Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seats

To improve the comfort of operation of lighting devices used bushing switchesWhich allow you to control ambient light from two or more locations. Sometimes it is not only a convenience, but a necessity.

Most often, the flow switch wiring diagram with 2 beds used in the following areas, namely:

  • entryways. you can turn on the light, climb or descend by installing switching devices 1 and 2 on the floor stairs and turn off the lights. In houses with 2 storeys floors can add additional device circuitry;
  • bedrooms. One switch is installed near the door, and the other device near berth;
  • corridors. The switches are set at the beginning and end of the room.

This list can be conducted for a long time, since each case has its own version of the use of walk-through switch systems. To save time and money, all operations can be performed independently, in compliance with the recommendations that will be presented in this article.

Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seats
Passing switch allows not to run constantly on the stairs, to turn off the lights

Read article

  • 1 What is passing the switch and its difference from the conventional switch
  • 2 Design and operation of the flow switch
  • 3 How to make a switch pass on their own and install it?
  • 4 Connectivity options through-breakers
    • 4.1 Wiring diagram for one-button-through switches
    • 4.2 Scheme feedthrough connections dvuhklavishnyh switches
    • 4.3 Communicating three-key switches
  • 5 How to connect the communicating switches for lighting control from multiple locations? Wiring diagrams and video
    • 5.1 Schematic diagram of the connection switch-through with 2 seats
    • 5.2 The circuit breaker with the connection passage 3 seats
    • 5.3 Wiring diagram flow switch with 4 seats
  • 6 Leading manufacturers of switches and their migratory range
    • 6.1 Legrand
    • 6.2 VIKO
    • 6.3 Lezard
    • 6.4 Wessen
    • 6.5 Makel
    • 6.6 Lineup Legrand
    • 6.7 Overview VIKO models
    • 6.8 Lezard
    • 6.9 Wessen
    • 6.10 Production company Makel
  • 7 recommendations
  • 8 conclusion

What is passing the switch and its difference from the conventional switch

The pass switch is a device that allows you to control one light source from two or more places. Scheme of their connection to the grid a little bit more complicated than traditional switches, Since it implies the installation of several switching devices.

In the pass-through one-button switch terminal three, and not two as in a conventional switch
In the pass-through one-button switch terminal three, and not two as in a conventional switch

Lighting with passage switching devices are usually mounted on stairwells, at sleeping, long corridors and garden tracks. Such a scheme makes it possible to turn on the light in one place and turn off the other, without resorting to the first switch.

To understand how the switch is different from the switch, you must first define the terms.

Apparatus conventional switch
Apparatus conventional switch

The switch is a two-position switching device with two contacts for use in electric voltage up to 1000 volts. This device is not intended for the current cut-off at short circuit, unless it is equipped with a blowout. Home switch can be used for indoor and outdoor installation.

On the back side of the flow switch is usually applied to the connection diagram
On the back side of the flow switch is usually applied to the connection diagram

Switch (also duplicate, passing or changeover switch) is a device switching one or more circuits on a few others. Externally, it is virtually indistinguishable from a conventional switch, except for the presence of a larger number of contacts.

In considering what it is - the entrance switch, it is necessary to know what they are like normal, there are one-button, dvuhklavishnymi and three-key. So they are similar and the type of control - keyboards, touch-sensitive, with a remote control, etc.

Design and operation of the flow switch

The easiest-through switching device is a one-button switch. In appearance it is almost no different from the conventional device to turn off lightingExcept for the presence of the internal circuit, which is usually applied to the back side of the housing.

Schematic diagram of the connection of two one-button switches
Schematic diagram of the connection of two one-button switches

Average switching device performs the opening and closing electrical circuit on one wire circuits. The operating principle of the flow switch is the mechanism that produces a key gap of one chain and another circuit. contact transfer switches allows to work in pairs and control the same lighting instrument. Passing switch can only be used in a pair with another similar device. It is possible to use such a type of switch as usual, but in this case it defeats the purpose of the entire structure.

