This type of climate equipment as humidifier, It appeared for a long time, but domestic consumers have learned about it and began to use in the home only in the last decade. As always, the views about the merits of these devices were divided and debate is still going on. In this article we will discuss and learn: What is a humidifier, benefit and harm, reviews and opinion of doctors, as well as the views of ordinary users.

Read article
- 1 What is air humidifier, and whether it is needed in the apartment
2 Forms for humidification devices
- 2.1 conventional dampers
- 2.2 steam device
- 2.3 ultrasonic humidifiers
- 2.4 Evaporative type humidifier
- 3 Humidifier: the pros and cons of health
- 4 What doctors say?
- 5 user reviews
- 6 Harmful if ultrasonic humidifier or not?
- 7 It does not harm children humidifier?
- 8 Can I catch a cold from the air humidifier?
- 9 Proper use of humidifiers
- 10 Reducing the risks and negative impacts of appliances for air humidification
- 11 conclusion
What is air humidifier, and whether it is needed in the apartment
Already from the name appliance becomes clear that it is intended to increase the humidity in rooms with dry air. Heating systems, air conditioning and metal-plastic windows a negative impact on the level of humidity. Dry air adversely affects the well-being of man and his skin.
Sufficient humidity in the room is required houseplants and animalsAnd especially children, since the device helps kids better adapt to the environment. many try humidify air improvised means - cans of water on window sillsWet things on battery and elsewhere. However, if much hot, it will only lead to the deterioration of health.

The best way to create an optimum microclimate in the apartment or house is to buy a humidifier. Currently, manufacturers of HVAC equipment offer a wide range of devices for humidifying the air for a variety of price and performance.
Forms for humidification devices
There are three main types of humidifier. Each type has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, which are discussed below. So, air purifiers are:
- conventional;
- steam;
- ultrasound;
- Evaporative.

conventional dampers
The simplest devices operating on the principle of "cold" evaporation. They are equipped with water cisterns from which water is supplied to the evaporators. With the air passes through the evaporator fan elements humidified and supplied into the space. Such devices are simple to maintain, economical and quiet.
steam device
In an apparatus of this type is also fed into the water tank, equipped with electrodes, which it is heated. This produces steam, moisturizing the air in the room. When complete evaporation of the water is switched off. Such a humidifier is not economical, requires frequent refilling of the water and has a higher power consumption. The device should not be placed at the walls and in children (for safety reasons), but it is well suited for the fragrance and inhalations.
ultrasonic humidifiers
The most effective and popular ultrasonic models. Water is supplied to a special plate, wherein using vibrations of very fine cloud is formed, which in turn is supplied to the fan room. The unit almost silently, efficiently and safely, even though it cost a bit more expensive than previous counterparts. By positive feedback ultrasonic humidifier leads among other types of similar devices.
Evaporative type humidifier
This type of device is ideal for a healthy and natural humidifying the air in the room. The device is equipped with special mats, which actually form steam for humidification. The disadvantage is the high cost. rugs replacement should be performed 1 time in 3 months, and the heating of the electrodes 1 a year.

Also, there are combination devices, so-called "Air wash"Which not only moisturize, but also purify the air. If we talk about the benefits and dangers of air cleaning - consumers only positive feedback. And that's just the main types, and there are other - expensive and cheap, cost-effective and not, as well as many home-made designs, but we will not have to focus on.
Related article:
Humidifier: ranking of the best models of 2017-2018.In this publication you will find a detailed overview of the ultrasonic, steam models, the air sinks and climate systems, tips and expert advice.
The proposed video can help in choosing the appropriate type of the humidifier:
Humidifier: the pros and cons of health
As already mentioned, in the humidifier, like any device, has its advantages and disadvantages. So before you buy a device that can affect health, it is necessary to carefully read the characteristics of the humidifier and customer feedback, as well as expert opinion.

