🔥 Heater "Good warm": overview popular models

Heater "Good heat", the story of which you can prepare an edition HouseChief, on sale for a long time. During the existence of the brand, "Good heat" has become a household name and earned the trust of many Russians. Let's see, why be nice to have such a device in the house, for which he can be useful.

Good heat - infrared heaters for home and garden
Good heat - infrared heaters for home and garden

Read article

  • 1 How does the heater "Good warm"
    • 1.1 Film model
    • 1.2 panel model
  • 2 Series heaters and their features
    • 2.1 Series titles
    • 2.2 Plastic or fiberglass
    • 2.3 Dryer for vegetables
  • 3 Heaters "Good warm": a review of the strengths and weaknesses
  • 4 By what criteria to choose good heat
  • 5 How to use heaters
  • 6 Reviews and video review of the heater "Good warm"

How does the heater "Good warm"

Slim and lightweight, completely safe and cost-effective - all of it, with a cozy heater called "good heat." In appearance - a small colorful panelWhich can be hung on a wall or lay on the floor. This device consists of foil, fiberglass, polyester film, and an integral heat conductor.

Before turning on the cook or what is especially mounted heater is not necessary. He is mobile, it allows the heat with the help of not only room in the apartment, but also cottage, bathroom, garage and even outside toilet facilities.

Panel sizes range from 50 to 140 cm in length with a width of 50 cm
Panel sizes range from 50 to 140 cm in length with a width of 50 cm

Film model

These models are designed for wall mounting and are similar to Framed picture. The power of such a device is sufficient for heating small premises.

If desired, you can place several of these heaters in the room
If desired, you can place several of these heaters in the room

panel model

These devices are suitable for installation not only on the wall, but also on the floor and ceiling.

The dimensions of these panels can be quite impressive, and the base density is higher than that of the film
The dimensions of these panels can be quite impressive, and the base density is higher than that of the film

Series heaters and their features

Good heat has various modifications. This type of heater is constantly being improved. On sale you can find a whole series of products of slightly different characteristics.

Series titles

There are three additional names to the general title "Good warmth" that divide the heaters on the series.

"Summer Time" - a blanket of fiberglass, which can warm your frozen feet after soaked shoes. Such devices consume 470 watts, heated to a maximum of 60 ° C and are able to work without rest 50 thousand hours.

The most popular device size 67 × 47 cm, but other dimensions
The most popular device size 67 × 47 cm, but other dimensions

"Soft Heat" - a large assortment rugs, mattresses, Vests, blankets heating and boots. All models have a soft fabric cover and consume about 500 watts.

In this series there are different types of applications, from room heating to the drying of fruits and vegetables
In this series there are different types of applications, from room heating to the drying of fruits and vegetables

"Indian Summer" - a infrared heaters Improvement to 500 watts and most popular size of 58 × 120 cm.

Plastic or fiberglass

Good heat can be plastic or steklotkannuyu basis. What is the difference?

Fiberglass conductor heating temperature increases to 75 ° C and gives a high degree of infrared radiation. These devices are more powerful and are excellent as an additional heat source. Sizes begins from small mats 50 × 50 cm² and continues until the major panels 50 × 140 cm.

In this case, the thickness of the glass cloth models only 1 mm
In this case, the thickness of the glass cloth models only 1 mm

Plastic heaters allow the temperature to 60 ° C. This is enough to efficiently heat the room or office. Often, these devices are used to create a comfortable atmosphere in a specific place: at table or bed. Plastic models are considered to be the most simple. They have a flexible cover and bright colors.

Plastic panels may differ in capacity from 120 to 350 W
Plastic panels may differ in capacity from 120 to 350 W

Dryer for vegetables

Electric driers vegetable, fruit and mushrooms vary, but perhaps the Good heat has come to solve this problem the best way. Sophisticated multi-storey structures occupied kitchen storage spaceAnd they are necessary only in season. But from the dryer of the brand can be useful not only as a means of harvesting, but also as a simple heaters. What is wonderful - they take up almost no space!

