Extractor hood 60 cm, built-in wardrobe: select the appropriate option

Extractor fan in the kitchen - not just a trendy design element. This is one of the most necessary appliances, comfortable setting in the kitchen and the absence of foreign odors in the house. Today we will speak about what is the hood, built-in wardrobe. 60 cm - one of the most popular size. This compact device fits perfectly into any kitchen set. We will talk about the types of important elements of the design and the best models.

Extractor hood 60 cm, built-in wardrobe
High-quality range hood in the kitchen quickly clear the air of all impurities

Read article

  • 1 Varieties embedded in kitchen hoods 60 cm
  • 2 Extractor hood 60 cm, built-in wardrobe: select the appropriate option
    • 2.1 Technical design features
    • 2.2 Which filter to choose?
      • 2.2.1 Tips for cleaning the filter
    • 2.3 management Features
  • 3 Advantages and disadvantages embedded kitchen hood 60 cm
  • 4 Very good range hood for kitchen 60 cm, built-in wardrobe: select model
    • 4.1 Subtle recessed drawing Crohn
    • 4.2 Built Bosch extractor 60 cm: German quality
    • 4.3 Advantages of embedded extracts Elikor
    • 4.4 Favorite brand: Built-in extractor hood Hephaestus 60 cm
    • 4.5 Functionality built drawing 60 cm Hans
    • 4.6 Practical hood built Kuppersberg
    • 4.7 Style and quality: Built in cooker hoods 60cm Kaiser
  • 5 Calculator for calculating the required diameter of the duct to the kitchen hood
  • 6 Installation of built-in cupboard hoods: video recommendations on the selection and installation of the master class

Varieties embedded in kitchen hoods 60 cm

First of all, let's see what happen cooker hoods. They can be divided into types according to the principle of action:

Type of extractionOperating principle
flowingOutput takes place through the exhaust air vent or through a hole in the wall, leading to the street. Extractor hood is equipped with a powerful fan sucks the smoke and evaporation.
RetsirkulyarnyThe air in the room is captured and processed by the filter system, before returning to the kitchen cleaned of soot and smoke. For these devices use replaceable filters more often - coal.
CombinedSuch devices can be switched, if necessary, to retsirkulyarnuyu or flow system. Combination of different air purification methods gives the best result in the kitchen.

It would be wrong not to mention the fact that ventilation in the kitchen can vary according to the method of installation:

  • suspended mounting - the simplest solution. In this case the hood is attached to the wall or under a wall cabinet directly over the stove;
Suspension flat hood 60 cm dishes
Suspension flat hood 60 cm dishes
  • built-in models mounted in the cabinet bottom. They are completely hidden from view furniture fronts;
  • dome or, as they are called, fireplace devices ventilation similar to the cap. They are set over stove;
EXAMPLE dome hoods for the kitchen 60 cm
EXAMPLE dome hoods for the kitchen 60 cm
  • angulation - great for saving space in a small kitchen;
  • mounting flow hoods in the center of the room is required if installed in the kitchen island.

Retractable recessed hood 60 cm for the kitchen - most probably the best option. They do not attract too much attention, take up little space and are highly efficient. Their basic structure is hidden in a locker. Exhaust air is vented into the vent. Receipt fresh flow through intake valves or open window.

Extractor hood 60 cm, built-in wardrobe: select the appropriate option

For some important parameters should be selected instrument? For kitchen devices important are the following requirements:

