The hiking, do not hunting or fishing without ax. However, a common tool quite bulky and heavy, and the compact can not cope with a serious problem. How to choose a good ax for tourism, which will become a reliable assistant in difficult situations? Editorial offers you an overview of ax features a removable head Klecker Klax.
To light a fire in the campaign will need an ax
Read article
1 Why do you need and how the ax without ax
2 Modifications, features and capabilities of the ax for trekking Klecker Klax
3 Advantages and disadvantages of multi-ax Klecker Klax
4 Buy multifunctional ax Klax: which model is better
5 Klax Using the handle for the ax and without
6 Overview on the Klax ax prices
7 consumer reviews
8 A few words in conclusion
Why do you need and how the ax without ax
Why do you need an ax? The answer is obvious: cut woodMake or score pegs tourist tents, clear the parking lot, etc. What are the axes? It can be: big choppers for home, a medium-sized joinery, wood chopping and dry branches in the gardenAs well as small tourist hatchets. Multifunctional ax Klecker Klax - an excellent choice for tourists, hunters and fisherman.
Tourist Ax was designed by the founder of the American company Klecker Knives LLC, Glenn Klekerom, a former Marine and a specialist on cold steel. Klecker Klax - multifunction blade which can be converted into a full ax, using as a stick handle of the appropriate size and thickness.
Glenn Kleker with sonAt the hatchet got a knife for opening bottles and cansObukh can be used as a hammerThere are slots for a bit and a nut 5 basic sizesHatchet easy to use even without the axAx blade can be securely fixed on the ax handle thanks to a special clip and screw system
Modifications, features and capabilities of the ax for trekking Klecker Klax
First multi-toolDeveloped by Glenn Klekerom, it was introduced in the United States on the Blade Show in 2014 and was voted the best ax for tourism. Klax series is represented by 4 modifications: Lumberjack, Woodsman and Feller, which are made of hardened stainless steel SUS420J2 and Ti of light and durable titanium.
Ruler Klecker Klax
The blades of each model have identical parameters. Mass without a handle - 250 g, length - 159 mm, the height - 95 mm, and a thickness not exceeding 7.8 mm. Two modifications of the ax - Lumberjack and Ti - for its functionality very similar to each other. They can be used as a hammer, they have a small range, scraper, recesses for bit and nuts, and a hook knife can opener. Thanks to the special screw system, the blade can be securely fastened to a stick of any appropriate size.
Apparatus Klax Lumberjack
Ax Feller - the base model and has minimal functionality. The blade is attached to the handle with a special durable cord parachute cord that comes in the kit. When there is no need to apply Klecker Klax for its intended purpose as an ax, its functionality can be used without installing the ax.
Klecker Klax FellerTo fix Feller model blade sufficiently strong parachute cordIf it is good enough to wrap the blade cord, it will get loose, and you can even cut down a small tree
Advantages and disadvantages of multi-ax Klecker Klax
The main advantage of a series of axes Klax series is their compactness. They also have a small weight, dimensions, and a large number of built-in tools and features. The main disadvantage is possible to name the value. In addition, many users are ranked among the disadvantages is that the blade mount any of the modifications ax a groove should be, and make it very difficult to stick to normal, but still perhaps.
Klecker Klax compact and can be attached to a backpack or belt using existing on the blade carbine
Buy multifunctional ax Klax: which model is better
Each model is multi-ax Klax series in its own good. If you do not have to hike or fishing tighten or loosen the nut, or cutting down trees, the base model Klecker Klax Feller will be the best choice. You can buy a tourist ax Klecker Klax Lumberjack, if, for example, there is a folding stowed in your arsenal brazierOr something like that. Any model is robust, so the choice is yours.
Ax can cut down branchesEven without a blade ax can chop kindling for the fire
Klax Using the handle for the ax and without
Frankly, Feller model is not designed to perform large-scale problems. A huge tree they do not fall down, but in order to cut the dead wood for a fire, it will be enough. You can also hewed missing or broken peg tourist tent and beat him into the ground. If necessary, a multifunctional tool blade can be used as a holder for the cue, or as a wrench, presented in five basic sizes. If there is no corporate ax handles, it can be done from anywhere in the sticks, suitable diameter. Thanks to the versatility Klecker Klax is considered the best ax for tourists, fishermen and hunters.
Using a suitable scraper split stickThe splitting blade insertWith the help of special clamps and screw system to fix the blade - and the ax is ready to work
Overview on the Klax ax prices
Basically axes Klecker Klax can be purchased at the manufacturer's website or find deals on the Internet. Ballroom producer prices of original products.
model ax
photo model
Cost in rubles. as of August 2018
10 783
7 750
9 098
31 339
As you can see, the cost of the tool is not small, and the majority of Russian users would prefer a cheaper, albeit less functional products.
consumer reviews
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As we see, Russian consumers are not enthusiastic about such an ax. However, we are all different, and opinions may be different. Someone like a hatchet, while others prefer something simpler and cheaper.
A few words in conclusion
Multitasking - this is certainly good, and manufacturers are trying to produce a lot of variety productsCharacterized by high functionality. We were told that is a series of axes Klecker Klax, what her strengths and weaknesses, costs and what consumers think about the company's products. If you have experience of using such hatchets, please contact us in the comments and tell us your opinion about such a tool.