Electric heat gun 220V: warm up the cottage after the winter frosts

Local sources of heat - heat guns in stock


  • 1 Areas of application of the heat gun at 220
  • 2 Positive and negative quality heat guns compared to other heaters
  • 3 Electric heat gun 220: principle of operation, the instrument apparatus depending on the type of
  • 4 Selecting a heat gun for power: how to do it, what calculations produce
  • 5 Manufacturers of heat guns, offering their products on the Russian market
  • 6 Top heat gun: some photos and specifications
  • 7 Electric heat gun 220V: what better to buy
  • 8 Electric heat gun: prices, reviews owners and some of the characteristics
  • 9 Finally

Areas of application of the heat gun at 220

Such assemblies are used for various purposes - heating, drying, maintaining a comfortable temperature. Premises, where applicable, are also different. It can be:

  • utility room;
  • cellars;
  • Living spaces;
  • garages;
  • trading pavilions and playgrounds;
  • warehouses;
  • construction sites;
  • greenhouses.

The use of such devices is quite common in the greenhouse. It is more advantageous than the use of other types of heaters

Positive and negative quality heat guns compared to other heaters

Like any equipment, electrical heat gun 220 have both positive and negative characteristics. The positive qualities include ease of use, portability, ability to work for a long time durability. However, there are significant drawbacks to such units, not to mention that it is impossible. Only two of them:

  1. Space heating occurs only during operation. When you disconnect the unit's temperature begins to drop sharply, as opposed to oil heaters capable of some time to maintain the heat.
  2. When operating such units emit a lot of noise. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them in apartments or private homes.

To be precise, it is also a heat gun, only a small and low-power

Electric heat gun 220: principle of operation, the instrument apparatus depending on the type of

There are three main types of such heating units: rectangular, cylindrical body and ceramic heating elements. Now we try to understand what is the similarity of these species, and what is the difference.



Despite the shortcomings, sometimes these heaters are simply irreplaceable. It is impossible to imagine what would happen to dry cellar garage oil heater. The whole thing in a forced air circulation generated by a heat gun fan. It is through it achieved a fast warm air in the room.

Heater with a rectangular case shape

Such devices are used when necessary to warm or dry large rooms (up to 300m²). The rectangular shape allows you to evenly distribute the heat flow in different directions. It is used most often on construction sites, helping in the work of the masons, tilers, plasterers and even concrete workers. For small facilities use rectangular devices impractical. Most of these devices have a high power consumption.

rectangular devices evenly distribute heat

The cylindrical body of the heat gun: application features devices

Such aggregates give more "concentrated" heat beam. The pressure of warm air is directed to one point. This makes it possible to dry small plastered walls or warm the room. Bunched warm air creates excellent circulation in the room. Unless there is a strong inflow of cold air, a room or garage starts to warm sensitive after 5-7 minutes.

Ceramic heat gun - what it is

Such devices are designed specifically for small warm rooms. As heating element here act ceramic plate, giving a uniform, but not too much heat. If your garage a little more than the size of the machine, such a device for heating is just for you.

Ceramic heater - this is only suitable for small spaces

Selecting a heat gun for power: how to do it, what calculations produce

How to choose an electric heat gun power? Averaged parameters of the gun can be calculated quite simply. Provided the ceiling height is not more than three meters, the average calculations are made based on the fact that 1 kW capable warm 10m². That is why all such devices, with a capacity of less than 5 kW, is considered domestic. They are used for heating garages, small warehouses and rooms. Industrial electric heat gun power can reach several tens of kW and able to warm up large areas, hangars and even underground parking.

So look industrial electric heat gun High Power

If you want a more accurate calculation of the power heat gun, you can use the formula:

P = (V × dT × Kt) / 860Where:

  • V - the product of the height of the ceiling in the area (volume) is indicated in m³;
  • dT - difference in temperature inside and outside in ° C;
  • Kt - an indicator of the thermal conductivity. Qualitative insulation - 0.6-1, brick 2 rows - 1-2, in one brick row - 2-3, trapezoidal sheet or board - 3-4;
  • 860 - so much kilocalories (kcal) per 1 kW.

Manufacturers of heat guns, offering their products on the Russian market

On the shelves of Russian represented a fairly wide range of electric guns-heaters from different manufacturers. However, today we can not consider all - too many for one article. Therefore, the revision Tehno.guru I have chosen six of the most famous and popular brands. Arrange them in order of increasing brand popularity.

  • "Shivaki» ( «Shivaki»);
  • "Timberk» ( «Timberk»);
  • "Interskol";
  • "Ball» ( «Ballu»);
  • "Master» ( «Master»);
  • "Zubr".

This is the most famous and popular in the Russian manufacturers of heat guns. And now try to pick one (the best) thermal electric gun in various categories, considered in passing some of the technical characteristics and photo devices.

The old models become very hot body, so the paint peels off. Newer this problem deprived

Top heat gun: some photos and specifications

In this section we will look at the best model elektropushek for heating in various categories, recognize some of their characteristics, the opinion of the owners of Internet users. Today we will consider only domestic model, power to 5 kW.

