Hoods for the kitchen: with a tap in without ventilation or drainage?

Installation drawing for the kitchen to the challenge ventilation makes your stay in the room more comfortable. Such equipment makes it possible to deduce the soot, odors and grease droplets. applying hoodYou can not so often do repairs. The room comes fresh air, which has a beneficial effect on health. There is a huge range of such equipment to pick up a decent option is necessary to study the characteristics of individual models and their particular installation.

Hoods for the kitchen with a tap into the ventilation
Setting the function of the product will create a favorable climate in the room

Read article

  • 1 What are the requirements for ventilation in the apartment?
  • 2 How to choose the hood for the kitchen: reviews and recommendations
    • 2.1 Hoods for the kitchen with a tap into the ventilation: Features
    • 2.2 How to choose the kitchen hood without removing the vent
  • 3 Hoods Kitchen: photos and prices, overview of models
  • 4 Rules of arrangement of the ventilation system
    • 4.1 Online calculator calculate the required diameter of the duct to the kitchen hood
    • 4.2 Features of the supply valve assembly

What are the requirements for ventilation in the apartment?

To pick up the hood for the kitchen tap with or without removal of the vent should be familiar with the general arrangement of conditions ventilation circuit in the apartment. A plurality of ventilation models laid still in the construction of the building. Thus retracting contaminated air and supply fresh made through Door, Windows or window. Natural ventilation is characterized by autonomy and little cost. The disadvantage is completely dependent on the weather disturbances.

Features extraction operation
Features extraction operation

A great alternative to a forced ventilation and exhaust and plenum design. Forced type functioning by means of fans that remove contaminated air mass. The mechanisms are installed in ventilation shafts. The fresh air supply equipment type is performed through the valve, and the elimination by natural draft.

The diagram shows a principle of natural ventilation
The diagram shows a principle of natural ventilation

How to choose a hood in the kitchen will help tips from the professionals. Ventilation is carried out in accordance with the sanitary standards. They stipulate that the exhaust air must be completely replaced by fresh for half an hour. You can check the quality of the system arrangement. To do this you need to move a lit match to the ventilation hole. If the flame moves actively, then this is an indication of the operating state structure.

Helpful information! Per square meter of room air the value should be less than 3 cubic meters per hour. On 1 tenant accounts - 30 cu. m. per hour.

Features of the system of compulsory
Features of the system of compulsory

How to choose the hood for the kitchen: reviews and recommendations

Helpful hints tell you how to choose the right the hood for the kitchen. There are certain parameters that need to be considered when choosing a device. This dimensions, performance value, control options and design type.

Individual components of a standard extract
Individual components of a standard extract

About these characteristics should learn more about:

  • dimensions and performance are important. Width is 45,60 and 90, the overall performance depends on it. At the height of the plates affects species. For gas equipment is the distance - 80 cm, and for electric - 70 cm;
  • Filters are coal and fat;
  • options modes and functions. On the control panel provides speed changers, fan and lighting;
  • material for drawing enamel, stainless steel and tempered glass;
  • lighting;
  • additional functions.
Options extraction location
Options extraction location

It is also worth to choose the type of construction. Over wardrobes placed flat or Visor models. They are disposable filters, which are made from acrylic can be used. In such a small motor extracts power.

Here is the plane model
Here is the plane model

Dome models are mounted on the ceiling or wall. Such devices have an extensive range of sizes, designs and patterns. The best option is considered to be built. These hoods are built into suspended cabinets over the stove. Visible to the control panel. Such an embodiment is equipped with the metal filter and a pair of motors.

Dome structure
Dome structure

According to the feedback structure efficiency depends on air pressure, which creates the engine, as well as on the mode of drawing. If the device is displayed in the mine, the air treatment will be more effective. It plays an important role and the section of the grease filters. The tighter they are, the better the odors are removed.

Recessed model perfectly hidden in wall cabinets systems
Recessed model perfectly hidden in wall cabinets systems

Hoods for the kitchen with a tap into the ventilation: Features

Hoods for the kitchen with a tap into the ventilation fully renew the air masses in the room. This eliminates unpleasant odors, and the room is saturated with oxygen. Model with a tap purifies air using the exhaust type mechanism.

Extract with output to vent any better than the product without the duct. It purifies the air by 100%, completely removing contaminated air mass outside the room. This design is equipped with two types of filters. Grease devices are of metal mesh, and acrylic installed for air purification.

Setting the device to tap into the ventilation
Setting the device to tap into the ventilation

In extracts from the tap, there are certain disadvantages. It is difficult to install, it requires a professional approach, as well as the design produces a lot of noise during operation.

