Boiler electric heating energy saving

Comfortable climate in the building depends on the comfort temperature which ensures correctly performed heating system. In modern homes you can find different models of heating equipment. The optimal solution - highly functional on the one hand, and easy to handle on the other side of the model. Experts advise the most successful solution - electric boiler energy-efficient heating. It is suitable not only for heating individual house, but also suburban buildings in the off-season.

Boiler electric heating energy saving
Interesting design of the electric boiler

Read article

  • 1 The principle of operation of the electrical energy-saving heating boilers
  • 2 Advantages and disadvantages of electric energy-saving boilers
  • 3 The main technical parameters of electric boilers with energy saving
    • 3.1 example calculation
  • 4 Boiler electric heating energy saving: the main types of
  • 5 Features electrode heating boilers
  • 6 Energy-saving boilers: single and dual circuit
  • 7 How to choose an economical electric boiler
  • 8 Overview of the main manufacturers and models of energy-efficient electric boilers
    • 8.1 "Tiered" Manufacturer
    • 8.2 "Vaylant" Manufacturer
    • 8.3 "Sangay" Manufacturer
    • 8.4 "Savitri" Manufacturer
  • 9 Features installation of electric boilers
  • 10 The cost of electrical energy-saving boilers, and recommendation for the purchase of
  • 11 conclusion

The principle of operation of the electrical energy-saving heating boilers

The cost of fuel becomes more expensive with each passing year. That is why manufacturers started production of energy-saving models, which can be installed in any home with electricity connected. They are characterized by easy installation and beautiful appearance.

The principle of operation of the equipment is simple enough. Liquid is supplied in expansion tank. The heating occurs by electrical energy through an electric heater, then warm streams are distributed pipes heating and radiators. Electric boiler efficiency reaches 100%. Elektronositel heated without an open flame, so there is no need to arrange additional venting system.

For a better circulation of water may be installed pumps. The number of heaters can be up to 4 units. They can work either together or one at a time or in groups. Instead of heaters can be used electrodes. In such equipment, an electric current passes through the electrodes gradually water mass and heats them.

Simple operation, low cost, operation virtually no noise, environmental friendliness - the indisputable advantages of the heating unit. To work sufficiently in municipal network connection 220 or 380 V.

Principle of operation
Principle of operation

Advantages and disadvantages of electric energy-saving boilers

As with any equipment, energy-saving electric boilers for the home have their own merits.

  • Compact and interesting design. They fit into any interior space and are quite invisible in interior. For their devices do not require a separate room;
  • absolute safety. They do not have an open fire, like gas equipment. This means that you can not hold additional vents. At work there is no combustion air, so they are safe for health;
  • additional savings, since their installation does not require a permit and control of the special services. Installation of additional instruments for monitoring gas concentration and smoke is not required;
  • Efficiency is close to 100%;
  • low cost;
  • automatic shutdown in case of water leakage.

On the negative selection include electric boiler.

  • need to prepare water supply;
  • water can boil at weak circulation at high pressure on the contrary - the boiler can not operate;
  • can not use antifreeze. However, it can be challenged. Modern manufacturers instead of brass nut started using thermochemical pads. For such equipment allowed nezamerzayki;
  • dependence on the supply of electricity.

However, the boilers are safe even for wooden buildings. It is important to check the quality of post and counter.

Simple installation of electrical equipment
Simple installation of electrical equipment

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Subtleties saving: the heating energy saving electric boilerMost private homes have an impressive area and the fact that Russian non-resort country where summer reigns all year round, this same area we have to somehow be heated in the winter. If the correct approach to this issue, it appears that Heating homes with electricity - the most economical way. This is what we'll talk in the publication.

The main technical parameters of electric boilers with energy saving

When choosing an economical electric cat for heating private houses should be familiar with the basic parameters, to choose the most effective equipment at the lowest cost for the purchase and operation.

Power of the boiler equipmentIt is necessary to carry out technical settlementsTo power enough to heat the entire area. At 10 kV. m square power of 1 kW is necessary.
Voltage power network
  • In household use a single-phase (220V) or a three-phase network (380).
  • The diameter of the section of the wiring must comply with the boiler capacity: 8 amperes per square millimeter of section 1.

Failure to comply with this parameter wiring can catch fire!

  • For boilers from 6 kW to be installed three-phase counter.
The volume capacity of the batteryCorrelates with the wiring length and the area of ​​heated space. It is necessary to perform calculations in order to reduce heat loss in the selection of capacity
The consumption of electric energyThe consumption of 1.03 kWh to yield 1 kWh of thermal energy. If we take the value of the consumed electric energy of 3.2 kW rub for 1 / hour, respectively, equal to the value of 1 kW

1,03 × 3,2 = 3,296 rubles.

