
6.1 How to prepare their own hands drawing tools for planting potatoes: tips
6.2 Making the frame and the hopper homemade potato for motoblock
6.3 Making your own hands rippers and holders Planters Potato
6.4 Seat and wheel homemade potato for motoblock
7 How to Make Potato for motoblock own hands: video instructions
7.1 Homemade Potato for motoblock: features of creation
7.2 Conveyor for motoblock Potato: design features
8 At what price you can buy potato digger for motoblock
Design and function kartofelesazhalok for motoblock
Such devices are composed of:
bin, which is laid potatoes intended for planting;
a wheel base;
a mechanism to ensure a backwash of the soil and planting the tubers in the area.
Most models have a similar device
Attention! and other elements than those listed may be present - for example, the capacity to fertilize.
The principle of operation of such a device is very simple. Installed on the basis sprocket wheel is part of a chain elevator. By rotating the wheels tubers from the hopper up the vertical pipe, then discharged down into a prepared furrow.
The process is quite simple planting
Andrew Feofanov
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«Such a design of the potato planting involves a pre-cut furrow. At the same time prepare the seat and put the tubers can be powerful tillers or tractors. "
An apparatus with a hopper for fertilizer
The main types of potato planters for motoblock
Such devices may be single or double row. The first type is suitable for a small portion. It has small dimensions and low productivity.
Two-row models are more productive
Some potato planters for motoblock allows planting potato tubers germinated. Others focus exclusively on neproroschennye. Also, a number of models allow connection to a certain line of walk-behind tractors. Others, in the presence of a universal coupling may be aggregated with the different units. Hopper can be rectangular and tapered.
In such attachments, depending on the type of delivery tubers can be divided into units with:
the flat system. Landing tubers carried horizontally spaced belts;
spoons system. Potatoes used for supplying structure consisting of spoons, attached to the belt;
shaped beltsWhich have an indentation that resembles a spoon. When planting operator must be present, but there is no fear damage to the tubers;
prick mechanism. Such devices are relevant landing cut potatoes;
multiremennoy design. Such attachments can simultaneously planting two rows of potatoes.
The feed mechanism may differ
Specific aspects of using potato planters for motoblock
If you decide to use the potato planter for motoblock, check out its features use to understand how the device is tuned directly planting process.
Potato necessary to properly configure
Adjusting motor cultivator and planter
Prior to the beginning of planting the land plowed, harrowed and moisturize. Adjusts the unit and accessories for the following points:
forming a suitable groove depth;
providing sufficient distance between the furrows;
stable operation of planting material feed mechanism.
Recommendations for planting potatoes
That due to the large weight of the potato behind tractor has not changed its position and was stable, it is necessary immediately to take care of the ballast, which is attached to the front of the machine. The speed of movement of the unit should be about 1 km / h. Formation of furrows and planted potatoes seeding the ground by means of special-sealing drive. special cultivation feet We should prevent the formation of residue after passage motoblock.
Where possible, planting potatoes shall be the same size. It must be carefully prepared for the cultivation process.
Planter for motoblock: popular models
Not necessarily make for Potato motoblock with his own hands. You can buy ready-made. We offer to meet with the specifications of the most popular models to make it easier to choose the appropriate option for your garden.
You can always choose the appropriate option
Potato 1A COP and COP-1: Specifications
Potato KS-1A weighs 33 kg and has a hopper 34 liters. The distance between the wheels -. 0.6 m to 5 Allows planted tubers per 1 meter. Special discs allow you to bury the potatoes and form a smooth ridge of soil. The model can work with tillers "Salute", "Neva", "Oka", "Favorite", "Kadvi" and a number of others. It allows planted potatoes per hour 0.2 - 0.25 m.
COP-1A - single strand model for a small area
Attention! Before you buy, ensure compatibility with your motoblock Potato KS-1A.
COP-1 is designed to work with moderate and severe tillers. The device weighs 25 kg. It allows to form rows width of 0.6 - 0.7 m with a capacity of 0.2 m / h. Each meter is planted 5 - 6 potatoes.
COP-1 has a sufficient performance for a small area
Potato KS-1A
We offer watch a video, which shows the motor-block planting potatoes this process with Potato:
Potato KSM 1A: Specifications
The device weighs 44 kg with a volume of 41 l hopper. The distance between the furrows planted 0.25 - 0.3 m and widths of rows 0,4 - 0,6 m. Potato KSM 1A has a capacity of 0.25 m / h. May be connected to motor-blocks "Neva" "Cascade", M2, MB, and to «Mustang» and «Zirka» in the presence of special connectors.