In the conventional apparatus commuting plate permanently closed at one contact and by pressing the key the coupling, thus closing the electric circuit. The apparatus provides for a feedthrough switches third contact located between the other two, and the plate connects it alternately to the first, the second terminalSo that the correct to call such a device switch.

Contact group flow switch
Contact group flow switch

A set of contacts with the switch plate is called - a group of contacts. To control the lighting from two different points only need one group of three or more - will have to use two twin-through switches.

How to make a switch pass on their own and install it?

Immediately it should be said that despite the seemingly small differences, the pass switch is much more expensive than usual. Therefore, many craftsmen, determined to make lighting control from multiple locations, prefer tinkering such devices on their own, especially for a person with hands, where necessary, it is not so complicated. Thus, we consider how to make the switch from the usual entrance, which can be bought in any market or from an electronics store.

Remaking a conventional switch in the entrance did not take long
Remaking a conventional switch in the entrance did not take long

In principle, in a continuous alteration of conventional switch is an apparatus to add a third connection. To this end, it is desirable to acquire and can someone already have two switches, one or a few keys, made by the same manufacturer.

It is very important that the switches of the same size. If you are going to purchase dvuhklavishny switch, then you need to make sure that they have the opportunity to change terminals places so that the gap and the closure of each of the chains was carried out independently other. The result should be that in one position of one chain is enabled keys, and in the other - the second.

Now consider a phased process of remaking conventional switch in the entrance.

Important! In the first place, and it is not discussed, it must be disconnected from the network, using a pre-hearing indicator phase conductor to be marked, for example, a piece of tape (this will facilitate further connection).

stage photoProcess description
Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seatsTake an ordinary bill one-button switch.
Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seatsUse a screwdriver to gently podkovyrnut device key (as a rule, they are equipped with a clip)
Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seatsGently squeeze out a breaker body core.
Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seatsOvercome the housing clamps the internal switch mechanism.
Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seatsOne of the terminals is taken out of the nest.
Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seatsResets contact opposite to each other.
Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seatsSet to pins "rocker".
Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seatsCollect the housing and back alteration finished.

Passing switch can be made from two conventional, arranging them side by side so that one of them is turned on by pressing the top of the key, the second - on the bottom. The keys are connected to a plate glued on top of them. Between two adjacent contacts of switches installed jumper.

Before you install the entrance switch is necessary to weaken the legs of the web, connect the wire in accordance with a scheme to insert into the mounting box and back to tighten the locking screw.

In more detail the process of alteration can be seen in the presented video topics:

Connectivity options through-breakers

To know exactly how to install the entrance switch, we first need to understand the wiring diagram of various types of switches with different numbers of lighting devices.

Wiring diagram for one-button-through switches

Scheme-KEY flow switch is the most simple.

Wiring diagram for the flow switch to the lighting group
Wiring diagram for the flow switch to the lighting group
  • Primarily disconnect mains and using a special indicator ensure no voltage. Only then you can proceed to further work.
  • For the implementation of the scheme to the junction box must come 5 wires:
  1. feed - from the machine or traffic jams;
  2. 3 two-wire cable extending directly with the switches;
  3. connected to the lighting device.
  • The ends of the wires to smooth the insulation;
  • Switches are connected in a break of the phase conductor and the neutral, through a junction box is on the light fixture. The need to pass through the phase circuit breaker is caused to ensure safety during maintenance or repair of the lighting unit;
  • Indicator determines the phase wire and stranding via connect with one of the wires of the first switch (typically for convenience the wire employ red or white);
  • Further null terminals of switches interconnected by wires (shown in the diagram), and a separate second switch contact is connected via wire to the lamp;
  • wire from lamps the junction box is connected to zero The wires from the electrical panel;
  • Visually check the connection by referring to the diagram above, and if everything is in order, you can supply power. Before powering need to be insulated stranding lay neatly wires in junction box and close the lid.

For lighting control of more than two locations need a one-button switch in circuit cross switch.

Scheme feedthrough connections dvuhklavishnyh switches

Communicating circuit breakers with several keys is preferable to put in large rooms with several entrances and different lighting fixturesThat you want to include at the same time. The most popular connection passage double switch, allowing to control multiple luminaires groups.

