The best recipes of berg for moonshine

When making such home alcoholic drink as moonshine, connoisseurs recommend to be guided first of all by the quality of moonshine and yeast. The rest of the ingredients( not counting water) are considered secondary, and only give the drink an extra flavor. The best recipes for Braga for brewing mean using only high-quality raw materials, then you can expect to get a quality alcoholic product.


Wheat from

Wheat from .This is one of the most complex cooking recipes for brewing a home made liquor. First you need to prepare the wheat, which is filled with warm, but not hot water. After that, the plant product is removed to a dark place for a couple of days, so that it barely sprouted. As soon as the sprouts appear, sugar is added, which is well mixed with the other ingredients. Then the wort must be removed to a warm place, protected from direct sunlight, for a ten-day period. At the end of this time, the barge is drained and put under the sealed for another ten days.


On the starch

On the starch .First, for this recipe, starch is prepared, which is mixed in a barely warm thirty-degree water. After it has mixed well, add food fungi and a glucose product. Such an option is good in that it is simple enough to prepare and quickly ripens. Approximately in 5 days from starch brags it is already possible to drive moonshine. On peas with sour cream

On peas with sour cream .This is a rather unusual recipe, which implies the use of a bean product as an additional ingredient. Before adding sugar, you need peas, water temperature of fresh milk and food fungus to stand without it for an hour. After this, you can add a glucose product and a little sour cream. For ripening brags for moonshine will take about 3 days.


From the jam

From the jam .One of the best recipes is prepared quite simply. To do this, it is only necessary to add any fruit delicacy to the main ingredients. In this case, you can even use a sour jam, which on the one hand will be better, and will help ripen the brave in a shorter time. Before mixing, you should monitor the proportions, as well as the temperature of the water, which should not be more than 35 degrees Celsius. To mature such a brag will be quite enough for 5 days. If the process lasts longer, then you overdo it with sugar, which is not very good.


On apples

On apples .One of the best recipes involves adding to the traditional ingredients pre-washed, peeled and crushed apples. The consistency of the fruit should be close to puree. After this, yeast, sugar and water are thrown into the resulting mixture according to the classical variant. Some connoisseurs of brewing are recommended before throwing a glucose product, let stand the mixture without it for about half an hour. By the way, for the preparation of such a brag is quite suitable dry yeast.


Of beet

Of beet .This is a fairly common recipe, the adherence of which is many villagers. For cooking, you need to choose the sugar variety of the vegetable. It takes such a brag a little more time than, for example, classical or from jam. This is due to the fact that the beets must first be prepared, cleaned, napped and boiled. Only after this, while the product is warm, it is mixed with water not cooler than room temperature. After that, naturally, the main ingredients are added, which will start the process of active fermentation - sugar and yeast. This wort ripens quickly enough, therefore in four days it is possible to start the main process.


On grapes

On grapes .This cooking option is considered one of the best. If you also are engaged in the preparation of grape wine, such a recipe will be very helpful, since it will be completely non-waste production. For such a brew, you need nothing more than a grape cake. All that is needed is to add thirty-degree water, sugar and yeast to the grape waste. Do not forget before you remove the fermentation wort, mix the ingredients well, so that the sugar can completely dissolve. On average, such a drink ripens on the order of the week, after which it proceeds directly to the brewing of moonshine.


On alcoholic yeast

On alcoholic yeast .This recipe is rightfully considered one not only from the best, but also the simplest. In many respects it is similar to the classical version, only in this case the usual yeast is replaced with alcohol. To begin with it is required to connect a warm water with a temperature of no more than 30 degrees Celsius with food fungi. But before that, the liquid must be completely dissolved sugar, so that the yeast had something to work with. After a violent reaction has begun in the mash( it takes about an hour to do this), it is necessary to install a water trap. To fully mature such a mash will take an average of 10 days. The fact that the process is completed will notify the ceased bubbles.


For coffee, cocoa

For coffee, cocoa .This recipe is prepared according to a classic recipe, but with the addition of coffee syrup. First we need to prepare our "hard workers" for active work. For this, they are mixed along the classic path with a warm water. The syrup should be prepared separately with the addition of sugar. It should be noted that this option implies a two-way distillation. By the same principle, you can prepare the moonshine and with cocoa, but in the beginning the syrup is prepared with powder with the addition of sugar. This is one not only from the most unusual recipes, but also the best ones.


Classic recipe

Classic recipe .The best is obtained by brags, naturally prepared according to the classical version. There is nothing superfluous: all you need is sugar, water and yeast to mix the wort. At the initial stage it is necessary to prepare one of the main components, which, in fact, allows you to get "material" for the future of alcohol - it's yeast. To do this, they must be placed in warm water. If it is too much to overheat the liquid, then your efforts can end sadly, since the "workers" simply perish. Therefore, the temperature regime should not exceed 35 degrees Celsius. Note that the container where the wort will be prepared can not be completely filled, since it threatens the fact that the braga will start to run away. For ripening the half-raw material will take from one to two weeks, but it is best not to over-rest it and use it for the intended purpose on the seventh day. The fact that the degree mixture has matured is evidenced by the absence of secreted bubbles, which are nothing more than the released carbon dioxide.