🌀 What chiller-fan coil: varieties, principles of work, review prices

For ordinary Russian word "fan coil" sounds unusual. Few people know what it means. In fact, this is an important node of the climatic equipment for building and maintaining the temperature optimal for the stay and the property. Our review will tell what the fan coil, how it works, the device and more.

Fan coil units - part of a sophisticated climate control system PHOTO: airs.ru
Fan coil units - part of a sophisticated climate control system
PHOTO: airs.ru

Read article

  • 1 Determination of fan coil
  • 2 Design and function of fan coils
  • 3 variety of fan coils
    • 3.1 A method of installation and housing presence
    • 3.2 According to the number of heat exchangers
  • 4 The nuances of installation fan coil channel and the cassette-type
    • 4.1 Installation of fan coil cassette type
    • 4.2 Installing the fan coil channel type
  • 5 What is different from the air-conditioning fan coil
    • 5.1 Unlike the fan coil of air-conditioning
  • 6 Chiller-fan coil: what it is, the scope of
  • 7 The operating principle of chiller
  • 8 Pros and cons of chiller
  • 9 Installing the fan coil in a pair with a heat pump
  • 10 How to choose a fan coil - expert advice
  • 11 The main producers of fan coils
  • 12 How much are the fan coil units: a review of prices

Determination of fan coil

Heating - is part of a climate control system for cooling or heating the air in the room. The unit consists of fan and a coil or heat exchanger. Typically, this node is equipped with a coarse filter. In traditional split-systems (Conditioners) contains the internal fan coil unit. However, if in the usual household system conditioning Air (SLE) occurs due to the cooling of the refrigerant circulating in the main - Freon, the fan coils for this purpose, water is used, a solution of ethylene glycol or propylene glycol.

Externally fan coils do not differ much from the traditional split systems PHOTO: celsius24.ru
Externally fan coils do not differ much from the traditional split systems
PHOTO: celsius24.ru

Design and function of fan coils

Standard fan coil has the following main components:

  • housing with pipes or air grilles;
  • coil - plate radiator with a coil of copper tube;
  • fan;
  • coarse filter;
  • a solenoid valve for controlling refrigerant flow;
  • manual air release valve;
  • electronic control module.
The device fan coil PHOTO: dearhouse.ru
The device fan coil
PHOTO: dearhouse.ru
tying knot fan coil PHOTO: icecohvac.ru
Node fan coil binding
PHOTO: icecohvac.ru

Directly under the coil sets up a special drip tray, which is removed through the tube into the street or in a sewerage system. In that case, if the installation is located away from the discharge space, the condensate evacuation is performed using drain pump.

Air conditioning with fan coil works on the following principle: a certain refrigerant temperature is circulated through the coil tubing, the indoor fan blows air through the radiator bars. As a result, there is a cooling or heating air flows.

Principle of operation fan coil PHOTO: i1.wp.com
The operating principle of the fan coil
PHOTO: i1.wp.com

The special features of the fan coil unit should include:

  • ability to function in the heating mode or cooling;
  • refrigerant circulation occurs through an external pump, since the device is not equipped with its own pump;
  • Some models are able to bring to the desired temperature of the air coming from outside;
  • adjustment of heating or cooling is carried out by changing the fan performance or restriction of refrigerant flow via the two-way solenoid valve.
conditioning system with fan coil units - ideal for medical facilities PHOTO: m-info.ua
conditioning system with fan coil units - ideal for medical facilities
PHOTO: m-info.ua

variety of fan coils

All fan coil units differ in the way of installation, availability of housing and the number of heat exchangers. Each variety has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, which we will briefly consider below.

A method of installation and housing presence

By way of mounting the assembly of the climate system can be: a wall, a channel, and the cassette floor (columns).

Wall-mounted or console model, as well as the indoor units of household foreign currency, are mounted on the wall near the ceiling or on a small distance from the floor. Such fan coil units have an attractive appearance, a wired or wireless remote control.

Wall-mounted fan coil for apartments is almost nothing outwardly no different from the domestic air-conditioner Photo: legmannews.com
Wall-mounted fan coil for apartments is almost nothing outwardly no different from the domestic air-conditioner
PHOTO: legmannews.com

Duct assemblies typically do not have housing, and all elements of construction are mounted on a metal frame. Installation of such models is carried out inside ventilation or recirculation system, after which the decorative panel.

