Underfloor heating - an interesting solution to improve living conditions. They are compatible with the most popular in our time covering - laminate. Yet experience from underfloor heating system in humans are formed are different. In the finished houses with built-in floor heating design, it looks quite neat, but not so well looked gathered options. Not everyone manages to hide the pipe. In addition, some owners questioned the management of convenience, ease, justification and timing solutions. Practice shows that only a small fraction of all willing to give up the built-in heating system. In winter, the benefits of underfloor heating grows at times. Designs are electric and water, and both categories are divided in turn into many subspecies. Manufacturers produce up to ten types of floor heating under a laminate, in particular, film, rod, amorphous carbon.
- Advantages and disadvantages of underfloor heating
- Under which the laminate can be laid floor heating - choose laminate
Floor heating systems: the types and features
Radiant Floor Heating - Pros and Cons
- mounting Features
Electrical (cable) Heated floor - advantages and disadvantages
- Floor technology
- Infrared Heated floor - species, the pros and cons
- The film - an economical option
- Carbon rod - easy to use
Carbon solid - safety and environmental friendliness
- mount technology
Matte heating system - versatility in application
- How to mount their own
Amorphous metal Heated floor
- Floor technology
Radiant Floor Heating - Pros and Cons
- How to choose - expert advice
underfloor heating temperature - the maximum and minimum
- heating rate
- Regulation underfloor heating temperature
- conclusion
Advantages and disadvantages of underfloor heating
Some of the key benefits include:
- comfort;
- energy efficiency;
- safety and environmental friendliness;
- exterior aesthetics.
First, the floor heating provides control of the temperature conditions, and it is convenient for large areas. Energy efficiency is expressed in the same savings. Next positive thing is that almost all of the system will be hidden - it's advanced features for aesthetics. Underfloor heating also showed high reliability in operation. Not the last role is played versatility: you can use any heat transfer fluid, a source of energy and different types of flooring. Among the disadvantages is in the foreground high inertia. Sudden temperature can not be changed, so at times when the sun does not enter the room, quick results will not regulation. This applies to water structures. Underfloor heating medium parameters warm the entire room during the cold season - second among the major disadvantages. This also applies to water, and the electric embodiment.

Under which the laminate can be laid floor heating - choose laminate
Part of the manufacturers do not produce special versions of the laminate, as basically coatings have insulating properties. And yet, the usual stuff on top of underfloor heating can just crack, warp or retain heat. Laminate for heating systems are made by advanced technology. On the packaging if there is a special marking, and next to it - the temperature limits. Part of the options is not suitable for electrical systems, but only to the water floor. In addition to these aspects when choosing a focus on the thickness and grade of the product. For areas with regular cleaning and high traffic useful embodiments of the 32 classes. This is an adequate solution for corridors and kitchens. Large thickness, in turn, protect the heating system from damage. In technical areas AC4 enough density, and in the kitchen a little more, AC5.

Floor heating systems: the types and features
The main varieties are the electrical and water system. The first is also divided on the cable, film and rod. They have, in turn, are termomatami and other species. Radiant floor in a sense considered a type of radiator system. It runs the floor well: hot water travels through the pipes in the direction of the room and back. Despite the apparent simplicity of the process, regulation of temperature in a water system occurs complicated. Electric floor warming faster but less reliable in terms of fire safety. He is a cable, film and rod. Cable heating differently called convection. The film and core - subspecies infrared floor. The agitating system comprises a single or double cable. Film warm floor is put not only on the flat, but inclined surfaces. Core systems work through flexible strips.

