Electric reciprocating saw - an indispensable helper during demolition work. It is equally well cut the wood and metal fittings, plastic and stone. Unlike its closest "brothers" - chain saws and jigsaws, elektronrozhovke for work do not need a fulcrum or table. All operations may be performed in weight, with blade pitch angle may be different. The tool can reach the most narrow and inaccessible areas. Today in our review will examine different variations of electric saws, consider their main characteristics and determine the best models of hand tools based on feedback from real users.
Modern saber "omnivorous" saw, the main thing - time to check the quality and condition of the blades
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1 Reciprocating saw - what is it and what is needed
2 Characteristics of wired and cordless reciprocating saws
2.1 The power and depth of cut
2.2 The maximum frequency of movement saws Reciprocating Saws
2.3 pendulum stroke
2.4 Type of power supply
2.5 Quick-mount saw blade
2.6 The weight
3 Blades Saber Saw
4 What to buy a model reciprocating electric saw - recommendations HouseChief.ru edition
4.1 Reciprocating saws manufacturers - an overview and comparison of the most popular brands
4.1.1 Reciprocating Saws Bosch
4.1.2 Reciprocating saws Makita
4.1.3 Reciprocating Saws Bison Interskol
4.2 Base models saber saws for the battery type of apartment
4.3 Elektronozhovka (electric saw) the average power of the tree for summer jobs
4.4 Professional reciprocating plate (elektronozhovka) on metal or concrete for dismantling
5 Repair reciprocating saws: features and common failure
Reciprocating saw - what is it and what is needed
Another name for Reciprocating Saws - elektronozhovka. It really like to work carpenters and joiners. It performs perfectly accurate and smooth cut. It is often used in the construction of frame houses made of wood. When working with foam blocks, this tool allows you to saw off exactly the part that is needed, which is important in cases where, for example, the need to adjust the height of the wall.
Elektronozhovka goes for any material "like clockwork", in any case, looking at the work of the Bosch reciprocating saw blade, such impression
In fact, the reciprocating saw - it's a cross between a jigsaw and a chainsaw. As with Jigsaw, based on the work "sabelki" pendulum stroke paintings. This principle allows for a direct and precise cut without deforming while the surface. The mechanism itself is completely independent, which is typical for chain saws.
Interesting fact! For the first time the mechanism of reverse reciprocating saw has been developed in the first half of the XX century by engineers Milwaukee Tools. At the heart of the design was a common hacksaw and an electric motor.
With the help of special nozzles saber saws can be used as grinding machines, they can finish the edges of metal parts, remove the rust. It is very convenient to make cuts in the wooden floor or the wall (for the basement entrance or window). For what work used an electric reciprocating saw:
Cutting boards, wooden boards and plywood, as well as the sheet (fiberboard, particle board, OSB).
Cutting branches and solid boards with nails.
Shape cutting of plywood and boards, elements with difficult terrain.
Sawing steel pipes and parts without sparks.
Cutting electric cables (not energized).
Spill protruding boards, bricks, steel structures and armatures.
Drank openings - windows and doors.
Cut frozen meat with bones.
Consider the design reciprocating saws in more detail. The tool consists of the following elements: a casing with a handle, an electric motor (power varies from type blade), a reducer, which drives the saw blade and its holder for fixation.
Basic elements of reciprocating saws
Reciprocating Saws design resembles reinforced structure jigsaw. Motor through a gearbox and crank mechanism provides reciprocating movement of the rod in the cartridge, which is fixed on the end of the cutting blade. With the help of special nozzles it can perform curly cuts with complex architecture. A striking example where indispensable reciprocating saw, cutting blocks and pieces of ice. Reciprocating Saw "bypassed" even a chainsaw on universality, since the latter can not cut iron.
Characteristics of wired and cordless reciprocating saws
Power saws are divided into two types - running on the network (network) and autonomous (battery). Both types have their pros and cons in the work.
The power and depth of cut
In questions of power of his "barareechnogo" ahead of fellow networking tool. This is understandable, cordless saws are used where necessary mobility and, therefore, low weight and, accordingly, a more modest power.
Mobile version used in the field, where they are required to work actively, but limited period of time
The power of such models may be from 0.5 to 0.6 kW. Most of the network models designed for the consumption of 0.9-1.2 kW.
Andrew Feofanov
recruitment specialist tool "VseInstrumenty.ru"
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"Some models reciprocating saws are equipped with special reference shoe. It allows you to fix the device in relation to the work surface. Moreover, the support can be rotated to change its inclination, and even bend. It is easier to work with complex configuration elements. "
This figure, as the depth of cut, depends on the capacity. In addition, taking into account the length of the blade, which averages 200 mm. The role played by the density of the material that is to be cut.