Duct fan coil units are designed for the organization of SLE in enterprises and large administrative, business and entertainment center of the photo: gameasphalt.ru
Duct fan coil units are designed for the organization of SLE in enterprises and large administrative, business and entertainment centers
PHOTO: gameasphalt.ru

Cassette fan coils are similar in appearance to the ceiling units of a split system. They distribute the treated air in both directions and 2-4 have rotary shutters for controlling the movement of air streams. These models are attached to the ceiling and equipped with only the bottom of the decorative panel.

Cassette fancoils have only a bottom panel and a decorative shutters, handing the cooled or heated air in directions 2-4 PHOTO: master-klimat.ru
Cassette fancoils have only a bottom panel and a decorative shutters, handing the cooled or heated air in directions 2-4
PHOTO: master-klimat.ru

Floor fan coils or tower model designed for installation on the floor. They have a rectangular elongated shape, which saves a lot of useful space.

Floor fan coils are ideal for heating and for cooling air PHOTO: aiservice.ru
Floor fancoils are ideal for heating and cooling air
PHOTO: aiservice.ru

According to the number of heat exchangers

Standard fan coil units are equipped with a heat exchanger 1, which is connected to the mains for two-pipe system. In this case, the installation receives coolant from the heater or the chiller, and the air in the room will only be heated or cooled, and the user can adjust the comfort for yourself temperature.

Two-pipe fan coil PHOTO: gameasphalt.ru
Two-pipe fan coil
PHOTO: gameasphalt.ru

Cassette, channel and outdoor fan coil pattern 2 can be connected by the heat exchanger and chetyrohtrubnoy scheme. Similar devices are used in systems multiband conditioning air. One radiator receives hot coolant from the heating device, and the second - the coolant from the chiller (cooling). With this, users who are in different rooms, can use their faynkoly in the required mode at the same time - heating or cooling.

Chetyrohtrubny fan coil PHOTO: cliserv.ru
Chetyrohtrubny fan coil
PHOTO: cliserv.ru

The nuances of installation fan coil channel and the cassette-type

Installation of the fan coil unit, depending on its type, has its own characteristics. They can be installed both on the ceiling and on the walls. However, they are primarily intended for use in areas with a large area.

Installation of fan coil cassette type

Cassette units are used in hotels, office buildings, shopping and entertainment centers, restaurants. This type of HVAC equipment is designed for recessed installation. Mounting is performed for the plates ceiling. Camouflage device using the decorative panels with adjustable louvers which allow to control the movement of air streams.

Cassette-type fan coils installed in suspended ceilings PHOTOS: cool-wind.ru
Cassette-type fan coils installed in the ceilings
PHOTO: cool-wind.ru

Installing the fan coil channel type

Channel device type as cassette fan coil units are designed for ventilating larger rooms. horizontal execution units are mounted in the channel ventilation and are located near the ceiling (mainly in the center of the room), and vertical - for wall trim panels. Ducted fan coils provide inflow into the room both fresh and recycle the purified air.

Duct fan coils embedded in the ventilation and decorated plates suspended ceilings PHOTOS: remontnik.ru
Duct fan coils embedded in the ventilation and decorated with plates of false ceilings
PHOTO: remontnik.ru

What is different from the air-conditioning fan coil

Externally, fan coil units and the domestic SLE virtually indistinguishable. They have similar principles of operation and use for the cleaningCooling and air heating. The similarity of these two types of HVAC equipment is to:

  • the appearance of the equipment;
  • construction;
  • mounting means;
  • functionality;
  • control system.
Externally, fan coil units and indoor units are very similar domestic SLE PHOTO: latge-plomberie.com
Externally, fan coil units and indoor units of household SLE are very similar
PHOTO: latge-plomberie.com

Unlike the fan coil of air-conditioning

The essential difference between the fan coil and household split-systems is that in the first unit freon replaced with water or a solution of propylene or ethylene glycol. This has its advantages, but also complicates the installation of HVAC equipment.