The scheme of how to connect the double-through switch
The scheme of how to connect the double-through switch

Passing switch with two keys is two one-button switch transients, which are enclosed in a single housing. Accordingly, for the installation and operation of the device will need six wires that can be clearly seen in the diagram dvuhklavishnogo flow switch.

Communicating three-key switches

Illumination scheme using the three-key passage switch is rather complicated because of the presence of a large number of wires. However, these switching devices are popular because they allow to control three different groups of light from one access point.

The wiring connection communicating triple switches are typically dvuhklavishny and one-button switches.

How to connect the communicating switches for lighting control from multiple locations? Wiring diagrams and video

As already mentioned above, the communicating circuit breakers are designed to control one or more lighting groups. We've already covered how to connect a switch-through, and we know that to manage lighting fixtures It may be two or more points, but each of these schemes have their own characteristics.

Such a device, like a switch, can look elegant and richly
Such a device, like a switch, can look elegant and richly

Unlike conventional one, two and three-key switching devices, which are mounted individually, the installation bushing switches operate only in pairs. Next we look at how to perform the lighting control circuit in groups of two or more places and features of the connection.

Important! To control the lighting devices of three or more locations apart from the usual walk-through switches necessarily requires the use of cross-breakers.

The video clearly shows a connection diagram flow switch:

Schematic diagram of the connection switch-through with 2 seats

Connecting the flow switch does not differ from conventional mounting 1, 2 or 3 the pushbutton. The difference lies only in the number of terminals and the lead wire.

Note! Just install the entrance switch on the usual place not succeed because, eyeliner need a minimum of a three-core cable.

For the implementation of the scheme to connect the flow switch with two positions will need to have two switching devices, distribution box, which are fed from the wire lighting devices and three-core cables from the switch.

Wiring flow switch point 2
Wiring flow switch point 2

The phase wire from the junction box is connected to the common input terminal 1 flow switch. The output contacts are connected in parallel with the same terminals of the second switching device. Of the total contact of the second switch is carried on the fixture terminal. wire lamp other terminal is connected to the junction box with the "zero".

That's basically the entire circuit connection switches from two places. In my opinion nothing complicated about it.

Important! Wire size should be selected according to the power of lighting.

The circuit breaker with the connection passage 3 seats

Sometimes there is a need to create more than two different groups of lighting control points, in, e.g. stairways high-rise buildings, in large halls, long corridors with several exits, etc. In such cases, the feedthrough is realized connections circuit breakers 3 to point minimum.

Realization flow switch wiring diagram of the three places in the relevant multi-storey buildings
Realization flow switch wiring diagram of the three places in the relevant multi-storey buildings

Following these connections are also possible without problems, however, for this addition to the usual walk-through switches require a crossover switch. In such switching devices have a longer three, but four of contact - a pair of input and two outputs which are switched simultaneously, and accordingly must use of four- cables.

In such a scheme, the first and last point of light control, the normal-through switches, while all other items are utilized cross switches. The number of group management places lighting devices unlimited, but with each additional point in the junction box rasklyuchenie complicated due to the large number of wires. To facilitate the work necessary for marking wires, so that later do not become entangled in them.

Wiring through-breakers of seats 3
Wiring through-breakers of seats 3

The principle of connecting through-breakers for the three control points as follows:

  1. Output terminals of the first switch flow by means of wires connected to the pair of input terminals, walking track cross-switch and so on up to the last control point, the common wire which is connected to the contact lighting fixture. Phase conductor is connected to the input terminal of the first switching device, and a second wire extending from the lamp comes to the "zero" in the junction box.
  2. Each of the through-switches supplied three-conductor wire, and to cross - a four.

In the scheme above depicts the connection to the lighting three control points, consisting of two and one-through cross switches.

Attention! Feedthrough and cross-switches can be operated at the rated current of 6, 10 or 16A. All switches in the scheme must have the same or greater than the rated current value, and the wires are used - the same section.

