Pork is a product that Russian people are most likely to use for cooking shish kebab. The prepared dish from this kind of meat turns out to be especially tasty, juicy and fragrant. It is worth noting that the taste of the prepared food will largely depend on the quality of the selected bacon. If the meat itself is devoid of taste, which is often found in our time, then any pickle can not fix the matter. For this reason, opt for a rural pork grown in natural conditions. The best recipes for shish kebab from pork are prepared with different kinds of marinades, which are able to adequately emphasize the taste of true meat.
With basil
With basil .This seasoning is perfectly combined with any kind of meat, and in particular with pork. For marinade with basil is good either vinegar or mayonnaise. Onions are added as desired. Still any spices in addition it is not required, as the basil will give meat a whole bouquet of taste and aroma. The duration of pickling depends on what you choose - vinegar or mayonnaise. In the first case, the product can be sent to the coals after an hour, when using the second ingredient, it is necessary to wait a couple of hours. With sour cream
With sour cream .This is one of the most piquant recipes for shish kebab, according to which pork is cooked. The dish is prepared according to the classic recipe. The only difference is in the pickling period. Instead of the usual table vinegar is taken not very fatty sour cream. The dish on this recipe will turn out especially, tender, tasty and juicy. In this marinade, without a "special friend" meat, of course, can not do. Meat additionally need to be flavored with pepper, and you can add any seasoning if desired. Before you send pork to the coals, she needs to stand in the refrigerator for a day with additional ingredients.
With sour sauce tkemali
With sour sauce tkemali .Lovers of spicy dishes must definitely try this recipe for shish kebab. In addition to the tkemali in the marinade, add dry barberry and several tomatoes. Previously, the last ingredient is recommended to grind with a blender. The same way you can do with the onions. In this marinade, pork will arrive in time for cooking quickly enough. Within three hours the pickled product can be safely sent to the coals. The finished dish will have a pleasant taste and a barely perceptible aroma of sourness.
With dry wine
With dry wine .The best of the recipes of the shish kebab marinated with the addition of dry red wine. In addition to the alcoholic product in the marinade, it is also welcome to add fresh tomatoes that will make your food such that you lick your fingers. Not to manage, of course, and in this case without seasonings. Here you can add everything your soul desires. Perfectly suitable basil, which is perfectly combined with pork. After cooking, this spice will give the dish a special flavor, which will already emit the product while still on the coals. Marinate the product better at night, so that all the additional ingredients could maximize their taste.
With lemon
With lemon .Marinovka pork with citrus fruit will give the prepared dish a unique, exquisite taste. The main thing, do not forget to add more vegetables to the marinade. Half-ready meat comes literally in four hours, after placing it in a marinade. To add a special taste to the dish, add any seasoning to your taste and taste. In this recipe you can get by and just pepper, anyway the finished product will turn out tasty anyway.
With tomatoes
With tomatoes .The recipe for shish kebab from pork with the addition of tomato is considered to be the most delicious. To prepare this marinade, of course, it will take more time, but it's worth it. Tomatoes have an acid in them, which allows the meat to marinate. To make a marinade, you need to cut the vegetable with circles, then throw meat and other ingredients into it. Do not forget about the onions, which will give the dish an unsurpassed taste. As additional spices can be used in addition to pepper coriander. To tomatoes managed to give their taste to meat, it is necessary to leave the products for at least half a day, putting them in the refrigerator.
With mayonnaise
With mayonnaise .This recipe is the simplest and, perhaps, very tasty. It is good that it does not require a lot of locks with the preparation, and already after you have lain in mayonnaise the meat after a couple of hours it can be sent to the coals. The store product already contains vinegar in its composition, which is the secret of the quick marinovki. If you are not a lover of salt, then addition salt will be superfluous. Mayonnaise practically contains everything you need for meat, being a universal spice and at the same time a marinade. The only thing that you need to add to your pork is pepper and onions at your discretion.
On kefir
On kefir .The cooked meat on the sour milk product will be especially delicate, tasty and juicy. For the preparation of marinade it will suit absolutely with any fat content kefir. Gives the prepared dish an unrivaled taste of coriander, if it is added in a small amount directly to the marinade. To sustain in such marinade meat it is necessary not less than three hours. To ensure that the finished product subsequently turned out to be more tender and juicy, the container with raw materials is cleaned in the refrigerator for a day for best impregnation.
With grape vinegar
With grape vinegar .This recipe came to us from the Caucasus, so it has its own special zest in cooking - grape vinegar and coriander. It is these ingredients that give a special piquancy to the ready-made dish. And, of course, you need to use the onion for marinade, without which there is almost no one best recipe for shish kebab. As for pepper, it is an unconditional attribute of any dish made from pork cooked on charcoal. In order for the animal product to properly marinate with the aforementioned spices, it is left on average for five hours, after which you can go directly to the preparation.
Classic recipe from pork
The classic recipe from pork is one of the most usual and, perhaps, delicious recipes for preparing a Russian shish kebab. It is quite simple to prepare, but for it you will not need to look for any exotic spices for making a marinade. All that he will require, of course, is in the kitchen of any hostess. Pork loves more onions, and that the process of pickling passed more quickly, the vinegar is poured into the meat in small quantities. To ensure that the dish on the coals is not too over-dried or, on the contrary, the unrefined pieces of the product to be pushed onto the skewer, it is necessary to make a medium size.