Also has the following differences between these types of climate systems:

  1. For the installation of the fan coil unit with the unit need more equipment than the installation of air conditioning systems.
  2. Works on installation of fan coil units are more complicated than the installation of split systems.
  3. In a typical air conditioning system (SLE) The number of indoor units and the length of the refrigerant lines limited, and one can attach multiple chiller fan coil, the distance between which is dependent only on the power refrigeration unit.
  4. In the case of fan-coil may be set a certain temperature in each room, and in the same room to set up the unit for cooling and the other for heating.
  5. Chillers and fan coil units can be installed in large-area buildings, with a significant number individual rooms, while split systems designed for service apartments, small offices and shops.
By chiller can connect multiple indoor units (fan coils) PHOTO: cityron.ru
By chiller can connect multiple indoor units (fan coils)
PHOTO: cityron.ru

Chiller-fan coil: what it is, the scope of

Fan coil units are used in a pair with the unit, which is essentially a conventional air conditioner, the refrigerant passed through the evaporator: water or antifreeze. Installation can simultaneously work with multiple fan coils installed at different distances and in different rooms. Bunch chiller-fan coil demand for maintenance of large warehouses and industrial buildings, commercial, hotel and entertainment complexes, office buildings, business centers, clinics, health centers, supermarkets, schools, etc.

Chiller - cooling plant, which is used in conjunction with fan coil PHOTO: vent365.ru
Chiller - cooling plant, which is used in conjunction with the fan coil
PHOTO: vent365.ru
The device chiller and fan coil PHOTO: ppt-online.org
The apparatus unit and the fan coil
PHOTO: ppt-online.org

The operating principle of chiller

Chillers can be vapor compression and absorption. On the type of unit depends on the principle of the system. For example, a vapor compression chiller operates on the principle of cyclical changes in the aggregate state Freon. The liquid refrigerant through the expansion valve flows into the evaporator circuit. In it freon expands, heat removal occurs from the heat exchanger walls, whereby the coolant temperature increases. Water comes into your path, where it is cooled by the wall line with Freon. Further, the coolant is led into the compressor, and water - in the fancoils. After the cycle is repeated again.

Fancoils: what it is, varieties, methods of installation and nuances
The operating principle of vapor compression chiller
PHOTO: m-split.narod.ru

Absorption chillers are more efficient and compact. They work on a different principle. The coolant cooled via lithium bromide or ammonia. Vapors, which are formed inside the machine, using absorbent converted from a concentrated solution to dilute. Further, the absorbent liquid is supplied to the generator where it is heated and evaporated. After concentration of the solution reaches the desired value, it goes to the evaporator and back to the absorber.

The operating principle of the absorption chiller PHOTO: est-rus.ru
The operating principle of the absorption chiller
PHOTO: est-rus.ru

Pros and cons of chiller

chiller, like everything else in this world has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include:

  • immensity. By chiller can connect several fan coils simultaneously at several hundred meters distance (depending on the unit power and pump stations);
  • aesthetics. The chiller can be located on the roof or in the technical room, which preserves the original appearance of the facade;
  • versatility. chiller, unlike traditional SCR can operate 24 hours a day at any temperature. Moreover, such equipment makes it easy to adjust the temperature of the air in each room at the same time;
  • security. Due to the liquid refrigerant of the likelihood of the system failure is much lower than in traditional split systems.
Chillers can be installed on the roof, without spoiling the appearance of the facade, and a large number of fan coils - indoor PHOTO: venta-complect.kz
Chillers can be installed on the roof, without spoiling the appearance of the facade, and a large number of fan coils - indoor
PHOTO: venta-complect.kz

Have this air-conditioning system and its drawbacks, though a few:

  • absence of air filtration. Therefore, the installation of additional equipment is recommended: ventilation system or cleaner-Decontaminating;
  • impressive dimensions;
  • the complexity of the installation;
  • time-consuming maintenance.
chiller is complex photo montage: clima.chalko.gr
chiller is complex photo montage: clima.chalko.gr

Installing the fan coil in a pair with a heat pump

Fancoils provide not only cooling but also heating of the air, which is used heat pumps. If earlier as the heat source used gas, power or solid fuel boilers, Now fully and more efficiently heat the room you can use the chiller. A special feature of this equipment is as follows:

  1. A compressor compressing the refrigerant increases its temperature to 100 ° C.
  2. After heating, the refrigerant gives heat to the water which, if it enters the fan coil, promotes a more rapid increase in temperature in an apartment, an office or workplace.
  3. To ensure normal operation of the system during the winter, it is necessary to protect the system from freezing.
  4. It needs to be replaced for this water at antifreeze More on the installation stage, because after the installation to carry out any changes in the operation of the System.
    The circuit operation of the unit heat pump PHOTO: echiller.ru
    The circuit operation of the unit to the heat pump
    PHOTO: echiller.ru

Attention! All the parameters must be calculated taking into account the use of antifreeze. Since the viscosity of antifreeze is much greater than that of water, the system performance can be significantly reduced.