Wiring diagram flow switch with 4 seats

Having dealt with the above rasklyucheniya embodiments, it will be simple to carry out implementation of circuit breaker connecting passage 4 points or more. The difference lies in the introduction of additional cross-circuit switches.

Schematic wiring diagram for the walk-through switches 4 places
Schematic wiring diagram for the walk-through switches 4 places

The principle of operation does not differ from the previous ones, will simply have to deal with even more wires, so that absolutely no harm will their mark.

Leading manufacturers of switches and their migratory range

Before heading to the store or to the market to buy a pass switch is necessary to start to get acquainted with the leading manufacturers of these products and of their model range. The Russian market of electrical products offers a wide variety of manufacturers - from premium to budget. Prices migratory breakers largely depends on the design and brand.


Company Legrand electrical leads on the market thanks to the high quality and reliability of its products and is distinguished from the competition more flexible pricing policy. Communicating switches Legrand comfortable in everything - from installation to maintenance. company's products are synonymous with style and high quality.

Products company Legrand are characterized by simplicity and elegance
Products company Legrand are characterized by simplicity and elegance

Advantages of Legrand products are as follows:

  • a wide range of;
  • high production quality;
  • solid components;
  • a rich choice of colors;
  • flexible pricing policy.

Inconsequential shortcoming-through switches Legrand is considered to be the need for more accurate fitting installation places, because if they do not match, then complications may arise with installation.


Turkish company VIKO on electrotechnical market since 1990 and has managed to gain the trust of consumers. high quality and reliability of products is typical for the company's products. For the production of electrical accessories used durable and fireproof plastic, designed for a large number of operating cycles. All of the products meet the highest European quality and electrical safety standards.

Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seats


Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seats

Chinese manufacturer Lezard is part of Legrand, but from the mother brand was only a stylish design, but sometimes there are problems caused by the build quality. But for such a value consistent quality.


Wessen - this is one of the leaders of Russian electrotechnical market and is an offshoot of Schneider Electric. For this reason, all products undergo strict quality control and is equipped with the latest technologies that have been developed in the field of electrical engineering. The company offers consumers a wide choice of products with universal design that allows you to fit them in almost any interior.

Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seats

The most popular series "Rondo" among Russian buyers. All products in this series are designed for flush mounting and have the necessary safety equipment. In addition, the decorative frame breakers can be easily replaced, which makes it possible to adjust them to any interior design and implement their own plans.


Turkish brand, has long won popularity among Russian consumers. Production company Makel functional, reliable and safe, and in spite of the seemingly simple design attracts attention.

Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seats

In Makel switches the possibility of connecting a loop without engaging raspredkorobok. This makes assembly of products simple and comfortable to use.

Lineup Legrand

The lineupDescription
Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seatsValena
  • Switches in this series differ not only in color and aesthetic solutions, but also functionality. The line has one and dvuhklavishnye switches having moisture and dust.
  • The cost of this product lineup ranges from 300 rubles and above.
Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seatsCeliane
  • Celiane product series are made in the form of circular keys, inscribed in a square and which may be silent or non-contact with the levers.
  • Cost of products starts from 700 rubles.
Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seatsExclusive Celiane
  • This is a limited series of switches made by hand from porcelain, marble, myrtle, bamboo, gold and other natural materials. Frame switches are made only to order. Couplers of this series can be mounted either horizontally or vertically.
  • The price of luxury products series starts from 5900 rubles.
Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seatsGalea Life
  • Lineup Galea Life - is an optimal price-quality ratio. This series has a classic design that allows you to enter the switches in any design. Switches made of glass, plastic, wood, alloys of various metals, and even granite.
  • Cost of product Galea Life ranges from 930 rubles.

