It is no secret that the majority of motorists spends garage a lot of time. Also, there is no doubt the fact that the exhaust gases from the engine running very harmful and even life-threatening. It is for this reason that today we will talk about how to be arranged ventilation in the garage with his hands, the air circulation pattern in these areas, as well as what its views are. After all, in the garage it is not only necessary venting, but also to maintain the humidity at the required level - its excess reduces the lifetime of the car. And the harvest in the raw cellar unlikely to continue for long. Let's get started.

Read article
- 1 Do I need ventilation in the garage and what are its advantages
- 2 Ventilation in the garage with his hands: the scheme, the photo examples and devices
- 2.1 Apparatus natural ventilation in a garage
- 2.2 Apparatus forced ventilation and its variants garage
- 2.3 Organization of combined ventilation garage and basement and how to better organize
- 3 Ventilation in the garage: the scheme, the calculation and the device, as well as the nuances of design
- 3.1 Ventilation garage cellar for storage of vegetables and other supplies
- 3.2 Ventilation apparatus basement garage, not intended for storing
- 3.3 Ventilation inspection pit - features such work
- 3.4 Steel garage - what are the characteristics of its ventilation
- 4 Materials and equipment for ventilation devices in the garage
- 5 How to make a correct ventilation in the garage - a compilation of information
- 6 Finally
Do I need ventilation in the garage and what are its advantages
Firstly ventilation needed for the exhaust, but it is not its only function. At the entrance to the garage car entered a certain amount of ice and snow or even rain water. If moisture has nowhere to go, it is only natural that it will settle on the car in the form of condensate. As a result, corrosion of the body is provided.
Just ventilation in the garage, the circuit is arranged correctly, will help remove the moisture from the cellar or a viewing hole. You must agree, that is unpleasant to go down to the basement if there is water or dirt. In general, the ventilation device to the garage can be done in various ways, which we will explain more below. And now we need to understand how to perform device ventilation in the garage.

Based on the laws of physics, the warm air always rises. For this reason, it should be done inflow from below. After all, no matter how the garage was, is it the temperature is always slightly higher than on the street. And if ventilation garage is arranged correctly, even if the natural inflow, it will be enough. If the car is often in the garage in an institution able to, it is better to arrange a forced ventilation.
Ventilation in the garage with his hands: the scheme, the photo examples and devices
Many people underestimate the importance of proper ventilation in the garage, considering that carbon monoxide poisoning is not too dangerous. But this is a very dangerous mistake. The main danger is that the person does not feel nearly as carbon monoxide affects the body. Just a few minutes that he lost consciousness. And it may end fatal as often happens.

Consider different ways of how to make the ventilation of the garage with his hands, as well as compare the effectiveness of a particular type. It is not always going to be enough natural air currents - sometimes necessary to have additional fixtures. In addition, the ventilation cellar or basement garage also has its own nuances.
Apparatus natural ventilation in a garage
Arrange natural ventilation garage with a basement can be on the same principle as a breathability cesspool. To this end, too much time and money is needed. But it must be understood that the air supply and discharge must be carried out from different corners of the room. The ideal embodiment will be diagonally opposite. It is in this case achieved maximum coverage volume, which can provide natural ventilation apparatus in the garage.

If we consider a little more, the inflow is carried through the pipe, the top of which is above the garage floor for 15-25 cm, and the bottom - at the same level of the basement floor. When this extractor located under the ceiling subfloor and output as possible.
Important information! The higher will be the upper edge of the chimney, the better it will work with your own hands arranged ventilation garage. The reason for this is explained by the simple laws of physics from the school course.
At the same time to arrange ventilation only in the basement irrationally. Usually together with him and the scheme provides natural ventilation of the garage with his hands. The fact that combined they are much more profitable and easier than doing individual circuits on the premises.

But, as already mentioned, it is not always a natural outflow of air can cope with the flow of exhaust gases from the exhaust space. Many motorists for this purpose are kept in the garage thick flexible rubber hose, one end of which is worn on the exhaust pipe and the second terminal outside the garage. Of course, in a similar manner it is achieved maximum removal of toxic gases to the outside, but it is not very convenient for the because there is a need to drive the car in the garage just in a certain position, for example, rehouse. If the car gets on the contrary, such a device is no longer possible to bring to the exhaust pipe. In this case, the forced ventilation device.
Apparatus forced ventilation and its variants garage
If you do it right, when such work requires some calculations. But more often than motorists do differently. The engine is more powerful fan is taken, there is thus no need to calculations. And yet it is also a "double-edged sword." Because in this case there is a problem overpaying for electricity that is consumed is useless.