An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cm

Noise level

Too "loud" device can deliver a lot of inconvenience, not only for the hostess, who cooks in the kitchen, but also for all households. The more powerful device, the more it makes a noise. Examine the technical documentation drawing. The maximum noise figure for the kitchen standard sizes - 40-45 decibels.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmPerformanceWhen you select the device you're bound to come across the temptation to take something more powerful. Take your time. Not only that, of this figure depends on the intensity of the noise, you run the risk to make a hurricane small kitchen. To calculate the required capacity, multiply the amount of food to 12. Volume count is simple - it's from the school course. Multiply the floor space of the room height.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmdimensionsThe area of ​​the hood must conform to the plate area. Dimensions drawing 60 cm for the kitchen - the minimum allowed. They are suitable for a small plate. If you have a modern hob large area, pick a suitable apparatus with appropriate dimensions.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmControlControl the operation of the instrument by using the buttons or the touch panel slicer. Buttons - a trouble-free and reliable option. The touchpad looks more aesthetically pleasing, and the slicer allows you to smoothly adjust the intensity of the instrument.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmShineAlmost all models are equipped with a device backlight. This is a handy feature that you will certainly appreciate. But consider: fluorescent lighting will change the type of food on the plate. It is best to use a halogen lamp, they will not cut the eye and will be more economical than incandescent bulbs.

Technical design features

Recessed hoods can be telescopic or modular design. Principle of operation they have one, sort out the differences.

Modular option has a fixed size
Modular option has a fixed size

Such a device is completely hidden under the cabinet and not visible from the outside. This is the best choice for small kitchens. Domed hood, too, can be installed on small platesBut they attract too much attention and look awkward in a small room. Modular design, completely hidden behind the facade of a headset would be an elegant and practical solution.

Telescopic devices differ from the module that can change shape as needed, increasing in size. They pushed forward or to the side. Such a device can be installed after being manufactured kitchen set.

Modular device is fixed under cabinet
Modular device is fixed under cabinet

Note! Telescopic hoods differ from modular greater productivity.

Returning to the subject air processing method, it should be noted that the combined model, and combining the recirculating exhaust air ejection straight line - the most practical option. In such devices, grease deposited on special grease filter, and excess removed by filtration through odors coal. In cold weather, the hostess basically include recirculation mode to save heat in the room. In hot weather, on the other hand, conveniently directly disposed of hot steam, leaving the kitchen a comfortable atmosphere.

Note! If you have a device with the air, it is not difficult to alter by recycling. Just close the air outlet plug and install the filter cartridge into the device.

Which filter to choose?

Before choosing a filter, keep in mind that the direct emissions to air removed one hundred percent fumes and odors. In recirculation mode, the percentage of treatment will be lower. To extractor to work effectively, it is necessary to change filters regularly. This should be done no less than once every six months.

On a straight draw, too, there is a filter. His task - to prevent grease and grime deposited on the fan mechanism
On a straight draw, too, there is a filter. His task - to prevent grease and grime deposited on the fan mechanism

Fat aluminum hood filters easy to remove and wash. It is this element of a design protects the internal mechanism from contamination. If you do not clean them from time to time, fat deposits fill the propeller blades and motor parts, and they are difficult to wash. In addition, it will have to dismantle the entire device. Grease filters are disposable and reusable. Interchangeable parts grease filter made from nonwoven fabric or padding polyester. They are not washed, just change a new one.

The metal parts of the filter - is a thin perforated foil or mesh made of anodized aluminum
The metal parts of the filter - is a thin perforated foil or mesh made of anodized aluminum

For appliances with recirculation of the grease filter installed coal. The filler of this filter is activated carbon, the absorbent all foreign particles from the air stream.

The main drawback of the charcoal filters - their price. For example, for Crohn's hood filters cost from 1,000 rubles per set, and a carbon filter to extract Folter - will cost 300 rubles apiece. The denser the filter - the less bandwidth. Change the carbon filters have a quarterly basis, and that's assuming that your family no fans fries and homemade burgers.

If you often cook fried dishes, the filter will need to be replaced in a couple of months
If you often cook fried dishes, the filter will need to be replaced in a couple of months

Tips for cleaning the filter

Cleaning the kitchen hood - not the most pleasant, but necessary task. If not periodically perform this procedure, the device efficiency is low.