Analyzing than useful humidifier for the house is worth mentioning its main advantage - the maintenance of an optimal level of humidity in the room. Changes in state of health can be seen after 2-3 weeks of using the device. When the air is too dry (especially in summer or during the heating season), the mucous membranes that protect body from dust, bacteria and viral infections, are also becoming dry and can not cope with their protective functions. I.e, normal humidity needed by the body to maintain the immune system in the "battle" state. Humidifiers just designed to create an optimal indoor climate.

Harm humidifiers - a controversial issue, and it is mainly associated with the operation of the device, individual intolerance or contraindications. You may receive burns from steam humidifiers children, so it is not necessary to install such devices in the child and the child need to look your best when the device is turned on. Some users are concerned about the appearance of white deposit on plants and furnitureBut here the claim is attributed to the hardness of the water.
What doctors say?
Opinion medical benefits and dangers Humidification divergent. Almost all are united in the fact that humidification positive effect on young children, improves breathing and protects the nasal mucosa and the eyes from drying. Such a device is useful for indoor plants that produce oxygen and, consequently, improve the indoor climate.
There is a myth that humidifiers are harmful to pregnant and lactating women. However, it is not. Injury can be applied, if not control the level of humidity in the room, as well as undesirable rewet as dry air. Pregnant women make better use of ultrasonic humidifiers, as they are safer. In addition, the normal level of moisture facilitates the pregnancy.
If we continue the theme of the harm these devices, it should be noted that any equipment if not handled properly it can cause injury. Especially need to be careful in dealing with steam models, because you can easily get burned. You also need to change the cartridge more often, which can accumulate microbes, and it is desirable to use a specially prepared water, to avoid the raids on furniture and houseplants. It does not matter which model of humidifier is installed, it is necessary to control the humidity level using special instruments.

But he thinks a well-known pediatrician Komorowski on benefits or harm of humidifiers:
user reviews
Maryushka Russia, Moscow: Ultrasonic humidifier Medisana UHW - Taking care of your health
Advantages: quiet; economical; inexpensive; easy to use; backlit;
Disadvantages: in one color performance;
The need for air humidifier we have never had, until his sister was not born a child. A lot of talking on the forums mothers, she gradually came to believe that such a thing is necessary, especially at a time when central heating is working. Sister bought a humidifier almost immediately after birth. If you read books on the arrangement of the room for the baby after discharge, there is bound to be a reference to maintaining a certain humidity.
More on Otzovik:
How lovely, Russia, Crimea: Ultrasonic humidifier Supra HDS-104 - a necessary and useful thing!
Advantages: Humidification, a large water tank after use better sleep, reasonable price, without automatic shut-off of water
Disadvantages: Short cord, I hear a noise during sleep
Previously, I have not ever live in a very dry apartments, which are very well stoked. The first time, I was very pleased that we "warm and fuzzy", but gradually loomed in addition to the advantages and disadvantages. I'm allergic to dust and dry air, the concentration of the allergen my grows several times. At night I tickle his throat and nose dried out first, and then crouch because secrete mucus. He suffered not only me but also my flowers. So we decided to buy a device for humidifying the air.
More on Otzovik:

Nastynasty, Russia: Ultrasonic humidifier Supra HDS-104 - If your house has children, flowers or pets!
Advantages: Inexpensive, automatically shut down, and the rest in the recall.
Cons: Uncomfortable poured water wash. The rest is in the recall.
Last year, I noticed that in the house we have very low humidity. This, I realized for the plants that we have a lot, and as their health, including the syndrome of "dry eye." I tried a bunch of folk remedies - hang wet towels, poured into water color pallet and fell asleep drainage I sprinkled the room, but as the flowers have died and continue to die and the humidity has not increased. I decided to purchase the salvation of a humidifier, but all the time somehow failed. During this time, re-read a bunch of articles about them and more convinced that it is necessary, especially if children are in the house! And in the summer, when the windows are open and the dust flies, it is easier to breathe.
More on Otzovik:

Harmful if ultrasonic humidifier or not?
The only damage from the ultrasonic humidifier is the absence of the filter, whereby the impurities in the water are deposited in the form of a plaque on the furniture and houseplants. To solve this problem is to adhere to simple rules:
- refillable device defended or distilled water;
- purchase models with a filter;
- use water passed through the after-treatment filters household.
The lack of ultrasonic humidifiers is the advantage and disadvantage at the same time. Heat kills bacteria that are in the water and the air. However, the ultrasonic humidifier is safer to use, which is important especially when there are small children.