It makes sense to thoroughly understand the calculations needed mechanical ventilation in the garage with his hands, how they produce and that this will require. By standards SanPin breathability must be 180 l / h per 10 m2. And this applies to both natural and mechanical ventilation in the basement of the garage and into the box.
Of course, on the one hand it may seem that the forced ventilation has only advantages, but it is not so. There she and disadvantages:
- Check valves in an extract factory production electric tough enough, so in the absence of power ventilation will be completely closed;
- Additional wiring circuit and creates the danger of spontaneous combustion, especially when the wrong assembly;
- As with any electrical, exhaust motors require periodic inspection and maintenance.
- Energy costs also be taken into account.
With the proper calculation of the garage ventilation gases from the vehicle can handle, and natural ventilation, but there is a small nuance.

An important tip! If you are planning a natural ventilation unit, it is not necessary to make a stack of large diameter and in one place. It is better to mount several extracts in different places. This will provide a much better breathability.
And yet, if there is a suspicion that this scheme can not cope, there is a case of both types of combinations, as now, and we'll talk.
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Organization of combined ventilation garage and basement and how to better organize
In this case, the room is in addition to natural and forced feed or air outlet. The advantage of this scheme is that even if a power failure, air is free to enter the garage or cellar, and so freely disposed. However, it should be understood that in the winter in this room will be much colder, but this problem is solved. Usually ducts supply and exhaust ventilation in the garage can easily drown, opening them only when necessary.
Let's consider in more detail how to arrange ventilation combined with his own hands with a small photo report.
photo example | Resulting actions |
![]() | To begin a write sense estimated air circulation circuit in a garage or cellar and basement. You can do this at any fanerku or a piece of paper - does not matter. Its only meaning - to help decide on the way the device |
![]() | That such pipes made of plasticDiameter of 110 mm is most convenient to mount the whole scheme. The photo shows the example of the air pritochka of the garage into the cellar or basement. The fact that it can be done (and even better) in the opposite the gate corner. With this arrangement the air is slightly heated by passing through the space, thereby creating a higher temperature at the bottom. This is especially true when stored in the cellar Vegetables |
![]() | Here is shown the output from the air basement. Slightly below explain how things work at the bottom |
![]() | On top, above the garage, on the tube is required such nozzle - reflector. Thus these openings should be as wide as possible. It makes sense to even expand them, using a drill. Many will say that so cool air can go back with the help of the wind, but it is not. On the contrary, it will help to enhance the flow to the hood |
![]() | This example demonstrates the photo opening on which to install the fan, thereby combining natural and forced withdrawal. In winter, when there is no car in the garage, it makes sense to block |
![]() | Marker (along the upper corner) is marked wherever subsequently stretching plastic pipe is installed with the holes. This enables better removing carbon monoxide from space with the engine running. |
![]() | The foam here does not allow condensation to form, which is important. That is at the top it will accumulate, regardless of the quality of drawing |
![]() | The ceiling of the cellar or basement is just as necessary to sheathe the foam and thoroughly propenyl seams. Who will explain the purpose of these actions. Even if the ceiling of concrete or brick, Soil, above, will be cooler than the air in the room. Thus it will promote the formation of condensation is not ceiling, thus increasing the humidity in the room. The error is to assume that in this case all of the moisture will accumulate between the ceiling and foam. After all, there is the absence of heat (stuff it in there just did not miss) disappear condensation conditions |
![]() | Yet small humidity the room needed. It is for this reason that you need to put at least-one-liter jar of water in the cellar. In our case it is a bucket of water and lime, which is more practical |
![]() | And finally, not to mention the cover of the ceiling of the garage. Namely, it will complement the entire ventilation system, allowing it to operate more functionally. |
As becomes clear ventilation circuit includes not only the ventilation device. It is very important in this case and other factors, such as warming. Well, for a more complete whole notion of such work, we suggest you review a little video of ventilation in the garage, not done by professionals, but ordinary household masters:
Ventilation in the garage: the scheme, the calculation and the device, as well as the nuances of design
Drafting during such work - quite an important and crucial moment. It is from this stage depends on how difficult it is to do all the follow-up work.
An important tip! You should not be difficult to carry out projects. The main thing - to understand it and to ensure the principle of their work. A basement ventilation system in the garage, as well as in the box should be as easy as possible.