Radiant Floor Heating - Pros and Cons
Among the arguments in favor of the water on the first floor you can put a uniform distribution of heat energy. Then there is a fire safety parameter. Principle of operation reduces the risk of fire to a minimum. Energy efficiency - the universal benefit of underfloor heating, including water. In this case, the last option on the average costs cheaper than the others. Warming up the room will be smooth. Among other things, the water system will not lower the humidity. We design a lot of disadvantages when compared with other types of floor heating. Compared with electric floors, from water have difficulty adjusting and setting up the system. Water fills the uneven contour, so that the warm-up process will take longer. The third disadvantage is mounting features. not be able to make out the wet floor. Together with the third drawback is immediately and fourth: the probable breakage of the pipes. As a result, it will have to find access to the system and destroy the cake. It will need expensive repairs, including due to the effects of flooding.
See also:types baseboards

mounting Features
system installation begins with the preparation of the floor, the maximum height of the irregularities may be at 0.5 cm. Usually design complementary coupler. Floor heating pipe is collected from the many fragments. In this image made more dense branches in remote locations. When installing damper often use tape around the perimeter - to neutralize thermal expansion of the pie. The system is required to equip thermal insulation. Theoretically, it can be mounted without a reinforcing mesh or two - top and bottom of the pipe. Water floor is also a "dry" and "wet." The process of creation involves drying of wet consistency. The dry system is placed to keep the height of the room, as well as in low ceiling. The design can yield a moist mass to 10 times. When mounting wood or polystyrene is used. The system is set so that if anything can be easily dismantled. Wet system after the installation has not touched.

Electrical (cable) Heated floor - advantages and disadvantages
This type of floor heating is a simple cable. When laying can be formed of any configuration. Cable floor is suitable for rooms of irregular shape. And he of all variants of electric floor - the cheapest. Cable model does not require a thick layer of screed. Connection, for example, the water floor wet type is associated with a minimal amount of knowledge, and do not need special maintenance during operation. At the same time, the power to run at high performance heating consumes a lot of energy from the network, so that after the installation option will no longer be economical. Cable floor Dismantling - expensive process, and fail every time the system is damaged in any particular location. Installation requires a long construction forming the entire outline into two directions.

Floor technology
First, line the floor and arrange waterproofing. After - put a heater. On the substrate foil is counting, which helps in the subsequent installation of the cable. The next thing is set the thermostat. Electric laminated floor is used only if the controller and sensors. Then proceed to the placement of the cable for charting. The latter is formed with an indication of the cable length, its cross section and pitch. tie installation produce dry or wet, depending on the priorities. Wet easier, but will cause inconvenience during the repair work in the future. When laying the laminate strips have to be shortened, but the minimum acceptable length indicator 20 cm. The entire perimeter of the walls near the left compensation gap of 5-10 mm. Before laying laminate it is necessary to keep in the room during the day.

Infrared Heated floor - species, the pros and cons
Infrared floor is:
- rod;
- film;
- matt;
- Amorphous.
Rod floor made of a rigid cross rails with flexible connection. Film species represent a continuous web with the heating elements. In the role of manufacturing the material often used carbon. The solid structure with carbon is more reliable and thus have excellent conductivity. Matte systems consist of a plurality of individual segments. The most advanced one may assume amorphous metal floor, featuring the best qualities of metals. The main advantage of IR sexes generally considered environmentally friendly and safe for the body. Furthermore, the manufacturing materials are less fire hazard compared with the electric cable embodiment. Energy efficiency and speed of installation a positive note, some external and internal systems against the backdrop of varieties of water underfloor heating. Among the disadvantages is worth emphasizing the deterioration of the coating, and in some designs - reducing the humidity.

The film - an economical option
By way of installation film floor is internal or external. The first type is placed under the topcoat, the second - mounted directly on the surface in need of heating. External option film IR floor consists of three layers, including a resistive core and Mylar film - top and bottom of it. Easy to install external system becomes a fundamental advantage for people with busy schedule, wishing to the same save. Versatility is the outer film models capabilities in terms of installation on walls and even the ceiling. For the system also characterized by mobility and stability in operation. The segments are transferred at need. A failure in one of the sections do not affect the overall structure. Internal systems have fewer advantages, but also provide quick access. In addition, the hidden film floor is compatible with many types of coatings.

Carbon rod - easy to use
The system reduces energy consumption as the warm floor. It does not create a large load on the ceiling. Rod-carboxylic floor corrosion resistant and flame successfully used in humid areas. Ease lies in the absence of electromagnetic radiation. Floor heating rod of carbon fiber has a self-regulatory system with the function of preventing burnout and overheating. IR system produces "high quality" heat - safe and useful infrared radiation. An additional benefit is parallel rods figure connections - i.e. the ease and versatility of installation. At the same time, the electrical connection is made through a complex scheme. Because of the possibility to cut the mat and adjust the vector styling carboxylic bar system is perfect for rooms with complex layout.
If you want to maximize ease the installation process - then the best option would be a pivotal structure in combination with the dry installation method.