It does not harm children humidifier?
As has already been mentioned several times in this article, humidifiers are designed to increase the humidity level in the rooms and create an optimal climate for human life. Because children's metabolism is much more intense than in adults, and of course their body produces more heat. This thermoregulation longer made light age than the skin, and if the air in the room is dry, then the child's body loses a lot of moisture, there is thickening of the blood and the overall decline It is.

Also note that for a serious shortage of moisture in the air dry mucous membranes, and lumps are formed in them, leading to difficulty breathing. Dried mucous loses its protective function, leading to the formation of bacteria and occurrence of various respiratory diseases. Besides overdried mucous membranes sensitive to dust and allergens. Through the use of a humidifier reduces the risk of rhinitis and asthma.

Related article:
What is the best humidifier for children. What better device to buy for children, where to install it in the nursery, is there any special requirements for the device, which are moisturizers? On this and many other things in the material.
Can I catch a cold from the air humidifier?
Many users are wondering whether you can get sick from the humidifier. To repeat what has already been written above - s our health depends largely on the normal humidity level. And this applies not only to facilities but also the environment. It has long been observed that people living by the sea, less likely to suffer from colds. Since not everyone is lucky to live on the sea coast, and the moisture level of the environment, we can not control state, then at least you can ensure a normal climate at home with the help of humidifier.

It should be honest and say that the sick colds, using a humidifier, it is still possible, but it is necessary to try. The fact that it is not in vain so much said about the optimal level of humidity of 45-60% for adults and 50-70% of children. If we assume the excess of these values, airway mucus accumulates too much, and accordingly there is a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, if you follow the rules of operation, you can use a humidifier, and in bronchitis.

Proper use of humidifiers
In principle, the use of humidifiers rules specified in the instructions of use. However, not everyone likes to read, which leads to unexpected consequences and damage to the device. In addition, there are nuances that are not specified by all manufacturers of similar climatic equipment. Here are the basic rules that must be strictly observed:
- fill humidifier need only clean (filtered spaced or distilled) water;
- the device must be installed on a flat surface, preferably on the premises and the center out of the reach of children (especially steam models);
- always keep an eye on the water level in the flask;
- aromatic additives can not be used in humidifiers installed in children's rooms;
- used the water temperature must be within 19-40ËšC;
- at the slightest health problems in a child or adult, before buying a humidifier, should consult a physician or pediatrician.
On quite expected the question: how much should run a humidifier will help hygrometer (an instrument for measuring humidity) and common sense.

Reducing the risks and negative impacts of appliances for air humidification
The negative impact of humidifiers, which claimed some users of this type of HVAC equipment is mainly caused by misuse of the equipment and safety violations. Before you choose and buy a humidifier, you need to take into account many factors - the presence of animals, plants and children, technical characteristics of the room, and the device itself, and be sure to read the instructions on the application:
- frequently necessary to change the water and carry out regular cleaning of the device to prevent the emergence and proliferation of pathogenic bacteria;
- maintain an optimum humidity level to conduct regular ventilation and temperature control in the room;
- if the condition worsened, and suspicion falls on the humidifier, you should see a doctor;
- in any case it is not necessary to engage the device repair yourself.

Doing these simple guidelines will enable to safely use a humidifier and get the maximum benefit and comfort that it provides.
So, we understand that humidifiers - a rather useful kind of HVAC equipment, which not only allows feel comfortable in the room during the hot season or winter, but also reduces the risk of respiratory diseases ways. Do not forget that everything has two sides of the coin and whether it will be positive depends on the proper choice and proper use of the device. If the article was helpful for you, and you have learned something new for yourself, please. If you are the owner of a humidifier, then share their experiences of using this device. I wish you health!