Cleaning is subject only to the grease filter. Coal is simply changed to a new one. If timely removed the settled filter, the whole procedure will not take much time.

Grid simply removed and cleaned with a soft sponge with warm soapy water
Grid simply removed and cleaned with a soft sponge with warm soapy water

But when the fat old - the problem is much more complicated. Chronic traces of fat can be removed, if boiled in water with grid soap and soda. Large filters immersed in boiling water for one thing, that the other end. After boiling material is left in the hot solution for a few hours and then washed with a brush.

Another trouble-free way - to fill in the filter "mole". Fifteen minutes later, the aggressive chemical composition will dissolve all the fat. But keep in mind that the abuse of such intensive techniques metal grid will collapse soon.

management Features

Which type of controls to choose? Hoods can be equipped with different types of control panels, look at their features:

Type ofFeatures
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmsliderOn the control panel is a horizontal slider. Moving it to the left or right, you change the fan speed. This type of control allows the device to change power smoothly. Sometimes the slider is placed in the lower part of the hood, it is not very convenient as it settles on the arm fat.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmbuttonThe most common type of control. The buttons are placed on the front panel. They does not get fat. Each button corresponds to the working drawing. The lighting is switched on and off separately.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmThe touchpad looks very attractive. As a rule, it is equipped with LED indication. The mode switches a light touch. The only thing that can spoil the fun of using the device - power surges. It is this often occurs in our networks factor leads to rapid failure of the sensor.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmPsevdosensorA more practical option than a touchpad. Is controlled by a few keys. They regulate the power and intensity of the work unit lighting. Such a hood with integrated timer off automatically after the scheduled time.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmRemote controlCooker hoods, built-in cupboard, can be operated by remote control. It is very convenient. The remote is always on hand and can, without detracting from the cooking process, to regulate the operation of the device.

What type of control to choose - depending on your preferences. It should be noted that expensive equipment is mainly equipped with touch panels and consoles. Cheaper and simpler designs - sliders and switches.

Advantages and disadvantages embedded kitchen hood 60 cm

Like any other instrument, built-in hoods has its pluses and minuses. The first should be used, and on the second - to know before buying.

Attractive side:

  1. Built-in device looks very attractive and stylish. He does not violate the overall aesthetics of the headset.
  2. The device is firmly fixed on the fasteners and under no circumstances will not collapse onto the plate.
  3. All the unsightly parts of the structure, cords and ductwork hidden behind the façade, and they do not collect dust and other kitchen fumes.
  4. Insertion is located directly above the plate or ovenThis is important for effective air purification.
  5. Embedded in kitchen hoods 60 cm filters are removed with one easy movement, which greatly facilitates the purification process.

Cons incorporation:

  1. The cost of such devices is much higher than, for example, conventional suspension.
  2. The device is inextricably linked to the kitchen, so if you want them to change, and the need to change the device.
Obviously, built-in appliances far more advantages than disadvantages. So if you decide to purchase a hood - bravely try to trim model
Obviously, built-in appliances far more advantages than disadvantages. So if you decide to purchase a hood - bravely try to trim model

Very good range hood for kitchen 60 cm, built-in wardrobe: select model

Summarizing all the above characteristics of the built-in tilt hood for the kitchen 60 cm, will select the main criteria for selecting the best models. Thus, the hood must be:

  • productive;
  • low noise;
  • easy to clean;
  • manageable;
  • aesthetic;
  • compact;
  • with two air outlet modes;
  • with inexpensive replaceable filters.

We have written several models fit this description.

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An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmTo find out, how to choose a hood in the kitchen, professional adviceIt must be supplemented with deep subject knowledge. This article contains information to help you make a comprehensive analysis and make the right decision to purchase a particular product.

Subtle recessed drawing Crohn

Product is suitable for any company kitchen interior. Cooker hoods Krona completely hidden behind the façade, leaving in sight only a thin unobtrusive control panel.

