Cleaning ventilation in the apartment

  • Determine the operability of ventilation
  • Causes of poor ventilation
  • Ventilation cleaning

Cleaning the ventilation of an apartment is an integral process of life for any person living in a multi-storey building. Violation of the influx of fresh air into the living areas not only causes dampness in the apartment, but also negatively affects the health of the residents themselves. Symptoms such as decreased performance, fatigue, allergies, asthma and other equally dangerous diseases occur. From this article you will learn how to clean the ventilation in the apartment yourself, without the help of special services.

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Determine the efficiency of ventilation

Did you notice that you have damp, unpleasant or musty air in your house? The reason, most likely, is the violation of the influx of fresh air. But before you climb into the ventilation shaft, it is still worth checking whether this is so. Such a test is not difficult and does not take much time.

On many forums it is advised to conduct a test like this:

  1. Take a lighter or matches.
  2. Kindle and bring the flame to the ventilation grille:
    • If the flame has swung to its side, then everything is fine - cleaning is not required.
    • If the flame remains standing still - the ventilation is clogged.

Important! Although this method is effective, communal services do not recommend it very much. And the reason for this is simple. In the ventilation shaft of the apartment building not only unpleasant smells are collected, but also the remains of gas, if there is a leak in homes with a gas main. As a consequence, these residues can break out and lead to an explosion.

There are safer methods of verification. The most effective procedure is as follows:

  1. Tear off the newspaper about a strip about 30 cm long and about 3 cm wide.
  2. Bring the strip to the grille with the doors and windows closed.
  3. If the bar is attracted - everything is fine. If the attraction is weak or absent - look for the reasons for the weak pull.

Important! This operation should be carried out with all ventilation outlets in the apartment.

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Causes of poor operation of the

ventilation In order to understand why the ventilation is not working properly, it is necessary to delve deeper into its variety. At the moment there are 2 types of ventilation: forced and with a natural motivation. Unfortunately, the first is used only in modern buildings, and older houses are equipped with a second one. It is in the second situation that problems with air circulation arise.

There may be several reasons for this:

  1. Replacing windows. In order for ventilation with a natural motivation to function as needed, it is necessary to observe certain conventions. The slots in the old wooden windows were one of these factors. In modern double-glazed windows, such an influx of air from the street is no longer there, and the system ceases to function normally.
  2. Clogged ventilation duct. Long-term accumulation of fat, dust and other substances strongly affect the ability to draw air. Also, uninvited tenants may become the cause of blockage: birds or wasps. In this case, you will need to clean the ventilation in the apartment.
  3. Unfair neighbors. When repairing premises, often tenants destroy the ledge, in which the ventilation shaft passes. This leads to the fact that other inhabitants of this house are disturbed by the air circulation.
  4. Disturbance of air circulation in the apartment. This is also likely. This is because there are no cracks for air flow inside the room. It is advisable to leave the gap between the floor and the door when installing the internal doors.

Important! If the installation has already been successfully completed and you do not want to alter anything, there is a way out. It is enough to drill a few holes in the door with a slope inward and to seal them with a fine mesh net. This design will help to resume the flow of air, even through a tightly closed door.

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Cleaning the ventilation

After carrying out all necessary checks, most likely, it will be necessary to clean the ventilation in the apartment yourself. How to do this, we now discuss.

Mechanical cleaning

There are several ways to clean ventilation. To remove the blockage mechanically, you will need:

  1. Remove the grate from the ventilation duct and clean it of accumulated dust and other dirt. Do not use abrasive detergents.
  2. Take the scraper and clean the walls of accumulated deposits.
  3. Remove all that can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

Important! It is necessary to remember that if it is necessary to clean the main ventilation in the apartment building, then you can not do it yourself. This should be handled by representatives of special services, who have all the necessary tools and permits for such work.

But the previous method is not the only solution to the problem of clogging in the apartment.

Chemical methods

In order to spend less effort to scrape off deposits, use special detergents. With the help of a brush and detergents, accumulations of dust and grease are removed from the walls and from the grate itself.

Important! Cleaning ventilation in an apartment building is a serious matter, because one careless move, and you can only hurt. Therefore, it is forbidden to use bulky items, chemical( abrasive) substances, which can damage it.

Dry ice is also good for this. It perfectly removes fat and evaporates without leaving traces or smell.

Additional measures

Cleaning the ventilation in the apartment is only the first step to a successful solution to the problem with the influx of clean air. As we know, in old houses the ventilation system needs regular airing of the room. In the winter, you can not make a special airing.

Solution is! On modern plastic windows there are supply slots that resume normal air circulation.

But it happens that it is not enough. In order to resolve this situation, it is necessary to install an additional exhaust system. At the same time, a fan is installed in the ventilation duct, which pushes the air flow, ensuring its normal circulation.

As a rule, in modern houses equipped with forced ventilation, people are less likely to have to clean their own ventilation in the apartment. But whatever kind of ventilation is present in your home, from the tips given above, you will find a solution for your problem and resume the flow of fresh air.