Overview VIKO models

The lineupDescription
Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seats


  • One-button switch pass Karre has restrained and an ergonomic design and is designed for residential and public spaces.
  • The model is simple and quick to install, and used in the manufacture of plastic products will not lose its original appearance for many years.
  • Rated voltage - 250 V, and a current - 10 A. protection class IP-20.
  • The cost of 170 rubles.
Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seats


  • Classic design characteristic switches Yasemin series allows to fit them into any design interiorAnd color insert will further decorate the room.
  • VIKO company's product quality will not disappoint anyone.
  • Rated voltage - 250 V, and a current - 10 A.
  • protection class IP-20.
  • Product price from 120 rubles.
Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seats


  • Series external switches designed to meet the highest requirements for electrical and fire safety.
  • Nominal voltage - 250 V, and the current - 10 A.
  • protection class IP-20.
  • The cost of the switch from 350 rubles.


The lineupDescription
Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seats


  • Attractive color series DEMET and modern attractive form products will allow to decorate any room.
  • company's products are made of high quality self-extinguishing polycarbonate and meets all standards of fire and electrical safety.
  • Cost of products from 125 rubles.
Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seats


  • MIRA series switches are designed for indoor installation and are made of self-extinguishing plastic, PA-66, which increases the safety and durability of products.
  • The conductive elements are made of phosphor bronze, which provides high conductivity and low heat.
  • switch Price from 198 rubles.
Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seats


  • Switches DERIY Series is a completely new style that introduces an unusual effect in the interior of an apartment or office.
  • Perfect lines and rich color palette devices only emphasize their refinement
  • The cost of 161 rubles.


The lineupDescription
Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seats

Frame 59 Wessen W

  • In this series involved modularity, enabling to establish a framework for 1-4 devices with vertical and horizontal mounting.
  • The range includes single, double and three-key-through switches, presented in 8 colors.
  • Price - from 137 rubles.
Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seats


  • Despite the fact that the products of this series are low-cost but high quality and functionality to satisfy even the most demanding customers.
  • Asfora series switches are in demand not only for construction companies, but also directly to consumers.
  • Price - from 450 rubles.
Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seats

unica Basic

  • Products of this series have a simple and harmonious design. Also feature switch is a high assembly quality and reliability of the construction.
  • Products of this company are in high demand among Russian consumers.
  • The cost of 600 rubles.
Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seats


  • Series switches Sedna combines the convenience and ease of management lighting fixtures. The creators have thought through everything.
  • quality design fits securely inside of the structure.
  • Price from 241 rubles.

Production company Makel

The lineupDescription
Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seatsLilium Nat Kare
  • Modern, stylish design of this series of products make the room even more attractive design.
  • In the manufacture of circuit breakers used ABS plastic of high quality.
  • Quick and easy installation, which is achieved by a spring or screw terminals.
  • the switch mechanism is compatible with almost all standard frames.
  • Cost of products - from 95 rubles.
Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seatsDefne
  • Switches Defne series are made of high quality plastic and equipped with reliable internal mechanisms.
  • Large selection of colors allows you to choose the product ideally suited to any interior.
  • Rated Current - 10 A rated voltage - 250 V.
  • Very durable and reliable in use.
  • Protection - IP 20.
  • Installation - hidden.
  • Cost of products in this series of 150 rubles.
Wiring diagram flow switch with 2 seatsMakel Mimoza
  • Mimoza product series are designed to control lighting systems of two or more points.
  • Housing switches in this series are made of durable plastic ABS.
  • Rated voltage - 220-250 V and current - no more than 10 A.
  • Wiring is carried out by means of screw clamps.
  • Degree of protection: IP20.
  • The cost of the switches in this series ranges from 170 rubles.


When installing the circuit must always verify the absence of electric current by means of the indicator.

The most convenient height for easy operation is considered to be 900 mm above the floor. From the opening of the door switch is better placed at a distance of 200 mm.

The installation of the device on the street, it switches to acquire at least IP44 protection class.

Before installation, first you need to use the indicator to determine the phase conductor and the conduct of its mark. This will facilitate the further flow switch connection.

The junction box connection of the wires to perform better not by twisting, and means of connecting pads, terminals and terminals.


As you can see the device, the operating principle and the flow switch connection is not special complexity, especially if you follow the guidelines and stick to the basic rules electrical safety. The introduction of through-breakers provide additional comfort control lighting devices. To improve the electrical home is endless, it's only the desire, financial capacity and imagination.