The maximum frequency of movement saws Reciprocating Saws
This option is one of the key. The higher the frequency of movement of the saw blade, the harder surface will be able to cut it. This is important if you are buying a saw to cut metal or stone. This parameter is also called the frequency of stroke. It is measured in revolutions, that is, in fact, equal to the number of reciprocating movements. The average values are from 2.5 to 3 thousand revolutions per minute.
Note! In simple, less powerful models set one sawing blade. The more powerful models - two of them. Moreover, the blade produces a reciprocating motion towards each other, which increases the cutting quality and repays vibration.
pendulum stroke
The special design of the gearbox, whereby during the return movement the web is slightly deviated from the cutting line. Thereby reducing the tool heating and effectively get rid of debris and sawdust during operation. This function is not available in all models.
Type of power supply
When selecting a model should proceed from the peculiarities of the work and its volume. If you need a fairly powerful tool, consider the battery model is not even worth it.
Conversely, if you are looking for a tool for one-time work, especially at the exits (cut down branches or dismantling of the structure), then the priority serves the convenience and mobility
There are pros and cons to both types, but here it is necessary to choose the lesser of two evils. In each case, the choice is individual.
Quick-mount saw blade
The most convenient electric saw - with quick-mounting system. In this case, the blade can be changed without removing the gloves. In some variations of the blade cartridge allows mounting upside down. Variations in use - a great variety. There are patterns - with a large backlash (margin under saws), there are suitable specifically for a particular model.
Andrew Feofanov
recruitment specialist tool "VseInstrumenty.ru"
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"Mounting With the cartridge kept only in the cheapest models. Bystrorazzhimnoe fixture is present in almost all modern models of reciprocating saws. Quick release mount the saw, with predominantly one hand, and without removing the gloves. In the most advanced models of cartridge-mount blade upside down. "
Quick-locks have only one drawback - the restriction on the thickness of the clamping webs
Most of the paintings comes with a universal mount, but some manufacturers are promoting their shape shank and chuck.
The weight
Weight - for hand tools is an extremely important point. There professional model Reciprocating saw whose weight is up to 8 kg. Domestic model do not reach the average two.
Important! If you are planning to use the saw in difficult conditions, for example, is expected to cut with one hand, then it is better to pay attention to more compact and lightweight model.
Blades Saber Saw
Sawing Saber saw - the main working tool. Today, we have already mentioned that they can be as one and two.
Consumables are made of special alloys, which affects the quality of work and life
Saws are divided into classes and have special markings - usually a special abbreviations. For example, files for reciprocating saws, metal structurally different from those that cut the tree:
HCS - saws used for relatively soft materials: plastic, wood or rubber. Such webs are made of high carbon steel have sufficiently large "teeth". A distance equal to wood, board materials, rubber and plastics.
HSS - cut slim and soft metal. Used to work in aluminum and thin-walled. Alloy - high speed tool steel.
BIM - Blade by two plates of the above type HSS and HCS. Characterized by high strength and a flexibility. Most often, they sawing wood or gas concrete.
HM / CT - the most "strong" plate. Used for the treatment vysokoobrazivnyh and dense materials are used in the treatment of concrete structures, metal or fiberglass.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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"It is wrong chosen blade can lead to jamming device and excessive overheating."
When selecting the right blade, pay attention to the following points:
The canvas is selected taking into account the characteristics of the material.
For a quick "roughing" it is necessary to choose the cutting blade with wide teeth. And when the thin point and work - with a fine tooth comb.
Pick the correct method of attachment.
Buy fabric for reciprocating saws are available in any store of construction equipment.
What to buy a model reciprocating electric saw - recommendations HouseChief.ru edition
Our editorial staff recommends choosing a model, focusing on the tasks that you want to solve.
Reciprocating saws manufacturers - an overview and comparison of the most popular brands
We will present you the rating reciprocating saws, and now look at the best producers of popular models.
Reciprocating Saws Bosch
In the first place among the most popular brands - Bosch saber saws. Germans are famous for the love of household tools, and in this niche also received well-deserved recognition of the Russian buyer.
Among the tangible minuses technology Bosch - their cost. But if you want high quality, you will have to pay
Reciprocating saws Makita
Makita - another brand that has long established itself in the market of special building tool.
Japanese instrument is distinguished by its versatility and high quality. Some models allow for work even at an angle of 180 °.
Reciprocating Saws Bison Interskol
Bison and Interskol represent domestic products. Tools such marks in their working qualities are not inferior to their "stellar" neighbors, with much winning in the price segment.
Reciprocating Saws brand Bison cheaper to maintain and easier to repair. Components are always in stock, making this tool is one of the most attractive, though domestic
Base models saber saws for the battery type of apartment
For domestic use will fit the device with an engine capacity of 400-600 Watt. The thrust should be enough to easily cut wood branches and carry out simple carpentry and plumbing work in the garage.
