Water floor - a kind of floor heating, in addition to electric. Its widespread due to the desire for comfort, because the walk is much nicer on a warm surface. Sometimes - it is simply a necessity, for example, if the coating is due to the nature of materials is too cold. Structure has a structure in the form of curved pipes for hot water. This heating system reduces the need for general heating. The temperature can be adjusted over a wide range, so that in the case of heat, for example, be able to make the floor slightly warm, not completely off. In winter, the hot surface can not cope with the space heating function, and in the middle of the room air will not be warm. Due to some drawbacks and operating characteristics of the main embodiment for arranging water underfloor steel homes. This heating is very useful for families with small children. In addition, it has long been used in saunas, bathrooms and kitchens.
- Features
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Where you can use: Requirements for premises
- water floor apparatus
Types of warm water floor constructions
- concrete structure
- dry construction
- Light wooden structure
- Selection of warm water pipes for floor
design Features
- Methods styling circuit
- Insulation - type and thickness
- The choice of collector and mixer unit
- Calculations and proper distribution pipe
- Selection of a heating boiler and pump
Independent installation of warm water floor
- floor preparation
- Laying insulation
- installation of the pipe
- Installation of reinforcement mesh
- Filling the system and hydraulic tests
- installation beacons
- Screed - grouting
- Starting the heating system
- conclusion
The main distinguishing feature of the water floor - bent pipe through which hot water flows. In this coating temperatures will depend on the material thermal conductivity. In apartment buildings installation of such heating is difficult because of the risk of leakage. heating systems can not cut into the central heating and hot water supply communication. Make the design of the apartment can be in the presence of an autonomous gas boiler and if the housing itself is situated on the ground floor and lower levels are not occupied dwellings. The boiler is recommended to replace the special floor for water. In apartment buildings for heating the floor structure must contain a "floating screed" of concrete. If floors are made of old technologies, then there is a heating equip fail. In homes with unheated basement will need additional insulation in the base floor.

Advantages and disadvantages
Underfloor heating water efficiently use energy. Heated floor increases comfort and provides uniform heat distribution. Location under the floor - a safe option, as the probability of damage to the system becomes low, and tenants will be protected from injuries and burns. Hidden heating combined with facing materials easier than other options. Apparatus cover tiles, linoleum or laminate. Just before the finish checking the chemical composition of materials. Connecting water floor possible both to the main heating system and to the individual. At the underfloor there are a few drawbacks. In district heating pressure drop occur. Installation itself takes a lot of time because of the multi-layer system. To eliminate the leaks have to open the cover and harm its appearance.

Water floor is not able to maintain the desired temperature throughout the room!
Where you can use: Requirements for premises
Installation of warm water floor is possible in areas with completed plastering work. One must have the windows and the door leaf. We must be prepared to supply, electrical communications, water supply connection point. The heating system is mounted on a clean, flat surface. foundation waterproofing functionality must be checked before the start of works. Pre-made layout and level floor. Water installation will not cause difficulties in the homes with central heating. A room in an apartment building will allow to arrange a warm floor only after proper examination. It needs to conclude about the potential negative impact on building communication. Need story-distributing and heat meter for the apartment. On the first floor floor warm water is connected to the riser reflux.

water floor apparatus
It depends on the performance of materials. However, all water floors have similar communication systems. They usually consist of several branches - circuits. They're going in the cabinet, where he administers. Each circuit consists of a piece through which the water enters the space, and the interval "return line". On the floor, the system equips several layers. Surface requirements vary depending on the material used. To enhance the effect of the system circuit trim insulation. This is especially important in cold regions. The tubes are fixed on a reinforced mesh or Stroebe system. Then lay the screed. If it is made of concrete, the perimeter of the room set damper tape. Placed above a substrate of cardboard or foamed polyethylene. Upper layer Finishing coating usually made of a laminate flooring or tile.

Types of warm water floor constructions
Warm water floor is made of:
- concrete;
- wood;
- polystyrene.
It is true priorities: to take into account the load capacity and the necessary heating quality. Concrete is better holds and distributes heat, protects from mechanical damage. Dry floor, in turn, is easier to plan production. It is characterized by a high level of aesthetics and the best opportunities for service. Polystyrene structure, for example, can be laid on a concrete or wooden base. Lightweight material makes it more versatile than concrete. Because of their ease polystyrene used in homes any type of frame, shield, etc... Wooden buildings are in demand by owners of wooden houses with the same interior. Wooden systems consist of a lower layer of slats and the topcoat (often in the form of large plates). Warm water floors made of wood are durable, environmentally friendly and take up little space.

concrete structure
This system provides for the closure of the tube light or heavy concrete. This kind of underfloor heating is not suitable for rooms with low ceiling and severe load requirements. The concrete structure is placed on the rough floor of the first coating (in the absence of the basement), a monolith or of the surface of the floor slabs. Important concrete advantage is the uniformity of heat distribution throughout the coating. The material is characterized by inertia: it is a long time warming up, but at the same time cools slowly. The installation process is laborious, because in addition to layering, the complexity of the device differs floating screed - semi-dry or wet. However, this is offset by design reliability. Proper installation and accurate filling after several inspections ensure system quality protection against mechanical impact.
See also:floor design 155 photos in the interior of apartments and houses

dry construction
Dry water floor (plank design) are placed in case of floor lifting is not provided a design solution. Weak overlap - one more reason to choose a floor. Dry structure weighs 25-30 kg / m², which is about 10 times less concrete 50 mm. Sometimes dry floor lay because of the complexity of the delivery of concrete to the site. In such an arrangement, and a whole lot of benefits. The material usually used polystyrene or wood, and since drying needs not, be able to save at least a few days. Bed height rarely exceeds 60 mm, and sometimes amounts to little more than 30 mm. The assembly does not take a lot of effort and is characterized by simplicity in technical terms. Dry water floor can easily withstand temperature jumps, provides high-quality sound insulation. Among other things, the system can be placed temporarily, with the possibility of disassembly and reassembly in another room.

Light wooden structure
Wooden systems are including the rack and modular. The structures of the second type pipe laid in the cut grooves and not between the slats. The grooves formed in the EAF-plates. Mounting is possible on the old coating, but it's still better to install the system on the joists. Locking fastener ensure continuity of coverage. To create a modular system needs fewer calculations, so the work is done quickly, even though the technology is similar to the assembly of rack and pinion design. Last support layer is a rack of waterproof plywood, MDF, particle board or boards. Thus the elements used more than 2 cm thick and a humidity of 10%. The difference between the pitch of the heating tube and wide strips should be 20 mm. Before installing, clean the bearing surface. At 1 m allowed to leave no more than two irregularities.

Selection of warm water pipes for floor
Most significant aspects of the implementation depends on the material. Copper pipes conduct heat well. They heat up quickly and transmit heat the floor. However, the price of such products is higher than that of other options on the market. Polypropylene articles like pipes made of copper, is used only if unavailable, other solutions. And the main reason is the complicated installation. To install you will need a lot of fittings of different shape and stability of the system is lower when compared with other materials. Pipes from plastic have good performance on most criteria. They do not become clogged inside, quickly warmed up and flexible enough to not cause fixing problems. In use threaded or press fittings as fasteners. In recent years gained popularity pipes of crosslinked polyethylene. Their installation requires no special skills. The main advantage of the material - increased strength.

design Features
In one circuit should take no more than 90-100 meters of pipe. Otherwise, the water in the segment backstop will lose too much heat. For a single circuit component is considered optimal length of 70-80 m. Also, the greater the length, the stronger the resistance. All heated rooms should be divided into the contours of approximately equal length. Calculations performed using specialized calculator. Step tubes at the walls is selected in accordance with the temperature of these walls. Typical values are in the interval 10-30 cm corridor. Go beyond that is acceptable, but in case of excess - will alternate sites with significantly different temperature. Organization periods shorter than 10 cm can lead to problems with bending the tubes. The calculator warm floor water required to enter data such as type of flooring, the water supply temperature and the treatment temperature.

Other information for the calculation in the calculator:
- Step pipe;
- its kind;
- thickness of the screed over circuit.
Methods styling circuit
Pipes vary in construction of the heating pattern: may have the form of a snake, snails, etc... The variant loop stacking quality of heat distribution depends on the room, including the floor itself. As a result, fluid movement through the pipes cools down, so it is important to establish the ideal circulation. For this reason, the system is mounted from the walls, moving toward the door or center. The most common configuration in the form of a snail shell, snake and combined. Winding tube can be single or double / triple twists. The figures form a straight line near the three walls and just next to one make the transition to the desired figure. If it's a snake, one of the parties will be wavy. repetitive bending lines form, usually along the diagonals of the room. arrange the water supply so that in each of the larger and closest to the walls turns the water temperature was approximately 1 ° C higher.

Insulation - type and thickness
The ideal thickness of the insulation layer depends on the structure of the material. In the case of mineral wool 50 mm will suffice, but the loose insulation will need to 150 mm. Another popular option - foam. Mineral wool is good for its ability equally well organized and moisture exchange to keep the temperature at a constant level. Excessive moisture in itself presents a problem for mineral wool. Oversaturated with moisture material will not be able to properly perform the function of thermal insulation. Loose insulation - material budget. But in some situations, to lay out a sufficient layer of a thermal protection will not be possible. The foam will not work in some cases, because it is unable to carry out steam. Accumulated on the insulation becomes wet ground for mold and mildew. For wooden floors foam - an unacceptable option.

The choice of collector and mixer unit
An important element of the heating system. All loops and branches converge here. Immediately it occurs mixing of hot and cold streams to a predetermined temperature. The collector-mixing site (control cabinet) are arranged valves for controlling the volume of water in the circuits and, consequently, its temperature, and the same figure in the entire system. To make the right choice, you need to take into account the 3 main nuance. Valves should coincide with the number of feed-water outlet lines. Five circuits water system 10 need valves. The second aspect - management. Preference is given to an adjustable valve. They provide the ability to configure separate branches. This is important not only because for the rooms need different temperature, but also because of the uneven distribution of the heat between them, especially at a different distance from the site. It is advisable to get to the valve system to eliminate air bubbles.
See also:White floor in the interior

Calculations and proper distribution pipe
As for the diameter of the pipes, the most widely used 2-centimeter options. The maximum distance between the coils is 30 cm, the minimum - 10. It is recommended to observe the same interval between the pipe and the walls - 20 cm. Near the walls with windows the distance between the rows do less. Laying begin from the short wall, and this takes about 15 tubes to create the foundations of a straight pipe. The distance from the manifold to the pipe coils can not be done less than 40 cm. Each circuit of the heating system within the rooms must have the length of 40 m, but preferably not more than 100. In large areas do not need to invest in this figure, but simply to form two or more contours, ideally - of equal length. Exceed the limit of 100 m still permissible 120 m is considered the maximum in 18-mm pipes made of crosslinked polyethylene, 125 m - to 2 cm diameter plastic.

Selection of a heating boiler and pump
Types of boilers for hot water floor heating:
- solid;
- diesel;
- Pellet.
With regard to boilers, it should choose the long burning model. To avoid problems during heating can be achieved by embodiments with buffer capacity. Diesel boilers are usually more expensive but not better solid performance. Pellet model a little smaller than other power. Use a water pump without a floor - bad solution, because a minimal deviation from the norm could result in leaks. The exception is possible in the case of operation with hot water or central heating. Selecting the pump lies between the models of wet and dry type. For the first embodiment is characterized by the contact with the coolant. It is suitable for private property, but is intended only for short circuits. Pumps, dry-type much noise, but have high performance and are used in large multi-storey buildings.

least one is justified diesel Among all types of boilers.
Independent installation of warm water floor
The work includes several stages:
- floor preparation.
- Laying insulation (insulation).
- Installation of reinforcement mesh.
- Installation of the pipeline.
- Hydraulic tests.
- Fill screed.
- Start the heating system.
The first step is preparing the floor. Concrete substrates should be treated carefully, as the basis for filling with concrete. An important aspect is the device insulation. The quality of the insulation is directly dependent on its price. It should not be too tall to sacrifice space for a thick insulation layer. Metal mesh installed under the pipe or tie, but is such that using two layers, or none. The key decision to be taken at the next stage - on the pipe configuration. Basically selected between "scroll" and "a snake". Figure no reason to make a symmetrical, because the room areas require different amounts of heat. The pipe is collected, folded, stacked and secured. In one room may be several circuits. Preparation of water floor finish laying the screed. Most often used the concrete, at least - polystyrene and other materials. At the end it is to put the system into operation, but the first test is carried out before the installation of beacons and screed.

floor preparation
If the substrate is concrete, it is cleaned of reinforcement and irregularities. Placed on top of foil insulation. Enhance the effect of it may be due to solid polystyrene panels, with accommodation under the foil. This seal is not made, if the room is important to avoid the loss of height. Special waterproofing materials or usual polyethylene film operate role waterproofing pan water system. The rolls are placed overlapping, from about 20-cm margin. Glue on the floor of the perimeter (or fix) damping tape. It can be cut from the insulation. On the market and sell ready-made base, which replace the foil, reinforcing mesh and pipe fasteners. Technology underfloor heating wood is used mainly on the second floor and above. Preparation of the floor is not significantly different: there should be no waste and more than two small irregularities on 1 m². Applicable with special wooden support channels.

Laying insulation
The main problem consists in fixing joints special adhesive tape. Usually used penopropilenovuyu insulation, foam or some other material. Thus the optimum thickness is 5 cm. When installing this figure typically increase to 10 cm. In order to keep the additional amount of heat put on top of Heat Reflector film. Use aluminum foil, foam, penofol. floor structure includes different levels. The role of the first concrete foundation can act. Put on top, for example, polystyrene. Further arranged pipe heating system. Six meters in length will cost relatively inexpensive, about 200 rubles. On top of the tubular device set concrete floor. At the very end is secured Finish coating. Typical embodiments of finishes for water are floor tile and laminate.

installation of the pipe
After forming the thermal insulation of the base and can engage the assembly and installation of pipes. Depending on the shape of the room and wishes of the owners selected the type of pattern (snail, snake) and a specific embodiment, the most suitable for the room. Most of the experts believe spiral with a concentric structure of the most versatile solution. When laying the floor covering into account the thickness of the walls and the diameter of the pipe. The optimal length of the tube at one room is about 80-100 m. Street side rows usually put denser. As a material used even ordinary water pipes. Compound tubes were produced using a single adapter. If used metal and plastic versions, the metal surface is cleaned in three centimeters from the beginning of the pipe. The compound is carried with insulation fixing nodes. The latter do not only facilitate the installation, but also provide the correct location.
See also:Bright floor in a modern interior and a combination of

Installation of reinforcement mesh
Reinforcing mesh used for the qualitative fastening tube. A layer of reinforcement is placed over the insulation, all sections with the bonded wire. Cell generated in accordance with the planned step pipeline. The pipe itself and then placed on the grill. To protect against various loads placed on the circuit another reinforcing mesh. It also reinforces the concrete floor, preventing the cracking and retaining its solidity. If the solution is mixed concrete of high quality, the metal mesh is not required. Sometimes it is even possible to replace, for example, a fiber. In theory, you can do without a reinforcing mesh pipe, but then need clips, and during the placement of beacons on the floor is uncomfortable to walk. If the subfloor has large irregularities, it equate either concrete or create expansion joints.

Lesson reinforcement should be at a temperature below +20 ° C.
Filling the system and hydraulic tests
Before pouring the screed conduct system testing - molding. At first floor is filled with water pipe, and then - the rest of the heating system, including the length of radiators and boiler. There are alternatives to checks - with the help of air or anti-freeze. In the second case the system is required to drain all the water. Before filling the water systems open all faucets and valves, which translate into a situation to go into operation: automatic air vent, three-way valves, contours. Filling a closed system begins with the opening of the combs and valves. It will hear air movement avtoudalitelyam. When he ceases to be removed through the air vent, you must include a circulation pump. When all the air is released from the system, flow meters and valves are closed and the pumped one loop until bubbles sound. Filling the open system is carried out through the drain hose at the bottom of the heating structure. Before that warm floor is filled through the valves on the manifold.

installation beacons
Lighthouses are used for several purposes: screed and floor leveling. First, on the opposite walls of prearranged fixed line of the upper tie anchors border. Between them establish a strong cord. Further expose metal profile, so that its top level corresponds to the strap. Lighthouses have a foot from the wall and at a distance of less used for leveling screed. Beacons should be securely fastened. For this purpose, an overlap fasten screws - outside profile. He, in turn, must not sag between fixings. If required, add a few more feet. Further use binding wire - slats screwed to metal products, achieving maximum stiffener. To screed is not deformed, all the walls are placed at the bottom of the tape.

Screed - grouting
Fill half a solution is acceptable only after validation of the heating system. If the pressure rise in the tubes, they did not occur and is not substantially expanded - should then begin to fill. Pour floor should be at a time, an exception - if the room floor is located on several levels. Desirably, the room was warm, and at subzero temperatures such work is not performed in principle. Begin to fill with far corner and terminate near the exit. The mixture was poured between beacons and aligned without bringing the layer above the elevations. For the upper concrete screed advised to leave a strip of width up to 15 cm along the perimeter. This clearance will in the gap between the wall and the pipe. Water floor can be operated before complete drying screed, but this need not arise until the surface is ready.

Some nuances about improving the quality of the screed:
- In order to eliminate excess air in the screed is recommended to make small holes, because under the weight of the air voids of the solution difficult to break out to the surface.
- The first week after casting surface several times a day moisten a sprayer, or the concrete dries to a greater extent than has hardened.
Starting the heating system
First check circulation possibilities within the duct and generally in the system. Then the mixing valve the lever is converted to a position corresponding to a minimum temperature. After that, start the circulation pump floor plumbing. At the same time, the boiler pump (boiler) is switched off. In manual air vent accumulated air is periodically drained. Circulation should go in all the branches, so it is checked according to the meter. Circuit may extend from the manifold to the bath at the next level, so that in the absence of tie eliminate air therefrom becomes difficult. In this case, cover the remaining branches and include the pump at maximum. Use and water pressure. Crane supply to enclosure cover and abruptly opens the drain valve on the opposite site. All air is gradually removed, after which the tuned system is started. To work with the heating should be familiar with detailed instructions.

Underfloor heating throughout the house will make life more comfortable. And now it is not an attribute of luxury, and the usual functional device. Warm water floor "compete" with electric, and as practice shows, many people choose the first option. The heat from the water system is distributed more evenly, although the tuning process requires a lot of manipulation. Despite the limitations in apartment buildings, for town water system installation is easier and more profitable than electricity. Constructions made of the trio of materials: concrete, wood or polystyrene. In terms of better aesthetics third embodiment. Concrete structure easier to collect their own hands, if we ignore the ready-made options made from other materials. The last is not always possible to combine accommodation options. Shape of the conduit water floor system, in turn, picked up only on an individual basis. Also forming circuits themselves, select and install a heater, a coupler and topcoat.