Calculate the annual cost of electric boiler is easy.

example calculation

Andrei Mikhailovich, there is an individual house of 100 square meters, and the heating period is 7 months. In continuous operation of the equipment during the cold period will need:

10 kW × 24 hours × 7 = 50 months of 400 kW.

To maintain a comfortable temperature in the building it is sufficient for operating 12 hours a day. This means that power can be reduced by half 25 to 200 kW.

For heating during the heating season Andrei Mikhailovich need funds:

25200 × 3,2 = 80 640 rubles.

This is the cost of electricity for 7 months.

cable cross-section selection for the boiler
cable cross-section selection for the boiler

With recommendations on the choice of power is available in the following video

Boiler electric heating energy saving: the main types of

The operating principle of the electric power conversion equipment, into heat. Manufacturers produce three types of equipment for the heating of homes, which vary according to the method of heating the heat carrier.

  • induction electric boilerheat transfer agent It heats the compositions of ferromagnetic alloys. There is no direct contact of the liquid and the inductor, which is arranged in a separate sealed compartment. Water or any antifreeze flow through the coil perimeter.

Induction heaters are residually high cost. This is one of the main drawbacks;

  • TENovye. They work similarly to an electric kettle. Running water or antifreeze heated by heaters, the coolant is then distributed throughout heating system. The equipment has a beautiful appearance, is made in the floor or wall installation embodiment.

The disadvantages of heaters equipment include the formation of scale on the heating elements, which increases the consumption of electrical energy and heat loss;

  • electrode - to act as the electrodes of the heating element.

In addition, they are classified according to the place of installation - or floor mounted.

The operating principle of induction boiler
The operating principle of induction boiler

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Subtleties saving: the heating energy saving electric boilerIn recent years become increasingly popular electric boiler for heating private houses. Prices for him to become more accessible every year. In this article we consider the types, models and cost of electric boilers.

Features electrode heating boilers

The work electrode boilers is based on a different principle. Coolant may only water. Heating occurs by means of the electrode, which transmits the electrical charge liquid. Heating takes place by its own cleavage of molecules into positive and negative charges.

It is important! The main advantage of such equipment - absolute safety. The boiler is switched off immediately in the absence of coolant.

Compact design, budget cost, positive feedback output electrode boilers for heating private houses in the clear leaders of electrical equipment.

Despite the obvious advantages, you need to know about some of the features of electrode boilers.

  • As the coolant may be water only;
  • electrodes must be changed periodically, as they dissolve during operation;
  • circulation water stream should be maintained at a proper level. Since the deceleration flow, the liquid may boil in the boiler;
  • water should have certain indicators resistivity. It is not always possible to perform the necessary measurements and to perform water treatment. This is the main disadvantage of electrode boilers.
Comparison of the effectiveness of the electrode and of electric heaters boilers
Comparison of the effectiveness of the electrode and of electric heaters boilers

Energy-saving boilers: single and dual circuit

Boilers are classified according to the number of circuits - single and dual circuit. Number of Circuits - another important factor to consider when choosing equipment for heating.

  • Single-equipment works only for heating premises in heating system;
  • bypass operation of the boiler will allow use hot water for domestic needs. The consumption of electric energy in such equipment significantly increases, and therefore, they are not in high demand.

You can alternatively set the single-loop boiler and water heater.

Wiring diagram boiler bypass
Wiring diagram boiler bypass

How to choose an economical electric boiler

If you choose an electric boiler as the sole heating source is necessary to work on warming homes. Otherwise, the financial costs will be prohibitively high in winter.

Before choosing how inexpensive electricity to heat the house, it is important to determine in which the network will be connected to the boiler. For certain types of equipment it is possible to install only three-phase network of 380 V.

Technical parameters, price category and design - that's the sequence of user actions when choosing an electric boiler.

Interior Solutions
Interior Solutions

Overview of the main manufacturers and models of energy-efficient electric boilers

If we decide which one to choose the most economical electric boiler for the house, you need to get acquainted with the proposals of the best producers. Warranty available and positive feedback - it is confidence in a safe and durable operation of the product, which can last for more than thirty years.

We offer an overview of the most popular manufacturers of electrical heating equipment.