The average price (as of June 2018), rub.
Average score, according to the wording HouseChief.ru
makita JR102DZ
Cordless reciprocating saw.
Cutting height - 60 mm.
travel size - 13 mm.
Number of strokes per minute - 3300.
Battery voltage - 10.8 V.
Weight - 1.1 kg.
3 870
Cordless reciprocating saw.
Cutting height - 80 mm.
The length of the cutting portion - 150 mm.
Number of strokes per minute - 2200.
Battery voltage - 10.8 V.
Weight - 1 kg.
5 445
Ryobi RRS1801M
Cordless reciprocating saw.
Cutting height - 60 mm.
The length of the cutting portion - 120 mm.
Number of strokes per minute - 3100.
Battery voltage - 18 V.
Weight - 1.9 kg.
3 135
Now give some feedback on these models.
Feedback on the model BOSCH Keo
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product/7889545/reviews? track = tabs
Review model Ryobi RRS1801M
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product/8281044/reviews? track = tabs
Elektronozhovka (electric saw) the average power of the tree for summer jobs
If you have a wide range of tasks, it is possible to purchase a saw powerful - with the engine at 700-1000 watts. Such elektronozhovkoy wood can be collected from the logs or bath to break the old greenhouse easily. The cost of this model will range from 5500 to 15 000 rubles.
The average price (as of June 2018), rub.
Average score, according to the wording HouseChief.ru
Reciprocating Saw Bosch PSA 700 E
Network reciprocating saw.
Power - 710 Watts.
Cutting height - 60 mm.
travel size - 20 mm.
Number of strokes per minute - 2700.
Infinitely variable speed control.
Weight - 3 kg.
5 749
Reciprocating Saw AEG US 900 XE
Network reciprocating saw.
Power - 900 Watts.
Cutting height - 60 mm.
travel size - 19 mm.
Number of strokes per minute - 3500.
Infinitely variable speed control.
Weight - 2.9 kg.
7 999
Reciprocating Saw ZUBR CPN-750-115E
Network reciprocating saw.
Power - 750 Watts.
travel size - 24 mm.
Number of strokes per minute - 2500.
Infinitely variable speed control.
Weight - 3.5 kg.
3 690
In support we give our ranking and user feedback.
Review about Bosch PSA 700 E model
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product/8507496/reviews? track = tabs
Feedback on the model AEG US 900 XE
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product/7154558/reviews? track = tabs
A review of VSL model ZUBR-750-115E
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product/6979581/reviews? track = tabs
Professional reciprocating plate (elektronozhovka) on metal or concrete for dismantling
If the work to be serious: metal cutting or bricks, then you will approach a saw with a capacity of one kilowatt. Such Reciprocating handsaw metal or concrete often have a double sawing blade and the gripping wide arcs.
The average price (as of June 2018), rub.
Average score, according to the wording HouseChief.ru
Reciprocating Saw Hilti (Hilti) WSR 900-PE
Network reciprocating saw.
Power - 900 Watts.
Stroke - 32 mm. Number of strokes per minute - 2700.
Number of modes smooth running - 6.
Weight - 3.5 kg.
28 000
Reciprocating Saw Stomer SSS-1000
Network reciprocating saw.
Power - 1.1 kW.
Depth of cut metal - 6 mm, for wood - 150 mm.
Stroke - 20 mm.
The number of strokes - 2500.
Weight - 3.84 kg.
10 000
Reciprocating Saw Makita JR3070CT
Network reciprocating saw.
Power - 900 Watts.
Cutting height - 255 mm.
travel size - 32 mm.
Number of strokes per minute - 2800.
Infinitely variable speed control.
Weight - 4.4 kg.
13 200
Review Stomer SSS-1000 models
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product/7746110/reviews? track = tabs
Review model Makita JR3070CT
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product/1627054/reviews? track = tabs
As we can see, the cost of some models is far from democratic, so in some cases more profitable to turn to a specialized agency and arrange saber saw for rent.
Repair reciprocating saws: features and common failure
Most often, problems arise when exceeding the permissible load on the device. Overheating may result in failure of the motor.
A second cause may be a jamming device with wrong selection of the saw blade. Usually on them, except for special labeling, indicate the type of material for which it is intended
Often when jamming device fail sawing brush. They can be replaced independently, disassemble the cabinet saws. Problems should arise, it is possible to carry out this procedure themselves in the finished model. The design allows you to disconnect from shank brush wires, freeing it from the slot and replace the old with new ones. In any case, before you carry out any manipulation, disconnect the unit from the mains and read the instructions. If our recommendations were useful to you, write your opinion in the comments.