KSM 1A: a sturdy design of the
Potato KSM 1A
Planter for motoblock "Neva"
For line "Neva" developed specialized planter intended for connection to Motoblocks via respective connectors. Unlike universal models, such a device has a small size and weight - 25 kg. It can be used to form a series of 0.6 - 0.7 m with a capacity of 0.2 m / h. The price for potato motoblock "Neva" higher than that of the universal counterparts.
Light weight and compact size
Planter for motoblock "Neva"
Planter for mini tractors and motor blocks: the main differences
Many models kartofelesazhalok can be connected and the tractor, and a walk-behind tractor. As a rule, these are small structures that allow to form two rows. Models are designed specifically for small tractors, have greater weight and size. With their help can simultaneously form 1 - 2 rows.
Potato for compact tractors allow to change the movement speed, and the distance and the depth at which occurs tubers tab to the wells. You can use it at the same time to form up to four rows, while the model for the tillers of such opportunities do not possess.
for minitractors model more productive
How to make potato planter for motoblock own hands: manufacturing technology
If you can not buy potato planter for motoblock, it can be made with your own hands. We offer to understand the intricacies of the process so that you can take for the assembly of such a useful device.
Made with his own hands a device that can be very functional
How to prepare their own hands drawing tools for planting potatoes: tips
To manufacture such a useful device for planting potatoes with their own hands, we must first develop a blueprint. Its design principle should determine the operation of the device, dimensions, method of fastening the unit. If you previously did not have to collect similar structures, you can use ready-made documentation.
In developing the selected drawing principle of the device
Making the frame and the hopper homemade potato for motoblock
Let's get started. The process works will be shown in the photo instructions.
Description of the action
Frame to homemade potato for motoblock weld of square profiled tube 40 is 40 mm. For additional frame welds seats for bearings in which the lower shaft will rotate with impaled on It drive sprocket chain drive and vertical uprights, designed to be mounted upper shaft with the driven asterisk. Racks 20 are made from pipes of 40 mm.
Potato under the hopper can be welded from sheet metal or made from readily available materials. many use tanks from an old washing machines and other similar containers.
Making your own hands rippers and holders Planters Potato
uses a metal rod for the manufacture of rippers holder. To it are attached clips holding paws rack. For manufacturing rod used area or square tube 50 by 50mm. The holder is attached to the frame by means bolts.
Rippers for planter for potatoes can be made with his own hands from the armature
Seat and wheel homemade potato for motoblock
To plant potatoes was convenient, it is worth to take care of the seat and the appropriate wheels. The latter together with the ball bearings must be mounted on the axle and mounted on the frame. For security, you can provide a wide cuff or the locknuts.
The wheels must have a suitable diameter
Tip! Instead of the wheels better use of lugs.
The seat may be made of boards, and then obtyanut foam and any material for comfortable sitting.
We also offer watch a video, which describes in detail the process of assembling a homemade potato with your hands:
How to Make Potato for motoblock own hands: video instructions
Planting potatoes, it is necessary to prepare for its digging. To do this his hands, should make a special digger for motoblock, which helps to effortlessly collect potato crop. We offer to get acquainted with the process of creating such devices
Potato harvest facilitates the assembly process
Homemade Potato for motoblock: features of creation
If you decide to self-assemble for motoblock Potato own hands, is first to decide on its design features. Such devices could be:
simple, tubers rises upward by means of the teeth or rods. Can be installed on any walk-behind;
We offer watch a video, which describes how to make a homemade Potato for motoblock:
Conveyor for motoblock Potato: design features
This vibration-type device. The conveyor is equipped with a motor cultivator potato digger for special grating, through which the soil sieving. Blade, mounted in front, cuts through the soil and raises it to the top with the potatoes. After the screening foliage and ground tubers are discarded on the ground.
Conveyor model allows you to clean the tubers from the soil
Tip! There are special bin for the collection of potatoes, you can simplify the process of harvesting.
At what price you can buy potato digger for motoblock
Price potato for motoblock depends on its design features, size and manufacturer:
Price (as of September 2018), rub.
Suitable for walking tractors "Neva", "Oka", "Cascade", "Ray".
FORZA Moscow Libraries Corporate Network
Elevator type. Weight 35.9 kg. Hopper 20 liters. Forms a track 550 mm. Dimensions 625 × 870 × 500 mm.
Weight 37.5 kg. Dimensions 680 × 570 × 790. "Neva" is designed for installation on the tillers.
Maybe the right choice to help truckers and reviews on the use of kartofelesazhalok.
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More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_3269716.html
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Share in the comments, if you have a potato digger for motoblock, or you just decided to buy it, but can - put together your own hands?