"Tiered" Manufacturer

This equipment is a leader in the line of middle-price category. Decent quality and reasonable cost is an advantage to foreign models. The minimum price of the base configuration starts from 7000 rubles. Heating energy saving electric boiler 220 4kW obogreet 1 bedroom apartment or a small area of ​​an individual house.

Among the advantages of the Russian manufacturer of equipment include:

  • addition the programmer much easier to work with the product;
  • high security;
  • compact dimensions interesting design of the housing;
  • maintainability;
  • available for service with the availability of spare parts and repair kits.
Lineup producer
Lineup producer

"Vaylant" Manufacturer

Equipment from this manufacturer is considered to be a leader in reliability. German quality is in great demand and stable customers. The manufacturer produces equipment of different capacity. Under the order, you can purchase a model for the heating of industrial areas.

Boiler warranty - 5 years. All equipment meets the quality standards. Excellent build, adaptability for use in demanding environments. Models are equipped with a microprocessor that controls all fully functioning.

The cost of equipment starts from 45 000 rubles for a power of 6 kW. The boiler output of 12 kW cost to the consumer is already 60 000.

Stylish body equipment
Stylish body equipment

"Sangay" Manufacturer

This producer of Russian manufactures equipment for heating small premises in sufficient budget category. Built-in remote control, long life operation, the ability to connect pump, Smooth control of power control, as a coolant can act both water and antifreeze - it is not a complete list of advantages of the boiler manufacturer.

In the line models have electric boiler for heating House of 100 square meters power up to 12 kW. Maximum heating area - 120 sq. m. Built-in thermostat allows you to use energy sparingly.

The representative of Sangay line
The representative of Sangay line

"Savitri" Manufacturer

This is the best manufacturer of equipment for heating large areas. Maximum power of 240 kW. The main advantage - energy efficiency, reliability and functionality.

Boilers of this manufacturer are used in industrial plants, commercial buildings and offices. They have a number of positive characteristics:

  • Simple installation, maintainability thanks to the modular assembly;
  • availability controller;
  • automatic protection and disconnection in case of emergency;
  • Efficiency reaches 99%.
high-power boiler
high-power boiler

Features installation of electric boilers

Simple assembly - is the main advantage of electric heating. During its installation does not require isolation separate room with special requirements, such as in the case of gas or solid fuel equipment. Also, no need to install a special chimney. Interesting design allows you to choose the boiler for any interior decoration of the room.

  • When connecting the boiler I am necessary to lay a power cable. For small capacity models (up to 7 kW) sufficient network 220 V (single phase). For more powerful equipment is needed in the network 380 (three phase). Accordingly, you should choose the required cable cross-section;
  • you must install an automatic safety device;
  • installation temperature control sensor the room will help to choose the optimal mode of operation of equipment;
  • thermostatic controls on each battery at heating system help adjust the optimum temperature and reduce power consumption.

To choose the right equipment will help organize the boiler heating the house electricity cheap enough, and at the same time reduce the cost of purchase and installation of each node individually.

Council! Storage tank with thermal insulation, which is installed at the coolant outlet from the boiler, It will keep for some time a certain amount of hot water even in case of power failure equipment. Hot water can also be used in the heating system and the hot water supply.

In addition, to make the hot water storage tank can be in the night tariff, which is slightly lower the energy costs.

Tying the boiler wall
Tying the boiler wall

Installation and recommendations can be found on the video below:

The cost of electrical energy-saving boilers, and recommendation for the purchase of

The price of the electric boilers are influenced by many factors. It is both the manufacturer and the technical parameters of the model. It plays an important role and design of the equipment, and additional equipment.

Buy boiler can be in specialized stores or on Internet sites directories. It is advisable to treat it in dealerships or directly to producers. They will be able to offer the best price for a particular product.

Please find on the most popular heating equipment prices.

ManufacturerModelpower, kWtThe average price (as of December 2017), rub.
GalanOchag339 600
Ochag6611 400
EnergoLuxPremium 1500 PU / 121,59 400
Elite 1500 PUT / 151,512 100
SavitrM1EB1MS003 Mini 338 400
M1EB3SO004 Optima 449 900
«M1EB3SO004 Optima 4»
«M1EB3SO004 Optima 4»


Every year more and more people are choosing the electric energy saving boiler to heat private homes or villas. It is this equipment gives people a comfortable and fast heating. In addition, the boilers are absolutely safe and reliable. Installation does not require the involvement of professionals, which saves costs. Another bonus - a beautiful design, each model has an interesting peculiarity.

Wall mounted electric boiler
Wall mounted electric boiler

At the end we recommend to watch the video review of the main types of boilers