How to choose a fan coil - expert advice

When choosing a chiller-fan coil need to take into account the technical side and the type of system. From the first point it depends on the efficiency of the air conditioning, so it is best to contact the experts, which is designed:

  • power required for heating and cooling;
  • performance;
  • long air path;
  • dimensions, type and characteristics of the premises;
  • mode and additional functions of the system.

Sam fan coil is chosen based on the intended place of installation: channel, cassette, wall, floor and versatile. The type of system depends largely on the functionality and efficiency of the equipment.

System chiller-fan coil should be selected in accordance with the functionality and dimensions of space PHOTO: air-ventilation.ru
System chiller-fan coil should be selected in accordance with the functionality and size of premises
PHOTO: air-ventilation.ru

The main producers of fan coils

At the moment, HVAC equipment systems such as chiller-fan coil represented 60 brands. To discover the most popular representatives, working in the Russian market:

  1. BALLU. The popular manufacturer of HVAC equipment with large manufacturing facilities in Europe and Asia. The company, together with Izhevsk "Plant Hardiness technology" to create a company to produce components for SLE.
  2. Daikin. The Japanese company, which is one of the leading manufacturers of HVAC equipment. The high cost of the equipment manufacturer is offset by excellent performance and high quality.
  3. General Climate. International joint venture company (Russia-UK). Equipment of different manufacturer acceptable cost and quality. Major works facilities are located in Malaysia and China.
From the manufacturer determines the quality and functionality of HVAC equipment PHOTO: krd.vashklimat.com
From the manufacturer determines the quality and functionality of HVAC equipment
PHOTO: krd.vashklimat.com

How much are the fan coil units: a review of prices

To discover the best models from the fan coil manufacturers listed above, their cost and their brief technical characteristics. Great demand for fan coil units General Climate, although the choice still needs to be done in accordance with the characteristics of the premises and the recommendations of experts.

Manufacturer and model Power in cooling / heating kW Brief specifications The average cost, rubles. (As of July 2019)
Daikin / FWE04CT PHOTO: ru-daikin.ru
Daikin / FWE04CT
PHOTO: ru-daikin.ru
3,49/4,44 Type: Channel;

version: Twin-Tube;

weight: 24 kg;

dimensions (L × W × C), mm: 1005 × 590 × 253

Ballu / Machine BMFC-450FOTO: sanazon.ru
Ballu / Machine BMFC-450
PHOTO: sanazon.ru
4,5/6,8 Type: cassette;

weight: 21 kg;

dimensions (L × W × C), mm: 615 × 615 × 263

General Climat / GDU-W-06DRFOTO: general-climate.podberi-conditioner.ru
General Climat / GDU-W-06DR
PHOTO: general-climate.podberi-conditioner.ru
5,34/5,45 Type: Channel;

version: Twin-Tube;

weight: 25 kg;

dimensions (L × W × C), mm: 1120 × 495 × 240

Fancoils: what it is, varieties, methods of installation and nuances
General Climat / GCO-M-02Z
PHOTO: komfortexpert.ru
2,15/3,5 Type: floor-to-ceiling;

version: Twin-Tube;

weight: 17 kg;

dimensions (L × W × C), mm: 598 × 460 × 230

Daikin / FWT03CTFOTO: daikin.name
Daikin / FWT03CT
PHOTO: daikin.name
2,7/2,02 Type: Wall;

dimensions (L × W × C), mm: 800/288/206


Just say that the cost of one and the same model can vary significantly. For example, the price of the cassette fan coil unit from one manufacturer can be much higher or lower than a similar model of another brand. It is also worth mentioning that buying a fan coil channel for an apartment or private home is inappropriate, since they are designed for small office, commercial and administrative buildings.

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