The best heat gun 2kW version Tehno.guru edition

One of the best models in the ratio of "price / quality / reliability" is without doubt the device "Interskol TPE-2." Of the additional options are temperature control, power, ventilation without heat. Consider the characteristics of the model.

brand, modelpower, kWtBreathability, m³ / hControlProtection
TPE-2 Interskol2240mechanicalOff. overheat

Here's an interesting machine. It is enough for a small garage, 4 × 5m. To begin, look at the photos of the device, and then get acquainted with one of the owners.

Photos thermal power gun "Interskol TPE-2" - a fairly decent machine

Review Interskol TPE-2

More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_4185501.html

TPE-2 Interskol

Electric heat gun 3kW: the best model

In this category the best device on the amended version Tehno.guru It becomes "Interskol TPE-2." The quality of this manufacturer's products can not be doubted, and the cost of the model is quite democratic. Look at the parameters of the heating device.

brand, modelpower, kWtBreathability, m³ / hControlProtection
ZUBR ZTPE-3000_M23300mechanicalThermostat

Most praised the unit for quiet operation - it is almost inaudible. Also, a plus to the manufacturer warranty for the device - 5 years! Let this heater image.

"Zubr ZTPE-3000_M2" - the best thermal electric gun in the category "3kW"

That's how he looks. And what about their opinions?

Review ZUBR ZTPE-3000_M2

More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product/11550709/reviews? track = tabs


Electric heat gun 5kW: the most powerful of the household

Very good characteristics, coupled with the low cost of the heat gun has 5kW 220 «Ballu BHP-ME-5." In this device, among other things, it has the opportunity to change the degree of heat in two positions - "polnakala" and "full power". The only negative, which is marked by the owners - the carrying handle must be screwed. However, the wording Tehno.guru minus is not considered.

brand, modelpower, kWtBreathability, m³ / hControlProtection
Ballu BHP-ME-55400mechanicalThermostat / overheating protection

More powerful and more secure device that can warm up the room with an area of ​​45-50 square meters. Look at his picture.

Worthy role model among the devices 5 kW - «Ballu BHP-ME-5"

And of course the owner of the review.

Review Ballu BHP-ME-5

More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product/12772322/reviews? track = tabs

Ballu BHP-ME-5

Electric heat gun 220V: what better to buy

The selection and subsequent purchase of equipment such as electric heat gun 220 - is not easy and very responsible. The choice will depend on the purpose here device - where it will be used. Try to understand what parameters should have elektropushka for heating various premises.

Heat gun to give the parameters that select the nuances

The main parameter to which you should pay attention when choosing a heater for cottages - is the noise level. If the device is too noisy, you will be in the room can not be - it is fraught with headaches, irritability and, as a consequence, depressive state. The norm is the noise level of 40 dB. Similarly today can boast of some models of brands, "Bison" and "Ballu".

Heat gun for the garage: Is there a limit on the parameters

For use in the garage restrictions no noise, although it is still worth paying attention to. Here the main thing to consider - this protective function. Indeed, in the course of work often car owner will have to leave the garage on various occasions. Would not he is constantly going out, turn off the device, and coming - again include. So, need to be protected from overheating, the thermostat. Not interfere plug socket, which powers the heater, through a separate machine, a denomination corresponding to the capacity of the heat gun.

Electric heat gun: prices, reviews owners and some of the characteristics

In this section we consider several models of various manufacturers with the feedback and the value on the Russian market.

brand, modelpower, kWtBreathability, m³ / hControlProtection
Hyundai H-HG-20-U90052220mechanicalWaterproof casing, thermostat

«Hyundai H-HG-20-U9005» in waterproof housing

Review of Hyundai H-HG-20-U9005

More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_5882418.html

Hyundai H-HG-20-U9005

brand, modelpower, kWtBreathability, m³ / hControlProtection
NeoClima KX-22200mechanical

«NeoClima KX-2" - one more model power 2kW

Review NeoClima KX-2

More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product/6435733/reviews? track = tabs

NeoClima KX-2

brand, modelpower, kWtBreathability, m³ / hControlProtection
PRORAB EN 22180mechanicalThermostat

«PRORAB EN 2" - a good performance, but nothing special

Review PRORAB EN 2

More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_2797584.html


brand, modelpower, kWtBreathability, m³ / hControlProtection
Timberk TIH R5 3M3300mechanicalThermostat

More powerful equipment - «Timberk TIH R5 3M»

Review Timberk TIH R5 3M

More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product/11114236/reviews? track = tabs

Timberk TIH R5 3M

brand, modelpower, kWtBreathability, m³ / hControlProtection
Resanta TEC-3000K3300mechanicalOvertemperature shutdown / thermostat

"Resanta TIC-3000K" in no way inferior to the previous embodiment

Review Resanta TEC-3000K

More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product/7717295/reviews? track = tabs

Resanta TEC-3000K


Thermal electric gun - a device that will be useful to cottagers, motorists, and just to those who are not satisfied with the temperature in the apartment or private home. This fact can not be doubted. The main thing - the right choice, which can be done only if a serious approach and consider all options. But choosing the right all the characteristics of the model, the owner will not regret about such a purchase.

This electric heat gun, made by craftsmen with their hands

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