Let's start with the calculations. In order not to bother too much at this stage, it is possible to take the sewer pipe with a diameter of 110 mm, but there is a small nuance. If garage is too small, and the inflow and outflow of both, will be strong enough, there is a danger that the temperature will be sufficiently low in winter. And it will agree, it is not very pleasant.
The basic rule! Diameter pipe providing outflow of air from the room with an area of 10 m2 - it is 15 cm. Thus we can easily calculate the required size of the pipe to any environment. For example, a garage with the dimensions of 6x5 m2. Then the calculation will be as follows. 6x5 / 10x15 = 45 cm. This will be the optimum size of the branch pipe.
It is important to understand what benefits are available for garage ventilation, how to arrange it. Only in this case it is possible to perform all work according to the rules. Yet in boxing do the job easier, than in areas with cellar for vegetables or cellar, not intended for storing. For example, it can be inspection pit or a cellar for storing items. Although, to understand thoroughly how to calculate the ventilation in the garage, difficulties with the rest of the premises should arise.

Ventilation garage cellar for storage of vegetables and other supplies
Features such premises ventilation devices are simple enough. The main problem here - is to remove moisture and to maintain acceptable storage temperature. It is therefore necessary to mount the air supply (the fence) is out of the garage, not the street. Thus it becomes possible to regulate the temperature in the cellar by approaching or removing the entry from the gate, through which cold air enters.
How to make the ventilation in the basement garage has been described in the table above, but only in general terms. If, however, to be more precise, the air flow must be as low as possible, while the outflow - practically at the ceiling level. This achieves the highest moisture removal from the premises.

Do not underestimate the importance of proper and cover the ceiling of the cellar. drops of condensation that are on it is difficult to remove only natural ventilation. The interesting thing is that the walls of the special coating is not required and it is possible to do the usual plastering with whitewash.
Important information! When whitewash walls is desirable to add lime bluestone - it eliminates the appearance of fungus. Just the very best produce whitewash not commonly known, bought in the store as a finished product, and quicklime. For this purpose it is necessary to add water and perform cooling it to whitewash (large amount of heat, and it is released in the quench boils).
The device proper ventilation vegetable pit garage will provide more long-term preservation of the crop. This is true even fruits such as apples. At the optimal humidity and temperature, they will be able to survive almost until the end of winter. That is why the hood of the garage cellar should be made by all the rules.

Ventilation apparatus basement garage, not intended for storing
When such a ventilating device is irrelevant air temperature, and therefore it can be carried inflow from the street. But it should be understood that the reflector or a fine mesh to the outer tube, nevertheless, worth installing. This is done to prevent the falling snow and rain in the supply air vent pipe. The difference is, and what to put in the basement tank with water is not necessary. After storage of any objects and equipment no moisture is required.
Just some home masters advise: before you make the ventilation in the basement garage, and should consider the function of the warm-air supply. Make it is not difficult, but it will need some additional details, such as:
- Piece of asbestos-cement pipe 1 m long;
- The spiral of nichrome by conventional hotplate at 220;
- Two sheets of flat slate, size 1.5x1.5 m;
- The fan, which can be installed inside a plastic tube, or on its termination in a basement.
It is also important to choose a place where the warm-up will be set equipment. Procedure for the manufacture of the heater is as follows. To start must be placed inside the spiral of nichrome asbestos-cement pipe, the pipe itself and set to any stops. As well, for security reasons, needs to be fixed at the installation site on the wall and floor slate. Further, it should be included in the air intake system. In the basement is set fan, which will delay the air inside. And now there is only a fan and connect the pipe to the TAN network.

Important! Such a construction is not desirable to leave a long time unattended. Still, you can protect it. This requires the installation of a long spiral of a connection of two such series heaters. In this case, the heating will be much smaller, and the plant itself - is safer. Thus an extract of basement garage may be quite natural. The task is only to correctly calculate the size of the pipe based on forced pritochki.
garage basement ventilation device more easy it is for the fact that it is presented less demand. That is why it is possible to not only heating the box itself with its help, but also a complete drying of the garage with a basement and an inspection pit. In general, any difficulties when installing ventilation basement garage does not arise, but it is much easier, if it's all thought out at the stage of construction, or even design most buildings. In this case, carry out all the ideas and thoughts that are born on this theme, a lot easier.