Krona Steel Kamilla 600 Dark
Krona Steel Kamilla 600 Dark

All models of this brand can operate in two modes: removal and recycling. The company's catalog is not difficult to fit in perfectly suitable for the dimensions of the hob. for Crohn's kitchen hoods are popular with owners of small apartments small kitchens.

One of the most popular models - built-in hood Crohn Camilla 600. Its cost - 3700 - 4000 rubles. Buy hood Crohn's possible in electronics stores and online vendors.

Note! In Kamilla line model presented with different power - from 390 to 800 cubic meters per hour.

On cooker hoods Crohn given two-year warranty, but, judging by the reviews of users, products of this manufacturer are faithfully much longer.

Built Bosch extractor 60 cm: German quality

Kitchen Hoods Bosch 60 cm divided into two main groups: standard and high power. Performance standard hoods - 400-550 cubic meters per hour. Powerful able to process nearly twice as much.

Integrated extractor Bosch 60 cm, usually equipped with two motors. Their simultaneous incorporation provide intensive work. All devices are equipped with a metal grease and high-quality lighting with continuously adjustable intensity. One can choose cooker hoods Bosch 60 cm with a decorative front panel. A complex electronic control in the expensive models. With it you can adjust the operation of the device at regular intervals or enable reverse mode.

Bosch DFL W 51 064 IX
Bosch DFL W 51 064 IX

One of the most popular models for a small kitchen - Bosch DFL 064 W 51 IX. Its cost - an average of 12,000 rubles. You can buy a domed hood for the kitchen 60 cm from this producer for 9600 rubles.

Advantages of embedded extracts Elikor

Domestic manufacturer Elikor - one of the largest suppliers of kitchen appliances in our market. In the production of extracts used Elikor 60 cm Italian engines, having a great lifetime warranty. Another advantage of the instrument - silent operation.

Elikor Integra 45P-400-V2L
Elikor Integra 45P-400-V2L

This producer greatest choice of devices for a small kitchen. Suspended the kitchen hoods 60 cm and 50 cm are presented almost two hundred models in embodiments 28 colors and decoration. Elikor gives a five-year warranty for its products.

One of the most popular lines of small devices - Intergra. Buy hood Elikor Integra is a 3 - 4 thousand rubles. For a small price you'll get a reliable high-quality device with a five-layer of grease filter, modern design and simple operation.

Favorite brand: Built-in extractor hood Hephaestus 60 cm

company "Hephaestus" products are manufactured at the plant of the gas equipment in the Belarusian city of Brest. Almost every major city has a Russian service companies serving this equipment. Buy Built in cooker hoods for the kitchen 60 cm or 50 cm from this manufacturer can be in any store household appliances. Recessed hoods Hephaestus - the perfect combination of price and quality.

IN Gefest 4501 K21
IN Gefest 4501 K21

Performance of small appliances - about 600 cubic meters per hour, it is enough for a standard kitchen up to 20 squares. Belarusian-made devices operate in two modes, are compact and modern design. They are equipped with halogen lamps, so that they give full and comfortable lighting the hob. The only drawback - the high level of noise in excess of 45 dB comfortable one and a half times. Price hoods Hephaestus - from 2,700 to 15,000 rubles, depending on the model class.

Functionality built drawing 60 cm Hans

The German company Hansa - one of the largest manufacturers of kitchen appliances in Europe. The company's engineers are constantly developing new models with the most advanced technology. The range includes drawing performance of 280 cubic meters and above.

Hansa OTS 625 IH
Hansa OTS 625 IH

Why buy Hansa hood for the kitchen:

  • The device uses components produced by European companies, which ensures quiet and stable operation;
  • in the manufacturing process are used only environmental friendly materials that can safely operate at elevated temperatures;
  • device equipped with an easy-to backlight control and easy operation;
  • Hood design enables them to fit organically into any kitchen interior.