Depending on the placement of drawing are:

  • Corner mounted in the corner of the room and mounted on a wall;
Corner option in some cases allows you to save space
Corner option in some cases allows you to save space
  • chimney attached to the wall and may have different dome configuration;
Option fireplace hood
Option fireplace hood
  • island attached to the ceiling above the stove and not adjacent to the wall. Can be any shape.
Island models are ideal for large rooms
Island models are ideal for large rooms

The ducts are in the form of plastic channels and aluminum corrugated pipe. Corrugation made only a round shape. She quickly installed and does not require special tools. This element can be given any shape. Installation is carried out by means of special clamps.

Ducts made of plastic made rectangular and round shapes. Channels differ smooth walls that allows to achieve good throughput. The airflow passes through it with low levels of noise and high speed. Such details are set using special elbows and adapters.

Useful advice! The corrugations should be installed in the aligned state, so that the folds are not settled contamination.

How to choose the kitchen hood without removing the vent

Extractor hood for the kitchen without removal has many advantages. First of all, the regeneration of such a construction is not necessary to arrange the conduit and output options air masses. Such a hood differs simplicity of installation. It must be installed above stove and connect.

The design of the circulation type is suitable for installation in homes, where the vents are functioning poorly. Such a device purifies the air and mixes it with air from other rooms. Circulation systems clean the air is not as good as the exhaust.

Features of different designs. Device without removal filtration system equipped with a special
Features of different designs. Device without removal filtration system equipped with a special

This design requires no regular maintenance. Once every few months need to change carbon filters. In addition, the equipment without removing does not protect against humidity.

Select high-quality extract can help a few factors to consider when choosing:

  • the width of the plate and the hood must coincide;
  • index value has capacity per hour should be made 6 air changes.

Design without duct allow for clean air at a minimum cost and effort the kitchen.

This design looks compact and does not take up much space
This design looks compact and does not take up much space

Hoods Kitchen: photos and prices, overview of models

You can extract any option to buy cheap food, if we analyze the different models and their characteristics.

The table lists the popular models and their prices.

PicturemodelMore infoprice, rub. (As of November 2016)
Hansa OSC WH 611Hansa OSC WH 611
  • Suspension structure with a tap. Product Width - 60 cm.
  • Extractor hood is equipped with an electronically controlled and silent engine.
2 850
Jetair Aurora LX 60 IXJetair Aurora LX 60 IX
  • The model is built in the wall cabinet.
  • Suitable for standard kitchens.
6 999
Kronasteel Kamilla 2M 600 inoxKronasteel Kamilla 2M 600 inox
  • Extractor hood with draw-tap, built in wardrobe.
  • Construction width 60 cm.
  • In the presence of two motors and mechanical control.
6 360
ELIKOR Integra 50 ELIKOR Integra 50
  • The design with a branch embedded in the wall cabinet.
  • Suitable for indoor standard layout.
  • Power constructions - 200 watts.
  • Characterized by mechanical control and quiet engine.
4 220
Kronasteel Jessica slim PB 600 Kronasteel Jessica slim PB 600
  • Model outboard type with a tap.
  • It is recommended for small kitchens.
3 990
  • Extractor hood sloping chimney.
  • Attached to the wall.
  • In the presence of circulation and drainage.
  • Characterized by a quiet motor and electronic control.
7 299
LEX Mini 600 LEX Mini 600
  • Fireplace design.
  • Different challenge and circulation.
  • It has a silent motor and mechanical control.
7 390
Elica Elibloc 9 LX SILVER F / 60Elica Elibloc 9 LX SILVER F / 60
  • Vytyazha embedded in the wall cabinet.
  • Device width 60 cm.
  • It has two motors with maximum efficiency.
7 680

Rules of arrangement of the ventilation system

When deciding how to choose the hood for the kitchen, it is worth to study reviews and features everything ventilation system. The smooth functioning of natural ventilation type might under certain rules. Ventilation channels should provide constant removal of contaminated room air masses. It must also provide a constant fresh air.

Subject to the rules of installation technology similar design can be set independently
Subject to the rules of installation technology similar design can be set independently

To comply with these terms and conditions is required modern services and clean design. The country house can be installed roof fan in the ventilation duct, which will create a quieter design. To improve the supply of fresh air in an apartment, you need to fan set into the vent. With the help of simple devices, natural ventilation system can be converted into supply and exhaust system.

The device current models makes installation simple and convenient
The device current models makes installation simple and convenient

Online calculator calculate the required diameter of the duct to the kitchen hood

Features of the supply valve assembly

Before deciding how to install the hood in the kitchen with his hands, it is desirable to establish a supply valve and choose the right place for it:

  • This device may not be evident;
  • It is mounted in a bearing wall;
  • It is recommended in the direction of industrial areas;
  • in an apartment building is better to install the valve with a balcony.
Option plenum design
Option plenum design

To set the valve opening is made in the wall. The length of the device is selected in view of the thickness of the walls. The valve further better wrap the insulation material. After valve duct all voids around the structure filled with foam. End device facing outwards is covered with a special dozhdeotboynikom.

Compliance with all the recommendations and the study of specific models and their features allow purchase quality hood to create an effective and functional ventilation system.