Bank cards allow you to take advantage of a number of advantages. At the same time, one of the most important is the possibility of obtaining borrowed funds on favorable and understandable terms.
Today our review includes the most profitable credit cards , issued by Russian banks. When making the rating, we focused on the preferential interest-free credit period, the credit limit and the rate, as well as customer feedback on the speed of issuance of the card and the quality of service.
- 10. Visa Classic Credit Revolver, Revival of
- 9. "Low interest" Visa or MasterCard, Bank of Moscow
- 8. Visa Platinum, "Loyalny" tariff plan, MDM Bank
- 7. CashBack World MasterCard, Citibank
- 6.MasterCard Unembossed, Bank Trust
- 5. All Airlines MasterCard, Tinkoff
- 4. MasterCard Standard, Binbank
- 3. Visa Classic, Alfa Bank
- 2. MasterCard MasterCard Platinum, Promsvyazbank
- 1. MasterCard Standard, Vanguard Bank
10.Visa Classic Credit Revolver, Revival
Very attractive credit card terms are offered to participants of payroll projects and depositors - interestntnaya rate of 17% per annum. For other customers with a positive credit history in other credit institutions, the rate is also lower than the average for the market - 26%.The interest-free period is 55 days.
9. "Low interest" Visa or MasterCard, Bank of Moscow
The credit limit on the card is up to 350 thousand rubles with a rate of 19.9% ββor 29.9%.The card service is free of charge provided the turnover is maintained. The grace period of crediting on the card "Low interest" is 50 days.
8. Visa Platinum, "Loyalny" tariff plan, MDM Bank
The bank, ranked in the rating of the most unreliable banks, provides a credit limit on the card to 1 million rubles. With a long period of validity( 3 years), the issue of the card is free. The interest rate on the "Loyalny" tariff will be from 17% per annum.
7. CashBack World MasterCard, Citibank
A card from one of the most reliable banks - Citibank allows using up to 300 thousand rubles of borrowed funds at a rate of 27.9%.Grace period - 50 days. The bonus program allows you to receive 1% of the amount spent on the CashBack card for purchases, back to the account.
6. MasterCard Unembossed, Bank Trust
The credit limit on the Trust Bank card is up to 500 thousand rubles at a rate of 12.9%.The card is issued free of charge and is valid for 3 years. On the balance of its own funds, the Trust accrues interest to 9% per annum.
5. "All Airlines" MasterCard, Tinkoff
The card allows you to get a loan up to 700 000 rubles. Grace period is 55 days. For payment by the card, the bank accrues miles, which can be spent on non-cash purchase of tickets of any airline. The rate for using the loan is from 23.9%.
4. MasterCard Standard, Binbank
With a limit of up to 300 thousand rubles, the bank offers a relatively favorable rate of 27% per annum and a preferential interest-free period of 55 days. It is equally important that do not require the best credit cards of with re-issue, therefore the validity period of this Binbank card is 4 years.
3. Visa Classic, Alfa-Bank
The card allows you to get a loan in the amount of up to 150 000 rubles.with a grace period of up to 100 days. The rate in rubles will be from 18.99% to 31.9%.The issue of the card is absolutely free, in the future the annual commission will be 625 rubles.
2. SuperCard MasterCard Platinum, Promsvyazbank
The cardholder can use the limit in the amount of up to 600 thousand rubles for free within 145 days of grace. The interest rate outside the grace period will be 34.9% per annum.
1. MasterCard Standard, Vanguard Bank
The uniqueness of this offer, which led rating of credit cards, is that the interest-free period of using borrowed funds is established by the bank for 200 days. In addition, with an average monthly turnover of over 7 thousand rubles, the holder does not pay for annual maintenance.