It's just a mat with plastic or bamboo floors, which is heated to 40 ° C and carefully dry all the gifts of the forest and gardens, laid out on it
It's just a mat with plastic or bamboo floors, which is heated to 40 ° C and carefully dry all the gifts of the forest and gardens, laid out on it

The only advice: do not dry at the same time different types of products, so that they do not mix smells.

It should be noted that the dried fruits, home-cooked, retain vitamins and nutrients. Especially valuable are those that are grown with their own hands. You can use dried fruits and vegetables for cooking various dishes, from cakes to fruit compotes, and soups. And if you put dried fruit in warm water for some time, they can be eaten without heat treatment.

Heaters "Good warm": a review of the strengths and weaknesses

Positive feedback about these heaters so that the list of such models is not difficult to dignity. So these heaters:

  • economical, in comparison with other types of electric heaters;
  • safe, as they must not be burned, they do not pose a threat to children and pets;
  • I am not afraid of moisture, so it can be used in the bathroom;
  • They have a large range of models and sizes;
  • It does not require special effort to install, simply connect to a power source;
  • versatile, because they can be used not only for heating but also for drying products and footwear;
  • do not take place, as they have a thickness of 1-2 mm, can be stored in expanded form or fold into a compact roll;
  • have a long service life. The warranty is given for 50 000 hours, but in practice they are much longer;
  • are inexpensive - a heater will cost you about 800-1000 rubles.
These heaters are aesthetic, as is decorated with various prints. It is not difficult to find a suitable exactly for your interior
These heaters are aesthetic, as is decorated with various prints. It is not difficult to find a suitable exactly for your interior

If you try, you can find and disadvantages. The radius of action of this heater - only a couple of meters, and a device for the full heating of the room is not enough. And if these models had the opportunity to convection, Their efficiency would be higher, but the rugs that feature.

By what criteria to choose good heat

Selecting heater "Good heat" should begin with the series. Decide what purpose you are looking for the device. If you need a heating room - you need a "velvet season". It can be transported and used not only at home but also in the country. Plastic model of a stationary, it is better to set up and once again not to touch it. Same fiberglass products are not afraid of transportation.

What you will certainly come in handy heater "Good warm"
Options for colors and prints of film heaters have a lot of

Accordingly, if you need to heat the mat for the dog, dry vegetables or keep your feet warm, you should pay attention to a series of "soft heat".

How to use heaters

Such heaters are equipped with a plug. They work on a network with common, household voltage. The cord can not be separated from the panel because it is soldered to the conductor of heat, so that the cleaning of the deposit of the cable must be carefully folded up, taking care not to bend, or pinch it. Roll to roll only along, winding up or down on the bar. If you twist it in the other direction, the heater may be damaged.

Cleaning of the device is reduced to a periodic dust wiping with a damp cloth.

If you decide to hang Good heat on the wall, place it at 3-5 cm from the floor. It is better to fix it is not close to the wall and at a distance of at least a couple of centimeters
If you decide to hang Good heat on the wall, place it at 3-5 cm from the floor. It is better to fix it is not close to the wall and at a distance of at least a couple of centimeters

It is not necessary to dry on devices intended for space heating, vegetables or clothes. The temperature at which reaches 60-75ºS and markings may appear on things, and just fry vegetables.

Finally, do not put these heaters in the bed, the lack of access of cooling air leads to overheating and can cause a fire.

Reviews and video review of the heater "Good warm"

In conclusion, we can only say that this product is popular, but to find reviews about it will not be difficult. Here are a few examples:

What you will certainly come in handy heater "Good warm"
More on Irecommend: https://irecommend.ru/content/vpolne-dostoinyi-obogrevatel-dlya-komnaty-ili-dlya-dachi
What you will certainly come in handy heater "Good warm"
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_678108.html
What you will certainly come in handy heater "Good warm"
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_1471822.html
What you will certainly come in handy heater "Good warm"
More on Irecommend: https://irecommend.ru/content/takoi-obogrevatel-mozhno-kupit-dlya-dachi

As you can see, experience mostly positive.

But the video review on the subject:

And you use the heater "Good heat"? If so, share your impressions in the comments!