Another definite plus products from this manufacturer - the reasonable price. You can buy the hood for the kitchen 60 smot Hansa only 2.5 thousand rubles. The most powerful model with the same dimensions would cost only 8-12 thousand.

Practical hood built Kuppersberg

Kuppersberg kitchen appliances are made of stainless steel, this practical and durable - just what you need to food. The devices can be operated in modes drainage and recirculation. To increase the extraction area, easy enough movement to nominate an additional screen.

Kuppersberg SLIMLUX II 60 KG
Kuppersberg SLIMLUX II 60 KG

Members noted extracts Kuppersberg quiet and stylish design. Air filtration is through a multi-layer the grease filter, and then - through the coal. Grease filter can be cleaned in the usual dishwasher.

Hood Kupersberg 60 cm is available for 6-11 thousand rubles.

Style and quality: Built in cooker hoods 60cm Kaiser

If you are standing at the forefront of quality - you to the German manufacturers. Kaiser ensure a long and trouble-free operation of their devices. They feature a simple and smart design, durable materials and easy to manage.

Kaiser EA 642
Kaiser EA 642

Kaiser devices are equipped with two kinds of filters, and different modes of ventilation. hood enclosure may be made of stainless steel or enamelled metal. Buy hood Kaiser possible for 9,5-13 thousand.

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Calculator for calculating the required diameter of the duct to the kitchen hood

Installation of built-in cupboard hoods: video recommendations on the selection and installation of the master class

Install built-hood is usually made in the process of installation of kitchen units. For this pre-selected instrument and has for him made safe. This is the easiest option. But what if the set is ready, but the drawing you thinking after its installation? We offer you a master class installation drawing 60 cm built-in wardrobe with his hands:

Photowork in Progress
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmRemove the fasteners and carefully remove the base cabinet of the finished set.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmMeasure the dimensions of the hood: the width and height of the device, the depth to which it must be recessed into the cabinet.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmDisassemble rack: remove the back cover, first remove furniture guard. After unscrew fasteners and remove the bottom shelf.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmCheck in any case, be enough or place in the cabinet to accommodate the device. Here, as they say, it is better to measure seven times, than ruin a good thing.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmThe next step will be opening the markup under the corrugated hood. Use a layout template.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmVia jigsaw Saw a semi-circular opening. To cover the shelf did not form chips, place the cut seal the masking tape.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmOn the inside of the cutting apply glue "Liquid Nails" or any other suitable adhesive composition.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmInstall flexible PVC profile in the hole. If the hand is not flexible - use the hard, pre-heating of its construction hairdryer. If necessary, the siege profile mallet firmly seated.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmWhile the glue dries, attach the profile with the help of masking tape to the walls as well as reliable.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmOnce the glue dries, hacksaw Cut the protruding ends of the profile.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmStrip the sharp ends Spila sandpaper.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmProceed in the walls of the locker new holes for fasteners, which will hold the shelves.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmInstall a shelf in her allotted place.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmUsing furniture fasteners, screw the shelf firmly in place.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmStaple gun attach the rear wall of the cabinet.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmCheck how well is a hole for air.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmIf there is a locker shelf - repeat the process, and for them the above-described algorithm. The side of the corrugations you can store the necessary kitchen stuff.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmInstall the cabinet in place. Carefully expose it using temporary fixing clamps.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmSecure the shelf Furniture fasteners.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmInstall the hood, temporarily secure it with the same clamps and tighten fasteners.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmInsert and connect the corrugation to otvesrtiyu vent in the wall or ceiling and access to the drawing.
An indispensable thing in the kitchen: built-in wardrobe hood 60 cmConnect the hood to the mains and check how it works. Switch on and off shineIncluding hoods mode and attach a piece of paper to test the traction.

Installing the hood over.

In conclusion, we offer you a video recommendations on the selection of a suitable model for your kitchen. Do not forget to share your comments and invaluable experience!