And how many people would not say that such work is thankless, and in fact do not need all the same device ventilation in the basement garage is necessary, regardless of whether there is stored reserves or whether it will be an ordinary warehouse. The same applies to the inspection pits, which also is to talk separately.
Ventilation inspection pit - features such work
If there is no extraneous water entering the viewing hole, then properly arranged natural ventilation is quite cope with the task. But sometimes there are situations (especially in spring), when viewing the pit water appears. Just like that can happen, if the vehicle is being driven on a daily basis in the winter in the garage. In this case, the snow and ice from the machine will constantly fall into the pit, melt and as a result - increased humidity. In this case, there are quite a simple solution.
Inspection pit should be closed boardsNot thinner than 40 mm. In such case wood will absorb some moisture, and then to dry under the influence of natural or forced ventilation viewing hole. If, at the same time, organized and even warm, then all processes will occur more rapidly.

Important! Boards, which will be closed tank should be slightly shorter than its width. Otherwise, they will be quite problematic when wet drawn from the seats when suddenly the car will need repairs.
Generally, there is usually no problem, how to make the ventilation in the garage inspection pit. And yet, if it is necessary, significant differences from the air in the cellar there. All virtually identical. The only thing that can be specified is a matter of warm air. The inspection pit he is more in demand, especially during the cold season.
Steel garage - what are the characteristics of its ventilation
It should be noted that the ventilation of the metal garage is often a natural. The fact that such constructions are more mobile, they can move from one place to another. And was buried in a garage too seldom capital. It is for this reason that it is more convenient to perform work on the device and the direction of natural air flow.

As for the principle of ventilation in the iron garage, it does not differ from those described above. And if there is a need, we can arrange a forced inflow and outflow, of course if there is electricity connection.
And yet, in whatever way was not built ventilation system, can not do without any additional equipment. After all, we need not only the tubes and reflectors, but they themselves extract. Let's consider some of the brands that manufacture products in this area, as well as to compare their costs and some technical characteristics.
Materials and equipment for ventilation devices in the garage
Of course, the most important parts of ventilation are ducts. And in order not to pay the extra money for their purchase, many mounted ventilation in the garages of the sewer pipe. At the same time, in addition to the cheapness of the material, it is also quite reliable, and thus its application optimally. And now we try to compare the cost not only of air ducts of a different material, but also the fans who can not only inject or draw air, but also to warm it. To start pay attention to the pipes for ventilation of the garage.
Name | The size | Material | Cost, rub. |
Trumpet | 110h3000 | PVC | 400 |
Trumpet | 110h3000 | Brass | 1100 |
ductwork | 250h1000 | Aluminum | 340 |
ductwork | 204h60h1000 | Plastic | 160 |
And now look at different types of blowers.
Name | Model | Performance |
Recuperator | ![]() Prana-250 | 650 m3/ h |
| ||
Forced ventilation | ![]() Selenga | 600 m3/ h |
Thus the acquisition unit with heating becomes quite expensive now. It is for this reason that you should pay attention to the possibility of manufacturing its own hands. After all, ordinary fan for exhaust in the garage will cost much less. Especially because of their assortment on the Russian shelves wide enough. The average price at which you can buy an exhaust fan for the garage is in the range of 1,500 to 4,000 rubles.

How to make a correct ventilation in the garage - a compilation of information
Summing up the interim, we can define the main tasks that you must complete before you in garage to make the hood - is the creation of the project, purchase of necessary materials and wall insulation and ceilings. Any special knowledge and skills not required for this. The main thing is to approach this work not only deliberate, but also creatively. If we talk about the scheme, compiled before you make the ventilation in the garage with his hands, then by how it is made in detail will depend on the simplicity of the system unit air. But more often than not even need it. If we take for example garages without basements, ventilation in them is so simple that a single project do not even need. The main thing here - the concept of the laws of physics and creativity.

Of course, the ventilation in the garage, regardless of whether there is in it the cellar or basement - it's pretty important. And this concerns not only the safety of the vehicle or stocks. Mainly garage ventilation protects the life and health of the motorist. After all, the danger of carbon monoxide poisoning is sufficiently large. It is therefore not necessary to save time and money for such work.

As for the preservation of vegetables in the cellar, the work on the device and the ventilation is not too complicated. It is unlikely that the cost of a simple ventilation will result in an amount greater than the cost to purchase the same amount of vegetables. And yet, and their work during the summer will be very sorry. It is therefore necessary to consider in detail the scheme and yet mounted in the garage ventilation. After all this work will have to perform only once. But after many years, will disappear as the excitement for the preservation of vegetables in the winter, and for their own health, which could greatly damage the exhaust gases from the engine is running.
We hope that the information contained in this article was helpful. If have any questions, you are always help in the discussion. Write and ask and share your tips.
But to secure the information we offer see yet another short video: