During the repair or building from scratch often combine different properties of materials. Many artists have doubts - whether it is possible to lay tiles on a wooden floor. Through the finish of surfaces with your hands is important not only to prepare the base, but also to choose the right packing technology, in accordance with the features of the room, his appointment. Competent approach will help to avoid trouble with the operation of the floor, extend its life.
- Is it possible to put the tiles on the wooden base: compatibility of the two materials
- The complexity and features styling
- In some cases it is impossible to lay tiles on the tree
- Types of wood floor covering
Methods how to prepare wood base
- dry leveling
- strainer
- Alignment without ties
- Waterproofing floor
- Which adhesive to choose
- Installation of "warm floor" system on a wooden floor
- conclusion
Is it possible to put the tiles on the wooden base: compatibility of the two materials
Combining ceramic tile and wood can be, but many builders and homeowners do not consider it reasonable. Wooden base, covered with tiles, become cold and slippery, loose precious naturalness. The negative consequences after the installation include the complete absence of penetrating air. The tree will quickly begin to deteriorate, will come to the mobility that increase the likelihood of cracking the tile. Because of the large difference in the periods of service, wood-tiled floor quickly will become worthless.
Light tile is often placed on a wooden base with the aim to reduce the impact of moisture. That the floor will last for many, it is necessary to provide for a way to advance the installation. The buildings make better use of cement screed. You should also take into account the weight of the adhesive material. The advantages of the compatibility of wood and tiles on the floor can be attributed flatness. Preparatory work will be required only if the old wooden floor.
Newly landscaped square log, plank floor is not suitable for tile installation. The material shall lie down, get used to the conditions of operation for 2-3 years.

The complexity and features styling
Natural wood has its own specific characteristics, physical properties. This causes certain operational requirements. Wood - a porous, absorbent material that presents certain difficulties in laying tiles. Tile is able to last for decades without treatment by special means, which is not the tree.
Often the floor tiles used to protect the wood flooring in the bathroom, kitchen, bath. Tiled floor, laid on a dry board, there will be deformed and crack stitches in a few months.
Tile bad contact with surfaces that expand or contract over time. Remedy the situation will help primed wooden base, laying waterproofing. Rotten planks covered with sheets of particle board. The slots at the junction of slabs and walls blown carefully with foam for extra base strength.

In some cases it is impossible to lay tiles on the tree
Tile can be installed only on a level, solid foundation. If you do this from the old surface is not possible, up the idea should be abandoned. The tile is not recommended to combine with the tree for the following reasons:
- Poor adhesion to each other. Even when using special mastics tiled floor can remain movable. Old wood material will deform, which will reduce the strength of the adhesive compositions.
- Wood tends to expand even at the lowest humidity. A tile adhesive and fixing it also has such a feature, but to a much lesser extent.
- In areas exposed to constant influence of moisture, floor boards and tiles is short-lived. The liquid, in any case will penetrate through the tile seams. Wire processing wood humidity-resistant compositions will be impossible.
- Wood bearing structures over time, will shrink, leading to cracking of the tile joints and displacement. Adhesive mixture loses its plasticity, tiles begin to fall behind.
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Types of wood floor covering
Modern wooden flooring tiles under differ in purpose, structure, assembly complexity. A method for mounting a standard other than just to be on the preparation procedure. In any case, the surface should be as smooth. Account should also take the specific features of the room. There are several variations of the wood is suitable for tiling:
- Empty a lag flooring. Wooden cross perform the support function of the whole object. If they are not damaged and are close enough to each other, it is possible to carry out the installation of ceramic tiles directly on them. Leaky elements are replaced with new ones, all the parts are treated with protective compounds.
- Chipboard, plywood, with and without lags. The sheet material is set to lag protection and to further align the floor. Due to the glue content, which can soften and dissolve materials not suitable for the tiles in high humidity and with frequent changes in temperature.
- New log cabin floor. The surface is cleaned of dust, stain and the processed protective moisture-resistant layer is coated. Then the screws are screwed sex leveling plate, which will not allow the tile to shift under load. This may be plywood, water-resistant drywall.
- The surface of the boards under repair. Poorly fixed rotten boards needs to be replaced. The floor should not bend under pressure. After repair cells their pour moisture resistant impregnation, cover and fixed to the polyethylene mastic OSB boards.

Methods how to prepare wood base
Pawn quality of combining two materials - smooth surfaces. Although the installation of floor tiles to wood option is not the best, with good training base can get a nice hard floor. Carry out the alignment in several ways.

dry leveling
To align the bases in the bathroom or hallway under the tile laying can take advantage of some materials. It could be ready adjustable kits, attached to the screws or plastic supports. Also spread additional veneer layer on already existing elements of wood.
Most often used chipboards, because they have minimal linear mobility. Attach them with screws is not desirable, it is better to take a two-component adhesive based on polyurethane. Before mounting the edges sanded joints treated with a special sealant, the surface color stain. Dry alignment has the following advantages:
- It enables the use of thermal insulation materials (polystyrene, expanded clay);
- It does not have a large load on a wooden support;
- Prepare the surface to pick up the material can be in the shortest possible time;
- The disadvantage associated with a reduction in the ceilings, can be corrected by using the equipped steps between the wall and the floor.
See also:What to choose for the kitchen floor

The method is suitable for rooms with wooden floors, the surface of which is unable to adhere to the high quality ceramic, vinyl tile. Prior to installation of the floating floor necessarily need to repair the entire plank basis replace leaky lags abraded upper layer. Construction of wooden ties on the basis of several stages:
- Detach the old flooring until lags or timber. Replace unfit, warped boards with new ones. If the distance between the elements exceeds 30 cm, it is filled with bulk material. Then, processing goes antiseptics.
- In the next stage is collected under the deck fill. For the organization of the underground space ventilation board 4 cm wide spread at a distance from one another of 10 cm. Transversely mounted waterproof plywood boards, fixed with screws.
- Next layer - waterproofing. Most often used materials based on bitumen, paraffin. They overlapped and with the release of the walls. Between floor and wall are glued damping tape.
- Now the solution was poured leveling. It can be purchased ready-made or make your own by mixing sand, water, and water glass.
Ties for wooden floors under tiles can be made on the basis of cement with the addition of fiberoptic. In this case, after casting surface should be leveled and trowel. Installation of tiles is possible after drying, after 3 weeks.

Alignment without ties
If a new wooden floor, logs do not have time to spoil and do not require maintenance, smooth the surface for laying tiles can be no ties. This may be a small processing or creating new surface. This requires the grinding machine, electric jigsaw, tape measure, level, wood putty, primer mixture.
The easiest way to align a wood floor - the use Scraping machines. The complexity of the method consists only in the fact that special equipment is available only from professional artists. His hands have to level the surface plane.
After the top layer of wood is removed, all the small cracks and joints necessary to seal the putty. Acrylic mixture will not be visible under the tile, so optionally select tint. Then, the surface was treated with stain and soils.
If solid boards, but are cracked and chipped, the irregularities can be removed with a putty-based PVA glue and sawdust. The composition is distributed over the surface, allow time to dry and grind the treated area.

Waterproofing floor
To eliminate any deflections tiled floor in the operation, it should make the most tough. Tiles, laid on a wooden frame should be strong, all parts intact, tightly adjacent to the walls. As a waterproofing lining blister increasingly using obmazochnye cement, polymer, bitumen compositions. The elastic blends have excellent adhesion to wood and tile adhesive. Waterproofing carried roller rolling liquid mixture of a wooden surface, stopping on the wall.
For volatile base is best selected on the basis of cement materials. Waterproofing cast by pouring surface extends solution. The composition of such mixtures also include reinforcing fibers, polymeric plasticizers. In addition, it is not glued to the basis of need.
Increasing moisture resistance by pasting - the easiest process. But for this wood floor must be perfectly flat. Using fusing or self-adhesive products. Roll materials are not engaged with the tile adhesive. Most top roofing or polyethylene screed is poured.
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Staining for the purpose of waterproofing - a good alternative to coating any. It works easily hold their own, due to the ease of the method and device availability of materials. Boards under the tile is covered with liquid bitumen and mastic in three sets, giving the previous dry layer.

Which adhesive to choose
For working with ceramics and wood suitable two-component adhesive. The composition includes a mixture of polyurethane resin and hardener, which makes it adhesive parameters of an order of magnitude above goals. It is possible to purchase ready to use mixture or independently mix the components using a drill and a special nozzle. The adhesive composition of the polyurethane resin is suitable for use only for an hour. Also glue the tiles to wood as the following compounds:
- Silicone sealant. It guarantees an excellent result, saves the tiles from cracking at low vibrations and mechanical stress;
- Tiled solution. Particularly strong bonding will, if used as a spacer between the boards and sheets of plasterboard tiles;
- Acrylic plaster. Apply the mixture on the tile point method which improves adhesion materials. In terms of composition similar construction paste with liquid nails. Stick to it can be any tile;
- PVA glue. Suitable for gluing the tiles to the beam boards or large thickness. Fine wood, plywood, particle board in contact with the adhesive is deformed due to moisture.

Installation of "warm floor" system on a wooden floor
Modern technologies allow to make a house warm and cozy without much cost. Rational and economical choice - installation of floor heating. That it did not break and served for a long time, it is necessary when it is selected to take into account certain factors. Installing floor heating on wooden joists effective if used method of laying plank. To increase the heat transfer at the tube enclose the metal plates. It concreting completely excluded as will unacceptably large load on the structure.
Also used are dry screed, but it is less effective due to poor thermal conductivity of the material. Its main advantage - quick to install, no dust during the work. If you choose this method, you must make a minimum spacing between the pipes to prevent the formation on the tile warm and cold spots. Complex, expensive option - installing baffles facilitate lifting up heat.
Stack pipe during installation of floor heating in a tree in several ways. Channels can be build using the modules or rails. In the first case it is a finished product with the grooves already done. To implement the second rail is required to fill their own desired size. Also the installation method using mixed.

Installation of the floor surface with combining tiles and wood in the house may seem strange for a full run-up characteristics and properties of materials. But there are many technologies laying the floor in this way. To get a perfect result in self-assembly, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the room, grade and type of wood, choose a quality adhesive, follow the advice of experts and comply instructions.