Carbon solid - safety and environmental friendliness
Emitted by the human body to close a solid carboxylic wave system. If a person makes a self-radiation with a wavelength of 10 microns, the infrared is in the range of 7-14 microns. Thus, the body perceives it positively and receives favor. The solid surface of the warm carbon generates a pleasant indoor climate. The air is cleaner filled with ions in the body and enhanced biochemical processes. High efficiency saves energy, thus preserving the environment. In practice, the solid carbon system demonstrated safety for adults and children, as well as - pets. Carboxylic film is manufactured by compression at high temperatures. The carbon layer applied by a printing method. On the canvas there is no screed overheating.
See also:Choosing a floor covering for apartments and houses

mount technology
Solid floors with perestilayut needs re-used as many times as necessary. For normal operation, enough 70% of the floor surface. Additional sources when not required. And a warm floor can be cut back. To form the primary core for this floor, which is laid izolon. After installation of the heating system applied to the adhesive layer under the finishing and covering veneer floor. As with other types of electric floors, equip rod thermostat. Before installing the sensor is required to include heating and after a few minutes of heating element temperature is checked. Hand should be comfortable. In other words, heating to 40 ° C - normal rate significantly higher / lower - bad. Installation of film versions made after the use of insulators for the free ends of the tire.

Matte heating system - versatility in application
This system combines the principle of operation of several electrical options. Termomat usually consists of a multilayer shell with heating cables. Emit heat wires made of steel or copper. The casing has a complex structure, is for absolute insulation characteristics. producing materials include fiberglass, polymer fibers, rubber. Cable attached to the non-metallic wall. Matt floor heating - an excellent system for residential and industrial premises. It is used as an additional heating, but in some cases - as the main, with the related costs. This type of heating is used in the railings and stairs. Sometimes directly for preventing icing. A system with two-core shielded cable, a 0.5 meter heating mats laying step and the level of 7 cm is used to:
- hallways;
- glazed balconies;
- conservatories;
- premises with swimming pools.

How to mount their own
Installation is performed by alternately stacking individual mats. First, not hurt to make a little plan. Next we begin installation: assemble the manifold and tubes for the temperature controller. For the formation of ties we use something of your choice: Rigid 2-3 cm thick expanded polystyrene, rigid tubes, foam. After this check resistance and cutting mat. Under the options plan cut the fiberglass mesh. Making the manipulation carefully carefully controlling the location of the cable. The process easier by the fact that the grid is not the front and back sides. Mat placed on a prepared tie. Mesh with tonkokabelnoy system is located so that the walls to stay at least 10, and ideally - 15 cm. Offset from the batteries need to be 20 cm. Further termomat place - the cold ends toward the power supply.
The next steps include:
- Installation of floor sensors in the corrugation and then - to the canvas.
- Connection to the thermostat.
- Adhesive application.
- Forming surface.
Work should be in the shoes with soft soles.

Amorphous metal Heated floor
The basis of this system is the heating of the ribbon of amorphous metal alloy. Devices have special superconducting, mechanical, electrical and magnetic properties, when compared with conventional metals. The amorphous ribbon 20-25 microns thick provides high heat dissipation. Small cell mass increases energy efficiency: energy is stored and then transmitted. Heat transfer is carried out over a larger area, so heat distribution is balanced and uniform. The operating temperature of the amorphous warm floor is 35-40 ° C and thus provides a high level of security. At the same time, the design highlights the strength. It is higher than the solid metal. A high resistance to corrosion, in turn, guarantees the device durability. For amorphous metal floor is also typical minimum level of electromagnetic losses.

