Best winter holiday - New Year in Karelia

The New Year holidays are the period in our life when we are encompassed by the desire to spend the main holidays of the year next to the people closest and dear to the heart. Someone pulls home to a traditional New Year's table and TV, someone - to the pleasant atmosphere of a friendly company, and someone - to spend the old year and meet a new one outside the house. Meeting the New Year in an unusual atmosphere is always exciting and unforgettable, because the main thing in the holiday is not a feast, but memories and the atmosphere of a winter fairytale.

We leave for Karelia

For those who miss the real Russian winter and winter fun, rest on the New Year in Karelia is definitely suitable. Evaluate what a turn of opportunities:

  • - for those who like to relax in European comfortably - equipped countryside clubs and recreation centers, where modern wooden cottages on the shores of Ladoga and Onega lakes have everything necessary for civilized settlement: modern appliances and convenient infrastructure;
  • for lovers of secluded rest, with the ability to test their strength for survival, - settlement in old chopped houses away from gas stations, shops, pharmacies, etc.

Features of recreation

New Year in Karelia has its own characteristics, because winter rest can be combined with a rich cultural program and active sports. For example, it's hard to imagine New Year's holidays and Christmas in Karelia without cheerful picnics in the woods near the fireplace with a mug of warm tea, and maybe with the famous "Karelian balsam" on herbs.

"But is the New Year without Grandfather Frost?", You ask. You are waited with New year in Karelia in the company of local Pakkajne - red dreary, active frost. Adults, he entices to participate in joke Olympic competitions and treats with hot drinks, children turn in cheerful round dances and treats with mors and traditional wickets. An entertainment program can be chosen when buying New Year's tours.

We are resting actively

Those who are hungry for active pastime should arm themselves with an icebreaker and desire to catch large trophies. Here it is, winter ice fishing in all its glory! If you want, go to Onega, where the ice is thicker, you want on the White Sea on Yandova Guba - a real fish "Klondike", which attracts thousands of tourists from all over Russia every year. A real adventure for extreme people are snow safaris along such popular and well-established routes as the Kizhi reserve, original villages-monuments of wooden architecture of Kinerma, Korza, Prokkoyl, Rubcheila, etc. Old Karelian villages, pure snow, cracking frost, silence and quiet noise of a snowmobile - and you seem to be immersed in the depths of nature-mother.

And for the completion of the picture in the New Year you can visit the mountain park "Ruskeala".On the site of the old flooded marble quarry today, a small ice rink is available for tourists and the upper floor( horizon) is about 30-35 meters long. A little further the career there is a failure, and some brave daredevils are able to descend there independently. On the way to Ruskeale you can see the snow-covered cascades of a small waterfall of the same name, the famous episodes of the film "A Dawns Here Are Quiet", and an old Finnish farm.