Floor technology
Installing the heating element often involves the use of a trajectory "sine wave". And the more the gaps, the more spoiled gender quality. Over time, the laminate can dry up. Output from the situation involves equipping the screen - the system from an amorphous metal. They will cost a minimum amount when compared to all alternatives for even heating. The heating element is an amorphous metal floor is placed over a large area, while maintaining approximately the same temperature at different local areas of the floor. Mats of amorphous metal is placed under the laminate or any other coating without screed. heating system is installed on the treated concrete base. The tape will cover only 30% of the mat, but this is enough for even heat distribution. At the same time, owners will be available to 40% saving of electricity. Theoretically, amorphous device can be used as the sole source of heat in small areas.
See also:Parquet in the interior

How to choose - expert advice
Experts have developed a system of twelve parameters starting from the ease of installation and finishing costs. Power options are superior to others on the first criterion, as well as in terms of quietness, because if air contamination in the water system, it stops working quietly. In infrared floor - the lowest inertia, cable floors on this indicator in the second place, and water - in the third. At the same time under the cover of laminate second and third type are suitable completely. But first it has limitations - they can be found out by the manufacturer or on the packaging. All kinds of electric floor without special permits install in apartments and private homes. All variants of infrared high maintainability. But durability IR floors, as well as cable, are much smaller than water.
Other parameters are:
- Compatibility with furniture;
- Compatibility with wet areas;
- level of reliability as a percentage.

underfloor heating temperature - the maximum and minimum
Elements in an electric floor can warm up to +85 ° C at a stock dielectric strength to +100 ° C. Optimum floor temperature is 26-28 ° C. Infrared floor may theoretically reach temperatures at +55 ° C, as well as electrical cable. Normal maximum water-floor is +30 ° C, and will provide a level of heat flow from +50 ° C at the time of filing and +45 ° C - during processing. Universal indicator optimal floor temperature of +26 ° C, and the maximum - +29, +34, or +35 ° C. The first value for the actual living rooms, kitchens, hallways, and the second - for sanitary facilities, the third - for seats with a high heat loss. Minimum level corresponds to parameters of +20 ° C for premises and +24 ° C - for places with high humidity. Identified and values (maximum) for various target premises: offices - +29 ° C, places with limited or short residence time - +37 ° C, facilities for active sports - +17 ° C.
Much depends on the type of floor covering - for hairy carpets better standard temperature down by several degrees!

heating rate
To calculate the index calculation using approximate rate design of heating and the heating period for certain types of systems. In some calculations exclude insulation and assume that below - is also a heated room. Do not also take into account the heat loss from the surface. Thus, the heating time of 1 m² is the quotient of the respective area of heat capacity divided by the capacity of the system, and multiplied by the difference between initial and final temperature. Heat capacity recognized by multiplying data of the specific gravity, heat capacity of the system materials, and volume of the heated structure. Temperature Delta consists of estimated values. It is known that the most rapidly warming floor termomatov and installed on them tiles. Cable temperature increases several times longer, and water, for example, for the first time to the desired condition will reach as much as 12 hours.

Regulation underfloor heating temperature
Control is carried out in four ways. Adjusting the temperature of the medium - the first one. The second embodiment is realized through the termination of the media supply in the circuit. For influencing the temperature of the room in general, there are several ways. One such application involves the pipe with a working temperature up to 95 ° C - in case of a water system. An alternative embodiment with respect to these same designs involves the installation of a mixing valve or three-way valve. Mixing device controls the temperature of said predetermined parameter. The third method is to use a mixing module with the necessary components: valve, bypass, pump relay and the maximum temperature. The most organized way is the use of thermostats and rooms with servo mounting on the floor distributor. electrical heating system control is made by electronic, mechanical, digital and programmable controller with enhanced functionality.

Before placing the interior of an apartment or house does not hurt to think again about communications. For example, the warm box. Mount it in any convenient way, whether hidden or the outer, dry or wet. If you plan a mobile variant, the heating will likely not need a complex repair, dismantling or complete replacement. Warm floors have many absolute benefits including comfort, energy efficiency and appearance. Additional features consist in a particular embodiment. So, underfloor heating different inertia, durability, compatibility with flooring, furniture and reliability. For electrical floor does not require any special permits, but water - more consistent and durable. Perfect choice can be made after studying the 12 main parameters. In case of any doubt, contact the manufacturer. In general, the floor heating system is collected easily and quickly.